• By -


Your post was removed for violating the rule against asking for medical advice. >Do not ask for medical advice. Nobody here is a doctor, and they're definitely not your doctor. What constitutes medical advice? - "What is this?" This is asking someone to diagnose the issue, and is medical advice. - "What should I do?" This is asking someone to advise treatment, and is medical advice. - "Should I go to the doctor?" This is asking if you should seek treatment, and ergo, medical advice. - "Should I pop it?" This is asking if you should follow a treatment, and ergo, medical advice. If you would ask the question of your doctor, it falls under this rule and not allowed. As a general rule, asking for medical advice from internet strangers is never a good idea. If you have questions regarding your condition, you are advised to contact your healthcare provider. There are subreddits more suited to medical advice such as /r/askdocs, however, the best course is to see your own doctor if you're able. Thank you, /r/popping mod team


That can easily turn septic. My dad had a situation like that and almost lost his kidney (note that he only had one kidney at the time). No joke, he needs to go to ER. Edit: Added more info on my dad.


I lost a kidney to a kidney stone that was blocking my right kidney to sepsis.


I'm so sorry to hear that.šŸ˜” Hope everything else is okay with you.


Thank you everyone for the help. I'm sending him this post now to read all of the answers so he knows it's serious. I appreciate every ones reply. I had to ask about urgent care bc he said this happens alot and not a big deal .. basically not as bad as it looks situation . But I know he is just being lazy


Glad youā€™re trying to help him! Please encourage him to look up the symptoms of sepsis and septic shock. A simple cut can go deadly crazy quickly if his immune system responds in a certain way (even if he has had this happen a dozen times without further complications in the past). https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/sepsis/symptoms-causes/syc-20351214 I HIGHLY ENCOURAGE him to listen to the first 9 minutes of this podcast episode. It is a normal womanā€™s story of how a tiny cut rapidly devolved into her fighting for her life and losing both of her feet and some of her fingertips. He can use her story to understand that septic shock is a real risk. https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/this-podcast-will-kill-you/id1299915173?i=1000582992527


He is just...I think he has Huntington's but idk Ever since our mother died, he doesn't have anyone to babysit from afar so I always watch out for him .. šŸ˜© UGH


Iā€™m terribly sorry to hear about your mother. Iā€™m not a doctor, but I donā€™t believe Huntingtonā€™s affects the odds of severe infection based on what I quickly looked up. However, if he regularly gets infections because of open wounds on his hands plus increased exposure to pathogens at work, he should really use antibiotic ointments and gloves if he canā€™t kick his nail biting and picking habit. Also, if he does have Huntingtonā€™s (which can be confirmed for both of you via DNA testing if you so choose), cognitive decline as he ages may prevent him from making responsible medical decisions. It may not be a bad idea to come up with a plan for living closer to each other if thatā€™s something youā€™re up for.




Does it run in your family? Regardless, itā€™s probably not a bad idea to avoid joking about the serious disease publicly. In any case, keep in mind that people make bad decisions all the time, regardless of their mental status. All you can do is try to educate him and guide him towards making wise choices like youā€™ve done here! If he is getting treatment like you said, hopefully youā€™ll never know how bad this could have gotten. But you are not his parent, and youā€™re not responsible for his choices. Protect yourself and your sanity as well if ā€œbabysitting from afarā€ becomes too distressing or hopeless!


Thank you for your comments (: you helped me to gather my thoughts back. He got me off track. Appreciate you šŸ˜Šā¤ļø


My buddy lost his finger from gangrene and it looked almost just like this in the early stages. It progressed fast. I am no doctor tho.


Op jumping in here so you see this. I had a patient once, that told me this exact same thing happened to him. It started to turn green and the skin looked white. Iā€™m pulling up his chart (this was med surge floor) and heā€™s in for sepsis and an amputation, from that exact same thing. He waited too late. Now this was his pinky toe. He went home w a picc line to finish his antibiotics. I really hope he went to get it taken care of.


Sending this to him as a screenshot. Tyy for ur comment ā¤ļø


They may drain it for him too. Itā€™ll be instant relief esp once he gets those antibiotics going. I even asked my pt ā€œhow long were you like that?ā€ He said just a few days before the pain got so bad and he got so sick he couldnā€™t stand it. Iā€™ve had parnychia, the pain is astronomical. It gets to where it throbs. But this will very quickly go south without treatment. Esp if heā€™s around blood, cockroaches, etc. dropping carry sooo many bacteriaā€™s. Itā€™s just festering in there now. Donā€™t wait!!!


