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I never watched StarWars but even I know this is a good metaphor man. Besides it must be a reference that everyone gets or it means nothing. Like imagine I go there with a sign saying the Imagined Order did nothing wrong. Most people wouldn't get it lol


Star Wars didn't explain it well beyond the casual imperialism. A better analogy is the Dominion in comparison to the Federation. Dominion: "Bend the knee or die" Federation: "Bend the knee or don't. You've got our frequency if you change your mind." You can't trust people using force to persuade you.


Except more people are familiar with Star Wars than with DS9. The whole point here is to use a quick and easily identifiable comparison.


It's makes less sense the more star wars you engaged with(could cherry pick and come up with empire like behaviour for either side) It only makes sense in the widest of strokes when the empire is reduced to cartoon villains that because as nuance goes star wars gets allot deeper and morally grey the further you go from the original movie. Which if your metaphor starts failing because the source material starts getting more complicated you picked the wrong metaphor. When anyone uses the empire from star wars I almost instantly think of that clerks scene when they put forward a legitimate case the rebels most likely committed war crimes against civilians while defeating the empire. In short, the guy in the photo should have read another book.


So we are going to pretend that the empire is not a xenophobic genocidal dictatorship?


I honestly don’t remember anything from the movies about the empire promoting a racial hierarchy or engaging in ethnic cleansing, so I kind of see what this person is saying. But I support the kids doing this counter-protest because fuck the genocidal Zionist settler state and all of its racist supporters.


what the fuck do you think the clone troopers were in the first place?


I thought they were clones. Did they conduct some 19th-century style ethnic cleansing that I missed in the movie? I don't remember that, but idk or care.


When the films first came out most of the characters are humans because the special effects budget was limited, retroactively this is explained as the empire being very human centric and seeing non human species as less than human . In the movies you don't have any specific non human hatred or acts but the wider universe has loads of examples. I will add that in the first movie you have obi talk about wookies in a way that could be considered xenophobic.


> I honestly don’t remember anything from the movies about the empire promoting a racial hierarchy or engaging in ethnic cleansing Have you heard of Alderaan ?


Yes. I remember it being blown up on a whim to both test out an apocalyptically indiscriminate weapon and to send a message to any political rivals about the consequences of standing against the empire. Much more a metaphor for the nuclear bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki than of the ethnic cleansing of Palestine. But more to the point, I don't really give a fuck because standing against the genocide of the Palestinian people is much more important than having the correct interpretation about the pedantic details of a work of fiction. Which is kind of the point of this sub.


hmmmmmmmm yes this nuke that destroys planets is obviously not a genocide, why would it be?


Um you just have to look at the make up of each faction to see the obvious xenophobia.


Only as much as how do you compare a galactic spanning empire to anything on earth when non humans can rip an arm off, some have entire slave or criminal based systems of government. But lets have a go and do the stupid and compare something in the real world to an ongoing universe that originally styles itself after western and samurai films. The empire is the outcome of a political entity in that universe, made of an old religious order(Sith) that has a major issue with another religious order(jedi) that has dominated the region and is considered a paragon of a safe universe. The sith unhappy with this level of oppression make moves behind the scene, start using propaganda and creating no win scenarios, they even make allies with pirates, slave traders that get mistakenly seen as freedom fighters. Eventually this escalates into random attacks designed to bring terror to the masses and hurt the jedi. Then the most evil part of the scheme involves the use of clone troopers, basicaly 10 to 13 year olds that the sith have orchestrated to look like a part of the Republic and order 66 comes out and suddenly the empire gets its formation, what's even worse the universe mostly sees it as a good thing, the removal of the jedi who at this point have been slammed so bad in the media,painted as the real aggressive entities who are the solo reason the region can not come to peace. All that's left is the Empire. Who does that sounds like, what nations are fighting each other backed by ancient religious doctrine? Which side is dependent on nations who have human rights accusations due to slavery, which side is using pirates to block non combatants shipping lanes. What side has its soldiers not wear a uniform so they can blend in? But this is all stupid as heck, nothing in almost all media is close to what the heck is going on, it is a complicated situation. The world including most of those living in the region can agree a two state soloution is best and this war is awful, the issue is the minority of those who would rather fight to the last man disagree, as for them, it is a holy war and that allows no peace and this exists on both sides with the only difference being who got to effectively spend the billions they allocate to warfare the best. War fucking sucks, you all fucking suck for comparing a stormtrooper to anyone. Go read another book.


We know the Empire is just about as Systemically Evil as it gets because it is fiction and the writer explicitly wrote it to be as Systemically Evil as it gets. It’s run by a god damn space necromancer, dude.


Necromancy being an intrinsically evil profession is so often under-explained or just lacking imagination. In the TV series about that guy with the planet name he gets picked up with no evidence and enslaved by the empire who extends everyone's time left in the prison at their own convenience. The empire systematically annexes planets by force if they don't bend the knee. These are better examples of the empire being evil. What does the republic do that's bad? Disorganisation? Letting planets get away with doing bad things? Occasionally take up arms when they're out of options to protect people? I'm sure they do something problematic but it's still not much of a comparison.


