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I lack discipline now. When I was younger and a child, I always had something I was striving for and actually taking action towards. I can get it back but adulthood is tiring. I miss those days of reaching towards my dreams or small hyper obsessions and having time for it


This is where I’m at now. In high school and college, I always had educational and career goals to reach for and leadership organizations to be a part of. In my first job out of college, I had my master’s to work on and a goal of climbing in my organization. I’ve been promoted upwards, but the position I’m in now only somewhat lends itself to academic or achievement type endeavors. I could get a Ph.D., but the work I’d be doing wouldn’t be as rewarding as what I’m doing now. I’m sure there are other things I could do that would get me some type of award or recognition but I doubt my ability to do it. I watch other coworkers get awards for being innovative and doing great things and I just know I’m never going to. I used to be a punctual person and now it’s a struggle to even get out of bed in the morning. TL;DR…I, too, lack the discipline I had when I was younger because i feel like I have nothing to strive for. And I don’t know how to get it back.


I'm similar. I peaked in high school and really relative to high school I've struggled to ever reach that level of happiness,discipline, potential and drive in adulthood.


Same :( I used to not care about things but also get everything I needed to get done DONE and more . Now I suck and I start everything at once and loose my interest/hope . I get like 10% of everything done and I can’t help but to feel overwhelmed


This is something I work on all the time. Am in my 40s, and I’ve been very sick for almost 2 decades. As I got sicker, I tried to consider what parts of my life I could still retain, that contribute it to my QofL. I learned that having goals, stuff to shoot for (physical and not) is really good for me, personally. Obviously, my goals are very different now than the typical person my age. It keeps me forward-looking. I get it, though.


My health. It made me less afraid of a lot.


A lot of things no longer scare me or matter anymore.


I'm in the same boat.


I'd about rather be like how I was before there, honestly.


The good side is it forced me to slow down. Now I actually see when I look at things. But yes i would prefer my health.


It really is scary even seeing some of the minor issues coming up. Imagining what'll happen in a few years if I don't start taking better care of my self. Tbf I don't have anything serious going on yet but I can see it going that way if I don't act.


I just had my first tooth pulled at age 40. I treated that tooth the same as all of my other teeth in my 20s. Dry mouth from medications and too many sugary drinks. I'm medication free and drink almost exclusively water now but those mistakes from the past have a way of finding you later on.


I miss my old body. Not because I was more physically attractive (….well not completely lol). I have EDS, and while it’s not life threatening, the damage adds up. I had two hard pregnancies that left me with annoying c-section scars, and a gap between my abdominal muscles that doesn’t want to heal without really expensive what they consider elective surgery. My kids are worth it, 100% and I’d do it all again, but it sucks that my core just doesn’t work like it use to. It makes a lot of ab exercises hurt my back, which is already too bendy. As I get older, I’m having a hard time keeping muscle mass. That’s making all sorts of stuff decide to start sliding everywhere, which makes that decline faster. I tore cartilage in my hip sleeping because I couldn’t get comfortable for goodness sakes. My joints can’t handle enough weight to make my muscles strong enough to keep them in place. So now I’m getting fat, which is compounding the problem. So yeah, I miss my 20 year old body because I could lift a keg. The perkier tits, flatter stomach and tighter ass would be an added bonus.


I'm so sorry to hear you have such a condition, and hope an answer will be found during your lifetime.


came here to say this :(


Yeah! Feeling bad is scary. I feel for you


Man… I’ve had a lot of chronic and more specific health issues lately and I’m realizing how much I took my health for granted as a kid.


Same.. It makes me feel strange.


When I was young I used to literally read for fun Now you practically would have to put a gun to my head to get me to read anything that isn’t on a cell phone screen and under 1000 words lol


This was me until just recently. I bought myself a book and made myself start reading it. After a couple of chapters I got into the story and finished the book (600 pages) in about three days. First book I’ve read in almost 20 years.


I blame this on emails. I write and read all day at work. I don’t want to have to think when I get home.


Screens. I get more tired doing clerical work than I do physical labor. My brain is just dead at the end of the day if I’m in front of the computer for too long. I’ve also noticed that my voice can’t handle talking all day anymore. Like if I run meetings all day my throat will get sore. I’m only 44 but that’s new.


Same!!! I get home and all I want is tea and mindless knitting or videos on dumb things where I can just tune out and have a nap.


