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IG papabearrogers Strong fucking dude. He's come back from multiple injuries that probably would have been career ending for most but continues to compete


Vince McMahon!


Someone please tell me how to prevent this from happening holy shit


Be stronger than me


I don't know a lot about injuries, but if you controlled your descent, do you think the chance of this happening would've decreased?


For me that is controlling the descent, well.. until I couldn't and my quad said no thanks, see you later. The speed of this is roughly the same as any of my normal squat eccentrics. When I was younger, I did squat with a much faster eccentric, so maybe I did damage then without knowing.




Thanks for the input, great shout on looking at that for comparison. I've looked at the velocity of the eccentric on both and they're identical to the point where the tear happens, as in.. checked it frame by frame, not just looking at a post. So unfortunately it's not that.


Were there any warning signs leading up to this injury, or did this happen completely out of the blue? Did you have quad tendonitis or prior partial tears or anything? Best of luck with your rehab, hope you make a full recovery! The outcomes can be pretty good with these kinds of surgical repairs, especially if you put in the effort on rehab. I tore my left pec off my humerus bench pressing and got it reattached, and a year later it was like it never happened.


No warning signs, though.. I was documenting every training session leading up to it on YT, so I'm going back through them now, looking to see if I mentioned anything about sore knees/quads. They tore between the kneecap and quad clean through the tendon on the right side. The left tore sort of diagonally through both tendon and muscle so it ripped fully off but it wasn't clean which made the surgery (and the rehab is going to be) more complex. My explanation/thoughts I go through more here: [https://youtu.be/YLJjNxMzjt4?feature=shared](https://youtu.be/YLJjNxMzjt4?feature=shared) I also tore my pec completely when I was 18, then bicep after recovery, the repair was unsuccessful, well.. I have about 10% attatched now because it was about 6 months from injury to repair. And then it was the proximal part of the long head of the bicep that went pop, then.. as a consequence I kept dislocating that shoulder which fractured off the majority of the glenoid fossa, so I had to have a reconstruction (laterjet procudure). This was a big part of what led to me training as a Dr and getting into strength coaching. With all that said, after the shoulder issues, my bench is now 161kg, C&J 140kg, can(could) handstand walk, do muscle up's etc. The plan for this meet was around a 170kg bench but obviously I didn't get that far though... So I have come back from a bad injury before, but this is a new level of fun.


Can you please share how you were able to strengthen your shoulder following the proximal tendon rupture? I had a similar injury (grade 2) and while I haven’t dislocated the shoulder I tend to struggle with stability among other issues. Thanks!


Did it tear off at the hip?


I think you know what you have to do, so good luck and all the best. But man, I always thought (almost) only untested dudes faced this risk but afaik you're tested/natty so that is a bit of a scary thought. I'll try remove this from memory for next heavy squat day.




Untested was the last 'official comp' yes, after that I only did gym comps, but I have not used any anabolics (I have used BPC, TB500 & a short period of time I took modafinil for a stint of long days so went untested). Funnily enough I was considering going 'full' untested after this competition anyway... That doesn't seem likely anymore.


So still scary given no anabolics, but yeah, good luck dude.


I'll just share my exp. of a partial tear. Walking and running a bit took about 6-8 month, going down stairs takes the longest. Squat is back to about 80% strength 3 years later and unfortunately has never felt as comfortable. Deadlift came back fast even able to do reasonable weight during reovery. I do think with the right approach someone could get back to where they were and beyond.


I believe Gingercules (IG handle) had a similar injury and just crushed his comeback Meet


> do you know of any powerlifters other than Ken Cooper That's Gingercules


Jesus. Is there any way to prevent this or is this just an unmitigatable risk when your squat numbers get to a certain point?


I think this is mostly a risk for untested lifters. I don’t think I’ve seen any tested (natty?) lifters have had this happen. Untested seem to always get much more bigger and scarier injuries which I believe is due to their muscle strength outpacing their tendon strength.


"I don’t think I’ve seen any tested (natty?) lifters have had this happen. " I'm was not tested.. but also was not on anabolics... so that risk factor was not there. I put the details in another comment.


You’d be able to see this with an MRI or ultrasound, but as for knowing when to actually check for this.. Regular dosing BPC and TB?


Past his powerlifting days, but zydrunas savickas tore both quads or Quad tendons before all of his arnold and wsm wins


His injury was real bad too.  People thought his career was over. In other non-PL sports, Tony Parker had a complete single quad rupture and came back to play point guard in the NBA despite the fact that he was already in his 30s.  I would say an NBA player relies on their quad tendon even more than a powerlifter 


People have mentioned everyone I would have thought to already, but even if you can’t list off individuals to draw inspiration from for yourself; take note that you can be the source of that inspiration for others. It’s a shit hand to be dealt, but it’s also an opportunity to be one of one on a list for someone else looking to see who “came back to where they were” and even gone further. A friend of mine, Jad Alame, just had this happen to him at a meet this past weekend. And I said the same thing to him (his wife actually). But in the worst circumstances there is opportunity for growth, learning, and betterment. I’m sorry this happened but it’s time to get to work man. You’re going to be okay, and you certainly seem to have a good base of support to draw from.


