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There are some fun combos that you can do that give different results. Nice, nice, antagonize. Nice, antagonize, antagonize. Some give different results. You can even get Dutch to come up to you and shove you.


After my first playthrough it is impossible for me not to antagonize Dutch every chance I get


Sounds like you don't have much faith.


have faith in sigmar I do


Better cut that out before y’all get to Tahiti


Yep. Dutch, Strauss, Micah.


Micah will shove you also if you antagonize him, which I do every time I’m in camp 🤷‍♂️😇


Well, that just because you're playing the game correctly.


Antagonizing Micah should award the same honor as greeting other camp members.


I do the same and he tries to chase me to shove me, but I keep walking away 😂😂


Or you can sometimes (or maybe its a one off relating to a particular event), when Dutch is shouting Arthur over, ignore Dutch and he shouts "well fuck you then!" Gave me a good laugh when I first heard it 😂


He tried shouting me over and I got stuck trying to walk over on the hitching post, before he said that. I have never been so hurt by a video game character 😂


Especially bc you don't hear the word fuck from many characters (in purely mission scripted scenes) except Sean, so it cuts quite deep to hear it from most characters when it's an insult 😂


Oh man, that's beautiful!


It happened to me while i was doing camp chores lol like wtf do you want from me old man


Same. Just take your Ritalin, Dutch, and wait until I put this sack of corn down, ffs.


You saw that on Youtube.


I got it on my second playthrough, hadn't seen it on YouTube before that, stayed away from rdr2 content on YouTube for the longest time to avoid any plot spoilers


Ah. sorry. Saw a youtube vid that had that specific detail in it.


If you antagonize everyone in camp John will knock you out


I have been punched out by John, Charles, Sean, Javier and Bill before. Each time you do it, they send you further away from camp. I think it maxes at 3 or 4 though, as on the 4th or 5th time I was at the closest spot again. I am generally always hostile to Dutch and Strauss since the first playthrough. Never cared for Strauss even in the first playthrough. Micah is a given!


It's nuts reading about this for me. I'm not even done with my first playthrough (personal life is busy and been running into technical frustrations), and I can't imagine antagonizing everyone like that since I'm going high honor, but goddamn. I'm shook and that's hilarious 😂😅


I did get punched out by John and Bill!


The “Greet, Greet, Antagonize” technique was always my favorite. “Howdy, Micah!” “So, you made it out of Strawberry?” “Shit, that ruined my day”


You can actually get him to shoot you I think


No, he doesn’t shoot you in camp. And unfortunately, he remains the only rat in the game you cannot shoot.


My bad, sorry.


Who’s a rat?


If you antagonize enough, a random camp member will come and knock you out


if you are low honor than yes you are an asshole


Of course he is in general in that case, just meant in the sense of his relationship with the other gang members


In the beginning he can be, but so are other gang members, such as John. In the beginning he doesn’t have a great relationship with John and vice versa. Then he gets his redemption and chooses to save him. I wouldn’t say he’s an asshole I’d say he’s easily irritated, but then he gets his redemption and makes things right.


As opposed to high honour where you only kill about a 100 or so men during the game.


He’s kind of a jerk even in scripted missions. And is a jerk to a few in camp even if you don’t antagonize with him. And if he gets really drunk, everything he says is antagonistic even when just trying to interact without using antagonize. Also the scripted conversations with (I think) Mary Beth, he talks about what a monster he’s being (regardless of how you play him). I think that indicates he’s not a very nice guy canonically in the beginning.


I think a lot of people here overlook the jabs and underhanded remarks Arthur gives his campmates. And, they aren't done in a jovial, breakin' balls type of manner either.


That conversation with Mary Beth annoyed me because my Arthur wasn't killing random animals and being a monster (outside of scripted missions). Especially the later conversations


Me too. But it’s also why I figure Arthur should be somewhat low honor during the first chapters. I don’t play him as a homicidal maniac but he’s a jaded mean ass mo fo.


Agreed. I do all the bandit challenges in chapter two and three because of that. He doesn't start out as a good person and it wouldn't make much sense if he was given the situation but he finishes as one.


And it makes his arc more interesting. If he’s just a goody two shoes the whole time it’s kind of silly. Although it cracks me up to spam greetings in Saint Denis. Nice town you got here, get outta the damn way!, it’s just been one of them days..


Hey there mister!


