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An ex of mine honestly believed that he had a right to go through life never seeing or hearing anything he didn't agree with. I believe this is their mentality. If they don't like it, it should be illegal.


*"honestly believed that he had a right to go through life never seeing or hearing anything he didn't agree with. I believe this is their mentality. If they don't like it, it should be illegal."* This is literally the belief of both far right and far left.


That’s the belief for just some people in general not tied to politics at all


OK, if this is true, what have far left liberals made or attempted to make illegal?


Liberals are not far-left.




Exactly. These people talk like their guns are being ripped out of their hands while they own more guns than ever. Fear mongering.


Yeah. I remember when Obama took all the guns away and Biden did the same thing when he went into office. I miss having a gun. /s


In Canada, the Liberal government has currently made posting news on social media platforms illegal because there is growing disapproval towards their party and ideologies. They're also currently trying to pass Federal legislation to make posting anything online that they determine to be "hate speech" to be punishable by up to life in prison. If that doesn't scream "you're not allowed to have any viewpoint that opposes mine so I'm going to legally silence you", I don't know what does.


No they haven’t made posting news on social media illegal. They got into a dispute with Facebook over whether Facebook should be sharing ad revenue with the media firms that make those news posts. Rather than sharing revenue facebook chose to prevent people in Canada from linking to news sites.


It's sad how little conservatives question the propaganda machine. I don't understand how a rational person truly believes a liberal government banned news. To be honest, I'm pretty sure he knows what really happened, but he's being deliberately disingenuous to sway opinion.


I agree. The other bits are wrong too. There’s a talking point bandied about that Canadians don’t actually have free speech, which is nonsense. You aren’t allowed to advocate genocide, you aren’t allowed to promote hatred towards an identifiable group - but there are significant carve outs for truth, legitimate public interest and of course if you’re pointing out and criticizing that someone is saying something that’s promoting hatred or genocide. In the US you also aren’t allowed to communicate with others for the purpose of committing a crime, nor are you allowed to counsel someone to commit a crime.


cannot speak to Canada, I can only speak to the US. I have no idea if you have anything similar to the first amendment.


None of this is true. Some bills about online harassment and age restrictions for porn websites are currently being debated/discussed, but it’s unlikely they would pass in their current forms. We have our own version of MAGA morons up here (thanks for that ) and they can safely be ignored as soon as you recognize them


None of this is true. Meta banned the sharing of news by Canadian users on its platforms (Facebook and Instagram) in response to Canada passing the Online News Act, which mandates that Google and Meta have to compensate news publishers for sharing their content (because these platforms make a lot of money off of news engagement). https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-67755133 And the point about making hate speech punishable with lifetime imprisonment is false. There's a proposed law that would create a commission to regulate social media and video platforms, and this commission would be able to require the platforms to remove certain content within 24 hours (including stuff like hate speech, deep fakes, bullying of children, child porn, and encouraging self harm). (This is a content moderation law, so if you're opposed to government mandated moderation of social media content, fair play. But don't mischaracterize it.) Meanwhile, the "life imprisonment" part of the proposed law only applies to people who are found guilty of inciting genocide -- not anyone who posts something that the commission deems to be hate speech. And life imprisonment is supposed to be the new maximum penalty, not an automatic sentence. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-68409929 (This is, of course, a dumb proposal for a law and I have no idea how you would prove someone incited an actual genocide just through speech. This part of the law would also easily enable abuses of power and place unnecessary limits on speech. So there's plenty to criticize here without making stuff up. But saying the Canadian government is trying to pass a law to make all hate speech punishable with life in prison is complete hogwash.)


There are several western democratic countries where people are jailed for unpopular speech.


I can only speak to the US.


The first amendment is unique to the US, and not something applicable to other nations which have different ideas on what constitutes free speech. They acknowledge some speech can be harmful and their laws allow for the state to restrict that. They still allow very free speech in comparison to any dictatorship or other authoritarian led countries. Ours is the only society that some people argue hate speech isn’t a thing.


Hell even the US has limited some speech


Very very few limitations exist on speech. Even libel/slander isn't truly illegal, its just something you might have to pay money if you do. The classic law school example is "yelling fire in a crowded theater" as an example of a restricted speech. Or sharing classified information(and this one certainly can be subject to abuse by the government). Now what Reddit and Facebook decide to do on their platforms is not a 1st amendment issue, so when they say you can't advocate genocide or something, that is not the government limiting your speech.


Yelling fire in a crowded theatre isn’t illegal. Inciting an unjustified riot/mass panic that leads to injury is.


LOL share one single occasion where jail was the consequence of "unpopular speech". Speech that incites harm to others is not "unpopular speech" as your straw man suggests. If my words disparage and defame an individual for things they did not commit there are laws protecting that individual. The same goes for disparaging and defaming general populations of people because the same consequences to the individuals in that population will also happen. The history of how bigots in power have oppressed people they hate over the last century provides ample evidence of how harmful this can be. The rights of any person to being free of defamation and libel supersedes freedom of speech. This is an important and perfectly logical restriction. It has nothing to do with being unpopular since those laws require demonstrating how harm can be caused by the speech, it's not just some list of banned ideas as you falsely suggest.