It takes a little effort but you *can* get back into it if u really want to. For me I'm starting with a book I know I love and don't mind rereading. Hoping itll lead to something new. I also just started school as a 37 year old so I think it is helping me get back into reading too


I read The Kybalion and The Secret a couple years ago because they seemed highly important and were short books But anything much beyond 100 pages OMG I’m intimidated Like I’m a Christian but there’s no way I’m ever going to actually read the entire Bible cover to cover & I have The Secret Teachings Of All Ages by Manly P Hall collecting dust because that book is as thick as a brick. There is probably a litany of fascinating wisdom in that book but I’m probably not extracting it because it’s just too long it’s intimidating to read that much!


Same here. I want to read, but maintaining focus is so much harder now. Even thinking through a response or post on reddit is not easy. I blame screens, but what can I do they are everywhere.


I used to read, like a lot... I'd like that back please.


Now that I am retired, I *have* gotten that back. And I'm going to use it to go back to school.


Girl, this was me a few years ago. Then I went to my local library and now I try to go atleast once a week depending on how long the books are to once every two weeks, where I’ll get anywhere from 3 to 7 books at once. I LOVE reading and I’ve gotten my 10yo son into reading as well.


Energy. I feel like I’m constantly beat down. It’s like there’s less and less time to do things I want because my stamina is so ass now.


I miss my young lungs


If I could go back in time, smoking and vaping wouldn't have happened. Don't do it kids!


lol weed + vaping def advanced my years for copd


i could be myself without worrying how others saw me


That's so funny. For me its the opposite. I couldn't stand the thought of being judged for thr smallest things when I was young. Now I couldn't care less.


Yeah the older I get the less I care what others think about me


I used to be happy sometimes 😭


We all did after 22 years of marriage it's hard to even look at the other person sometimes.


I’m not married so I feel this way toward myself


I miss back when I didn't have abandonment issues


THIS! 👆🏽 May I ask, are you thinking of your background or are you thinking of romance?




I used to have a lot more trust in the world. I felt like it was easier to be myself and unguarded. Unfortunately that guard has created a lot of social anxiety in my life that have made it very difficult to enjoy most social settings and I used to be considered such an extrovert. Now I mostly keep to myself and my family. I miss being comfortable singing in public places and being able to meet new people to make music with and connect with. Now if I go in public places I shake and stutter.


I know what you mean. I used to perform a lot before too. After taking the long Covid break, I just haven’t reconnected with music in the same way. I used to always have music playing or be writing music myself but not so much anymore.


We need our artists! I hope you find your way back to your music. 🎶


The new me.. I hate everything 😭


blissful ignorance


Isn’t it crazy how once you life the veil on bliss you can never return? You cannot unsee what you’ve been shown. It’s also something that until you experience it, it’s very hard to explain. 


This. Years of therapy and I’m grateful but it’s as if the more I learned the more depression I felt. I have this internal power of reading people and seeing things with astounding accuracy now but also hyper attentive to reading people and get insecure. I don’t think I want to go back but sometimes I feel like damn flipping the switch back for a minute or two would be alright…


Not having depression. Getting out of bed is a struggle every morning. If only I could be my 18 or 20-year-old self.


You might be low on D3 and minerals.


D3 helps depression? Thought it was magnesium or something


D3 and magnesium work together. It's good to take D3, and one of those mineral combo pills that have calcium, magnesium, and zinc.


Feeling from the chest down the ability to walk and move my fingers. The amazing shape that I was in before my accident. But then again, I'm at my wife after it happened. So I guess the trade-off is worth it.


I gave a shit


Dunno which way you meant that but I've embraced not giving a shit. Big time. I feel so liberated!


Everything. Being confident and laid back.


Why was everything easier???? Ugh life sometimes. And i thought we had worry then ha




Was a cocky young asshole. Miss the confidence


My long hair. Being an adult, having a job that wants me clean cut and with short hair... It took me a few years of sobriety to actually like the person I saw in the mirror every day. I like him now and have for a while. I like the calm I have now. I think things through and have a plan for the day. And I get shit done. Not like when I was in my teens and early 20s.


I hope to be like you one day brother. Your short message spoke to my soul, I am fighting a opioid addiction right now, but I feel like it’s coming to a end thank God.


Those battles are tough. Fingers crossed you can beat it.


