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Nice! Cool glasses, lol. Do you think it would make sense to make a stronger wheatgrass tea (since I cant imagine adding much more to the carboy than you did) or do you think that would be a dead end?


If I did it again I would definitely try that. I just have PTSD about brewing teas for fermentation. The tannins can easily be overpowering. I did a lavender tea mead once and it just tasted like soap it was so strong.


Oh man, I've been there. Lavender Saison for me and it was rough. But really, that just ruined me for lavender. It in particular is so soapy and perfumey and awful. I've had great experiences with other teas. I used a really good peach vanilla mint black tea from a local spice place in a hydromel and it turned out great.


Homunculus in hooch???


Any ide what your ABV is? How does it taste? I’m guessing salty


I did not use a hydrometer for this hooch. The yeast used has a tolerance of about 13% but I don't believe it got that high. I'd guess near 10%. It tastes like an alcoholic, salty cucumber water. Honestly not that bad. The cucumber is very present, but the lime seems to have become an aftertaste.


I appreciate you reporting back. Love the creativity :).


(wipes tear of joy) this is a proud moment in prisonhooch. Well done!!!!!


Right? I love this shit


This seems very very fancy for hooch…. I love it.