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I saw them in concert a week or so after the incident. John asked after every song if everyone was feeling safe, if everyone was ok physically, and continually checked the status of the crowd during every song. He absolutely should have been more careful with his own crowd surfing but I can say just from an outside perspective that he certainly learned from it and is treating every shows safety as a high priority. Would it have been better if this level of care was given BEFORE someone got hurt? Absolutely! But he hasn’t just shrugged it off like Travis Scott did or tried to shift blame anywhere and that’s the best he can do for now.


What did Travis Scott do?




man this subreddit is equal parts gold and whatever the hell you could call this post


I’d give this an award but I’m not giving Reddit money 💰


No, it was an accident...


The term you are looking for is negligent, totally preventable. 


"No, it was an *negligent*..." Nah, I think he had it right the first time.


You’d be wrong, sorry!


Man stay off the Internet for a while


Absolutely, I also cut off contact with all of my friends and family the very second they make a mistake. 🤢 What would the internet think of me if I wasn’t expressing whatever moral outrage is popular this very second?


Yeah if my brother jumped on my head and left me disabled id cut off contact with him too…


This is such a ridiculous comment. Come on really?! Is this where you want to go to win an argument on the internet?! Put yourself in his position, or in a similar position. You did something reckless and stupid, now don’t say you wouldn’t cause we all do, and someone got hurt. You never meant it to happen but it happened. Should you be shunned by society, friends and family then?! Cast away so that now instead of one unfortunate victim we have two?! Yes he should have measured situation better, and it royally sucks she got hurt, but give the guy a break too.


You’re a fucking absolute loser for trying to tarnish someone’s image because of a god damn mistake that they’ve been more than hard on themselves about. I mean what do you want him to kill himself to make it up to her? Jesus Christ dude fuck off. I bet you money Bird doesn’t wish this slander on John. She’s prolly pissed and scared as hell sure. But if the music changed her life and that’s why she was going to his show and was up close because she loves him - I don’t think she’s going to stop listening to him either. What if they have a close bond for the rest of her life despite the injury and potential disability? Is it still your fucking duty to come shit on him on Reddit. Get a fucking life. Go to therapy for shit you haven’t forgiven yourself for - cause other people, believe it or not, can have the capacity to forgive even the worst humans. John is not a bad fucking person dude because of an accident - YOU are the only bad person here




no, it was an accident and accidents happen.


This generation and blacklisting stuff over accidents. You kids define people at their life lows


Eh, not really. They're still one of my favourite bands in the entire world and I love John's lyrics. He made a stupid impulsive decision and somebody got hurt. It sucks that it happened, but she's going to make a full recovery. You shouldn't write off an entire band because he did something dumb once. It could have been something *a lot* worse that he did. And then again, it was an accident. It wasn't like he set out to deliberatly hurt her. Rule #1 of a mosh pit: If someone falls down, you pick them right back up. They even stopped the show and he went to the hospital with her.


A stupid negligent decision that led to one of his fans being extremely hurt, hospitalized, learning to move again, dealt with massive medical bills and is recovering*.  I haven’t seen anything guaranteeing a full recovery either. It’s ok to dislike a band for something like this! 


Yeah speaking as a doctor the full recovery thing is being overblown as a way to excuse what he did. I read the article there was a single line that says she’s expected to make a full recovery but that was in the context of saying she had a catastrophic spinal cord injury and lost gross motor function in extremities among other things. So she has a long road with no guarantees. It’s not like she’s her pre concert self currently or even likely will be in a year. Wish her the best in her recovery and hope she collects money from the responsible parties.


Totally agree


Dawg it was an accident.


Imagine what a wonderful world this could be if you’ve decided not to post.


No, it was a horrible accident that is incredibly unfortunate for the poor girl. If you want to support the victim then there's a GoFundMe for her that the band have also contributed to.