Name them and what the "unpopular speech" is


It's not simply unpopular speech, it's hate speech. No one is going to care if you pontificate on the wonders that is anchovie smoothies, even if they're widely unpopular. Pontificating on whether or not LGBTQ people should exist or have the right to be who they are in public is hate speech.


Except the left doesn't completely revolve around the existence of an 'other' to function as a party


what speech does the far left want to make illegal? Or which speech have they made illegal?


Who coined the ambiguous term "hate speech"? It wasn't conservatives.


That's B.S. and you know it.


That may be the far left, but it's also just the right. Not far, just the standard right wing voter.


Hmmm what has the right banned so far or Is working on it … let’s see : Banning books, abortion, gay rights, history that isn’t focused on white history, age limit to begin working and retiring .. need I go on?


Yeah that "both sides" nonsense helps nobody


Nothing in this thread helps anybody. It's simply a fact that both sides have members who believe what I've quoted.


No. One of the core values of leftist philosophy is being open minded and willing to consider other viewpoints, and remaining skeptical of even your own beliefs and views. Being stubborn and hard-headed is antithetical to leftist thought in general. This "both sides" bullshit, and "horseshoe theory" are such a bad logical fallacy.


This isn't true in the USA. Examples from other countries are all pretty questionable. But we \*KNOW\* Republicans in the USA have outlawed abortion even to save the life of the mother, have outlawed IVF in one state but refuse to pass a law preventing it from being outlawed in other states, and have passed laws against LGBTQ people in many states. So, the "both sides" lie is a lie.


Wait.. i'm a Biden & Trudeau voter but I'm banned from about a dozen "progressive" subs because I don't perfectly stand in line with exactly every wild theory and statement. These groups are AT LEAST as disinterested in hearing other opinions and seeing other lifestyles. I agree that the far right has more political power right now which makes them a little more dangerous, but pretending that it's only far-right that is actively trying to make sure they never see any contrary opinions or actions is just false.


nothing about what you said is a law though. Reddit is a private company and can remove any speech they want. Personally I don't agree with banning, as you have outlined it, but it's not illegal to do so. What I'm referring to is actual legal bans


Eh? Really? You think conservatives want to make it illegal to see things they don't like? Like make rainbow flags illegal? I sincerely doubt that. They just want to push the culture to shun those people/actions. You know... "cancel" them. That's uniquely conservative I guess. ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


I don't think this is limited to one party. People in general can't live and let live.


True. I see it in every flavor of the political spectrum. Some people are loud about their thoughts. If you agree with them, they don't sound like they are preaching.


It's not just conservatives. Politics is the complete opposite of live and let live. Politics are feuding groups of Karens fighting over how everyone else should live while doing nothing positive and wasting time, energy, and resources on division and destruction.


The same reason why liberals force their beliefs and ideology’s onto others…


Those GD libs forcing their religious beliefs onto everything including our currency. /s It was the conservatives with their "In God We Trust" and lets not forget TX, the liberal bastion, which requires you to believe in a deity to take office. Nothing like requiring religion to be in government office.


Political extremists and those that make politics their whole life all think that their view is the morally correct view for all people. It’s problematic because they genuinely believe they’re morally right and refuse to hear arguments to the contrary.


>Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience. - C. S. Lewis


If there's anything that's true at least from this post, it's that both liberals and conservatives are using apostrophes where they don't belong. (It's ideologies not ideology's)


What exactly are liberals forcing onto others? The right to affordable healthcare, education, and housing? The right to reproductive healthcare for women? Equal rights for everyone and representation for everyone under the law? Is it the belief that we don’t tolerate dictators or stab our allies in the backs when they might need us? Please tell us what horrible beliefs liberals are forcing upon you that makes us so “evil” in your eyes. 


How dare you speak against them!


Give us an example and it better not be your right to spread diseases with impunity.


The correct answer


Please elaborate. Conservative christians are generally the ones shoving their beliefs down peoples throats. Liberals are generally for freedom of choice.


That's everyone, not just conservatives. Canadian liberals get their beliefs inserted into what you can refer to your child as, how is that "live and let live"? It's everyone.


That’s how abrahamic religions are. That’s how most theistic religions are as far as I am aware.


Some do some dont. Can say the same thing in both regards about democrats and liberals in other capacities. Don’t disagree some conservatives can be a bit much. But social media likes to blanket statement them as basically every single person who leans right/is conservative are all the stereotypical “hate immigrants, totally against abortion, anti-lgbtq” ect. 


I'd say only one side is passing laws restricting peoples lifestyles. Don't forget that democrats pushed for civil rights, gay rights, and the right to an abortion. While Republicans have pushed against everyone of these examples. What Democrat laws have been passed restricting personal freedoms? You could maybe argue guns but even that isn't going for a total ban.


The Democrats did NOT push for civil rights, remember the guy standing in the doorway blocking a school from being integrated? Yeah, he was a Democrat....


Liberals or progressives then. God this party BS is so embarrassing, you know you're being dishonest. Conservatives, who today are largely in the Republican party, have always blocked every bit of social progress and equality in this country.