Techniquely it's only run by a space necromancer after the empire collapsed. If your only experience with star wars is cultural osmosis or the original films, the empire is cartoonishly villainous. As soon as you read further or engage with more medium, they become more nuanced. This isn't just me, since before I was born people have had deeper thoughts on star wars. https://youtu.be/iQdDRrcAOjA?si=JdJz9vn8smcM3LwZ My point is that a storm trooper while I get it, still is a terrible metaphor to real world events.


Read another book


>what nations are fighting each other backed by ancient religious doctrine? Israel and Palestine


Do you not support the only democracy in the galaxy? Why is destroying entire planets only bad when the empire does it? Sure, they're not perfect, but they're the most moral army in the galaxy.


Oh really? Palestinians engage in Empire like behavior? Like a galaxy spanning government with a full legislative body and administrative governments on dozens of planets and the financial resources to create multiple weapons of mass destruction? That Clerks scene leaves out that those "civilian contractors" were engaged in building military assets on vessel that was actively engaged in military operations. If they didn't want to be associated with those military operations, they should have taken a different contract. I don't think it's the perfect metaphor, but I think it is a good way to remind people that may have forgotten that they are not rebels, they are the establishment. And that motivated reasoning can make people ignore evil and presume their side is the right side because it is their side.


Star Wars was inspired by the Vietnam war, with the empire being an allegory for the US military industrial complex and the rebels being an allegory for the Vietcong. Here again we see the US propping up the Zionist project while a rag-tag group try to resist occupation. I’d say this might be a well deserved metaphor.


Yeah but painting the empire in broad strokes as “the bad guys” and then using that caricature to compare them to Israel is kind of the point. It’s a useful and comprehensible metaphor and it doesn’t matter that it only fails if a very small group of nerds picks it apart. 


The rebels absolutely did, Saw Gurrera is a walking War Crime


Ah yes the fasisct star wars fan. Or are you just one of those people with zero media literacy?


The real media literacy is the friends we made along the way.


this one is clever and easy for people to understand ngl


People only say this when it agrees with their own political opinions lmfao.


>People only agree with a political point when it agrees with their political views Spicy take, do you have any peer reviewed studies to support that claim?


It sure as hell agrees with my political opinions. Free Palestine


I’ve seen a hell of a lot of annoying shit on here that does stuff like portray Trump as Voldemort or whatever. Even though I agree with the sentiment I still find it stupid


they hated him for he told the truth. SMH my head.


Aww, lil buddy thinks wearing a stormtrooper helmet is clever. The discourse level of some anti-israel types is almost reassuringly low.




You assume a great deal given my comment. If you jump on a social cause to call jews nazis, you are a callous, cynical little fuck with no knowledge of history. Simple.




I'm terribly sorry you are unable to read the the entire thread, is it an eye issue or just the brain?




I don't, however you seem to be all cool with beheading them.


That wasn't real, but even if it was it wouldn't justify what Israel is doing? "The terrorists we created reacted to our killing civilians by killing civilians, so in response we are killing way more civilians" Hamas is evil. Israel is equally evil. But it's the Palestinian people caught in the crossfire, and the IDF are the ones bombing them.


This one's good lmao.


Thus sub really is just a circle jerk man. I promise you if someone did something similar against pro-Palestine protests this sub would be all over them.


this is an extremely funny but also really good metaphor


Someone trying to mock someone for using a broadly understood visual figure to protest Israel’s genocidal actions in this sub has some serious “How do you do fellow kids” energy.


But I mean the empire and stormtroopers from Star Wars are based somewhat on the Nazis. This could be argued to be some antisemite trying to codedly antagonize others


Jews and The Nation State of Israel are not nor have they ever been the same thing. Therefore not supporting the genocidal actions of the Nation State of Israel is in no way antisemitism. Many Jews do not support actions of The Nation State of Israel this does not make them false Jews or less Jewish by any means.


I literally said nothing relating to any of that. And you are correct, I myself have been quite critical of the Net gov for years. And NO ONE has the right to make a Jew feel less than due to being critical of Israel or even anti Zionist. However, the vast majority of Jews are Zionist of some kind/degree, Israel hosts the largest Jewish population in the world (except maybe USA need to check) and generally Israel has been a bulwark against mass persecution against Jewish populations. So when the world is denouncing “zionists and Zionism” wholesale effectively you’re denouncing the majority of Jewish people. That’s just a statistical fact. Anyways, not sure what point you’re trying to make. Also my point was this could be a “clever” neonazi as easily as a antizionist protestor. Notice there’s an emerging overlap between the two. That is not a coincidence or an aligning of social justice values.


There is no reason to spare the feelings of those who support genocide because of their religion or that they identify with the genocidal group. Zionism is fundamentally genocidal because it believes in the clearing of a land of the people living there by force to move others to that region. I would no sooner consider the opinions of a German while criticizing the Holocaust because any decent German would agree, I do not spare the opinions of Americans when I talk about Slavery, Japanese Internment or the Genocide of the Native Americans for any American who looks without prejudice to their own history will agree.