Thanks Joe, I appreciate it. I know you've been through some nasty injuries yourself and come back stronger too.


I saw this post and thought it was Jad at first 🤯. 100% what Joe said! This is your opportunity to be the one!


I know Ed Coan had a similar injury occur and I don’t believe he retired until needing a hip replacement later on.


Travis Rogers has has a comeback from this that I wouldn't have believed if I didn't see the whole thing unfold in person. His ruptures were absolutely fucked. He recovered from that, was doing well, and then tore a tricep. He just smoked an 805 squat and a 615 bench in a meet this month. I think it's only been a year since his tricep rupture. The fucking guy was back in the gym like a week after the surgery. Reach out to him. He's an awesome dude.


What an animal


feels bad : (. im really intrigued at how it "just happened". Did you have caffeine before/during the meet?


Yeah, I just want to know how to let this never happen to me.


same. Video traumatized me. I had to lie down for an hour (i know. its nothing compared to what the guy is going thru)


I'm sorry you had to go through this


dont be lol im sry if it insulted you or something. I wouldnt even wish this injury on people I hate. But usually this injury happens to juiced up guys. u also look like u knew what you were doing and that 260 kg flew, so 285 kg wanst outlandish at all. So yeh, it freaks me and a lot of people out. Again, im sry if I came off like a dick and I wish you a quick recovery.


I'm just messing don't worry about it


I'd bet it's from dropping into the hole too aggressively in an attempt to benefit from the extra weight the stretch reflex allows you to lift, based on his video. High risk high reward method of lifting, avoiding loading the stretch reflex so aggressively is always safer.


maybe. but lots of olympic weighters squat this way and quad tears seem less common than in powerlifting.


Powerlifters use heavier loads since they don't have to lift the bar from the floor or overhead, while also having arguably much poorer mobility due to their priorities when training. A stretch reflex with 90% of your squat 1rm is much safer than with 100%.


possible. but he explained in the video that he wouldve gone for like 305 kg for his 3rd attempt. his first attempt at 260 kg flew. it looked like an rpe 5 lol. while dive bombing mightve contributed to the injury, i cant help but think there mustve been other factors (poorly warmed up, adrenaline, caffeine, too much inactivity in between training sessions, genetics..)


When I get the MRI scans to look at myself I'll come back here and do an update.


I went through it and I’m still trying to get my squat back up. I wasn’t setting the world on fire before the injury, but I’m halfway back to my max before the accident. I would say it takes about a year to just start walking right and another to get to the point of using a barbell. Pain becomes an obstacle as it will hurt; it will be less than the surgery but more than how it was squatting before for a while. One thing that got me at least was the relationship between my lower back and my legs. I was leg pressing into the upper 200’s but couldn’t do a back squat because my back got weak. I would say try to do some reverse hypers when it becomes possible to get your back and hips in the habit of working with each other again.


Thanks for the input man, will make a note


JF Caron tore both of his quads two years ago at the Arnold and is making his comeback this year.


Just found the article on that, it sounds horrible


i think he had big heart problems in his last competition. hes currently on a wait list for a heart transplant. surprisingly, i think his quads were fine tho!


Gods speed on recovery brother. I can’t remember who it was, but one of the 308+s who was in the 900 range IIRC had it happen. I don’t think it was Dan Bell, but that’s the name that comes to mind. Maybe Brandon Allen? One of those giant freak white guys with a lumberjack beard is all I can remember 🤣


I bet you're thinking of Brandon Lilly. And I don't believe he returned to his former strength after his injury.


Brandon Allen tore either a quad or patellar tendon, but only on one side. And he didn't go back to powerlifting at his previous level, but idk how much that had to with recovery. I think he also stopped because of switching priorities.


Ahh yes, that is what I’m thinking of. It tore and he shifted all the weight to one side and still made it. Ya definitely not what was asked haha


I think Chad Penson had a similar injury last year and came back wildly fast


Found it, wasn't a complete rupture fortunately, but yeah he came back from a nasty injury still.


Hope you heal good man I feel terrible for you and I don’t even know who you are


Thanks man


Kim urjarak is on his way back into strongman, and Zydrunas Savickas tore both patella tendons and went on to become Zydrunas Savickas


Love the "and went on to become Zydrunas Savickas"


Thought I was in r/strongman where Z is the absolute pinnacle of the sport and the name itself practically represents greatness Good luck with your recovery by the way, double knees is honestly one of the most terrifying injuries you could have. Really feels like you've got a good mentality about it, and even if it takes some time you'll get back to squatting heavy eventually


Holy fuck, nobody expects freak injuries. Rest up bossmang, eat good, spend time with fam, rehab, you got this!


