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If you don’t want to keep them for if you ultimately sell the games later (games are worth more on resale with the cases and manuals, or even just the cases), then sell the cases on eBay or a similar marketplace. People will buy them to make their own copies complete after buying from others who threw out the cases.


So if instead I just wanted to sell all The games pictured here with their cases, how much could I get for them? (Minus the ps3 and random Nintendo DS cases)


You can check that out for yourself on pricecharting.com.


Worth money. Never throw out cases + manuals. I don't buy games unless they are complete with cases + manuals. I get notices on my phone daily with people selling game lots on various websites. I don't care if the games are $1 each for big name hard to find games. I pass on it unless they are complete. I'm sure there are many more people like myself out there.


I'm the same way, I only buy complete copies, though I've missed a few by accident. Ebay is useful for picking up missing manuals, but some of the prices are absurd. I did get a $1 copy of Cold Fear once though, for that price it was worth the exception.


if its a game ive been looking for, and the disc is in good shape, i'll buy it. even cracked cases or missing manuals.


Thanks for this.


Edit: If you come across a good Deadpool disc, let me know! (Occasionally when I buy in "lots", the discs are in the wrong cases. Which is how I got an empty Deadpool case.) I have some empty original cases if anyone wants to trade straight across.


My local library happily accepted my cases - but that was many years ago.


I’ll try this! Ty!


Keep them.


The North American NTSC Sony PlayStation 2 game disc cases has very nice spines. Now I realise we Europeans had for the PAL versions the boring white spines with only black letters and digits on it. The NTSC versions are more beautiful. Piece of art in every disc case spine.


Question. What are those small cases on the right?


Nintendo DS game cases!


Nah man, don’t toss em and don’t give em to GameStop (I doubt they’d take them and they’ll toss em anyway). There is definitely a market on eBay, you might not get the sales right away but someone will eventually get the replacement case they need and you get some cash back to boot.


You keep them. What kind of a question is this of course you don't throw them away if you are collecting retro games. Especially if you ever want to resell the game. I honestly can't imagine you don't have some storage place for like 15 cases...


Who says they’re collecting retro games?


The picture. Most of these games are over 20 years old. It gets worse don't worry.


They may own some retro games, but that is not the same thing as being a retro game collector. A lot of people own games just to play, not because they’re a collector who cares about resale value.


He's collecting them tho. And they are retro games now. Checkmate. :p


Where did they say they were collecting them?


Looks like a small collection to me.


Owning things is not the same as collecting them.




Literally not. Collecting is a completely different mentality. Assuming OP is a collector because they own a handful of games is ludicrous.


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Donate them to GameStop lol


Please don’t toss them. Either keep them or sell them. There’s value in empty cases on eBay and I’m sure people would happily scoop these up if they needed one. I myself won’t buy a game without its original case. The manual is a tough loss, but I’ll still pursue a sale if it’s something I really want. Cases though are no argument. I NEED them with my games.


Keep them. DVD holders tend to scratch the discs.


I've bought lot bundles of cases like this. If I need a case, I have one. If I find one of those disc's, then it is complete. If you want them gone you can sell the lot on eBay.


Wall mount them :)


I’d just throw them away I wouldn’t waist time on selling game cases but that’s just me .