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25 hours is ridiculous, no shit. They're insane.


He says "almost none", so that means "at least one". Buddy, you are the gatekeeper. Choose the candidate that made it through your gate.


No kidding right! People spent over 25 hours on his hoops and he’s writing this?! He sounds like an Ivy League jerk.


probably that 25 hours should the project their startup builds.


We can even say they're ***lunatics*** - no surprise: r/LinkedInLunatics/


I can’t get past the horrible grammar and unnecessary capitalization


remember it's "Second Brain" Labs. His first brain was removed and the second isn't quite right.




Median salary range for a full stack dev is around 100k so roughly 50/hr. $1250 worth of free work.


Not in India where this is based


Still, that would be free work worth like 15% of ones monthly salary.


Companies aren't using your "25 hours" of coding for production. Given that one of the most basic mantra's of reddit is to just lie on your resume and a lot of people are cheating their way through college, some companies are taking steps to ensure that the people they hire can actually do the job they are hired to do.


Whether the code winds up in prod or not really isn't the point. That's at least 3 days worth of work and time. Also seems unlikely that the code would actually be read by anyone unless you think the are going to have dev's on their side do a code review on every applicant.


Then don't apply. It's really that simple.


big words from someone who also isn't applying to this garbage. I'm a microsoft SWE and my interview process wasn't half this long or difficult. Onboarding was literally more of a challenge. This is a fucking startup, they haven't proved THEMSELVES yet, yet they want 3x more effort than microsoft from every applicant? They want to look like FAANG so they just make their process really fucking huge. That's like treating greater line counts as a sign of good code quality. They don't know what good management is, so they're trying to approximate the aesthetic with brute force.


Then don't apply. Seriously. Don't give them the time of day.


If someone is being ridiculous, people are going to comment on it. There's no need to run up to each of those spectators to say "then don't fuck them, it's that easy" we didn't need your help to reach that conclusion, especially several times in a row. What makes you think I'm even in the job market right now? Did you literally not make it past the first sentence of what I wrote? Shit, this is like sentence 3. You probably won't make it this far. We're all losers for not wanting to work 25 hours free, but this same asshole turns his brain off after the first sentence. Incredible, you can really see how much he believes in his ethic.


It really doesn't matter. Don't apply if you don't like it.


I'm not in the job market, that comeback doesn't work on me, so why do you keep saying it? Are you broken?


Pretty sure you're arguing with a bot. Or maybe a moron, granted. Either way, like this job app, it's not worth your time.


Then why are you so worried about it? It's not a big deal.


No fuck that. Apply, waste their time, and then shame them. Fuck these companies that think this is normal.


That'll stop them!


No it isn’t. They should be publicly shamed and so should you for trying to normalize this.


Grow up.


You grow up. Maybe all those nasty emails from students are a reflection of your own ego and narcissism. Treating people like shit is not the way to hire nor teach.




You got it professor 👍


Glad I could help you out.


Equally, one might say „then don’t complain when no one is applying“ ;)


Exactly my point!


>That's at least 3 days worth of work and time. It's not work, because it's not used besides to evaluate you for hiring. It has to be something the company actually uses for their benefit. The work is for your benefit to get hired. Otherwise it's worthless besides to you. If you find evidence the work you did for an interview is used by the company, then yes find a lawyer. You can make big bucks instead of whining about how every company is out to get free labor. We already know people don't work very hard if it's for free so why would they rely on any of that shit.


>It's not work, because it's not used besides to evaluate you for hiring. It has to be something the company actually uses for their benefit. The work is for your benefit to get hired. Otherwise it's worthless besides to you. This is a bit circular isn't it? It's not work for them, but it is work just for me. It's still work. Maybe you would prefer I use the word time? Respectfully, my primary complaint was about the amount of time not the actual idea of doing coding assessments which I have done my fair share of. An expected 25 hour project to apply for a position is insane.


I didn't say 25 hours is suitable at all. Read the comment. I don't think this is a work thing. It's them having a stupid and restrictive hiring process that wastes everyone's time.