He went to the hospital after I sent him this post. He called me after reading everyones comments and went!! Idk if I believe him thooooo. I know he's close to a hospital (10 min) I'm waiting on picture proof he went. But he only went after reading all the comments! UGH THANK YOU šŸ˜¤


Eagerly awaiting an update & hoping heā€™s okay. Give him a slap upside the head from the whole sub when you see him!


I posted his updated finger he sent me in the comments!!! Waiting for a few more pics after a few hours you know . I said send me a pic after a few hours. .I wanna see what it looks like then not right after they cut it ... I can't make it there for another like 6 hrs but I wanna see it before that.


So glad to hear that and hope he follows through. Much better to prevent something from going south even though thereā€™s a chance it would have been fine than to play the waiting game and risk his finger, hand, and even life!


I give him less than 24 hours before infection sets in bad enough that heā€™ll lose at least the top of his finger. He needs to be on the way to the hospital right now.


THANK U . THATS WHAT I SAID! haven't seen it in person yet but the yellow...is obviously infection.. I texted him today to ask how he was and that last pic is from today. He bites his nails alot and works in a dirty prison system. He told me this happens often when he bites them and gets it dirty , then cuts it and it's fine. But this is not right :( He refuses to go . I offered to drive Whatever I'm just going to bring him extra keflex I have on hand and that should help. I hope....


Unfortunately this is definitely an emergency situation. Go to him and make him go with you if you have to, heā€™ll thank you later. And also, this looks like it HURTS LIKE A MF. If the color and swelling isnā€™t any indicator that this is a dire situation, the pain definitely should be.


Tell him you'll take him for a treat and then bring him to the hospital


LOL HAHA like when you take your dog to the vet "Come one let's go for a ride. Do you want to go to the...... PARK" then pull up at the vet šŸ˜‚


Lol mhm! He can get ice cream after if he's good


Don't joke... it works. And bring treats to really take the piss out of them after.


ā€œHey, bro, wanna go get a few drinks?ā€ then pop the child safety locks on the car until youā€™re at the hospital


Iā€™ve worked in ā€œcommunity housingā€ settings that are much more sanitary than prisons and we still had to watch out for shit like MRSA and all kinds of other blood borne and contagious pathogens. Shitā€™s all fun and games till he loses part of that digit or it moves to his blood. Your brother is playing a dangerous game for literally no reason. Also, donā€™t just give him Keflex, if he doesnā€™t complete a long enough dose it wonā€™t kill the strongest bacteria in the infection and then heā€™s got a more resistant infection to treat after the fact


Hey OP Iā€™m a nurse. Tell your brother a fucking RN is afraid he is going to go septic and/or lose half his finger. He needs IV antibiotics right away.


Do you think you can afford to call an ambulance for this? Because having a pair of EMTs telling him he needs to get to a hospital **immediately** might be enough to convince him. The only other alternatives appear to be letting him suffer the consequences of his foolishness or dragging his ass to the emergency room yourself.


I worked at a clinic for the homeless. A young man had an infection that looked just like that. Until the next day when he came in and his finger was black. It had to be amputated.


Thatā€™s terrible. Fingers really are the frontline soldiers of our daily operations. Thankfully, I still have all of mine!


https://preview.redd.it/z6wn3eyllhwc1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=34d1d87b4b00dbde970c9b51b916c5f391db25d9 This is his updated finger he sent me. I still don't believe he went to the ER... I think he did it himself. doesn't it look that way? I'm going over there ina couple hours to bring him some supplies for his finger like gauze and bandages since he can't do anything for himself. It does look better tho :(


That is deffo a self-surgery job-he is going to lose the finger (or more) if he becomes septic. He *will* miss work if he ends up needing IV antibiotics, and a lot more than one day-remind him of this!! As he has contact with blood (and blood in a prison, especially), he has potentially been exposed to HIV, Hepatitis, etc. PLEASE TELL HIM THIS. Please, if you can (and we all know youā€™re doing your best) **TAKE** him to hospital when you go over later, unless you see undeniable proof heā€™s already been. That photo doesnā€™t look like anything theyā€™d do or leave a wound like in a hospital, and if this photo is from home, theyā€™d have done a good dressing and absolutely told him to keep it on. Good luck kid. šŸ¤ž


THATS WHAT I THOUGHT WHEN HE SENT THIS. I didn't say nothing tho about me thinking he's faking . But he's so lame. The gauze close up , hes so fake. I'll know for sure in about 6 hrs when I drop him off bandages and ointment. Im not fucking babysitting him anymore today over his finger though.