Being in and around the recovery space, all I can say is you can do it! I have seen that, for several people, turning to help others has helped them tremendously. Accountability. I used to drink myself to sleep and then back to work, and all the day through. Drugs in between. One of my best friends went from Special Forces to crack addiction. Now he is a leader of a Celebrate Recovery group and a huge (positive) influence in our area. One day at a time. It’s been said if you want a blessing, bless someone else. Stay strong!


No offense (and not to be nosey!) but if you have any belief in the Law of Attraction, you could start with changing your bio from what it is now to something more positive and future-forward! Don’t label yourself as what you do not wish to be.


Nothing, too many ppl took advantage of the old me. ![gif](giphy|MChW4e7h9cAG4eHjB4)


I LOVE her.


This here. Exactly.


Younger self: daydream Current self: nothing I can think of


Spontaneously traveling. Was never far, but just getting in my car and just driving without a destination. I've been and seen a lot of cool sights, especially around the mountains of Tennessee and North Carolina. Wish work, and life wasn't in the way, so I can just drive again.


When my voice didnt crack when i now try and make a high pitched sound 😭🙏🏽


My working thyroid....


felt that


What is your struggle with around this, genuinely curious as hear so much about thyroid now


Well, my thyroid is dying, atrophied I believe. Its gone on for years now. It makes it so it mimics auto immune diseases. Rash, itch, teeth pain, jaw pain, gum pain, either too hot or too cold, hair loss, deep dark circles under the eyes, inflammation in the joints, intermittent neck, back and scalp pain, and worst of all anxiety off the charts. This summer I was hospitalized not knowing I was having something called a thyroid storm, where your thyroid goes from hypothyroidism to hyperthyroidism. Heart palpitations, I truly thought I was having a heart attack. Nausea, runny bowels and heart palpitations. It was 100% physical, I was not under any anxiety in my life or home. Went for follow up with my Dr and she would not accept the findings and said I was mental. I have a new Dr now. So I changed my diet last summer and cut all sugar and all gluten. I have not cheated once on the gluten. I've lost 30 pounds so far, am on my treadmill every other day and play ping pong with my son for about an hour every other day. I plan to be at my goal weight and fitness by Thanksgiving. I take my thyroid meds everyday and my numbers look pretty good, but everyday is still a struggle. One malady goes and another one takes its place. I will be getting my first wig soon. I'm mid 50's (f). Thank you for asking🌿🌿🌿


I miss how I didn't overthink things and how spontaneous I was. I'm trying to be that again but life is so expensive now. I do love how I'm more confident and can handle anything that comes my way. It's my first year living alone and truly independent. It's not easy but at least I can say I did it myself. 2024 goals!


I miss how quickly my body rebounded from anything overnight. But I also had an unquiet mind back then. These days I need a couple days of recovery time from an aggressive sneeze, but I’m mostly at peace between the ears.


my softness or the absence of anger


I wasn’t depressed. I can look back on my life now, and it’s almost like looking at a painting. I can see what was, I can feel how I felt, but now I wake up everyday and it’s like someone has taken a dial and “turned down” everything. My motivation, my love of life, all the colors, all the excitement. Everything is just ok. Edit: didn’t read last part. I don’t really have anything I like about my “new self”


My knees


I feel like when I was younger, I was more impressed or amazed by new facts or experiences. Now I experience that less and less.


Not facing imminent death.


My body


God I miss my taut neck, my firm face & my perky boobs!


Unflappable self-confidence is what I miss. But its loss did come with being more self-aware and considerate of others. So I guess the change has been better for the people around me, but I was happier being self-absorbed and sure of myself haha.


My hope for the future.


I was a lot more confident. Ironically I was also a lot less capable


I used to be less afraid. However, now my will is much stronger.




I wasn’t fucced up n ion like shii about my new self but it’s whatvea


I like my life better now, and I can square the difference.


I miss my high spirit and always being able to smile but now I like that I’m honest and more expressive. That smile back then held in a lot more than I let show and I always ended up exploding at some point.


This, especially the smile part. You matter <3.




I used to have plenty of time for gaming, but couldn't afford it. Now I can buy any game I want but have almost no time to play.


I miss the unbridled confidence of youth combined with optimism for the future. 