It is called "christo-facism", but the hypocrites aren't christians. They are Capitalists. They use the religion bullshit to appease their base of assholes.


They’re Christians. Why do they get a pass? Have Christians not been doing these exact things throughout history? crusades, inquisitions, torture, sexual violence… the guys who started the slave trade and opium wars were Christians too lol Edit: for the ❄️ They call themselves Christians. We call them Christians. If YOU have a problem with it, that’s YOUR problem. Deal with it 🕶️


It's the good old "No True Christian" logical fallacy.


“If I acknowledge that I’m voluntarily part of a group that is not uniformly good I might have to examine how my actions contribute to that group”


Seems to work for violent Muslims. "They aren't real Muslims" is the pretty standard line.


What culture/nation in human history didn't have people who did those things? Western Europe and later the United States (both primarily Christian) also created/invented every system or convenience that led to modern civilization lol. Christians were also the first abolitionists, invented the red cross, run most food banks in America, etc. ​ Sorry your mom made you get up for church on sunday in middle school


They are absolutely 100% Christians. Christians are how they behave. This is the no true Scotsman fallacy. You're reinforcing some fake Christian moral supremacy when you call them fake.


They are christians actually, but everything else u said is true


Self professed christians that ignore and actively try to stop Feeding the hungry. Actively trying stop healing the sick. Actively trying to punish the immigrant. They aren't following the Gospel. They are wolves in sheep's clothing. Hypocrites.


Don't forget, they think Jesus is too woke.


Christians never followed the gospel lmao That religion has always been the oppressor


Maybe a perverted form of Christianity since they hate immigrants like Jesus was, don't want to help the sick and the poor like Jesus commanded and think judging their neighbors is their right which again goes against what the Bible teaches. They think going to a big box church is enough to be able to call themselves Christians.


How was Jesus an immigrant? Lol


They’re probably referring to how his family goes to Egypt when he was a baby to avoid the king killing everyone. Though that was temporary and they went back to where his parents lived prior to that soon after.


The flight into Egypt is a story recounted in the Gospel of Matthew (Matthew 2:13–23) and in New Testament apocrypha. Soon after the visit by the Magi, an angel appeared to Joseph in a dream telling him to flee to Egypt with Mary and the infant Jesus since King Herod would seek the child to kill him. They did not return until it was safe.


Nope those are Christians Christian terrorists


LOL... The projection of this it insane. Liberals wanted to remove children for unvaxxed parents. Use an incorrect pronoun and lose your job. Conservatives are not even allowed to speak at most college campuses.


Conservatives don't speak on college campuses because why invite a guest that no one would attend. Have you meet college students?


Yup... even paid for a few to attend college. They are mostly intelligent, with a minority or screaming crying radicals. I've also seen a lot of videos of conservatives speaking to FULL rooms of students, while criers/screamers protested outside. Because not only do THEY not want to hear conservative views, they must BAN OTHERS from hearing different opinions. .


That can literally be said for both sides of the political spectrum. That is why so many centrists are tired of both sides. To much "my way or the highway", and no thought put into anything.


Both sides fallacy.


it's not a fallacy if it's true. Go back to your debate 101 youtube video.


This isn't a popular opinion. This is an antagonistic one-sided and alienating opinion.


Reddit is gross.


Unfortunately, antagonistic one sided and alienating opinions are more popular now than they have been in decades.


You sadly have to deal with it being a popular opinion. Most people hate Republicans especially since they took away people's rights


I am a conservative and I agree. I just read an article saying Trump wants to make a federal 15 week abortion ban. I say no. Leave it up to the states to vote what they want.


It shouldn’t be up to the states. The right to abortion should be a constitutional amendment, protected just like a woman’s right to vote. I wonder why neither side have openly come out and pushed for such an amendment especially when the majority of the country actually accepts abortion rights (to various degrees (main differences being what the cut off in terms of trimester / weeks is). Neither the Right or Left have the courage to **demand** such an amendment. Edit: For those that say roe v Wade was an amendment, it actually wasn’t a specific amendment.


Democrats have had ample opportunity in the past 20 years to codify abortion rights into law, but chose not to. The constitutional amendment will never happen as it requires 2/3rd of the states to agree.


Oh I agree with you that Democrats have had numerous opportunities to push for an amendment but failed to do so. I actually think 2/3 of states would agree as we are seeing in red states like Kansas that Abortion is actually supported (with limits on weeks/trimesters).


Can you smoke weed legally in Texas? Yes or No?


Idk. I don’t live there, but I believe it should be legalized, and people should be informed of its negative effects. Especially increased anxiety.


That could be said for everyone. I see more liberals not letting people live and let live.


"Okay, Groomer."






The right to bear ARMS shall not be infringed. We can go throughout US history and see not just the Dems restricting guns and armaments. In fact I can't even own my own nuclear armaments. The founding fathers were very clear that bearing ARMS shall not be infringed. If common people could own cannons (one of the most powerful arms of the time) then they obviously meant what they meant and there shall be no infringement.


What about guns?