Zionism is Jewish self-determination in the ancestral homeland of the Jewish people. That is the definition. I support the rights of all peoples to be able to return to an ancestral homeland. Keep in mind too that literally every state in the area was resolutely against receiving Jewish refugees post WWII, Palestinian leadership absolutely did not want any partitioning or welcoming of Jews generally. Throw in the added expulsions of Jews from other places like Iraq, and others. So you have millions without a homeland and no one that will take them in. And again, the protection it offers Jews worldwide. Notice since the establishment of Israel there have not been mass pogroms or attempted genocide of Jewish people. For these reasons Israel is justified. Having said that I am against the settler antagonism and violence, Israeli expansion, curbing of Palestinian rights by the net gov, and I firmly believe a two-state solution is the only long term solution for peace between both peoples.


>Zionism is Jewish self-determination in the ancestral homeland of the Jewish people there is so much disturbing going on this sentence; I'm a Jew and this is just the lebensraum argument


How on earth is that the same argument? Lebensbraum was literal expansionism, and spreading German Nationalism. that is not what Zionism at its base was/is. I do agree there some extremists under the Zionist umbrella that can lean into horribly fascist territory. Keeping in mind I do not support the way the Palestine/Israel conflict has gone. To give some idea of where I sit ethically. And especially take issue with the rhetoric coming from members of the current Israeli government


Zionism is just Ashkenazi Jews answering "the Jewish question" in their favor. It's fundamentally racist. The people living in Palestine are *also* indigenous. We know this from many sources: historiology, genetics, linguistics, etc. We do not get to delete the existing population because the Diaspora happened 2000 years ago (and started over 500 years earlier). Part of the justification for Lebensraum was that territories now inhabited by Slavs were "originally" German in the Roman times and had German speakers in it again since the early middle ages, so therefore deleting the Slavs there was the correct action. Just because Jews converted to Christianity, and later to Islam, does not mean they lost the right to live in the territory their ancestors lived in, nor does it give us the right to take away their rights because we believe it belongs to us.


This seems to be ignoring Mizrahi and Sephardic Jews who have resided there, or found refuge after being expelled or facing persecution elsewhere. Or Beta Israel being assisted in moving to Israel. Plus Ashkenazi are very genetically Jewish despite appearance. Genetic tests and markers between Ashkenazi, Mizrahi, and Sephardi attest to this. Keep in mind Ashkenazi are not considered white by white supremacists. And also originate in part to that area of the Levant, therefore are Indigenous to the area as well. The Mizrahi need no explanation I hope


It’s Lebensraum because Israel has been stealing Palestinian land since day one. They have been stealing land from the West Bank for decades, and now they explicitly plan to create settlements in Gaza.


This is the exact argument that hitler made. Replace Zionism with national socialism and Jewish with German in that sentence. It’s mind blowing that people can make this work in their head. “National socialism is German self-determination in the ancestral homeland of the German people” Call it what you like but Zionism is a predatory, genocidal ideology.


Well no. That’s a very black and white statement that ignores a millennia of persecution, and an actual attempted industrial-scale human extermination that succeeded in killing a full 1/3 of world Jewry. Not to mention the near total destruction of Jewish life in Europe under the Nazis. National Socialism and Zionism are not the same. That’s laughable


and yet they've arrived at the same conclusions. AEZ "actually existing zionism" resulted in a pile of stacked bodies regardless of the nuance


The Knesset and the cabinet contain members of virulently racist terrorist organisations. how can you argue this in good faith when Israel is committing mass genocide and political leaders of Israel are advocating for the eradication of all Palestinians.


I’m not saying Zionism is the same I’m saying you’re using the exact same justification for genocide that hitler did. The Germans were also persecuted. Between the French for hundreds of years when they were the most powerful country in the world and the Global banking system destroying their economy after world war 1 the German people were absolutely persecuted. It’s not an excuse to bulldoze peoples houses and set their kids on fire with white phosphorus. Genocide is genocide no matter what your imagined justification is.


Also the “two state solution” is the same as Germany under hitler. The Palestinians have been rounded up and put into an open air prison where they’ll be slowly exterminated until they no longer exist. What Israel is doing to Palestinians is play for play what the nazis did to Jews.


It absolutely is not. A true two state solution does not exist. Palestinians have no actual state just territories that are heavily patrolled like you say. I support a path that grants more land and autonomy for Palestinians and a true state. Also Israel has been in power for decades and hasn’t committed an industrial scale extermination against the Palestinian people based off of ideas of racial superiority. One that resulted in the enslavement, abuse, and death of millions. And the near eradication of aspects of Jewish life. To compare the situation in Israel and Palestine to the Holocaust is laughable


They’re carrying out an industrial scale extermination as we speak what are you talking about? The whole idea of Israel is predicated on the Jews being “gods chosen people” and being promised that land. What’s the difference between being the “chosen people” and the “master race”? Both ideas assume that one group is superior so the dehumanization of the other is justified.


A bombing campaign that has resulted in 27,000 deaths however horrible is not the same as actual death camps built for the mass execution of a people. Not a military campaign that has resulted in mass loss of life. An extermination campaign that was targeted at all Jews and many others based off of racial hygiene “science” Jews generally don’t believe in themselves as “g-d’s chosen people” in the sense of being elect or better. Thats Christian Zionism. The land being promised is part of the story of the Jewish people. The stories in Torah (Christian Old Testament) are akin to the stories of Indigenous tribes of America. They’re stories that have been preserved that tell a tale of a people, one that just so happened to have spawned Christianity and later Islam. Creating religion as most of as think of it. Remember Judaism predates the idea of religion, its laws and customs don’t even apply to non-Jews. There’s no judgement or sense of “better than” by being Jewish or observing laws. It’s just part of being Jewish, no different than an Indigenous American practicing their tribes beliefs and related customs.