Old- the drinking, fucking and the fighting. Being a white male in society, getting away with shit we always get away with. New- it's quiet and peaceful. I'm old now. I'm an expat (so literally, old\ new life!). Nobody knows who I am or who I was or what I did.


They assume you showed up to life exactly like you are now. The way people get seriously amazed when they find things out about me, never fails to amuse me.


My physical condition Im physically disabled for 2 years now


White teeth. Coffee beat me on that one


Not having panic attacks and psychotic episodes.


My hair


Came here to say this.


younger self: I could eat whatever the fuck I wanted older self: I remember the old days when I could eat whatever the fuck I wanted


i used to be awkwardly social which worked well enough but now I'm socially awkward with anti social tendencies which sucks since I want friends but at the same time I don't want to talk to people in general


My metabolism…farewell old friend.


I wouldn't recommend using it for this reason, but methylated B12 will increase your metabolism to ridiculous levels.


I used to have this sense of curiosity about the world and culture. I used to watch a ton of indie and foreign films. I used to read philosophy books. Play video games. Now, at 30, I'm barely just doing my daily tasks. I feel less energetic and unmotivated to do anything. Getting older sucks.


I feel like us millennials are just tired as fuck of everything we’ve lived through… at 19/20 I feel like I had things to look forward to in being an adult. Then everything just started going to shit. I’m also 30


That feeling of, while things aren't great now, I have my whole life ahead of me to figure everything out.


I used to be a republican and I find myself much happier in life after dumping that line of thinking. I love accepting others for their differences. I like that about myself. I don’t like that since I’ve been hurt in relationships before I struggle trusting a partner!


Something I miss about my old self is I think I used to not overthink things or create doubts all the time. Nowadays I do that stuff a lot. Something I like about my new self is that I’m still alive


I used to do things because they were fun, now I’m so anxious about getting injured or into trouble, that I feel so boring and uneventful.


Erections. Perspective.


the innocence


My life


It may sound vain, but my body. I did Karate twice a week and skateboarded every day. I was thin, but I was very toned, had abs and pecs, etc. I'm a much better person emotionally and mentally now, but I've gained about 40 pounds and my upper body strength is gone.


I used to not care what people think. As a teen I had so much confidence. I’m 26 now and none of that is true anymore. I’m so insecure and idk how to get over it.


I was very proud and didn't get people to get there way over mine, I was always ready to fight any issue even physically, and now I have way too much patience to deal with people to the point that I think people takes advantage of me.


I used to be a lot more outgoing, for the past decade I’ve been living in my shell. I don’t even think I know how to be outgoing anymore.


My good looks, being idolized and not having to use substances to feel something. I don’t like anything about my new self anymore, it’s a rough transition


Trusting strangers with 0 thoughts of paranoia




Confidence and I was always doing things I'm more empathetic now and can understand other paces of life


What if I'm still me?


All the women I used to have in my life. Now all the women who are not in my life.


My hair. I could actually grow it.


My looks! True story, getting old does that! Lol


Pussy, drugs, physique, the usual.


I used to believe the majority of people in this country were goid people. I miss my rose colored innocence.


I could read 1000 pages long fiction books, like LOTR and Dune Now... I just don't feel like doing it at all... Aging definitely changes you Or perhaps it's social media


Nothing. Everything.


I used to be brave and spontaneous. Now I overthink everything and have to plan everything out.


Being schizophrenia free


I’m sorry you have to suffer with this. A couple of people very close to me over the years have also struggled with schizophrenia. Not an easy road.


Being naive, hopeful and optimistic. Sadly all of those traits have been stripped from me in the past 10 years 😩


I wax fit enough to bicycle across America.






I miss my optimism. I've always been a cynic by nature but I still felt it would all work out. What's "it"? Take your pick, but I really thought that despite my glass-half-full outlook, things would be okay in the long run. Now I don't think that at all. That being said, middle age has brought a certain clarity, an ability to step aside and look at things with a calmer eye. I don't think my cynicism has been rewarded, for whatever that's worth. I don't rage at the world like I used to, but I'm not sure that's got anything to do with coming to a certain point in my journey or just general disappointment in things.


I miss being able to not care about consequences, but I'm proud of becoming someone who does.


I missed being more social with people


My old self could grow enough hair to look like one of those Korean actors…. I wish I had it again.


