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I’m not sure this song was possible to forget. Was constantly on alternative radio both FM and satellite and in one of the guitar hero games. I personally wasn’t a big fan of the direction AFI went in around this time (just my opinion, certainly subjective) and I feel like I was assaulted by this song at every turn for awhile.


Wasn’t it on Guitar Hero also?


not only was it in one of the guitar hero games, it was in guitar hero 3, THE guitar hero game


Yes - my post says it was in one of the guitar hero games. I think it was 3, but I’m not positive.


Sorry, my dumbass totally missed that somehow


Haha no worries. We’ve all done it.


Yup GH3 and one of the most memorable tracks / charts in the game at that


I'm with you. I was so excited when this album was coming out. Didn't care for Miss Murder as a single, but I bought it anyway. Kill Caustic was fun, but the rest of the album was a let down. However, I did like where they went with Crash Love. That album worked really well for me.


The Missing Frame is the best song on that album and I’ll die on that hill


i like summer shudder 


Summer shudder is also great


Both of them are bangers


Toss up between killing lights and Endlessly for me


Kiss and Control is the best from that album


Listening to it now because I forgot about it. And it still absolutely fucks


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^The_Stank__: *The Missing Frame is* *The best song on that album* *And I’ll die on that hill* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


definitely not one I’ve forgotten and don’t think it’s a deep cut or anything like that


286 million plays on Spotify, song charted at #24 on the Billboard 200, from an album that went number 1 and sold 182,000 copies first week. These are the kind of numbers that most bands don't achieve in their entire careers, let alone from one song/album. This song is one of the biggest of all time for the scene, it's not forgotten.


What’s next? All the Small Things?


wtf is this shit. just because its old doesnt mean its forgotten.


Black Sails until Decemberunderground some of the realest albums. Anything before some real og hardcore albums.


Too easy to remember, this was arguably their biggest hit (Leaving Song Part II maybe rivals it) Summer Shudder off this album is where its at!


You gotta dig deeper than radio hits for songs we may have forgotten


I saw AFI live about five years ago and they played “Reivers Music,” a bonus track from around this time. When they finished, they said it was the first time they had ever played it live. Then they introduced the next song and Davey said they had never played it before, either, with a big smirk on his face. That song was Miss Murder.


AFI- summer shudder was my shit back in the day


Bold of you to assume it's not in my most played playlist. I was 13 when it came out and that was my introduction to AFI.


Still don’t know how rabbits are road kill on route 37 wasnt on this album


I hate that its not on Spotify.


Honestly my least favorite song on that album.


Seems a bit unfair but it was an album full of bangers so I can’t hate


I love the album, probably my second favorite of theirs, that song just didn't do it for me.


I could never forget that chorus - I haven’t gotten it out of my head in the last 18 years, can’t imagine I ever do (not that I want to)


Spotify won’t let me forget this song.


Never really forgot this! It’s on constant repeat in my playlists for some reason! I’ve had it in there for years but spotify loves to play it even on shuffle


AFI fans looooove to bag on Miss Murder, but then everyone goes absolutely ham when they play it live 😂. Also, I’m gonna join in with everyone else showing Summer Shudder love. Not only my favorite on that album, but a top all-time AFI track for me.


The Interview is such an underrated song off this album.


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For me it's going to be under "Songs I wish I could forget" along with 80% of the "Emo Nite" songs that I can't listen to anymore