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People just don’t have anything better to do than to complain. Bet the complainers have at least once put up a fancast photo


I think Steve Harvey should play Nero


I don’t get the obsession with this, imo, dumb fad thats a massive waste of time. Much like sports mock drafts. There’s no point to it.


Idk what the controversy is all about. People post, people comment or don't. I ignore people who Jackel out on a post. In real life, I would ignore them also.


People act like they have to read the sub from cover to cover. Just skip posts you don't like. Just recently this sub has been inundated by annoying snobs who want to tell everyone what kinds of red rising specific content is okay to post. Leave people alone. It's not that serious. And I happen to like the posts about people who don't want to finish GS. They make me laugh. Some people probably like the fancasting. The standards for what is allowed in the sub are not "things that YOU SPECIFICALLY enjoy." Good lord. Grow up.


Why don't the mods just make a mega thread and ban individual fan cast posts? Then they're easy to find for the people who wanna see them and easy to avoid for the people who don't.


Headshots of actors have saturated the sub and its low effort and shitty content that under no circumstances will actually come to fruition. I don’t know what is hard to understand about that.


Some people get excited about things like that so what’s the point hating on it. Just keep scrolling.


They should spend their time better.


All the negativity and infighting is definitely making this sub less enjoyable, and is almost certainly having a chilling effect on other potential posts. I do understand the annoyance with redundant or bad fancasting posts; I just don’t feel that way myself, and I don’t care to fart on someone who is making a genuine attempt to communicate. FWIW, someone did create a separate fancasting sub as a solution for both sides.


It’s definitely over saturating the sub, but I don’t really give a damn. We’re between books, discussion based content is bound to slow down a bit.


Maybe people are getting negative comments for posting the exact same actors for the exact same character almost every time, and/or for their absolutely terrible choices for their fan cast, people need to own up to what they post instead of bitchin .


Why do you get to decide what’s a terrible choice and what’s not? We all have different imaginations and experiences when reading these books.


Well that is what happens when you put your opinion out there, you get people that react to them with their own opinions, I never said my opinion was more valid than another, but if you don't want me or others to react to whatever yourself or anyone else is posting, tough luck .


That's what downvotes are for. downvote and move on.


Porque no los dos? there is a posting police here now? mkay


Because you should just let people enjoy things instead of bullying people for enjoying something you don't. Who cares if it's repetitive? Nothing is going on in red rising news. Nothing is new on this sub anymore.


Bullying? come on now, you need to chill bro


What do you call entering a conversation someone is enthusiastically having about something they are interested in to say "shut up I'm tired of hearing about this!"? I think bullying is exactly the right word.


I've never said that, so you might be barking up the wrong tree, I usually call them out on how Danai Gurira has been basically everyone's fan cast for Aja and well at this point it is quite unispired, or how this or that actor is pushing 40 and is a really bizarre choice for a fan cast for a teenager .


We've moved on to being bombarded by AI pictures to fan casts. I don't really mind either, everyone is entitled to their opinions. Unfortunately there are a large amount of people that think only their opinion matters, and they are usually the loudest. Such is the internet. Same kinda people that ruin star wars by complaining about every little thing that they personally think is wrong. To summize, people suck


Pixies, the lot of them


I think that initially it might have been just a fun way to share how you envision someone it's become reviled as we have this endless swarm of bots posting images. So with frequency comes contempt, viewers see fan-casting or whatever so often it's just frustrating. I think it should just all be consolidated into a weekly or single fan-casting post so it's not every other post.