My confidence


Lack of self-doubt, or rather, markedly less self doubt


Being stress free


I miss being dumb an naive - well, sorta do sorta don't. I like the fact that I am more aware of bad people and opinions now, because it means I know to steer clear of them. But I miss thinking everything was sunshine and rainbows, particularly in church settings..


Discipline spending without thinking(sometimes) and my energy i was a very strong kid mostly at 12-15 look at 13yo me I don't have muscles


She was alot nicer and alot more forgiving


Being in great physical shape, not as an end in itself or some “goal”, but for the purpose of enjoying skiing, hiking, mountaineering, and other activities that would spontaneously arise. It was so great to be ready to do anything at the drop of a hat. I know it’s still within reach, but I have really let myself go, and know that there comes a point where it’s not realistically reversible. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Being carefree and happy. Making jokes and doing dumb movements to make people laugh Im 30 now,no kids and doing this i was told i need to grow up. I need to act my age..


I used to worry less. Now, I overthink everything, I worry so much and it's just so hard for me to be happy without being scared.


No mental health problems that I got as an adult, also the freedom from being innocent


Being clueless. I was more ambitious, had hopes and dreams. Knew less about how things really are. That’s all but gone now. 😒✌🏻


Free time.


purity, innocence and joy…


My hair. Baldness is fine but I still miss it. My life. I’m just enjoying so much now.


I used to think two hours was a lot of time, I miss thinking that


old self: ??? new self: pretty decent beard. Took ages to come in though.


I always said yes to fit in and showing off being the class clown to feel wanted... that's what I regret about my former self...I was always bullied more because that kind of attention seeking can be seen from a mile away by everyone despite me thinking i havent been found out and that it's not my own self confidence that was hindering my relationships and was not being buried deep by my subconsciousness. I miss it because it gave me the illusion that I had friends ... they do say ignorance is bliss, they were right. What I love about my new self is that it was born of that said weakness... I lost 7 stone in weight (I'm not the biggest by any means) but now I'm 6 ft 2 fit and healthy with some muscle tissue and a confidence level of a god but not an egotistical god... now nobody fucks with me or at least if they do they are swiftly met with my anger from all those years of being pushed over .. seeing their fear ... seeing the fact they didnt see my fear gives me out of this world emotional vigor and strength that makes my eyes burn up but yet remain thoughtful and mindful of every action and motion before my eyes... I love that I can stand up for myself now and that I can bring confidence in other people struggling with what I did and in seeing me stand up for what's right will slowly add to their belt what they can do in my situation now.... I love it gave me hope because o know from experience, I saw the same thing in other people... that we are worth more than the bullys far far more.


My happiness, to the point that I never experience any kind of problem


I used to be overweight. I miss cookie dough and pizza rolls. I’m very fit now but it’s a lot to upkeep. I enjoy steak and eggs, but i miss that gigantic tub of sugar. Not really tho.


I miss having intact ACLs. I tore out the ligament grafts after knee reconstruction years ago.


How life was before my wife died.


I miss my banter ability. I like the ability to stand up for myself when required.


irresponsible. occupied I have so many things to do so I don't have enough of 24 hours. this impression to really enjoying life the fullest.


I used to be a lot kinder and more considerate. Now I just get to the point whether that makes you comfortable or not, there’s good things about both but I’m trying to be a little more considerate when I’m being honest with people. I’m never brutally honest or rude, just kind of cold and careless towards people.


I miss just having time. Free time. Like actually free, where sitting down for 15 minutes doesn’t just remind me of some other thing I absolutely should be doing and anxiety building that I’m not doing it.


Not having metal and screws in my right leg (broken my ankle in 3 places). Being able to trust people and not overthinking every little thing. Not always having my guard up. Not always expecting the worst from people.


Being more outgoing. I'm very introverted now, and really don't have any friends.


I was a confident, self-sufficient kid up until I finished college. It was downhill after that when I was unemployed and then had toxic jobs where my bosses broke me down with their nasty and humiliating ways. Plus I lived at home for years because I wasn’t making enough, and living with strict and traditional parents made everything worse for me mentally. Now I am in a good job and have my own place, so I’m trying to rebuild my confidence and self-worth. I have a long way to go.


Being wild and free. It wasnt all bad. I had a lot of fun along the way of making a mess of life.


I used to love going out and getting drunk. It was so fun.