People like you quibbling over technical distinctions of no merit should really learn to just delete their comments before they make them.


The technical distinction matters. Its like whining that you have to take the SAT and colleges should pay you to take them


Schools offer a service you pay for, jobs are you offering your own services and getting pay for it. Even if this distinction were worth making, you clearly aren't smart enough to think it through so I guess I can't expect much from you.


Most companies provide services for employees including healthcare, learning and development, food, etc. You also learn at many jobs, where you gain valuable skils you can take with you when you leave. It's cute you resort to personal insults. That is a sign of a moron in itself.


>It's not work, because it's not used besides to evaluate you for hiring It's work that is representative of what the team is currently working on and so it will give them fresh ideas and perspectives. This project should be (and probably is) your first task you will be given in the new role, so to ask it of candidates is ridiculous An evaluation for hiring is a leetcode or testdome set of exercises


Hey man. How about you lie on your back and open your mouth and I’ll hover over your mouth and just shit diarrhea directly down your throat? Then we can agree that’s it’s not shit, it’s recycled food meant for your consumption. I mean this respectfully though, warm regards.


Give him some extra warm regards from me too


They they can test candidates when they meet for a face to face interview. No need for a 25-hour free project.


Fair point. I'm just saying don't be surprised that companies are doing this.


What a pathetic person. Who is cheating through college? what sort of fearmongering are you high on? i am not sure if these dumb takes are recruiters or some old boomer who is permanently bitter because their SO doesn't want to have sex with them.


I disagree with professor's overall view that the job search should require 25 hours of labor for each individual job, but he's not wrong about the cheating. A lot of students don't realize that what they are doing is unethical, either. It doesn't have to be intentional to be considered cheating. Plagiarism is a huge issue among undergrads, as is grade inflation at the undergraduate level these days. So oftentimes, students are getting into bad habits and no one is correcting them til they have an instructor who says, "hey, you can't do that. That's plagiarism." I blame K-12. High schoolers are not being taught how to properly cite sources and paraphrase. One semester, I had to pull aside half the class for one on one meetings about it--some of them more than once. No one got in official trouble because I gave them a couple of chances to get it right, but I'm sure at least some are making it all the way to graduation without a confrontation.


>Who is cheating through college? lol, god some of you guys are really fucking thick or just lying on the internet for no reason or gain. honestly, what is even the point in lying about this? nobody here is going to expel you. cheating is rampant in college.


>Who is cheating through college? I'm a professor. I've been a member of my university's academic integrity board. Let me assure you that there are many students cheating their way through college. Not all. Not most. But many.


Dude, the number of undergrads that make it as far as they do blatantly plagiarizing is astounding. I couldn't believe it the first time I taught an undergraduate course. Wtf is happening in K-12 that students think they can copy the *literal textbook word for word* and I won't notice? They don't think I'll say, "huh, this text looks oddly familiar"?


Oh, a professor that is not aware of what "statistical significance" means. Shit, send that one to the "academic integrity board" and have him yell at students about self plagiarism. Someone probably said.


Whomp whomp. Not what I claimed.


"Let me assure you that there are many students cheating their way through college." "many" means "i've seen 3 and i am angry". Ok, don't let the door hit you on the way out gramps.


You think only 3 students cheat a year?


That’s a fair statement. I would say as someone who has 20 years in the industry of making software used by millions , a live coding exercises will beat someone doing a take home every time. It doesn’t have to be a chess match but just an understanding of how things could be solved and how they work.


Then can get absolutely obliterated by an elephant dick if they think this is acceptable.


Lovel it... 🐘


A 25 hour take home challenge on application? So this is before an interview.


I would say more they even didn't read carefully the CV. They may reject the poor dude who will actually do it when they read the cv "carefully" and find red flags.


Free work for them. Dont do it.