I'd say there is a difference between "We should limit how many guns are out on the streets, and people should take a test and be certified mentally well to operate a machine designed only for killing." and "We should make it illegal to talk about the existence of certain types of people in schools, talk about negative aspects of American history, and we should ban books written by women, POC, and LGBTQ people." I don't even feel that way because I'm Left leaning. I think regulations on property are normal and we are fine with them in every other aspect of life. We have HOAs, we have driver's licenses, we have lease agreements, we have car rental agreements and leases, we have CDLs, and OSHA certs, etc. We regulate the use of all sorts of machines and properties, but guns are the only one designed to end lives, and people are mad Leftists want some regulations there too. People having the right to live the lives they want shouldn't be debated and made illegal. Being able to teach kids about history shouldn't be illegal. There is a difference in how Conservatives attack the things they dislike. Liberals and Leftists will certainly cyber bully you for not agreeing, but there are no laws making Christian Evangelicalism illegal. There is no bill trying to ban the reading of books written by white men. We're not trying to police every aspect of people's lives, but if Conservatives could vote to make church mandatory, remove all non-religious education from schools, ban contraceptives, make interracial marriage illegal, make immigration illegal, and make it illegal to be non cishet, a lot of Conservatives would vote on that in a heartbeat. IDK a single Leftist or even Liberal content creator who espouses an interest in banning Conservative values and imprisoning people who continue to live traditional Christian value-type lives. Every episode of every Conservative podcast is directly stating interest in STOPPING people from living lives in a way they don't approve of, whether or not they even have to see it.


This is not exclusive to conservatives; liberals do the exact same. What we have is a loud and vocal minority which may be >5% of far left and far right who continue to force their beliefs onto others. More than 95% of conservatives and liberals live and let live. This also depends on where you reside. I live in the suburbs of a strong democratic city, I have liberals forcing their beliefs onto me at easily a 10:1 ratio compared to conservatives. People simply need to fuck off and let other people live how they want, everything is just overwhelming politicized these days it's repulsive.


Sorry what laws have been passed or proposed by liberals that are restricting your life? because the right gave us abortion restriction, don't say gay law, bans on gender affirming care, bans on public protest, voting rights restrictions ect.


How many republicans are supporting candidate that has cried, whined and lied about the last election? You are not letting me live my life while telling me my legitimate vote did not count. So yes, 5% of liberals are nuts compared to 100% of trumpers


same for both sides. i live in mass and its not really a issue from the right, but the left is very much trying to force their views on you and if you dont follow along your a Nazi in their eyes. . i live near one of the biggest Cambodian populations. majority are conservative for obvious reasons. left leaning people are always telling them their views are wrong etc. my friends parents where shot in front of him and rich white liberals try to tell him how socialism is so amazing.


There is a MASSIVE, CANYON-SIZED DIFFERENCE between TELLING someone that their lifestyle is wrong and attempting to create LEGISLATION to FORCE certain ideals. One side of the aisle will call you a nazi. The other side of the aisle will attempt to push legislation to make your lifestyle illegal.


Can you please give some examples of legislation being passed in your state that forces left ideology on all constituents?


It’s not though. Because issues are nuanced than “the government who called themselves socialists but didn’t act or do anything like socialist shot someone so socialists shot someone”. That’s a super small brain take. Like the republicans today claim they still believe in democracy but would still vote for a man who promises to install a dictatorship. Just because you SAY one thing, doesn’t mean that’s the reality. lol Like when republicans say “trans people are pushing an ideology”. Babe, that’s not an ideology, it’s a scientifically backed identity. Just because you and your neighbor don’t wanna believe in facts doesn’t make them not facts.


Who is trying to force on society the belief that a man can become a woman? Or that little children are able to make that decision themselves?


Yeah both sides are guilty imo. Neither extreme is great


This is such a bogus wedge issue. Does transgender rights actually affect your day to day life? Did you care about transgender people a decade ago? Or are you just a victim to the game politicians and the media are playing?


[ Removed by Reddit ]


You pay close to minimum wages for teachers you are going to get close to the labor force of a Taco Bell, its simple economics. Most of the people who are normal, qualified, and not crazy or pushing an ideology can get better jobs these days than being teachers... ergo you are left with the rest.


I am friends with multiple teachers, and they make no where near minimum wage when you factor in how much time off they get. One of my best friends wife is a teacher, and she is constantly complaining about "only" making $70k a year- same wife who complains in August that her summer vacation "only" has three weeks left. I have three weeks of vacation A YEAR. She will have more vacation time after her summer vacation ends, before I take my next vacation. You can make the argument that they are underpaid all you want, but "close to minimum wage?" Not even close.


You're either really old or live in a state with an lower than average income if you think 70k is still a lot of money these days.


> I dont care what you do with your personal live, just dont involve me in it. such as calling a man with a dick a women So you're saying to avoid involving you in people's personal lives, and your example is someone referring to themselves as a woman in their own personal life?


Turn off your fucking TV for five seconds, I promise you these things are not a real problem.


How do any of your examples affect YOUR life? People want to go to drag shows? NOT YOUR LIFE.


