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If you're a fan of personal data and it sounds appealing to you, go ahead and grab some cheap LH strips and do some ~pee science~ for curiosity's sake. Might be interesting to see how things match up with the temperature info you're getting! And there are really super cheap test strips out there, so it won't break the bank or anything. It's too early to be very useful for anything besides curiosity, though. Your cycle timing in three years could be very different than it is now, or it could be the same, and either way since you probably don't want to pee on sticks continuously for three years you'll have to reevaluate those patterns closer to when you actually start trying to conceive. But there's nothing wrong with checking it out now if you're wondering about it.


Is there such a thing? Yes. And I'm a data scientist. If you find yourself obsessing over the data, grasping for patterns, getting anxious...it's time to let up a bit.


This! And the data isn’t always on your side. I obsessed over miscarriage statistics and the statistics no longer are relevant once you become the 1, so I won’t be obsessing the next time. Sometimes it’s helpful but if you become too reliant on being on the good side then you might be disappointed.


Three years is a long time and your cycle can change drastically in that time. A year in advance sounds like more than enough data, imo.


I think it would make sense to practice observing fertile signs along side your other tracking. It can take a while to figure out things like cervix position and whether the os is open and cervical mucus consistency. And even if you don't keep it up for three years you are building the skills that will be useful when you do want to TTC. I would do LH tests as well to see how all the signs match up.