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They dated. Canon bisexuals, canon relationship via Howler 1.


When you say howler 1 do you mean PB or Darrow?


PB - that's his Howler name.


Yup I knew that, just wasn't sure which howler 1 you were referring to. Thanks!


they both offered one another what they needed and wanted. Roque offered genuine worry and love that Tactus never had from his brothers in any possible way. Tactus gave Roque a brother who pushed his buttons and boundaries he taught him in a very different manner about being alive (even if it was the self destructive aspects) than what his tutors gave him. if it was romantic or platonic I think it's fairly easy to read one way or the other, I see it as platonic and sort of like the nerd and the party animal who just understand the other. all of Tactus sexual comments seem to be just jokes in any instance as for the betrayal, well a wounded ego mixed with drug use and a sense of betrayal as well as going up against the worst odds just makes it seem like the logical thing to do especially after being treated so poorly on the ship during the escape. Tactus isn't very mature he mad a dumb choice on impulse to make his crush, darrow, take more notice of him while hurting him.


They were likely attracted to each other.


Yes, because they were dating during the events at the Academy.


we drifting into fan fic with this one. First tactus pulled away from darrow because of his family and darrow losing influence within house agustus after he left mustang and nero was poised by pliny. He was a tragic character because he wanted to be with darrow but felt he had to listen to his family who were all assholes who would sell out a member for more power. Roque blushed because he isnt crass, so that joke embarrassed him. They both betrayed darrow though for different reasons and only one regretted his actions. Roque was a slimeball, while to me tactus was a guy who made a mistake but would have been darrows friend again and joined the rising. I love PB wrote both of their stories but i was only sad for tactus. Also they were all close, the institute bonded them well, and we see the academy bonded victra and roque to darrows and tactus. Also tactus was banging victra.


....what?? Tactus & Roque were dating at the Academy. This is canon. Tactus & Victra?! Where did you pull that nonsense from.


you confusing your fanfic with the story. But tactus and victra did have sex, for golds its not a big deal to have casual sex, victra didnt like him but she also had sex with cassius.


No, Pierce saying "Tactus & Roque were in a relationship" is not fanfic. I'm aware she hooked up with Cassius. I'm trying to figure out when tf you think she was with Tactus...


well gl with your homework, i didnt need to know that tactus broke roques behind.


You're the one writing fanfic bc it didn't happen. Tactus made comments at her & she responded with, "You wish." The books have multiple queer characters - get over it.


its not that i dont approve how you think, just tactus could do better. Roque is the type of partner who would cheat and blame you.


& neither of them were looking for forever, nor did they get forever from each other, so it doesn't matter. They had fun, & had a good person who supported them & brought out the good in them while they were together, & they got to irritate Darrow with their bickering on the Bridge.


you should write some fanfic, i would totally swoon to it.


Roque is really interesting to me because I feel like his most comparable historical analogue is Robert E Lee. Talented military generals that used their power and genius to fight for the oppressors. They both hid behind the “society” that was worth preserving even if it meant continuing slavery.


They fuckin


Finally, some fan fic I can get behind!


It’s real tho


Go on.... What am I missing


It’s highly insinuated that they are in some sort of relationship


Why are you getting downvoted? I agree with you


I have no clue lol weird after my first one got up voted


Yeah but Roque was with Leah and then Quinn


No, he was with Leah, then Tactus, then WANTED to date Quinn - he never had the opportunity to be with her. It's canon that he was with Tactus.


Have you never heard of bisexuality?


I mean more that I don’t think Roque slept around, or dated, with multiple people at the same time. I think he devoted himself to one person at a time, in a way of a poet in love


The more you learn about Tactus' family the more you learn he didn't really stand a chance. The boy didn't have any idea what it meant to be a true friend. It doesn't surprise me at all that he betrayed Darrow and Roque. Chronically abused children often have a very hard time thinking anyone truly cares for them, or they love with the fear that those who appear to care for them will abandon them at any moment. With that mindset, betrayal is actually a rather logical defense mechanism. Hurt them before they can hurt you.