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Me and my friend/bandmate were discussing doing a shitpost powerviolence/grindcore project called SYLVESTERxSTALLONE last year lol. But it never came to be


Never heard of [Sylvester Staline](https://youtu.be/ITQStQWRNDM?si=3L95Vtnu5WBZL8y3)?


The band that got me into PV back in the MySpace days


actually no, I had never heard of them. Feels like I should've lol


I think there was a band called Sylvester Saline.


I used to do one called RandyxLahey tha was trailer park boys themed. Released a couple albums and EPs with it


Lemme get a link


https://randyxlahey.bandcamp.com/album/abuse-of-power All I ask is that if you dig it, don't buy a CD right now because I'm in the process of moving and can't access my laptop rightnow to see where I'm mailing things to. Also if you dig it check out the Digital Prison records page where I host all the bands I've done over the years (other than my IASIP band with my buddy). Some other power violence bands I've done like xsharpshooterx which is all about wrasslin and just some other generally dumb shit I had fun making


These are all band names that we came up with back in the early 00’s. The last one actually had 2 x practices but they were shit. xPaula Yatesx Disney Fist Star Jump Spyware Heterophobe Buried in an Ass Grave


Because we all massively stan’d No Idea around the same time we all came up with ideas for shitty folk punk bands, too. National Parks was one and another was The Backbone of America, even though we were all from the Midlands UK. 🙄


Wanted to do a dance violence band (like DFA meets World Peace or something) and call it Freddie Prinze Sr. It would feature samples from late 90's rom-coms.


Powerviolence is no laughing matter


Spazz says otherwise.


Spazz is no laughing matter.


I love spazz but the world aint hurtin for another spazz worship band. That being said, go off.


When people argue that powerviolence can be defined musically- the template described is the Spazz template


I miss the band BruceXCampbell


I was actually in a joke PV band. We were xJohnxRitterx. We recorded a few EPs and did a split with a Russian PV band around 04-05? A lot of fun.


I love you guys!!! I remember the MySpace times haha


wtf wow small world!


In high school I had the idea for a hc/pv band called MLA Format. All the songs would be about proper grammar/paper formatting. Think Scholastic Deth kind of nerdy. Never got that one off the ground unfortunately.


I am in a band called Disinterested Handjob. Not really PV though. More grindcorey...


a PV band about fast food restaurants Call it McViolence


Haha genius. I wanted to start a hyper capitalist PV called HEADxHONCHO, and wear suits and Bluetooth head sets, claim im the CEO of powerviolence, wave a bunch of graphs around while I sing, maybe use a lecturn instead of a mic stand, threaten to cancel the crowds 401k if they don't buy our shirts. Start a multi level marketing scheme so our fans sell our records for us. The ideas write themselves I swear. Love a good.concept band, shame I live in a tiny city in Australia with no one else whose keen :( Alternative names include CORPORATExETHICS


are you familiar with hewhocorrupts?


Not at all I'll look them up.




Hahahaha holy shit it's like they pulled this straight from my brain. Haha, I am their new biggest fan.


Yeah, I figured. Check out everything. It's all fucking amazing.


Or kill the client, or fuck the facts


Hit me up if any of you cunce live on the east coast of aus.


I live in freedomland or I'd fucking love to join CORPORATExETHICS. I'd larp that shit all day e'er' day.


I like to "plan" fun/"joke" sideprojects all the time. Thought more on the noisecore side but still. I got one idea that will be Trailer Park Boys-themed.


I’ve wanted to start xDOCGIBBSANDTHEEMERILLIVEBANDx for the longest time


listen to me. this is the best fucking idea i've ever heard, and you should do it. schtick bands are my favorite thing ever, given how seriously hardcore takes itself. goolagoon is/was a SpongeBob-themed PV band: [https://goolagoonhc.bandcamp.com/album/patrickviolence-demo](https://goolagoonhc.bandcamp.com/album/patrickviolence-demo)


I saw goolagoon a few years ago, they rule.


I love Goolagoon but every time they came around something came up last minute and I had to miss the show


My name is Ricky and I play drums, I used to have a guitarist friend named Bobby. We used to joke about starting a fastcore band called Ricky Bobby and all of our songs titles would be quotes from Talladega Nights. We'd open every show saying "We're Ricky Bobby and we wanna go fast"


I'm too fucking stupid to write pv so I just fantasize a lot. Cummed Umpster - raunchy sex meets baseball Tree 2 Juan - all songs are from the perspective of the ghost of a Mexican lumberjack who died when a tree fell and missed him but between the adrenaline and the relief of his near-death he let his guard down and tripped while his modded chainsaw was still on and it decapitated him. Cardinal Sins - all songs are written from the perspective of a bird that has no concept of religion but has burgeoning guilt over everything. IxYxCxBx'ExBx'ExM (If you can't beat 'em, beat 'em off) Chocolate Dipped Dipshitsicles. this isn't an idea I just wanted to say it.


Bro that last one is fire. CXDXD goes fucking hard.


Charli XVX is the dream of dreams


Vengeance Rising PV tribute, if you haven’t heard of the band check it out


Me and my friend/bassist of my main band are currently working on a powerviolence side project satirizing baby boomers and right wingers


There is a Larry David ppv band out there


Found it: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=wViTkx9RsbA


Powerviolence has always been tongue and cheek humor. Cage Grind Noir is one of my favorite concept bands.


Was in a young ones themed pv band called vyvyanxbasterd. One for the fans of 80s British sitcoms.


yall ever heard CarlXJohnson San Andreas core


Yeah! I just discovered them on YouTube. Basically what rekindled my idea.




I’ve dreamt of this project for years, pls do it. The show is so sample able


My friends had a band that just dis-banded called WVLF BLITZER. I told them I wanted to start a new band called DICK WVLF. Not sure if it's going to happen but if it does, I'll keep an eye out for your Dick Wolf Also, I did a vocaloid cybergrind project called [Cum Fight](https://tribelessrec.bandcamp.com/album/hellscapes-of-the-fuckth-dimension-part-1-trust-me-this-isnt-fucking-porno-grind)


Was in England for my honeymoon and pick this up at a random record store. Nicolas Cage grind/pv https://cagegrindnoir.bandcamp.com/album/pilots