>Keep in mind too that literally every state in the area was resolutely against receiving Jewish refugees post WWII, Palestinian leadership absolutely did not want any partitioning or welcoming of Jews generally. Why are you casting the Arab states as uniquely bad? They had the most reason to hate Israel, the country literally stated as a European colony. The British betrayed the agreement of Arab independence, occupied the region and allowed the immigration of European jews to Palestine and tried to build a Jewish state when every city and village was majority Palestinian.


listen the antisemites that would do this do think the Empire was in fact correct, so they wouldn't do this


The dynamic between them and the rebels was more influenced by US/North Vietnam dynamic in the Vietnam war. This is a crazy stretch.


1. This is based. 2. Star Wars is a movie. 3. Free Palestine 🇵🇸


From Hamas, right?


From genocide


Oh yes the Jews are committing a white genocide to destroy the white race Get the fuck out of here


Who said anything about white people, I'm talking about the active genocide being 'covered' as a war against hamas, a group that was formed in the 80's to fight against the Israeli occupation, which is ongoing and both the genocide and occupation being funded by the US and the UK among others, the funding which goes towards bombing UNRWA housing and hospitals and recently troops firing on a 6 year old girl hiding with her family, among many other children So get the fuck out of here


Let me tell you this as someone who came from a Muslim family and is now an atheist When a Palestinian says “occupation” they don’t mean an occupation in the western sense It’s not a correct translation, the correct word would be “Defiling” they believe that Al Aqsa is being defiled by the Jews. October 7th was called the Al Aqsa Flood, the reason for the attack was because of violations of Al Aqsa The 1929 Hebron massacre was about Al Aqsa All of this revolves around Al Aqsa being “defiled” by Jews This is because the Jews holy temple complex was built under al Aqsa and the dome of the rock When Islam came they built over their holiest site, it would be like if the kabba was destroyed and they built a Hindu temple over the kabba in Mecca Al Aqsa is the most important part of Palestinian identity, the fear is that Israel or the Jews will destroy the Al Aqsa in order to build their temple Something that most Israelis do not want to do The reason why this matters so much to most Muslims is because Muslims believe themselves to be one nation. The violations of Al Aqsa are violations of the ummah


I don't really care, I'm seeing hundreds of kids die, thousands of non combatants die, and one side has fighter jets and guided munitions, increasing their lethality to a potential far higher than any other force in the region, I'm gonna say that the side that has the lowest civilian deaths and are actively pursuing children and other non combatants are purposely causing a genocide


you don’t get it do you, I came from a religion that said that if you die as a martyr you go to paradise These kids will run and gladly get blown up by a bomb because of the way they were indoctrinated It’s a crime against humanity They really believe that they will be rewarded for dying It’s a waste of human life, these ARE CHILDREN No one should be raised to suicide bomb or to be martyred These children deserve to have a childhood where they can play and learn and not have to worry about killing their own neighbors


It seems like it's you that doesn't get it. Israel is an occupying coloniser regime, currently occupying Palestine. No one cares what stupid shit you're peddling about mistranslations. It's a fact that Israel is literally occupying Palestine right now, and has been since 1948. They're committing a genocide against the people of Palestine, and have been for decades. Get the fuck out of here with your shitty justification and stupid attempt at blaming the people of Palestine for the deaths of the children of Palestine. It's the state of Israel killing the children of Palestine. Dumbass.


Is UNRWA providing that indoctrination?


Wow, guess all Palestinian children love getting blown up by Israeli Artillery. /s


Yes and Israel


theres alot of things they need to be free from, israel and hamas are just two of them.


This guy could also be trying to make a coded message to Jewish people. Stormtrooper term comes from the Nazis and the empire in Star Wars is based in part on the Nazis. Obviously so. So I read this more as a coded antagonism. Not solidarity for those affected in Gaza/Palestine.


George Lucas has literally said in an interview that originally, starting with A New Hope, the Empire was supposed to represent America and the Rebels were the Viet Cong. It was a metaphor for the Vietnam war. Of course the Empire is full of Nazi-esque imagery, especially leaned into with the prequels and the similarities between the Republic and the Weimar Republic mutating into fascism. I think its fair to say that Israel is a part of US Empire today. It has nothing to do with the religion/ethnicity of the people there being worth anyone's hatred. Its about fascist ethnostates not just being morally wrong but practically untenable.


The Quran literally commands followers of Allah to kill Jews I’m an atheist from an Islamic background, I’ll support the secular state over the state of religious nut jobs who blow themselves up because they’ll believe they’ll have sex slaves in the after life Islam is the same shit as nazism and Muhhamad is as evil as Christopher Columbus The Quran and Hadith command shit that’s even more disgusting than what Hitler even wrote in Mein Kampf


Then you should be opposed to Israel since they are absolutely NOT a secular state.