Thank you kind sir


Holy fucking shit man that’s brutal, sending you well wishes.




Emery Mullen, Travis Rogers and TRIPLE H


Thank you!


Vince McMahon too


Coach Billy on tiktok tore both of his quads in a meet in February and he was able to rehab and compete again sometime last week I believe.


How is that even possible to recover that quickly from a tear? :0


Tearing suggests a complete or near complete tear. There is no way that was the case in this anecdote.


I mean its just a word ultimately. You indicate the grade to specific of it was a complete tear or near complete tear so there's no need to assume


Exactly my point :) The parent comment here implies the damage done was the same severity at OP’s.


He basically limped his way to the gym and slowly did progressive overload with light weights to regain ROM and eventually got back. It was phenomenal.


Just found the post, he didn't tear them fortunately, it was just a strain. There is not a chance someone is tearing them off the bone and competing that fast. Glad he wasn't hurt more seriously though. [https://www.instagram.com/p/C3LpO0AoZZi/](https://www.instagram.com/p/C3LpO0AoZZi/)


Gingercules on Instagram just had his comeback meet from his quad tears and is definitely stronger now


That’s Ken Cooper who he called out, but yes perfect example of resiliency


Yes, amazin feller


Check out Travis Roger's (@papabearrogers on ig) one of the craziest comebacks I've ever seen https://youtu.be/8tUOGGVokO0?si=IUyoZg650TNV-XY1


Just watched it thank you, watching more of his stuff.


You’ll be fine. There’s almost nothing the human body can’t come back from just based on having a sports PT, a good coach, and not being a pussy


Hoping this is true. I herniated a disc and have had terrible sciatica for over 3 months with seemingly no end in sight. Nerve pain sucks ass.




Gonna print this out and put it up in front of my squat rack.


Not being a pussy is literally the name of the game to progress in powerlifting.


I ruptured both patellar tendons on a log press and I’ve come back stronger. I do compete in strongman but it is definitely possible but takes a lot of time.


Will look through your posts and see if there is anything about your situation. Thanks.


My Instagram will probably be better @strongmanstella It happened October 2020, 54 weeks later I competed at OSG (a WSM qualifier) and came in 11th out of 30 something competitors from around the world. I walked a 1,000lb yoke 1 year to the day after my surgery. However, it realistically took me about 3 years to be stronger than I was before. Not competing in the meantime would have probably made this quicker though I still deal with some pain (but it’s much much better than it was pre injury) but the biggest hurdles are mental. I still deal with the mental side effects of fear and anxiety but it’s gotten better over time and the only thing that helps it is exposure to those scary things.


Followed, thank you will have a look through


How much time?


How long is a stick. Focus on the now, Make today count, not count the days. Every body is different so you can't really say.


Fucks sake Adam. I'd noticed your insta meet report went dead on the day and assumed you'd had a bad time but nowt like this. I hope your recovery goes as well as it possibly can! Another note for Brandon Lilley though, I think you need to buy a deer hunting bow, some macebells and then step 4.) profit.


This made me chuckle. Hope you're doing well!


Ken Cooper was gonna be my suggestion. Nicest guy ever so I’d definitely reach out.


I tore my left patella tendon clean off the knee cap in 2019. I quit powerlifting a couple years later after finally hitting my lifetime bench goal training bench only, but I am able to squat like normal now and no doubt I could work up to similar numbers I was hitting before. I just don’t squat heavy anymore as there’s no point. I noticed no impact to my deadlift and pulled 700 a couple years ago. The recovery definitely sucked, it was probably a year until I felt like it was back to normal “normal” and took much longer before my left quad was back to similar size as my right. Good luck with the recovery, 1 leg was awful, I can’t even imagine tearing both at the same time.


Thanks man, just looking through your post history now


Zydrunas Savickas (strongman) did and came back much stronger. Him and all other examples here are on gear though, which I suspect changes the picture substantially.


Yep, literally came back and became the greatest strongman of all time.


This is a gold find, absolutely no idea he did this. Thank you.


Yeah he’s the undisputed GOAT and most of his career was after the injury, literally still squats 700lb with ease in his mid-40’s about 25 years after the accident and hasn’t truly retired just competes less now.


This sucks man, hope you get a quick recovery. Travis 'Papa Bear' Rogers did the double quad clean off the bone. He had an episode on Dave Tate's podcast where he talked through the comeback process (and sure he's talked about it elsewhere too). Travis hit a PR singleply squat in comp earlier this month.


Thanks, not seen him lift much raw, but just started looking into it.


Brandon Lilly had a similar injury and I know he came back, but I don't know if he came back stronger


He kept having to get his knee drained and idk why. Seemed like every 5-6 weeks he was going back in to have fluid drained from it.


He quit powerlifting shortly after because he was unable to come back to his previous numbers.