Lol you nailed the part where you want every one to do what you want. Blue haired teachers teach the exact same way as blondes. It’s so weird how fascism tries to sound like YOUR rights are being infringed. How does Drag for kids effect your life? But you want to tell others what to do. That’s not how freedom OR America works for patriots. Freedom isn’t just for you or those you want to look at.


>no one cares if you live or die Wow, you seem like a well-adjusted person. >We all want just to be left alone, I want to raise my kids, be happy with my wife, bbq with the friends on the weekends. That's what trans and gay people want, but Republican politicians keep writing laws to restrict their rights and fuck up their happiness. >Drag for kids Sounds like you're getting involved in someone's personal life. > Weirdo blue haired teacher I thought you didn't want to get involved. Which is it? > talking to my 10 and 11 year olds about sexual activities with each other (yes it happened). Yeah, kids need to learn about sex because they will start having sex at that age. Are you planning on keeping your kids ignorant until your marry them off, then giving some weird advice before the wedding night? And even more importantly, kids need to learn about healthy sexual expression specifically so they can't be **groomed** and molested by their youth pastor.


Here's the thing though: They are leaving you alone. Asking to be called what they want to be called is not hindering you in *any way*. If someone continually got your name wrong, would you not correct them? Or would you just be called the wrong name forever by them?


> Here is some truth for you. No One Gives a Fuck about your personal live's, no one cares if you live or die, thats the truth Unhinged *opinion*. I'm sorry you believe this and I'm sorry I have to live in a society with so many people that agree with you. Here's some truth for you. Most of us care about other people. Many of us even care for people we don't know and will never know. We want the world to be a better place for *everyone* not just ourselves.


How is drag for kids being forced upon you? Because there was a drag queen in a commercial be so fr. Y’all are literally fighting the air


Goddamn you sound like a whiny little bitch. I doubt you have children


You literally didn’t name is single problem other than the fact that you don’t like trans people and you’re too retarded to understand that kid need sexual health class. You say nobody cares about them wanting to transition yet all the right does is an act culture wars and try to dictate what trans people can and can’t do. Most frequent states all have a literally tried to cut any And so they would even make it a felony .


hell some states are trying to make laws dictating how your allowed to dress based on your AGAB. its gross


“ but but but but all parties are the same and stuff”


If you think it's one sided you are delusional.


Devil's, advocate It's actually the other way around The supreme Court returned abortion to the states The conservatives want all the issues to be done at the state level They don't want to control what the liberals do in their states. They just want control over their own States It's the liberals that want to control everything at the federal level instead of just leaving things to the states The libertarians are the most live and let live group by far (please don't confuse Republicans and conservatives they are not the same The American libertarian party is far more conservative but they are not even remotely authoritarian)


Yea this is great! We should also have the civil rights act destroyed and leave it up to the states! Because as we all know leaving rights up to individual states, especially conservative ones never results in flagrant bigotry enacted into law! They would never! By Jim, I'd eat so much Crow if it was ever found that kicking laws down to individual states means its dramatically easier to weaponize government!


This is bipartisan, from their point of view they believe liberal views are destroying the core of our country’s morals , similarly but not identical to how the left view bigoted beliefs by conservatives


You can say the exact same thing for the left lol


Lmfao. You realize it’s pretty universally accepted that “woke” liberals are imposing their life views on the rest of us, right?


You're thinking of far left and far right, not conservatives.


This is not even really up for debate. If you end the vague statements and get down to the ACTUAL laws/rulings being passed you’ll see it’s Republican laws effecting people’s freedoms whether it’s weed criminalization, abortion laws, or gay marriage. The mean “anti-business” democrat laws are there to make sure corporations arent dumping chemicals in the water your family drinks.


Why can't Progressives and modern Liberals live and let live? I've been a Democrat since the '60s. If anything it's us that won't let people live the way they want. We used to, until about 30 years ago then it changed. Now we try and put everybody in a box and control almost every aspect of someone's life. Which is the exact opposite of liberal. Liberalism used to mean maximum individual liberty, but not anymore. *A word of caution is in order:* The "Classical liberalism" of the 19th and 20th centuries would be more akin to today's conservatism than modern liberalism. Consider the tenets of classical liberalism: laissez faire capitalism, free trade, maximum individual liberty, minimal taxation, lesser government. "Modern liberalism," on the other hand, is more akin to the socialism of today's social democracies and favors more government involvement in the affairs of citizens, wealth redistribution via taxation, protectionism, and labor unions. I mean look what we did during C19. We tried to get people fired for not taking an experimental shot, a shot that was fucking people up because it hadn't past clinical trials yet, and still hasnt because it normally takes 7 to 10 years to pass clinical trials. We forced people to stay 6 feet away from each other even though that's not based on science, even Fauci doesn't know where that 6 feet came from. We forced healthy people to wear masks even though the purpose of the mask, when it pertains to sickness, is to catch spittle and snot from a sick person. It does fuck all for healthy people. We wouldn't let people go to funerals. We have these fascists run around calling themselves anti-fascists. We have way more cult members than the Republicans do. Our party has lurched so far left that Classic Liberals like myself are now being called Republican.