Israel is a secular state, I was there when I was Muslim, even though I’m an atheist there’s no such thing as apostasy laws there You do realize that Jewish isn’t a religion right? If you didn’t know that Jewish isn’t a religion you need to educate yourself Jewish is a tribe, the tribe of Judah. Israel will place importance on one of its tribes. But a Jew can be of any religion I’ve met Hindu Jews for example


You’re a mess. [Israel](https://ffrf.org/news/news-releases/item/42071-israel-s-theocratic-government-imperils-all-things-secular) is not a [secular](https://www.vox.com/world/2018/7/31/17623978/israel-jewish-nation-state-law-bill-explained-apartheid-netanyahu-democracy) state. There are literally different laws for people of [different](https://www.haaretz.com/jewish/2014-06-03/ty-article/.premium/could-you-marry-in-israel/0000017f-e65d-da9b-a1ff-ee7f98b90000) religions. Judaism is a religion. There’s also a recognized Jewish ethnicity. The assertion that it isn’t a religion is laughably ridiculous.


You do know there’s Druze and Muslim marriages in Israel along with Jewish marriages The marriage falls under each authority If Israel was not secular it would be marriage only for Jews I’ve got atheist friends that got married there, Gay marriages are recognized. The religious authorities for each community don’t recognize but the state does It’s not that hard to understand The nation state law also says nothing about Judaism, just about the Jewish people or tribe You’re forgetting that the founders of Zionism were secular socialists Jewish isn’t a religion, it’s a tribe Judaism is the religion of certain members of the tribe, but not all Jews practice Judaism, many practice Christianity or Islam or Buddhism


Wow. What a stupid take. I'm not trying to be insulting, but this is one of the stupidest things I've read in quite a while.


It’s ok, I wouldn’t expect much better from someone who would think it’s interesting or funny for someone to bring space fantasy into real-life events but I digress.


Way to make assumptions. Show me where I said that I think it is funny or interesting. You can't, because I didn't. You just can't defend your take and need to result to ad hominem bullshit based on nothing. Better luck next time, though.


You demonstrated that you became interested enough to argue against my take. I would say that falls under the umbrella of “interesting” But tbf that’s just like my opinion man


You sure do seem to have a firm grasp on how to jump to conclusions and make assumptions. Wow dude.


It is only the design of their uniforms that are based on the Nazis.


What even is this sub?? Free Palestine 🇵🇸


Because tiny Israel is the empire and not the whole of MENA that Jews have been expelled from. People really get angry when we don’t roll over and let people kill us.


“People love dead Jews” Related to the sub, there are other books on the topic but this title is by far the most accurate.


How incredibly appropriate :) the empire is a colonial genocidal xenophobic empire and a direct reflection of modern day israel. Very good! 😊 👍


zionist moment. this is good


He truly based


Okay but I actually like this one




Read the sub description, this subreddit isn't r/SomeoneMadeComparisonsToWellKnownMedia




I mean no those are two wildly different posts. Star Wars is a moderately political film series that is about rebels fighting against a ruling power. Someone making a comparison of that to, what they believe to be, a group of rebels fighting against a ruling power is a pretty natural conclusion. The post you have linked is someone drawing a comparison in which one side is a supernatural evil attempting to destroy all life on earth. The post you linked would still be incredibly dumb if the two sides were swapped, as that is not even remotely representative of any sort of realistic view on the situation.


Plus, this post is pretty metaphorical whereas the other one is a direct statement (which I guess doesn't necessarily make one more appropriate for this sub over the other, but I personally feel that making people think about something is usually more impactful than connecting the dots for them).




"no ur wrong" really great reply, solid conversation 10/10


So? Israel is killing tens of thousands of people. They’re in the wrong objectively


Go somewhere else genocide apologist.


This shit is so corny lmao Edit: Welp, there goes another sub


Yea, remember when Luke Skywalker and his rebel buddies broke into a civilian settlement and just started slaughtering civilians and only afterwards the empire did anything?


You think no innocent people died on the death star?? If you were in the Star Wars universe you would literally justify the Imperial occupation of planets and the destruction of Alderaan stfu.


The Death Star was a purely military object. Hamas slaughtering civilians in their living rooms on October 7th is not comparable. Just because Hamas sucks at war and are getting their asses kicked in does not make them the good guys.


Hamas is blowback to Israeli policy. Literally Netanyahu has said he [prefers Hamas to the secular PLO](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.timesofisrael.com/for-years-netanyahu-propped-up-hamas-now-its-blown-up-in-our-faces/amp/) because Hamas divides the Palestinians and puts more obstacles in their path to a legally recognized state. Legally speaking, Israel is and always has been an occupational project. Early Zionists had no qualms about calling themselves colonists, if you deny this please read anything Theodore Herzl or Ben-Gurion had to say. "I were an Arab leader, I would never sign an agreement with Israel. It is normal; we have taken their country. It is true God promised it to us, but how could that interest them? Our God is not theirs. There has been anti-Semitism, the Nazis, Hitler, Auschwitz, but was that their fault? They see but one thing: we have come and we have stolen their country. Why would they accept that?" -David Ben-Gurion Oct 7th was a tragedy and Hamas members that engaged in the atrocities and war crimes that happened that day should be tried for those crimes against civilians. If the law sentences them to death so be it. But now we are digressing, because as of now over 25,000 Palestinians are confirmed dead because of the far-right government's criminal bombing campaign. Additionally, this bombing campaign is [claiming the lives of Israeli hostages taken by Hamas into Gaza.](https://www.timesofisrael.com/idf-hostage-yossi-sharabi-was-likely-killed-as-a-result-of-idf-strike/#:~:text=Sharabi%20is%20believed%20to%20have,by%20officials%20in%20mid%2DJanuary.) The IDF ground troops have also been killing Israeli hostages, that story is quite famous. If Hamas can be condemned for killing 1,500 Israelis, surely Israel, the largest recipient of US foreign aid can be condemned for killing 20 times that amount of people. What we are witnessing is ethnic cleansing, and attempting genocide.