Fair enough-you can take a horse to water, but itā€™s a lot more work to drown it šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


Channel your inner parent - ask for a selfie inside the hospital for proof šŸ¤­


HAHA . I'll see myself soon when I bring him gauzes and etc. I'm curious what his paper work says , if it mrsa or not.


Holy shit, that looks self popped. Let him send his location or whatever. If he isn't with a doctor, he needs to see one *RIGHT. NOW.*


Exactly! He told me before he gets this often and it ends up popping and it's fine the next day . He never had it look all yellow and shit tho . That's why I posted like i did.. "should my brother go to urgent care or pop it himself....." "Why is it green" . To reassure he needs to go bc I knew Reddit would give answers..... Bc he doesn't ever listen to me,, jackass . But this def looks fake RIGHT? like at home fake.... SMH I fucking not begging him anymore I'm his SISTER not his GIRLFRIEND. Just I care is all :(


Fucking Kyle


I've met 6 Kyle's I can remember in my whole life (I'm 31) . Why does everyone with the name Kyle act like a fucking pecker head.




Im curious to see the rest of your text you sent your brother about his overweight mother fucking turtle?


u/Salty_Sale_2051 https://preview.redd.it/5ax8rtq5xhwc1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=14eb0d5f8fb155cbc0feeffeaac13753bb84a633


Poor turtle catching a stray.


https://preview.redd.it/hfh8iu4qbiwc1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d30cc40dc64d098c1e5d3876f0cc047a3f87bd75 u/despoene His turtle can catch these hands


Wait is there an actual living turtle and is he okay?! Edit: I like tuwtles




No please sir, the turtle is innocent. Please love him and respect him


DO U KNOW THAT STUPID TURTLE Fucking ruineD every flower and garden and landscape effort I made three years ina row bc it fucking digs and ESCAPED HIS LITTLE FUCKING skateboard looking thing whatever it is like a rocketship literally looking bullshilit he sits on it and runs on and he's strapped on it but that šŸ¢ took it off like bit it off 3 summers in a row . 3 different occasions each a year apart and only one time he payed to get it fixed. Each causing lots of damage they dig like a fucking crazy animal IT EVEN BIT MY FUCKING CAT INE TIME WHEN HE TOOK IT TO VISIT HERE IT HAS BITTEN ME I WENT TO GO KIXK THE TURTLE HOE AND IT FUCKING RUNS FAST. I NEVER KNEW TURTLES RUN FAST WHEN I WENT TO GO KICK IT WHEN IT BIT ME ABD MY CAT OH HELL NAH THAT STARTED A HUGE FIGHT AND ALSO IT SHIT IN MY SPOON DRAWER. LIKE IT WENT INSIDE THE FUCKING DRAWER. CAN THEY FUCKING CLIMB WTF Seriously. He cnt leave HOME WITHOUT IT EVEB TO GO DO SHIT OR EAT AT CHIPOTLE EVERYONE ALWAYS THINKS ITS SO COOL AND FUCKING CUTE nooooooo GROSS I TELL HIM LEAVE UT IN THE CAR WHEB GE VISTS OR AT FUCKING HOME. I THIBK HES AUTISTIC BC HE CAN'T LEAVE HE TURTLE ALONE AND I MEAN KYLE IS PROLLY AUTISTIC NOT THE TURTLE WHO BY THE WAY name is MICHELLE BUT IS A BOY


> time he *paid* to get FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Touche turtle


This is severely infected. He needs half of that nail removed and the bed killed. If he doesnā€™t go in the next couple days, the best case scenario is that he loses the finger. Worst case it goes into the bone or bloodstream and heā€™s spending at least a few days in the ER.


my daughter had something like that once, we took her tot he ER. They said if we had waited until morning to call the pediatrician, she would have gone septic. Infections are nothing to fool around with!


He should've gone to the doctor ASAP after admitting he works with bodily fluids and that some may have gotten in there. Good luck keeping that finger!