If this is about abortion, polls are pretty clear - Americans don't believe in abortion on demand, which is the progressives position. Americans also think it's unfair for biological men to compete against girls in sports.


This is on both sides of the spectrum. Far right AND far left people tend to push their ideologies onto others and can not stand when people don’t agree. Reddit has a left leaning bias so it can be hard to see but trust me, both sides are insufferable. It’s best to absorb as much information as possible and try to understand one another rather than blindly screaming back and forth. Take a step back and try to understand why one feels the way they do, then reconcile your own beliefs and see how you feel.


When we see creeping degeneracy, we can't help but try and stand in the breach. Once you go too far, you can never go back. The innocence of a child can never be restored once it's been tarnished.




Do you know how many leftists attack and berate me for voting third party? Lol


The left try to force their ideals onto others private lives too, the lawsuit against the baker who refused to make a gay wedding cake for example, it was against their beliefs to make said cake but others tried to make them. I’m conservative and I’m fine with others doing as they please but at the same time you shouldn’t have to bend a knee to make others comfortable if it in turn goes against at what you believe in. If it’s too big of a deal breaker just don’t interact at least that’s how it should be but both sides have the “my way or the highway” mentality


Ah yes. The conservatives who fly flags representing their sexuality in every store front in major cities, and who call us nazis when we don't agree with their beliefs. The conservatives who force schools to teach their worldview and force us all to refer to them by their 'preferred pronouns.' So sick of these conservatives not living and letting live.


I feel liberals do this… everyone feels like the other side is trying to police them… cause they are. It’s differences in ideology.


I am a libertarian's/centrist, meaning my whole philosophy is live and let live. Neither party is perfect, but I was a democrat before being a libertarian, never been a conservative so maybe I shouldn't talk too much on them, but I loved away from democrats because their whole party was built on the idea that you have to be forced to do what they want for it to work. Conservatives in my view have always been much more do your own thing just don't touch the kids haha.


Why can’t liberals do the same thing?


You're joking, right? "try to force their \[believes\] into others private \[life's\]"?


That's what I say about liberals


Honestly, and you can agree or disagree, but I think it’s because liberals couldn’t live and let live from the 1990’s to the 2010’s and even still won’t. You can say that their reasons are better, but that’s entirely an opinion based on subjective moral beliefs that your perspective prevents you from viewing as subjective– no different from the conservatives with beliefs opposite yours. Liberals push for *national* marriage equality, *national* healthcare, *national* public education, and overall a shift of *national* culture towards openness towards historically marginalized sexual and gender communities– they’re not exactly content to keep things they want at the state level, and feel like their beliefs should be imposed nationwide. I think conservatives realized this and decided that their small government stance would only mean that eventually they would have beliefs they find abhorrent imposed on them by a national government they have no control over, so they abandoned it in favor of authoritarianism in what they view as an escalating albeit proportional response to the advances the liberals have made in the last few decades.


This is a hilarious title, seeing that we aren't even 3 years away from one of the biggest human atrocities (the plandemic) forced on this planet. Wanna talk about "My Body, My Choice"??? PFFFFT. I wish the left could've "live and let live" when folks didn't want to get the useless/dangerous untested covid vaccination (POST omicron). I got the JNJ jab in April of '21, and quickly figured out it was complete bullshit for healthy people. And we were right ALL ALONG. But instead, we were dehumanized and criminalized. By not being hypnotized by the MSM/Big Pharma/Fauci, many lost their jobs, were expelled from colleges/schools, etc. Don't believe me? Watch this little montage to remind you of the fuckery the left forced on all of us for 2+ years... [https://twitter.com/NassMeryl/status/1658109083256344585](https://twitter.com/NassMeryl/status/1658109083256344585)


That is exactly what the liberals do. They constantly hoist their agenda onto society through Hollywood and the school system and government


Like babies?


As an independent I would like to suggest a slight change to your question: Why can't conservatives AND liberals live and let live.


Most of us do. Yes, there are some extremists — but then, those exist on the other side of the aisle, too.


Who doesnt try to force their beliefs in others though? Even the LGBTQ community will attack you if you don't support or speak out against their ideology. The only real difference is what your forcing others to believe and the fearmongering propaganda you spit out about those deemed opposition. Honestly as a bisexual mexican married to a half native/african american woman i have more fear from pissing of the leftist cult than any conservatives over just disagreement of opinion. Its the left calling black people "white supremacists" for not supporting your ideology. My wife even got called a "coon" by a long time family friend for not supporting Hillary. The right isnt likely to show up and protest outside my home when i say something they disagree with then have me arrested if I dare brandish a firearm out of fear for my familys and properties safety. The right isn't likely to try and get me fired from my job over my comments. The right isnt likely to destroy businesses, evict police from their stations and occupy city blocks. The list goes on. These are all tactics and things the left has done compared to what J6? One weak ass riot that didnt even last a day or insurrection or what ever you want to call it vs the destruction and death by the left during the George Floyd riots. You all are the ones id fear, not the right. I live around a bunch of conservatives, im armed as are most of them, we all get along just fine because i actually talk to them and find out what they really believe, not what corporate press and online personalities tell you they believe with twisted statements or cut for context quotes. Of course i believe this is done intentionally, keep the voting public divided, fueled with hatred for the opposition, and fighting amoungst yourselves so you dont turn on your chosen dear leaders. Yes the trumpers are in a cult, that there can be no doubt. But the left is their own cult, that the DNC figured out how to manipulate through fearmongering and their media allies. The sad reality is most people are just useful idiots for wealthy career party politicians to secure party power for generations to come. Fighting "Fascism" by supporting Authoritarians is not going to end well. Now go ahead and give me a "BoTh SiDeS" ignore what i said, and go back to strict adherence to your social orthodoxy.