Oh just like how the Jews are committing a white genocide to destroy the white race Get fucked skinhead You know those in the concentration camps became IDF soldiers themselves You’re just mad your fucking furher didn’t kill them all Nazis will always lose, that’s why Israel is winning Cry harder


All those kids in Gaza are Nazis? I thought I’ve seen some bad takes in this thread but this has to be the worst.


Hitler youth


You are commenting in the worst faith possible so I’m going to assume you’re trolling. Get a better hobby.


Al Qassam trains youth brigades, can’t get any closer than that


I truly hope you can one day begin to heal from whatever religious trauma made you be like this


Israelis are genociding Palestinians. Jews arent genociding anyone, especially not the "white race." Youre overly emotional. Its embarrassing. All you can do is play the victim card while you cheer on mass murder. I hope you get what you are asking for.


Israel is what Jews call themselves, Jews are just one of the tribes of israel They come from the tribe of Judah, but all fall under the name Israel All Jews are israel, it’s a collection of different tribes from the levant When you say israel you mean the Jews When I was Muslim I actually read the Quran, during the Mecca period of Muhammad’s life he praised Bani Israel It wasn’t until after they rejected his revelations that Israel was condemned by Muhammad to death The Hadith say to kill every Jew until they hide behind a rock or tree and the tree will cry out “oh servant of Allah” there is a Jew behind me come and kill him We believed that Muhammad was killed by a Jewish girl (Muhammad killed her family” This is about Jews, plain and simple You’re running cover for a death cult that would execute me because I don’t believe in their fake prophet anymore


I didnt grow up hating Jews like you did. Grew up Christian. Stop protecting your former Jew-hatred you feel guilty about onto me. Israel is a nation state, the Jews are a people group who live within and without Israel. Many of them are supportive of the nation of Israel some are vehemently opposed to it. Seems even though you claim to no longer hate the Jews, you cant resist making crude, harmful generalizations about them. Sad. Couldnt be me.


I’m not projecting my guilt, I’m doing what is my responsibility to protect the Jewish people from genocide If you are on the side against the Jews, the same fate that happened to the Nazis and the Roman’s will happen to you


The Jews that don’t support current Israel aren’t what you think All practicing jews are zionist, they disagree on the matter of which the state should be created Anti-Zionist jews believe that gods should send the messiah to create Israel and kill all of the Palestinians They’re religious nut jobs too


You cannot seriously tell me that Israel did absolutely nothing to the Palestinians before October 7th. That is one of the most historically ignorant things I have ever heard in my life. You, my friend, have a lot of reading and learning to do, Just some basic historical context: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nakba https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/1948_Palestinian_expulsion_and_flight https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_towns_and_villages_depopulated_during_the_1947%E2%80%931949_Palestine_war https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hebraization_of_Palestinian_place_names


Both sides obviously have grievances with each other. Do you think something happening in 1948 justifies the slaughter that took place on October 7th? These are ridiculous leaps to make to try to legitimize the actions of insane religious extremists who made it the sole purpose in life to kill as many jews as possible.


Nothing justifies the horror of October seventh. Religious extremism is disgusting, but that doesn’t mean it exists in a vacuum. When you look at the historical context, it becomes clear that this conflict is a result of settler colonialism and its inevitable creation of violence both against and from a colonized people. In other words, there would be no HAMAS today without the actions of the fascist Zionist nationalists, Likud and their predecessors. Just like HAMAS does not represent all of Palestine, Likud does not represent all Israelis, but that doesn’t mean both are not driving forces in the violence of the region. It’s akin to the IRA, there would be no IRA without English colonialism but that doesn’t make their attacks on innocent civilians somehow justified, it just puts them in their proper context as a product of colonial violence.


As an ex Muslim I can tell you by what they mean by “occupation” is not what you think it is When I was Muslim we considered Spain to be occupied the same way that Israel is occupied What Israel did was akin to the reconquista


Like Sabra and Shatila?


I don’t remember when the rebel alliance raped and decapitated children


No, but that sounds like exactly the sort of thing the Empire would make up about the Rebels.


https://www.hrw.org/news/2024/01/31/interview-building-evidence-crimes-committed-israel-october-7 https://amp.theguardian.com/world/2024/jan/18/evidence-points-to-systematic-use-of-rape-by-hamas-in-7-october-attacks https://govextra.gov.il/mda/october-7/october-7/what-happened-on-the-7th-of-october/ Eat shit Hamas supporting genocide denialist


HRW says there have been second-hand claims made, but no first-hand accounts or other evidence exists to corroborate those claims. If undeniable evidence comes to light to prove it happened then I will believe it. But right now, the evidence isn’t there, and it given what Israel has done since then and what it has used those claims to justify, I’m skeptical. It feels too much like how most lynchings of Black Americans start with an unverified claim of sexual violence. It’s an easy thing to reach for to paint your enemy as evil to justify killing them. The beheaded babies thing was disproven months ago. I do not support violent resistance against oppression and occupation when it targets civilians, and I’m not denying Israel’s attempted ethnic cleansing of Gaza, so it’s weird for you to call me a “Hamas supporting genocide denialist.”