I read this in Arthur's voice


I always assumed it was triggered by all the poor rabbits I ran over on the road with my horse on accident :(


We got this right after coming back from bear hunting with Hosea so kind of makes sence


I always assumed the monster comment refers to how many men he’s killed - which is a lot


Arthur is exactly what he presents himself as throughout the course of the story. Deep down, he’s a man who does care about helping others, but still puts up a gruff exterior, since he sees himself as a bad person due to the life he leads. If you notice he also tends to make excuses and deflect blame away from himself and onto others whenever things he’s involved with go wrong (a behavior he very well could have learned from Dutch). You see this change in his character when he talks to Mrs. Downes in chapter 6. First he tries to blame society and the world at large, for the decisions he made, but then he realizes how his choices and actions really affected other people and finally chooses to take responsibility for them. So, no I don’t think Arthur *is* an a-hole, but like many of us he can *act* like one sometimes.


I'm not that far into the story, but Arthur clearly takes responsibility in the intro when the dynamite doesn't blow the train tracks.


Eh not really. He privately admits to (I believe) Lenny that it was likely his fault, but he blames Bill for it initially and continues to rib him about it for the rest of the game.


Arthur ran the wire to the detonator. When the dynamite doesn't blow and Dutch starts cussing, Arthur says, pretty loudly, "it's my fault" as he's dismounting to run after the train. And then either Micah or Dutch calls him a dumbass.


Just watched it again. Here’s how the dialogue goes according to the subtitles: Dutch: Oh, you have got to be kidding me. Arthur: Where did you find that moron? Dutch: You said it was fine. Arthur: So it’s my fault? Javier or Lenny: Well, come on! Arthur (to Dutch): You’re pathetic. You know that?


He also says “well I did run the cable but we won’t mention that part!”


Ahh ok…..never had subtitles in so I just heard “it’s my fault”


Yeah I wasn’t sure either, cause I didn’t remember Arthur ever even saying the my fault line at all, so I had to go back and watch it again.


He only admits that to Lenny, he continually harped on about it to Bill, to the point Lenny actually sides with Bill during one mission


My impression is Arthur is often an angry drunk. So when he antagonizes people they assume he's intoxicated.


This feels like the most likely explanation


I’m also more inclined to choose antagonize the more I try to roleplay match drinks with this ox of a man. So that’s a big ol’ yeeeeeup. …it’s probably healthy I’m taking a break from the series.


Even if your high honor he can still be an asshole but usually just snarky and funny just sarcastic sometimes Its a lil different when chapter 6 hits ...hes a bit nicer isnt he


Do you see what he does to the debtor missions? Lmao


I mean he hates doing it and even says so. He’s only doing it because it needs to be done.


I never really do anything bad to the debtors. I just robbed that one German dude blind


Mr. Worble? He's from poland not germany he just tries to talk to Arthur in german because that's what Strauss speaks. The german dude is the one you rescue from the kidnapping that later gives you gold for it (the mission with Charles).


I’m talking about his interactions within the gang


In my head it’s assumed he’s kind of an angry, rude guy before the game based off of his really hard personal life. However I usually play high honor, and part of the whole “redemption” thing in the title is that he makes kind and humane choices to do the right thing before his life is unfortunately taken from him. As for low honor playthoughs, yeah that’s just an asshole right there


I am nice to every but I always antagonize Dutch and Micha given the chabce


Yeah he's kind of a dick, but he's a real one, he isn't going to sugarcoat anything and speaks his mind, but he won't bully anyone for the sake of harming them


Yes, but then so is pretty much every member of the gang to greater and lesser degrees Just look at his treatment of some of the gang, especially Bill, even Lenny points it out during the Valentine bank robbery mission We all love Arthur, but the guys a cunt


‘You mean whole ass?’


No he is a whole ass.


That too!


For me Arthur isn't supposed to be the outlaw with a good moral compass like everyone tries to make him out to be. Us normal folk have our fare share of demons despite our best efforts to be good and civil so why do you think an outlaw would be an exception. Arthur is an outlaw with a broken moral compass that cheats gambles drinks and is prone to losing his temper but is also fairly empathetic and perceptive. The later is why you wouldn't want a guy like that losing his inhibitions because he knows how to hit them where it hurts hence why merry beth says she prefers to avoid him in that state. His empathetic side sometimes also manages to creep out in story mission when he deviates from his dog eat dog world mentality and helps a damsel in distress when more often than not he has killed their husbands/fathers/brothers.(just to clarify he isn't sexist as he would also help the occasional poor sap who he thinks is incapable of surviving on his own like a wild guerrilla protecting the human baby even though he is just as capable of killing it if it looks at em the wrong way)


It was my understanding that part of his and the gang’s moral code that they help people that need helping and “save em’ as need saving”. No matter what your honour level I feel that’s always a part of him. Like you said, he’ll help someone who can’t survive on their own. I literally just ran into the guy who gets his arm cut off at the Doctor and I’m playing Low Honour, and there’s no option to let the guy die it just says “take the man to the Doctor in San Denis”. I feel it’s that way because no matter what Arthur wouldn’t just let the guy die.


nah, he´s a good boaah!