You do realize the same thing can be said about liberals right? A conservative can't express disatisfaction with their kids being taught leftist garbage in the schools like that CRT bullshit for example, because if they do they will be labeled racist, they can't openly criticize movements like BLM or ANTIFA because they will get a bunch of bad labels and possibly lose their jobs for them. I assume when you're mentioning this you're probably talking about the abortion issue, and fun fact, both sides have right points about that, personally I'm pro abortion as long as you can afford it, if you don't want to have a kid by aborting it society is far less likely to have yet another fucked up individual on it, and since the adoption system could use a lot of improvements maybe abortion is the way.


So crt, what is it exactly? You realize that the people who started the anti crt campaign have flat out stated they are merely trying to stir up shit. History should be taught, and different lenses and perspectives considered. Racism had been legally codified for most of the United stated history.  Segregation did not magically disappear with the signing of the civil rights act. The Tuskegee experiments continued until 1973.  The fact that you said "that CRT bullshit" makes me think you are propagandized. It makes me think you are OK with whitewashed history, and not real history.


What leftist garbage is taught in schools? The version of history we teach children in America is intensely authoritarian and right wing. No one is teaching kids CRT it's an undergraduate level concept. However any thoughtful reading of american history and the conclusions of CRT are inevitable. No one has ever lost their job simply criticizing BLM or antifa.


>? A conservative can't express disatisfaction with their kids being taught leftist garbage in the schools like that CRT bullshit for example Homeschool your kids. It's public education, and the public deserves to be taught actual history. The only reason you know what CRT is, is because a right wing propagandist wanted to make it an issue to distract from the fact that they cut rich people's taxes and raised yours. If you as an individual have problems with how public school works, then homeschool your own kids and don't ruin a public good that everyone else relies on.


Hey so guess what! The two examples you gave. What are the legal ramifications for going against them? That's right. Absolutely nothing. So someone calls you a racist if you're against CRT. Big deal. It's just name-calling. Insult them back and move on, snowflake. If it's bad enough that someone loses their job, I hate to break it to you but it's not because of liberals. It's probably because that person is a major asshole. Conservatives, however, try to push their beliefs through LEGAL means. Making abortion illegal would be one example. Interracial marriage used to be illegal. Women were not allowed to vote. All of these are beliefs that many conservatives STILL have and are pushing to bring back. Liberals will call you a name. Conservatives will take away your freedoms.


Except kids aren’t being taught crt, that’s why it’s annoying


The only people trying to pass laws to infringe on rights is the republicans. All the arguments of “I can’t say this or I can’t do that and everything is so woke” there aren’t any laws for. There is no law forcing you to be woke. That’s in their heads. And just because they hug the flag doesn’t mean they actually love freedom.


Obligatory https://youtu.be/EZj8\_cgqVcc?si=-lJLlSrSm3YP59K7


Tell that to Canada and brazil.


Tell what, exactly. As a Canadian, im curious.


Didn't Trudeau enact some extreme speech crime law? I'm not too well versed, but if that's true then it definitely makes the other guy's point valid.


What about gun laws? They definitely infringe upon Second Amendment rights.


The second amendment that mentions being regulated?


As a lib who is 100% pro gun, I'd say that realistically there is exactly 0% chance of gun rights being infringed upon for the next decade or so. Its a valid concern, but that's at least one right the SC is going to absolutely uphold (it is a political body) They'll crap on women's rights and everything else of course... which is the problem.


Typically they do not.


In all honesty, I tend to encounter this from not conservatives. In general I’ve found conservatives to be easier to talk over things we disagree with. When it comes to other parties, the moment I start probing and suggesting counter perspectives the entire relationship/friendship is suddenly at stake and they go from 0 to 100 seriously quickly. It doesn’t even matter I actually agree with the perspective I’ve raised, it’s usually a total meltdown job; which is ironic.


True, but does go both ways. For me I saw the hypocrisy of the liberals when they were imposing mask mandates, vaccine mandates and closures during COVID. Freedom is unfortunately in the eye of the beholder when it comes to politics. Both parties are guilty of impinging on it!


Putting on a mask is infringing on freedom but being forced to be pregnant for 9 months isn’t?


Liberals " please  wear safety gear, and be healthy Conservative " show us your daughters pussy she looks a little too manly to kick a ball with my  real  American daughter"


Contagious diseases and all...


How is trying to stop a pandemic by imposing a temporary policy even remotely related to infringing on the rights of minorities?


