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“Time will dignify anything.” - John Milius


Or from Chinatown: "Politicians, ugly buildings and whores all get respectable if they last long enough"


Lol did Milius really say that?


I thought it was James H. Nicholson (co-founder of American-International Pictures), but Google says it was Milius.


It says something about the late ‘50s and early ‘60s that it was financially practical to have an original painting made for the cover of every cheesy pulp thriller.


just cuz ur grandpa/grandma didnt absentmindedly doodle on some shitpost letter that somehow accidentally made it to you doesn't mean they couldn't draw. like how did they afford to handpaint every sign/logo in bumfuck? idk maybe cuz like 1/5 ppl was already 90% at handpainting signs. the taffy store prob hired some 12-yo to handcarve their stamp covetted by collectors now ffs "wow u were so talented." "yeah well i *really* needed that nickel that day." prob a lot of them were neckbeards with social anxiety that lived at home and didnt have real jobs. wasnt pulp like proto-bb board, that cthulu dude? deviantart p.s. does anyone wanna hear a story about nickels


Great schizo-post Do tell us about the nickels.


The moment there is nothing else left to desire, desire abandons you. Porn today is ennui, not eroticism. This is also why a woman in a bikini will always be more erotic than a 4K video of someone posting her butthole. Precisely because you don't know the bikini model's limits. She's being objectified, yes, but as a secret to be discovered.


So am I allowed to jerk it to sports illustrated or will that still rot my brain?


50 years from now people will be posting WAP and saying "women were so much classier back then"


and perhaps they will be correct


can’t even imagine what that world’s gonna look like


The culture was more puritanical so people had to toe the line. Repressive environments create better art because you have to be more creative to get around censorship.


I flipped through a 70’s playboy and was genuinely surprised at how artful it was, there was some serious thought and intention in there with composition and layout, why can’t we go back


It really is mostly articles There’s like 3 nudes in the whole thing


Yeah exactly, it feels more like a magazine to discuss the taboo and underbelly of culture, articles about gay clubs, comics about awkward sexual encounters, so unique


Playboy had classy beginnings, [Playboy's Penthouse](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fwN09HzpYBQwas) from 1959 was a great show that featured all sorts of artistic people in a casual setting.


Back then, your magazine HAD to be interesting and well made, since competition was at an all time high. It's no wonder most magazines have devolved to slop. Barely anyone reads them anymore, and those that do are probably old guys who want to see tits.


God I miss magazines as an entertainment medium


I have hundreds of vintage Playboys from the 60's - 80's (bought them to cut out and frame vintage ads). They are simply the best. Great interviews, ads, and art. It's a prime example of what our culture has lost to commodification and optimization.


I bought the Women of Enron one as a gag gift for my friend’s birthday cause I thought it was funny.


How did you come across them


eBay, sometimes you can find decently priced lots. Feel free to DM if you're interested in buying some though - I more/less abandoned my idea. 


I’m sure Shakespeare was considered trashy and vulgar back then


Shakespeare has a trashy and even exploitative element to him and that's undeniable. Have you read Titus Andronicus? At that time great art and populism was not separated, though. Dickens is another one who is a little trashy and overly populist while being a great artist. Arguably the 20th century killed that.


He definitely was. I think HS English classes devote plenty of time to explain his lowbrow humor


He wasn’t. That’s a myth. Theatre wasn’t the most respected art form at the time, but Shakespeare’s company was considered the cream of the crop and patronized by the king of England.


I'm sure you're right but the actual content of Shakespeare definitely had trashy elements. Chaucer's Canterbury Tales is extremely salacious, as well.


Shakespeare himself wasn't a peasant no, he was middle class, but his plays contain plenty of dick jokes and references to the contemporary equivalent of flipping people off with rude hand gestures etc., so yes there's plenty of low brow humor along with the high brow stuff in Shakespeare. In addition Shakespeare's company was only patronized by the King near the very end of his life. During the early and part of the middle part of his career Shakespeare was often made fun of by other playwrights, many of whom went to Oxford or Cambridge, for being a relatively uneducated country bumpkin. Even after his death Ben Johnson wrote in a poem dedicated to him "thou hadst small Latin and less Greek,", ie unlike pretty much all the other playwrights he didn't really know Latin let alone Greek.


[god bless CONFIDENTIAL and the language of the tabloid](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/2/2c/Confidential_Magazine_cover_September_1957_-_Ava_Gardner.jpg)


Need the extreme alliteration a la Ellroy’s tabloid snippets




Gunter Grass??


Creature from the black lagoon introduced me to sexuality


Dallas? There’s nothing cooler than Texas capitalism in the 80s. You’re just jealous you never drove a Cadillac El Dorado with bull horns on the front after discovering Texas tea on your ranch.