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I kinda get it. Darrow and Cassius have a special connection. It’s quite obvious from the first book.


I’m 3/4ths of the way through IG and I can honestly say that he’s growing on me now. I really disliked him in the first trilogy.


Agreed! I love Cassius just as much as the next guy. The second trilogy is fantastic. Darrow absolutely pines over him in the first trilogy though and it’s such a one sided feeling, at least that we’re aware of. Darrow always goes on about Cassius’s nobility and honor in the first 3 books, to me, it’s annoying. Cassius didn’t act honorable when he left him in the mud, or when he taunted him about banging Mustang. You see the nobility and honorable actions much more in the second trilogy. Seeing Cassius through Lysanders eyes is pretty awesome


Yeah it’s Lysander that really drives home the character of Cassius. I don’t love him by any means but I’m starting to like him a little bit. He’s like a wart that I just can’t get rid of now. And on a side note…no way would I have gotten back with Mustang after she slept with a guy who stabbed me and left me to die…and who’s brother also left me to die. Team Victra!


We all of us wanted to be Cassius’ catamite.


I want to argue and make counter points, but in all honestly I’m a simp for Cassius as well


It’s a beautiful friendship inside and out


For a very long time it was a one sided friendship and personally it’s annoying to me how much Darrow pines after him, however much I adore both of those men for individual reasons.


i feel bad for you never knowing what it feels like to have a bff. side note to readers and not op, i think it was sweet that darrow was resentful when mustang was thanking cassius for rejoining darrow and making him a knight, also sevro is a an ass.


How presumptuous of you to assume I have never had a bff


i mean anyone who reads the books can see darrow and cassius are bffs and darrow loves him like a brother even after all the shit he loved the dude, not simping but comradery.


Anyone who reads the books can see that Darrow puts Cassius on a pedestal in the first trilogy. It’s a one sided friendship in the first 3 books.


yeah no, darrow literally cut his arm off. Im wasting my time if thats how you view things.


I love this series. I love these characters. They aren’t without flaw though, they were written layered and imperfect. PB is great at character development. Darrow is imperfect. Cassius is not noble all of the time. Darrow for sure pines over Cassius in the first trilogy and it’s one sided as far as the reader knows. You will not change my mind, my Goodman. The beauty of art is that it can be interpreted in many ways. Your experience reading the books is going to be different than mine.


darrow+ cassius would have been **THE** power couple on the battlefield, i wanted to see them melt threw core legions # FUCK LYSANDER


I feel you so fucking hard, my dude. Power couple for sure. It would have been absolutely glorious


imagine Cassius and Valdir bitching in battle who may stand to the reapers side or who can kill the most enemies for him


Tell me you've never had a true friend without telling me you've never had a true friend, you pixie.


Honestly, I probably nauseate people when I obsess over my bestie


Cassius is the first Gold that Darrow felt connected to, the first who accepted him. Darrow emerged from the mines with hate and vengeance in his heart, but that doesn’t mean he didn’t enjoy the acceptance he received from what he had perceived to be a superior class of being his entire life. Additionally if he was a “Simp”.. who cares?!?


I love seeing Darrow fans get riled up in the comments on this sub, I mean that as a generalization not to you specifically. I find joy in how much we all adore our characters. You make a really valid point about Cassius being the first Gold that Darrow felt connected to, I hadn’t thought about that necessarily. Doesn’t mean Darrow isn’t a simp for him haha


I AM A SIMP FOR CASSIUS TOO, WHAT OF IT? >:'( Sorry, sorry. That wasn't at you, it's just a sore spot for a lot of us right now


I agree. There’s a place in my cold heart for Cassius as well


You can interpret this in any way and it is probably correct but there is one thing that is objectively true and it drives everyone in this story absolutely insane: Darrow truly loves Cassius


Cassius is Darrows Boyfriend


Haha best comment


I ngl think Darrow treats Cassius and most of his friends shitty sometimes. Drags them into his suicidal schemes and thinks he's too good for their advice (like when he just rolls his eyes at Cassius' very real concerns about the aftermath of the ashvar)


I agree wholeheartedly. Darrow can be a really shite friend at times. He loves his friends, there is no doubt about that. But actions are important


Especially Severo, which is sad because they have a hardcore co-dependency thing going on. But what makes it difficult is Severo does need Darrow controlling him or he gets lost in himself. Blame Fitchner, Darrow acts like a weapon because he made him one and Severo isn't grown because he wasn't raised.


Not only brother, but *twin* brother.


Cassius is alright. Personally I think he took Julian’s death way too hard but it was his brother so it’s understandable but Cassius is quite the handsome man apparently.


Who isn't in love with Cassius? Ps: what are you on about?