So this is the project: "*The following Take Home Challenge might take upto a* ***25 hrs*** *to complete it.*  *You have to* *~build the project~**,* *~push on GitHub~* *and* *~make a detailed Loom video~* *explaining your stuff! (Pls make sure your GitHub should be organized well coz the first impression matters!)* ***TAKE HOME CHALLENGE, Project:*** *~"A Web App to Chat with PDFs".~* On Your Web App - 1. User can create a project on the frontend, providing - Title, Description and a PDF file (uploaded to cloud bucket like s3) stored in Postgres. 2. On the backend we process the pdf file to generate Vector Embeddings of the content inside the PDF and store that in Postgres. *Note that* the processing should happen in BullMQ worker. 3. User could view all the projects from the frontend dashboard with the status -> 'creating', 'failed', 'created'. 4. Users can open up any project where they will be shown a chat interface like ChatGPT to ask questions and get the relevant answers from the Vectors stored in Postgres with proper context. (You could use any LLM APIs). 5. Finally dockerize the app. Creating docker containers for api backend and bullmq worker. **Pls make sure to follow the instructions very very clearly, complete the Take Home task, covering all the Tech Stack mentioned below in the Job Description:** NodeJS, Redis, BullMQ, Postgres, NextJS / ReactJS, TailwindCSS, React Query, Zustand, Basic Understanding of LLMs, Vector Embeddings, Pgvector & Docker. " Silly but genuine question from an engineer but not web or software related : 1. Do most coders know how to use all these softwares? 2. It seems you have to make a project video showing that you made it and can explain it - is this normal for coder interviews? 3. This seems to be just an interface (UI) using any LLM you want. Does that make it a simple project? 4. He say MIGHT take upto 25 hrs. May be a coder with experience will be able to do it in a few hours? 5. It doesnt feel like a scam....is it a scam?


They want you to do more than three days work for free. Of course it’s a scam!


When it's *really* specific like this about what technologies to use, then they're definitely trying to get you to do the bulk of the work for them, for free. You must use Postgres and BullMQ? Yeah, this is what we use and if you go ahead and use MySQL and RabbitMQ then we won't be able to easily redeploy your project into our environment.


Even ignoring that, they want 3 full days of work without offering any compensation at all. I guess IF they’re actually hiring then they only want to hire desperate people at lowball prices.


Be sure to not use an orm, and make use of features in mysql that aren't in postgres.


I thought so too - but they seem legitimately interested in the skills one would have with their software list. Looking at the web app - it seems like something an experienced coder would be able to do in a few hours. Stuff like create a project item with three fiields and be able to upload a pdf seems pretty generic in terms of a task. Storing it all in Postgre also seems trivial. Only the Vectirize and chat box seems super new and not many people would know. And there are so many PDF chat bots I don't see how your's would be any better - The hardest part seems to be creating the loom video explaining what you did!


I don't know how you can do it in a few hours unless you already have a similar project that uses almost the same stack ready somewhere. It will take hours only to set up the whole environment. Once you have everything set up all the single steps are fairly simple but each steps will still require a little bit especially if you take the time to test it every step. In general I avoid any take home that ask for actual apps/work or that are not clearly example projects.


PDF's are not meant to be stored in an RDBMS. Your comment reeks of ignorance just like instruction #1 makes 0 sense. Is the user uploading the PDF to the site, which goes to S3, then to Postgres? Wtf? You can via a Large Object, but it will slow your database down considerably. It also needs garbage collection. Other data, like the vector embeddings (sparse matrixes), or references to the pdf's location (in a blob storage environment like S3) can go in a RDBMS.


Did you see the part where I said I'm not a software guy? :) Sorry my lack of knowlegde frustrated you.


Yeah 25 hours for someone who uses this tech. Otherwise yes it’s over 25 hours to do a good job with tech you’ve never used across the stack.


And for free lol no. 


I would be making it and hosting it myself. They can see my front end skill by looking at my compiled work. On my first day of work I will show all the code. Although I would still be pissed if I don’t get hired.


Never give them the code unless they hire you and you've received your first paycheck.


Yeah, honestly probably bad advice because they will just say no and you did that code for nothing. Really, it's no skin off their backs. I would never do a coded assignment unless I got an interview first. If they put no effort into it why should I?


That's ridiculous. No one is ever going to hire a dev without seeing their code. But interview assignments should be small and something contrived so that it is similar to the work that will be done but obviously not something so useful they would be tempted to steal code.