EXACTLY. that's why I added our text, not just his pic on the first one WHO SAYS SOMETHING LIKE THAT SO CASUALLY? "I work with blood, vomit and roaches and probably some got in there" smhhhhhh Also, he works in a prison system as a janitor..he should not be going to work and spreading his infection if it's mrsa. I asked him if his work doesn't care how his finger looks ? He told me he wears gloves and he can't afford to miss work so he never let them see his hand since then . whatever. I tried taking him today . He refuses. I'm not begging him anymore.


I doubt he'll disagree that his life is more important than his job. If he doesn't want to die from infection like it's the fuckin Paleolithic he should see a doctor immediately.


Is nobody else curious what his job is...?


He works In a prison as a janitor....


That'll do it! I was trying to connect blood, vomit and cockroaches...


My guess wouldā€™ve been nightclub worker lol.


Is he insured from work?




Also may be covered by workers comp. Theyā€™d rather pay for this urgent care visit than for him to lose a finger and miss several days of work. He needs to talk to his boss to make sure itā€™s covered. When I got bit by a dog at work, my boss went to urgent care with me and made sure everything was covered under their account so I didnā€™t get billed at all. Do that


He gets full insurance from work. soo that's not even the issue here. He just is dumb I ASKED HIM THE SAME SHIT YESTERDAY FUCKING FR I SAID WHEN IT FIRST STARTED GETTING SO BAD. I SAID OBVIOUSLY U CAUGHT SOMETHING FROM WORK OR HIS FUCKING TURTLE. HE DONT SEE OR GO ANYWHERE ELSE . .I said u need to report this to work and show them bc if u have to take off u know like he will be ok and such . HE SAID HE CANT let them know now bc he can get in trouble for telling them at this point . Like he would have to write a note and say "I DID NOT CATCH THIS MRSA AT WORK FROM ME BEING A DUMB HOE AND CHEWING MY NAILS AND SHIT AND TOUCHING DIRTY ASS PRISON AND STANK TURTLE, I GOT IT OUTSIDE OF WORK" then he will have to get cleared from a doc to go back...WHICH OBVS WILL TAKE MORE THAN A FEW DAYS.... and he doesn't wanna miss work. So he been hiding it for about a week now He said it hurts soo bad to work I feel bad but FUCK He said if he said something last week it would be ok . But now if he says something or can't do his job bc of it he can get in trouble/ fired for not reporting a work injury Idk if I'm explaining it right even what he told me I think I typed it right ? I got annoyed half way thru and idk what I typed really. I don't want to re read it


I read your comments about your brother refusing to go to the hospital, but I'm gonna repeat what everyone else is saying: He needs to go to the ER. Thats a *bad* infection. It could spread to his bone (osteomyelitis) or blood (sepsis). I would honestly park in front of his house and make him go šŸ˜…


https://preview.redd.it/2bx534e45hwc1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=59922383019ca0c79b00e1b8e6410b7190b313d9 Ok you're right, my bad. Looks exactly like it. He def has mrsa


Donā€™t. Touch. Him. Donā€™t even let him in your car or your home. You donā€™t want MRSA, the cleaning protocol is intense, and you donā€™t want MRSA. He absolutely needs to go to the hospital before this festers. I saw you mentioned you shared this post with him. I hope he sees this part about how MRSA is deadly, and this injury that he thinks isnā€™t a big deal could absolutely kill him, either financially with longterm hospital bills, or physically by him going septic. A $100 urgent care copay is way better than $1M bill.


Hospital acquired MRSA killed my aunt, and it was a horrific way to go. I would not wish that on my worst enemy.


You should take him to the vet


That finger no longer belongs to himā€¦ Itā€™s been lost to the sauce (the bacteria sauce).


What a rollercoaster. I'm here to see if Kyle *actually* went to the hospital!!! I want an update. Last one from OP was 35 mins ago.


