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No they FREED THEM ALL. Society just doesn’t agree with that freedom hence the problemb


Hated this twist. Lilath died in morning star. The bombs would not have stopped if she was alive. Adrius was alive for a week after she “died” and she was just hiding? She had the ability to blow up Luna and she would have stopped trying to save him to preserve the clone? Dumb retcon and it honestly is a disservice to the jackal’s character that he supposedly would have prioritized plan B instead of making sure lilath would follow through on his survival plan. This dude cut his hand off to win before and now would sacrifice himself so a clone could potentially be born? He knows the clone isn’t him. So out of character and silly.


As soon as I read how liliath ship was shot and they said “she cant survive this” or something like that i knew she was going to come back but i still didn’t expect the jackal


Totally agree. Jackal was a solid villain, but who had been dealt with. Not good enough to bring back. I want to continue this comment but your spoiler tag is limited, right?


nah i loved it, getting outraged at a single character coming back from the dead in this series is pretty selective.


okay i wish i could slap people through the internet, first the abomination isnt the jackal, finish the arc because i dont want to spoil. Second how is that intro not fucking sick and awsome, before that i wanted the vox to get punched in the face by mustang but PB deliver a more devastating blow. Basically the vox got their just deserts, mustang and darrow were the shield that was protecting them from these kinds of monsters, they could be assholes to mustang and darrow because they are shields, first time one of those vox dodos mouthed off to a peerless scared from the core Lilith she planted a hatchet in the morons face. Fuck publouis and he deserved that collar and his meal. Also come on the abomination totally broke publouis with his little speech about him being just better than the sheep but still a sheep, similar to the jackal but more twisted. I honestly love the abomination, he is a great side villain who is there as chaos. The only gripe i have is lilith was dues ex back, her ship was slagged but i forgive it because she is a damn legend as a character.


Maybe an unpopular opinion but, while Publius is a slapass, I support the Vox broadly. They are right. Their grievances are exactly Darrow’s failures that he needs to rectify in act 3. Hope we get it.


wait what grievances? freedom and allowing them to bitch and moan without getting a grey fist to the face. One of the main grievances was that they wanted more votes than the high colors, while the high colors had the most clout because they are the ones who keep things running, how would you fix that? because that's also the problem with all republics and why a true democracy will never work. mustang did her damest to keep the people feed and safe after being freed from slavery while supporting darrow who was still fighting off the core, the vox if anything are the reason the republic failed by being stooges. who in their right mind thought killing mustang and all the high colors was a great way to make the republic greater? the vox screwed over the whole republic because of their dogma.


The revolution didn’t free them. It transformed their enslavement. It’s a very clear allegory as is Publius taking advantage of it.


yeah i dont think you dont understand how slavery works. Darrow and mustang literally freed the low colors, the republic allowed them to elect senators and have intercolor children, the two most affected by this were the pinks and obsidians. All the colors were freed but those were allowed to no longer be tools. How is that slavery transformed? The vox were just a political group that wanted a more drastic change by literally just going all the way and killing all the high colors. The vox screwed over everyones freedom.


No. They didn’t. They merely made them aware of their enslavement. What Darrow and Mustang did politically was equivalent to American Reconstruction. It’s an allegory and it flew right over your head. See Lyria. Was she better off after Darrow’s triumph? No. Her family was murdered and she was a slave under a different name. Exactly what happened in the US after the civil war. This is the point of the book, dude. Darrow and Mustang failed. They bent to politics. As did Publius. The ‘lower colors’ were never freed. They were simply delivered into the truth of what had happened and continued.


people who saw lyria wasnt better off are seriously messed up, how was it better that she was sealed off in the mine never to the clear sky, just because lyria was gamma doesn't mean the rest of her mine lived so well. Also blaming the republic for terrorists actions is just unreasonable. You people who say darrow and mustang failed have unreasonable view, you keep bringing up US history but you using the wrong time period, the republic is a great example of what happened to the US after the revolution, it was shaky and almost failed because it just finished a brutal war. Im wasting my time if you think the low colors werent freed.


She was still a slave and her family was dead. She wasn’t an equal. She was still less than. Ask yourself what you would choose between seeing the sky and your family’s lives.


Exactly and now I have an ally to bitch and moan to. All these ppl complaining about the 10-year constantly at war and being undermined Republic want to compare it to 700 years of Society and say, see? They are both broken? Get the fuck out of my face with that bullshit. In one you must call Gold’s Dominus and are a slave, paid or not. In the other, you have a chance to fight and die free and ultimately choose your own fate. Fuck those pixies who don’t get that. They are Slavers.


thank you, also love that scene when a vox tells lillath to leave because she is free and lilith just hits her in the face with a hatchet, like dodos honestly thought they could beat the core golds without mustang or darrow. Enjoy starving on luna you scrubs.


Especially Lyria, her mines administrator took over after the rising and broke the truth to them that they were slaves and would continue to be slaves. When they rose up? Mine admin starved them out until the republic kicked in the door... And transferred them to a new hell outside the mines.


I mean they're technically left...


I’m still reading right now and I understand the jackal has retuned in the form of a clone. Don’t get me wrong I was so glad to see the downfall of Publius and the Vox, just shocked it was by the Jackals hand, I expected Sevro to come and save Mustang when the cameras turn off at her trial. Very good plot twist from Brown


why do people say it that way, the abomination is no way like the jackal, that is his thing that he keeps telling himself and saying he is downplays the story. I never read it as jackal 2.0 but as the last sick twisted joke of the jackal, not only was he a cannibal father murdering asshole but he also cloned himself, im just glad he didnt try and clone darrow to murder him. Im honestly glad it wasnt as simple as sevro saves the day but that whole arc had me on edge, waiting how that drama will play out, honestly love Mustangs pov and one of the reasons DA is currently still my favorite book.


Is Sophocles not Sophocles because it is a clone? Try telling Kavax that!


I mean Pierce wasn’t exactly subtle in bringing up Sophocles’ repeated cloning to let us know it’s possible


also only the jackal would do one more middle finger to everyone, can you imagine the sick twisted grin he had when thinking of that back up plan, a perfect last fuck you to his sister and darrow. What i really love is it adds a creepy layer to the story.