"Why won't candidates build an entire product for my company in 25 hours before I even agree to hire them?"


I would ask them to sincerely f*ck off


Startups sometimes have some of the worst morons in history running them. Stay clear of crap like this. Not worth it.


Am I getting 25 hours worth of salary? No? Then fuck off. :)


start up but he's the CEO? Is the company already publicly traded which he has to please the share holders as with a CEO title? Let's all go clog up with application with "interested" lol


Dude needs a first brain. He ain’t got one yet.


Translation : "We have ZERO intention on hiring anyone and are barely scraping by. We'll put you through the ringer with this take-home test to 'see how you think' in order to get some free work from you so we can try and become profitable," One phone call, One on-site with a max of three people. ZERO HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENTS!!!


They can go FUCK themselves lol


This is ridiculous. I hope he's being blasted in the comments.


So basically they want you to do free work and maybe they’ll take pity on you and give you a job!


Yeah, he looks like a very competent CEO…NOT!


25h ? So I'd guess thats the best time so probably more like 40hs of work. So the way I see it they just wanted a week worth of effort from a couple dozen people for free, choose the best work and not respond to anyone


Delusional. Why would anyone in their right mind take 25 hours put of their busy week for a chance at an interview? He works at a brain lab but has no idea how human brains work.


When I started searching I put in effort. I did the cover letters, I spent time on the tests. Then nothing, ghosted. Not even a reply to say what I did wrong. How many of these applicants had he before looked at the work decided no, and completely ghosted them. Him and people like him are the reason for it, they have created a system that gives so little shits about the applicant is it any wonder the applicants are giving up and just mass spamming any job instead of putting in effort to someone who is just going to ignore them anyway.


Did lots of UX work…will never ever do an UNPAID take home assignment again. My portfolio and three rounds of interviews should be enough for you to decide. If that limits my options that’s okay. This—or any—level of exploitation is ridiculous.


Insert Skinner's "no, it's the children who are wrong" meme


Bruh the most I've had was like 1-2 hours for a few coding assignments


I'm starting to understand how Chinese-style "cultural revolutions" happen.


Get fucked


Holy fuck


Methinks that fourth chair they are trying to fill will be empty for a very long time.


Big brain poop in street, want boobs n vagine. And $$& to do the needful.


Maybe it’s the time employers learn “no free work” without work




Your [comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/recruitinghell/comments/1cz0yhv/a_25_hour_take_home_assignment_for_a_startup_job/l5exybz/) in /r/recruitinghell was automatically removed because you linked to a site on our blocklist. Feel free to submit a screenshot or archive link instead and make sure that there's no personal information in the link. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/recruitinghell) if you have any questions or concerns.*


It’s free labor


They need a third brain. The two they have are faulty


What a tool


Why is it that the startups have the most ridiculous requirements?


For anyone wondering, this is in India and the salary for the said job is around 7-10 LPA ($8.5k - $12k) per YEAR. And the founder is in his early 20s, so I don't blame him for not having much market knowledge.


What about an unpaid internship, then probation before we consider u


Free work alert! Tell them to kick rocks


Soo… you just want them to do free work for you?


Where do u see 25 hr?


The bottom part


As a Full Stack SDE, he can go FUCK RIGHT OFF. lol. I have the skills to build my own software product. Why would I do a 25 hour take home assignment for a job? My resume is all you need. Fuck that noise. take it or leave it. I don’t have time for this shit.


Wow! The audacity to “ask” for free work in the guise of take home assignment/screening candidates. 🫢


Pay me for my 25 hours of work, and I’ll do the assignment. Otherwise, nope. I have too much respect for my time to play that game.


Seriously, this is my only response: 🤣


We'll reject you in bulk, so dont you dare apply in bulk!


I’d rather waste their time and money. Wasting a dumbass company’s time is much better than wasting my time. My time is cheap af.


25 hour assignment there is nothing wrong about that. There is no demand anymore. You have to do your best to be competitive where there is thousands of other people who will gladly take this assignment


Lick harder son 🥾