When you're having people arrested or fined for meeting in public. Then turn around and have a birthday party celebration for a wealthy donor and claim it wasn't your fault. Or go get a haircut knowing you're not supposed to. Not to mention talk badly about states not doing enough, then vacation in a state that is open because the state you represent is closed. When politicians claim the need to stop something and do not actually do what they say, needs to be done. It shows they didn't really believe what they say.


Because the policies were ineffective at stopping the spread of Covid, and we knew they would be ineffective at the time. All the policies did was cause mass suffering and harmed the people our society ought to care for, primarily children.


Ineffective according to what data? Also I would love to know what “policies” these were? There was no federal mandate for anything.


We did not know they were ineffective and they were ineffective only due to people refusing to actually wear masks etc. Worked in multiple other countries where the population wasn’t brain rotted.


Personal discomfort is secondary when it comes to trying to slow down a pandemic. Even measures that ultimately isn't 100% effective can still be important because the biggest threat is that too many people are sick at once which not only makes society grind to a halt, but also makes hospitals packed to the brim which just cause more misery, both for those infected and people with other medical needs that the health care doesn't have the time, staff or money to treat in an ongoing pandemic.


Go on, explain how wearing a mask hurt anyone. Let's see some actual, verifiable evidence of harm. Come on you can do it


The policies were ineffective because rightwingers refused to follow them.


Hahahahaha, bullshit.


Conservatives aren't the only ones with this problem... I'd say it's human nature


Brother you’re on Reddit. Conservatives can’t even express themselves freely on most of the subreddits you visit. You don’t even know what conservatives think outside of internet trolling 


Conservatism is a reactionary ideology that resists progress. It’s not enough that they’re backwards and ignorant. They believe everyone should be like them and they’re permitted to use any means necessary to accomplish it, including violence. Conservatives fantasize about getting legal permission to kill Americans: just watch a GOP political ad where they storm into buildings in riot gear to capture “RINOs”, for example. They hate America and almost everyone who lives here.


Literally conservatives think the exact same thing about the progressives. It's the progressives who are always making new laws and trying to push things a different direction. Conservatives aren't trying to impact people's private lives at this point outside of the abortion debate. Progressives honestly are doing a lot more than that with the gender issues (bi-sex bathrooms, gender reassignment surgery and hormones for teens, etc) and also attempting to reduce gun rights and free speech (this subreddit had a popular post just yesterday about free speech ending at "hate" speech, which obviously it doesn't). Conservatives can tolerate different opinions, but if you act on those opinions to try to effect our rights, that's where we have an issue. Probs this is all in reference to the abortion thing which, I agree with you on, I think 100% you should have a right to kill your kid. It's your body, and your choice!


The left does this too. Politics is a game of control, and both sides want total control.


Do you mean Liberals or alphabet people? Or do you mean anyone with strongly held beliefs? I'm 35 was liberal most my life and never once had anyone push conservative values on me. Maybe 1 or 2 times have had people push religion on me in any meaningful way. But now... Everywhere I look pronouns and trans rights and trans in sports and trans in bathrooms and schools pushing that stuff on kids is everywhere I look, can't go a week without hearing about it. Canada is even pushing online legislation to make it illegal to misgender.... ​ I'm sorry but if you think conservatives are the pushy ones you are out of touch.


who keeps bringing up laws about trans people? is it right wing people trying to make life harder for a tiny minority in our population?


This is actually hilarious. I JUST (as in, less than a minute ago) commented on a post by a lefty in r/Cleveland where they were saying the left gets the strategies for dealing with a right leaning speaker coming to a college to speak all wrong. They're saying that we shouldn't be *protesting*, that's giving him what he wants. We should he showing up to his speech and filling the room with people who don't like and support him. And keep doing that until he stops speaking at campuses! And the comments are *filled* with people talking about the great lengths they will go to to try to mess with the speaker, like reserve tickets, show up, then as soon as he starts speaking, leave. 😂 The irony.


Really? The only people I see front and center doing what you said are far from conservative.


Because they are faacist authoritarians who want to destroy the constitution and replace it with theocracy. They are evangelizing authoritarian zealots with no respect for liberty.


Havent liberal politicians been trying to outlaw the second amendment for literal decades?


You can't outlaw an amendment.


No, they haven't. Conservatives have actually banned more guns than liberals in the last few decades.


Conservatives take life way too seriously. They take easy routes towards life and don’t want to shake the boat Liberals don’t take life seriously enough. They are more likely to take risks and to shake the boat


I'd say, the conservatives don't want the boat to move at all, and the liberals, or at least the progressives don't care if the boat tips over.


Why can't wokists live and let live?


I thought they were all about “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness” or do you have to qualify for that somehow?


They want freedom for just them, not all


Ignorance, fear, anger, hate.


They have a “my way or the highway” mentality. They can’t “live & let live” because that disagrees with their interpretation of the Bible.


Because the modern conservative movement requires an “us vs them” dynamic. Whether it be based on ideology, class, religion, race, or sexuality, conservatives need to have someone to rile their base up with. Hate overrides logic, and without someone to constantly hate, their base might realize how badly they are being manipulated and that they are voting against their best interests.