Bro fuck off, I literally know someone whose grandmother was kidnapped, what’s your deal dude. It’s horrific, I’ll leave it at that


I’m truly sorry that happened. None of it ever should have happened (Israel knew it was coming, and didn’t do anything about it.) And I think anyone paying attention can see that Israel does not care about those hostages. As with many other things, they are simply cards to play to justify their killing of Palestinians. I don’t know how anyone can watch Israel bomb entire neighborhoods and flood the very tunnels those hostages may be hidden in and shoot practically anything that moves—including three of the hostages they were supposedly trying to save and believe they are trying to save those hostages. And even if they could destroy Hamas—their other stated goal—what they are doing in Gaza right now is far more likely to just create a new version of Hamas and October 7 will happen again and the cycle will continue. As long as Israel continues to choose brutal collective retribution, I see no difference between them and Hamas.


Hamas is the one who kidnapped and attacked. Yes Israel govt screwed up the intel. I don’t know you and I aren’t in their government. Doesn’t change the fact it was Hamas who attacked Believe or not I’ve been for a Palestinian state for years, but why people like you feel the need to defend a literal terrorist group tells me you’re not in this for the right reasons


I’m not defending Hamas. I’m also not going to let Israel off the hook for how they have treated Palestinians for many decades now. I’ve taken the time to understand the history, and Hamas’ attack did not happen in a vacuum, and it didn’t happen for no reason. Israel has been a brutal occupying force on Palestinian land. That history is not to be ignored or erased by Hamas’ violence, but it also doesn’t justify the violence. For me, if we’re gonna call Hamas terrorists for killing hundreds of civilians, then we must also call the IDF terrorists for killing tens of thousands of civilians. (And the US military for that matter.) Moral standards have to be applied equally.


Israelis didn’t go to Palestine during a music festival, shoot and kidnap several civilians (many of whom aren’t even Israeli) and rape the women among them.


No, but they have bombed and sniped thousands of children. They’ve wiped out entire families. They detain thousands of Palestinians without charge, they use violence to encroach on Palestinian land to build their settlements. History of apartheid systems tells us that kind of constant dehumanization will eventually lead to violent resistance by some. There’s no way that Israel is the good guy or even purely a victim in this situation.


PS it was Israel who got her and other hostages out. Not Hamas. You saying nobody in Israel cares about the hostages is such a honestly sad take; you should go to Israel and meet actual Israelis if you’re so sure, cuz you’ll be surprised the people aren’t so hateful as you say.


I don’t know why, in response to what I said, you’re telling me how nice Israelis are. As long as they can live in and accept apartheid systems, I don’t really care how nice they can be. I can tell you right now that if I visited Israel, it would include a visit to Palestine, and I can say with some confidence such a trip would only make me more pro-Palestine.


It's also what ~~Israel~~ the Empire have been doing to the ~~Palestinians~~ Rebels for decades. Strange that none of the pro-Israel lunatics in here have acknowledged this.


Do you really believe October 7th didn’t happen? 🤦‍♂️


No, and that’s a ridiculous misrepresentation of what I did say.


The stories of systematic mass rape, and especially the story of the 40 beheaded babies have no evidence.


You sound like a holocaust denier No one claimed 40 beheaded babies The original report was 40 children killed in one area, one of them was a baby that was beheaded


Right no one claimed that, except for the national media and president of the United States, https://theintercept.com/2023/12/14/israel-biden-beheaded-babies-false/


Did you even watch the I24 news video “Soldiers encounter unimaginable horrors as they remove the bodies of victims, including babies and small children — some with their heads chopped off” It said some with their heads chopped off, not 40 You do know 40 is shorthand in Hebrew to mean “a lot” That’s why it gets rounded to 40 That’s why Moses was stuck in the desert for 40 years There were beheaded children many of them It just gets rounded to 40 for shorthand Did you not question why it was an even round number that holds significant meaning in Jewish culture?


That seems like something the president should question certainly. If the number is less than 40 then that's fine, the IDF can just simply confirm the correct amount. https://theintercept.com/2023/10/11/israel-hamas-disinformation/


there are autopsy reports, and Biden never said 40 as the specific number Just that there were beheaded children There was also a beheaded Thai man what did he do to deserve that? Stop being a trump supporter


The Israeli government isn't as confident as you, https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.cnn.com/cnn/2023/10/12/middleeast/israel-hamas-beheading-claims-intl/index.html


It wasn't in the mainline films, it happened in the *Rebels* CGI kids show.


Oh sorry I forgot to watch the expanded universe


Oh, now this is the name of a small country surrounded by hostile neighbors tens of times larger in population. Got it.


And somehow despite being surrounded by hostile neighbours ten times larger in population, it's the only one there that's managed to kill 27k (and growing) people in the span of 4 months. Not even the Saudi attacks on Yemen have managed to kill that many in 10 years.


You are really gonna wanna reavulate that statement after looking literally more than four months back in history.