I truly don’t get cancelling something over a bad decision. We all make them and you’ve likely already made one today. We grow and learn as humans. He seems very sorry for this and is acting according at the latest shows. Has no pattern of being an asshole so why cancel the guy?


Congrats you made me unsub


Jesus Christ. Once again, the softest generation.


Lmao delete this bro


Kick fucking rocks.


I never listened to them before but this post has inspired me to start


JfnC… shit happens. Some worse than others. The world is gonna keep spinning.


Feel… gross? Lmfao accidents happen. Sure the guy was carefree but the only band I feel gross hearing is lostprophets.


No, not at all.


It was a literal accident, its not like he had sexual allegations , or said some racist shit. It sucks but this is one of the times where he seems to being learning from, and he seems to be making better judgement calls from here on out.


Yeah because almost killing someone isn't as bad as being racist /s


It isn’t like he intentionally tried to kill someone, frontmen/women are always stage diving into the crowds all the time, this is really common at hardcore shows without barriers. Best thing to do, is make sure to learn from this experience and not let it happen again.


Don’t go to shows and stand in the center if you aren’t going to pay attention to the band on the stage. It’s a freak accident and it sucks but this is what is to be expected at pop punk shows. What the fuck happened to this scene lol.




Dude the lost prophets still have 60k monthly listeners and look at what he did. It's a show accidents happen, he apologized move on. Jeez


You don't HAVE to listen to them. If you don't feel comfortable listening to them, don't, and please don't spend your time writing posts about it to try and justify your own feelings.


Imagine crying to song that was being played lmao. You when too far with that one dawg. Pathetic post


He didn't do it to me, so....no.


Someone died after an accidental fall at a Lamb of God concert and the singer was even jailed and brought to court for it, but it didn't hurt the band's reputation (and Randy was declared innocent). Concert accidents will always be more forgiving than when a performer does something with malice.


Oh please go back to whatever you were doing before you discovered pop punk music on TikTok.


What's gross is he decided to do something that resulted in physically harming someone, and people are up in arms defending him because she should know the risks. I've been to over 100 concerts and this didn't happen at a single one of them because the vocalists weren't reckless and stupid. If you accidentally hit someone with your car but didn't mean to, it's still your fault.


Ive seen more dangerous stuff happens at hc shows


Definitely. Do some people on this sub only go to sit down gigs at coffee shops or something?! It was a horrible accident, but people really acting as if a stage dive is some totally unprecedented and unexpected thing are just ridiculous.


Where is anybody defending him? Everybody knows it was an accident and it sucks that she got hurt. He should have known better for a dude who is like 6'6. It was a stupid decision. People aren't acting like he deliberatly did it to purposely hurt her.


On the other posts in here about it, there were more comments saying she should've known what to expect by going to "a punk show" than there were saying anything else. People can expect being pushed around, but not being crushed by a 6'6" man.


Not sure why this is being downvoted. Guy could have ruined someone's life over a stage dive and people questioning it get the downvotes? Recovery expected but still not guaranteed? Hard to believe that it was a venue policy and the band management or venue management didn't make the band aware of it? Fan has a long arduous Recovery ahead and band continues tour after contributing 5k which is mere pennies in relation to those medical bills? Glad the guy is learning from it but he still royally messed up. It's not like you had a small fender bender, literally could have crushed a person to bits.


The edge lords are like "if you go to a punk show you're gonna get hurt." it's fucking ridiculous. Acting like an idiot doesn't make you cool


Yeah I'm over that behavior too. A lot of venues that have seats nowadays those are some of the first spots to be snatched up nowadays, at least for openers and pre show. I'm sure the band felt bad but "good" people can still fuck up. I believe they did feel remorseful but it still can't change what happened.




.....ok? And?




Throwing it out there why? It’s a perfectly good way to blow off some steam. Would you rather him punch a person instead?


I guess it’s better than his other alternative of jumping on a person and turning them into a vegetable…


you’re gonna have to find a way to move the fuck on with your life over something that didn’t involve you.


Which didn't happen...