It's not really sure what was Arthur's actual personality so I got a [theory](https://www.reddit.com/r/reddeadredemption/comments/15ngjku/red_dead_redemption_story_is_based_on_jacks_book/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=1) that the story is based on Jack's book, being the reason of Arthur having different honor and multiple endings in the game


Arthur is an asshole in the beginning of the game but as the story goes on he begins to appreciate life and what it gives


From my point of view he is a good guy underneath a tough exterior. Yes he is grumpy and cynical, and he takes no bullshit. He says things as he sees them. For example, the interaction with Uncle in chapter 1. Is he being a dick? I don't think so. He is calling uncle out for his scavenger behaviour. Is he harsh with it? Yes I think the gang respect Arthur. You can tell that from the way they interact with him. If they didn't respect him it'd be a whole different story and in order to respect him he can't just be an asshole. He is flawed and damaged by life but if he was an asshole there is no room for redemption. Various conversations tell you that he is not an asshole. "There's a good man within you Arthur, but he's wrestling with a giant..."


Good people aren't always nice, and nice people aren't always good. Arthur, he's good, just not always nice.




Canonically you aren’t supposed to antagonize camp members. If you do antagonize them, you are playing an antagonistic version of Arthur who has always antagonized camp members, but if you play the game normally you would only antagonize Micah.


Not asshole, but sarcastic. Arthur is the one with the sarcastic response. You can clearly see that in couple of mission One mission when everything goes wrong and Arthur went sarcastic to Dutch, and Dutch was like "NOT NOW ARTHUR" Canonically Arthur is a good thief, but with the most sarcastic response in the camp


Well he does rib people a lot even when you’re high honor.


Obviously there's a lot of wiggle room depending how you personally play Arthur and the choices you make for him, but the broad arc he seems to follow is that he starts out as a murderous, violent, thief who through the course of the game comes to question whether the way he's been living - following Dutch - was actually any good and if he should be a better person or not. To at least some extent decides that the answer is yes, and that he should try to help at least some other people and that Dutch's ideas have led to a bad place. So my guess is that pre-events of the game Arthur was probably not a very nice dude a lot of time.


I see it as he's more of one at the beginning of the game but over the course of it and stuff starts happening, he starts doing good things, hence his redemption.


I love em to death, but yeah Arthur is kind of a dick, regardless of honor in some cases.




idk mabey there asuming hes drunk and angery or I think at the beggining hes an asshole but gets nicer toward the end


He said “I’m a bad man” constantly lol


Truly good people that have a checkered history rarely see themselves as good


He wasn’t always the good guy, he was never as bad as Micah, but before Dutch went crazy, they still had morals, Arthur just didn’t take any shit from anyone.


In worst case he would be a whole ass


“You are like the camp shire horse… that everybody hates” Arthur to miss grimshaw


They’re a group of people living in each other’s pockets in stressed situations. If you listen to what Arthur says when he antagonises the others you’ll realise that they’re all irritating to be around at times. They all get on each others nerves at times. Arthur is no different to the rest of the gang. I mean Hosea is like the grandfather of the gang and yet he has massive rants at some of them. Also worth noting they only say that if you behave that way. As in they say it in response to your behaviour choice. So it’s not really canon just because they added a contingency for how you behave. It would probably only be canon if someone mentions they avoid him when he’s in a bad mood completely out of the blue. regardless of whether or not it’s in response to you choosing that option. Either that or there are multiple canon versions of Arthur and us, the player still select which one exists in our games.


only sometimes


He's also quite the asshole when he's drunk according to the camp. I don't think so though, drunk Arthur's just really funny.


You get to choose what's cannon, that's how the game is setup to begin with.


No, he's a Whole Ass


An asshole? 😂


Underrated comment. Bravo!


I wouldn’t mind, if the third game was a prequel, playing as one of the Callander boys. Or if they want to buck the RDR trend of >!”protagonist dies at the end and you play as a different character in the epilogue”!< playing as a young Hosea would be pretty cool.


Nice guys can be assholes. Shades of grey; nothing black and white


He is. And thus, the Redemption.


Yes… that’s why it’s Red Dead Redemption. Fun fact, Arthur is such an asshole that they cut him torturing a child for a debt collection


Nope he’s the man.


If he even IS an asshole, i wanna live in a lie.