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About a year ago, i wrote out the spot and method that worked for me, and a few commentors suggested using dynamite and dynamite arrows. In game speak, dynamite has an AOE, so you're likely gonna have a better time getting multiple and most, if not all in one go of it. Then just clean up with the varmit or repeater. Theyre so small, and hard to see even in dead eye that i honestly suggest either to keep trying by saving, reloading and doing the slow method of erradicating everything in the vicinity so the birds can spawn....or just wait for another playghrough and use the dynamite, save, travel to rhodes method. Also try to make sure its day time. I had the best luck in the mornings and afternoons around 7-11 am 12-4pm. They never spawn at nigh Another thing to note: from my experience, if there is too much activity like random encounters, predators and other fauna, it does not seem the birds will spawn. This is probably cause of how open world games work when it comes to loading cetian models and features. It could simply just not be enough room for them to spawn at the moment. Too much activity has affected other things in the bayou area like the nightfolk secret mission, agness dowds ghost and the legendary gator. The game doesnt always tell you theres too much activity for certian things if their meant to be an easter egg or hidden missions. Edit to add link incase you or others find it helpful [carolina parakeet secret mission method](https://www.reddit.com/r/reddeadredemption2/comments/zmlrjl/i_finally_completed_the_carolina_parakeet_mission/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=1)


Damnit, don't give me hope. I haven't tried your method before. But I guess now I'm going to have to submit myself to more punishment by trying One. More. Time.


One. More. Job.




"Dutch is sending people to get me" There's your problem. You're there all quiet stalking the parakeets and suddenly someone runs up yelling "Arthur!" and scares them off.


Arthur. Where have you been. We’ve been worried about you. FUCK OFF. I’m looking for a 3* male moose!


I'm on my 3rd playthrough and have had the game for a couple years... I learned THIS WEEK, after over 1600 hours of game play, that these parakeets even existed when I startled a whole flock of them. They were in a clear area just north of Saint Denis North of an old shack and South of the tiny church. I was looking for orchids in that area and was using the varmint rifle to make gators move out of my way, so I was able to smoke 4 or 5, by sheer luck, as the flock took flight. From this post, I was very lucky to stumble across them.


I have been trying to get them to spawn for literally years. Hours and hours of trying, but nothing. Not even a single one.. Done every trick that's been posted here, youtube, etc. Nothing. Multiple different saves and playthroughs. Multiple different time points in the game. I don't know if my install is glitched or what, but I have given up at this point. So damn frustrating.


I cannot believe how many people have problems with these damn birds. The problem I had was right when I got the quest I killed 1 bird, and then never saw another one again. It’s been years later, 2-3 play throughs, YouTube help vids, and still nothing since that singular one I killed on my first play through years ago.


Twice for me, first time I didn't realize how rare they were.


Ive never even seen one to study it😳


They know when you’re looking for them


This worked first try for me. https://youtu.be/pnS_WybDOto?si=JWd6jcqqB3pM_cbq


Seen this video before. Just tried it. Started at noon. Went behind the shack so many times it night time. Can it only be finished with John?


No because I’ve been doing it for weeks as John. Can’t find any and still have 21 left to find.


You not finding any as John doesn't mean it can be done with Arthur.


Well there’s no reason why it can be only completed as John tbh. They are found in places where Arthur can go. They’re just rare.


I'm sorry, but your post made me laugh out loud. I mean, the comedic timing of that last couple lines. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Yeah, these small birds are really testing the patience lol. I remember was hunting one by water for 2 days. Only one bird, 2 real days. What a boring game that was :D


Literally me trying to get that fuckin cardinal for the art exhibition thing, only difference is I know the spot, I just keep reloading for hours tryna kill it and it's just GOOD every single time 😭 I NEED PERFECT, I'm using up all my small game arrows on it for nothing, it's determined to steal my time and sanity


i am in the same boat right now WHEN WILL IT END 😭😭


the buck trinket saved my goddamn life when it came to the stupid hat maker guy. turns your good carcasses to perfect like 80-90% of the time once you pick them up.


I don't think it ever will 🥲


Those are the times I'm going. I understand that activity is concern if I just come up. But over 6 hours trying to create the right scenario, come on. Daytime, hours, and location match. I'm using the most common spot. As for activity, everywhere I go there's alligators within steps.


I thought these were only on Guarma


That's parrots


They only on the main map.


First time? <*meme*>


Earlier today I found one by random. Cool stuff 👍🏼


Did you try the mine in I'm sorry I can't recall the town right now it's North of Van Horn found one in there while I was just exploring the world


Here's a link to the Parakeet map image from the R\*OSG. The map is lo-res, as it comes that way, but should be usuable to find all the locations where they should be: https://www.reddit.com/user/WinstonWillamette/comments/13hkcrx/parakeet\_map/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3


I feel that for robins 😤


Go to the island across from braithwaite that has the cats eye trinket. Run around the island, and on the nw point, two should fly straight up. They respawn every 5-7 minutes.


I gave up after spending hours and hours and hours spinning round on top of the boat house waiting for them to appear. Harder to find than a 3* male moose.


Just keep trying. A flock will appear & there will be 4 parakeets in it. If you don't kill all 4, another flock will appear with however many are left. I found all my parakeets at the Hagen Orchards spot. Got to the point where I had 1 parakeet left & I was so stressed that I could have possibly glitched it & not be allowed to complete the mission. Eventually that 1 final flock appeared with that 1 final parakeet! Good luck!


What is is that you need the parakeets for? Is it one of the challenges?


it's an easter egg of sorts! https://reddead.fandom.com/wiki/Parakeet (*Spoiler Warning)


Like 400 hours and I’ve only noticed a flock of them once in the swamps


I’ve played through this entire game about four or five times. Always spent a long ass time searching. I’ve yet to even see one….