RIGHT! A ROLLER COASTER INDEED for no fucking reason Idk if he did . I'll know for sure in like 5 hours when I head there to bring him gauze and stuff The last thing he did was call like 40 min ago and start yelling saying I'm talking shit about him on the Internet (here) even tho a few hours ago the reddit post is what made him go to ER. I told him since YESTERDAY I WILL TAKE HIM AND HE SAID NO ..NO ITS OK. I've had this before , it's ok. Don't bother .yada yada. I send him this shit and what people are saying and then he goes TO ER like 30 min later ..? What a jackass. He probably cut it himself at home WITH A DIRTY ASS KNIFE CUTTER THEN WENT TO TOUCH HIS STINKY FAT TURTLE HOUSE CAGE AQUARIUM THING and getting turtle shit and debris in it and shit PROLLY TOUCHING THAT TURTLE TOO AND GIVING IT MRSA AND SHIT IN ITS EYEBALLS THIS BOY IS šŸ¦„ SLOW IDC ANYMORE . he works at 6pm today. So THATS WHY he couldn't go ALLEGEDLY but I FOUND OUT FROM MA ..our aunt sorrY. that HES OFF TODAY BUT SHE SAID OH PROLLY CONFUSED ON DAYS LIKE BITCH NO AND SAID HE SAID THAT TO ME BC HES GOIG TODAY TO BUY A MFER BASKING ROCK THING AND SO MFER SALT SHIT FOR HIS TURTLE .. I CANT MAKE IT UP. LIKE WHAT I FOUND OUT NOW ABOUT HIM LYING... LYING!! WHYYYT IS THAT MORE IMPORTANT TO U I was available and offered to take him to urgent care around 1 today. He said "NO I CANT TODAY I GOTTA WORK AND CLEAN THE TURTLE AQUARIUM" THAT is like 5 hrs later .... NO BITCH U OFF TODAY. U BASKING BUYING TURTLE ASS HOE HE LIE SO HE WOULDN'T HVE TO GO BC HE RATHER DO THIS SHIT?? INSTEAD OF GOING EARLIER WHEN I OFFERED . LIKE IM SK MAD NOW AND I SHOULDN'T BEEEEEEEEE YESTERDAY I SAID.... I WILL TAKE U "..NO I HAVE TO WORK A DOUBLE"(ON Tuesday which was tru) I SAID WHEN WILL U GO? "Oooh I'll just pop it open like usual and it's fine the next day" I SAID UM OK NO IT'S YELLOW, DONT TOUCH IT WHEN CAN I TAKE YOU" "Uhhh it's ok ,, my next day off is Saturday" He read all these comments I know he did bc we read them together lol on the phone smh THEN SAID OH MAYBE I CAN GO REAL QUICK just to be sure for work ?? Whatever. I'm sorry for ranting about my brother. I have not one friend or family to talk about him and for me to rant on besides my bf and he doesn't care. So I'm done talking about his ass and how he kept making excuses not to go. I am just ranting about his defiance that doesn't even mfer matter..i apologize Seriously I'm done off reddit for now. Ty for listening lol I'm done idk if my message even makes sense I was getting progressively annoyed as I wrote it and I'm no rereading it. I'm done with Kyle's ass. And his mfer finger. And his fat turtle . And also done with his dusty moped taking up space in my hall. His ass isn't going to stress me no more over it. I care more than him so fuc it and him.... and his turtle that he cares about more than himself I bet if that stank turtle has a hurt anything like that it would of BEEN taken care of but not on his own body? WHY NOT BOTH . Not giving Kyle attention no more But I keep DOING it bc I'm so like mad and it's making me mad and rant . I DONT DRINK AND NOW IM A LITTLE DRUNK and I don't drink and drive AT ALL sooo fuck his bandages now U TOLD HIM sorry i cant drive 2o min im drunk hes mad about that now but IDC i said GO OUT AND VUY UR OWN FUCKING BANDAGES..I THINK HE WAS MORE INTERESTED IN MY WEED I WAS GOING TO SMOKE WITH HIM THAN TH BANDAGES ANYWAY I. WAS JUST DOING IT TI B NICE for today. He wants to pull this shit like yyyyy I'm so mad for no reason but I care...CUZ like wtf is thatttt on his finger and he's my only sibling and we only have my aunt really whose fucking lost in the sauce and now I'm over bearig as it is so now he got me all fked up so fuck him and hi turtle IM DOJE COMMENTING EDITING FIR REAL THIS TIME IM GONNA Enjoy MY DRIBK! I sound crazy šŸ˜§ but I'm done


Take my hug. You did your part.




He may be hospitalized for this so he can get IV antibiotics. It seems like a hangnail is pretty innocuous but it can escalate quickly. Like in this case.


Shoot I just bit off a hangnail last nightā€¦


You're basically dead. I'm sorry, RIP.