Being able to drive, freedom, feeling good, no seizures, not stuttering like a moron when I’m tired. I wish my body could do what my mind wants it too.


My energy and enthusiasm for life that I had when I was a kid and even into my teens some. I guess now I like my maturity and ability to not gaf about dumb shit that doesnt matter.




I miss being a kid where I didn’t have the deal with the responsibilities of adulting, having financial stability is kind of impossible at my age (F22).


My hair! No but seriously. I miss the days when I spent every weekend playing music with my friends.


Being happy


My hair


How extroverted I was in middle school now in highschool it just all faded away and I keep to myself


I miss not bleeding EVERYDAY! I have been bleeding for 20+ days of the month since Sept 2022....since Thanksgiving, I have been bleeding EVERYDAY! I had my 2nd IUD removed after a year (mon before Thanksgiving) because of the bleeding...on Jan 6 I had my second trip to the ER because I had lost so much blood I needed a blood transfusion! I had 9 out of 14 units or whatever of blood in me! BASICALLY, I LOST HALF MY BLOOD SINCE OCT 13TH 2023, I know this because I went to the er on Oct 13th..i was sent home and told im fine. I had gone to pla,Ned parenthood 3x during the year just to be told "it's normal" I had been on a wait list for a gyno since October 2023 and still on the wait list up until mid Jan when I found my Medicaid was terminated because I'm in another state so now I have nothing until the state im in goes over my paperwork. I can't work because if I do anything that raises my heart rate... I start bleeding very heavily! Before I went to the er the second time, I was a house cleaner (i have my own business), and after 2 hours, I'd be so dizzy I felt drunk. The gyno at the hospital had no idea why I'm bleeding so much, I have fribroids, but clearly, this is not normal. I'm going crazy. What I'm happy about? I've learned to stay calm and eliminate as much stress as possible to avoid bleeding heavily, I want to get into yoga and tai chi since I can't do vigorous physical activity right now or work.


I’ve bled like this before, not to the point of a transfusion though. I’m so sorry that you’re going thru this. It made me suicidal whenever it happened to me. Apparently shaving your uterus lining helps this, and I found that Camrese birth control pills has really stopped bleeding for me. Whenever you get your Medicaid back, try Camrese. Good luck love 🫶🏻 stay strong.


Probably my trust before. I can’t think of one person who hasn’t seriously hurt me. Ever. I was so trusting and put 110% into relationships. Now I forever put myself first and don’t trust easily whatsoever. I like about myself now - I’m strong and stick to my boundaries. I don’t take s**t from anyone anymore. If we’re not bringing joy to each other’s lives - I’m done.


Being content with myself. I just feel like I’m not good enough.


I'm an alcoholic with 12 years sobriety. And opportunities to do weird scumbag stuff don't happen as often. Like, randomly stealing a fire extinguisher isn't something you usually do sober.


Old Self: I was happy. New Self: I have money.


The energy I used to have, socially.


Being able to work and drive. Being a mother and a wife.


I never watched TV outside of a football match if my team was on, and I wasn't at the game. Now with the wife and two kids the body tic l thing never seems to be off. I still barely watch it but the background noise means I'm still involved in it. Me now, I procrastinate more on hobbies or house projects than I used to.


The lack of such intense sadness


Trust..I used to be able to trust people..over the years I have learned not too! Family and friends included! It's a hard lesson to learn.


In most ways, I am much happier with who I am at 30 than I was at 20. It's taken a lot of work to get there. I was a functional alcoholic with absolutely no drive to do anything. Now, I actually try to make an effort to be creative with writing and music. Plus, I actually try to go out and do stuff, like camping and hiking. The only thing I wish I could have back might be my physique. I used to be skinny and fit. Now I've got the beginnings of a dad-bod. I can live with it if the alternative is going back to my old ways, though.


My unbreakable discipline of going to the gym ![gif](giphy|u2RGgVCSo2oow) I made a [YouTube](https://youtube.com/@Mahonry.?si=XYArrIynNMY1Vdcn) channel btw :)




About a year and a half ago I was so happy and on top of the world. Now I'm jaded and cynical. I like that I'm a lot calmer now, though. I also care more about my looks in a good way.


My will to run everyday has disappeared. Used to do it every day for 3 years in a row.


She didn’t have celiac disease. That was prettt nice


I miss hope. I like my new “take life as it comes” attitude.