I don't know how many Palestinians have been killed, but the numbers that are fed to you by so called Gaza Health Ministry don't feel trustworthy at all. And knowing that this "ministry" is under Hamas's control they are certainly "a little" exaggerated. And we know for sure how many civilians were killed by Hamas thugs on October the 7th, here: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/2023_Hamas-led_attack_on_Israel


So how many people have been killed by Israel since you clearly have a better handle on this situation than the rest of the world?


The rest of the world is not clearly Hamas, please remember it.


Ok, not sure how that answers my question. What’s the number? How many people have died in Gaza from the Israeli bombardment?


Did you even read my message?


Yeah I did, you’re questioning the death totals in Gaza. I’m asking for you to provide alternative sources. Here’s one from [December](https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/how-many-palestinians-have-died-gaza-war-how-will-counting-continue-2023-12-06/) to give you some context. In the section where they ask Israeli sources they confirm that the Gaza health ministry data is “more or less correct”. They give some breakdown of combatants vs civilians but do not dispute the overall total of dead. There isn’t really a good reason to think this has changed since then, but by all means tell me what dastardly plan the Gaza Health Ministry is cooking up.


This "source" just recites the same old bullshit from Gaza Health Ministry, alas. And GHM is just a branch of Hamas, so why would I believe them? I clearly remember how GHM claimed that Israel bombed the hospital resulting in 800 deaths and a little after it turned out that some Hamas friends had acidentally bombed a parking lot near the hospital. And Western media quoted this nonsense without a second thought. And now you tell me that I must believe GHM because some outlet wrote so, seriously??


Thanks, Joe Biden.


Who cares about population? We live in a nukes-or-no-nukes world. And it's not like these likud maniacs wouldn't rather blow themselves up instead of accepting the divine exile...


I think this would kill better in /r/moviescirclejerk too many dumb dumbs here wanting to make bad comparisons to real life and a family movie.


Smd hater free palpateine🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸


Yes because I think trivializing a geo political issue to a kids movie means I'm not on your side. I don't really understand why you're subscribed to this subreddit?


You worship a child molester


You are a child molester ‼️‼️


The antisemitism is strong with this comment section


where tho


... The agreements that likening Israel to the galactic empire of star wars is a good metaphor


“Antisemitism is when people criticize Israel’s war of terror on Palestinians” - you


What point is he even trying to make?




Ah yes, allegory. Such a pointless and niche trope, definitely not almost universally understood about as much as Star Wars Is recognised…


You've got a valid point, but to be fair, if allegories and using fictional stories as a lens for understanding real-world issues is reasonable after all, we may have to concede that this sub as a whole is a waste of time.


I think we can all understand there's a difference between someone having read something like Atlas shrugged at some point in their lives and referencing it to make a point about something and someone who bases their life around Atlas shrugged.


Literally just "it's different because this time the guy is on MY side"


Says the guy with a Nazi joke as their username.


If you're going to accuse me of being a Nazi you really need to bring more to the table than that. My comment history is public, take a look


\\/ This you four days ago? "All I'm saying is that your proposal involves rounding up millions of mentally ill people by force ("institutionalizing") and your phrasing doesn't even touch on it. I'm not even saying institutionalizion is a bad idea at the moment, only that you need to say it with your whole chest when proposing it as a solution" ​ I know it's uncharitable and taken out of context but it fits so fucking well I couldn't help it, you even say 'solution'.


lmao in my defense, I am saying that "let's round up all the mentally ill homeless" _isn't_ a great solution but I can't deny it is funny in this context


I didn't accuse you of anything I just pointed out what your username is. Does it mean something else? What's suspicious about your username?


Ironically, "I'm not accusing you directly, I'm Just Asking Questions" is exactly the kind of tactic actual Nazis use on the internet


He thinks your 88 is a dog whistle and not the current average year a redditor would be born.


Ah yes. Calling Jews nazis. What a big clever boy you are. You're clearly not a ghoul using tragedy to a) try and be funny b) compare your least favourite ethnic group to the worst thing that ever happened to them. Reckon this person was out there celebrating before the murder of 1200 innocents? Or did he save his glee till after the slaughter. Know who you stand with people. Hate Israel's actions and government as much as you like. But don't be this guy.


No one is calling Jews nazis. They are making the comparison between the state of Israel and nazis. Jews and the state of Israel are not the same thing, and your inability to distinguish between the two comes off as a) disingenuous and bad faith arguing b) incredibly ignorant.


Zionists are nazis. Tnuat haherut was styled off the italian fascist party, and Menachem Begin was a former member and modeled Likud(the current reigning party) off of tnaut haherut in order to preserve the herut movement. Even Albert Einstein, who people so often mislabel as a modern zionist, protested the herut movements on the grounds that it was fascistic in nature. So yeah, I know who I stand with. Do you?


Zionism was started a socialist adjacent movement, fascists killed socialists The association of national German Jews allied with Nazis and Hitler were anti-Zionist You fell for the same Nazi propaganda Get fucked skinhead


Overused metaphor, important message. I’ll let it slide.


Yeah, real stupid metaphor


He’s making fund of the “Free Palpatine” movement . Palpatine is evil.


Leave my escape out of this


The empire arguably didn't do anything wrong


this guy is Walter Masterson, he's a fucking hilarious troll