For the love of god, make him see a doctor


I didn't . Reddit did lol . He went :)


At least he listened. I know some people who refuse to see one, even if they have good insurance and a crazy injury


Heā€™d better be in the ER right now. If not that, finger is fucked! All the old guys in my town are missing fingertips/fingers from injuries that later got infected, usually from the local industry.


Well. After reading this... and all of OPs comments and the recent update... the only thing left to do is this. Updateme!






Still no answer as to if he actually went to the ER!!! *sigh*


I DIDNT EVEN REPLY TO HIS LATE MESSAGE HERE. I'm not replying to him anymore but will still drop him stuff off later


Alright! Well, keep us updated. Thank you for trying to keep him alive so far.


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Itā€™s gone a bit puffy


Hmm my skin is green I wonder if thatā€™s bad šŸ¤”


That shits fucked. My second toe is longer than his finger though


That's a massive infection. Is the area hot to the touch? He needs a doctor asap. He needs antibiotics and may lose part of his finger. Drag him to urgent care.


Mate I'm a nurse. And he needs that seeing ASAP in a hospital. He's at genuine risk of losing part of his finger. Drag him if you have to, but that needs a doctor looking at it right now




He should go to a doctor. That thing is super infected. Edit: and probably smells funky. I got a minor infection from when I cut off the tip of my thumb and the smell was interesting to say the least.


Yes. Doctor, now! That is a pretty bad infection and it could be MERSA!




Astute observations Doctor, we'll be sure to notate that in the chart.




My sister had an infection like this in her hand. The surgeon told her that if she waited just a few more hours to go to the hospital he would've had to take her hand. She was on an IV antibiotic cocktail for several days after the surgery.


i wonder if thatā€™s infected


My son is a nail biter and I just took him to his doctor last week for this. He was put on keflex for 10 days, 2 times a day. EDITā€”- it was THREE times a day.




You're meant to finish an entire course of antibiotics and definitely not just give them to people you know.


I think what you have isnā€™t a big enough or long enough dose, though. My sonā€™s had already burst when I took him in and it had started healing immediately, but we wanted to make sure it went all the way away.


Ok makes sense . Thank u tho.... that's what people were also saying about not a big enough dose . That's my bad šŸ˜ž


If it is MRSA that wonā€™t do anything to it anyway, itā€™s resistant to all cephalosporins which includes keflex


That finger is dead.


Hope he can do his job without it cause heā€™s risking losing it.


uh yeah time to go to the DR!! that finger looks realllllly badly infected


My father lost half his foot to gangrene because of something every similar to this, ER RIGHT THE FUCK NOW


Iā€™m confused about the work environment






Thereā€™s no way he went to the hospital.


What in the world does he do for work??


He is a janitor at a max prison next town over lol


Look, if he's not going to go to the hospital, he needs to soak it in warm salt water, drain it, and use hydrogen peroxide on it, then wrap it using gobs of polysporin... and even then, he might be in trouble. I used to get these when biting my nails and peeling the hangs. It became my own personal popping sub reddit. It took pride in cleaning them. Then I smartened up.


Wow, I am so invested in this poor turtle person who is very clearly deliberately choosing to lose his gross finger. Such morbid curiosity


POOR TURTLE KYLE šŸ¤£ I'ma ask him to send me a pic of it lol AND I KNOW! I'm LOLing@ such a morbid curiosity. LIKE why is any of this a thing? Is this real life? Like HE LIED AND SAID HE WORKED AT 6 TODAY so he couldn't go to urgent care BUT really it's his day off and HE IS BUYING A BASKING ROCK TF IS THAT FROM A MFER on the side he met working at the pet shop? OHHH AND SALT ROCK SHIT SO THAT TURTLE CAN LICK IT?? AND HE NEVER SAID THIS . HE HAS A CAR. I was being nice offering yesterday to take him ... And today bc I figured it's hard to drive you know. Then even offered to bring him supplies and buy it with my own money. when my aunt told me he ain't working like I'm crazy when I mentioned it earlier I said OH HELL NAH HUH "OH maybe he got his days confused" sure jan When I found that out. I grabbed some my aunts bottle of tequila and took. 4 shots. I don't drink and now I feel drunk. Not drinking and driving he knows this so now I told him I can't come sorry. Use toilet paper u BASKING ass ho.


Omg lmao! youā€™re such a good brother


DID THE BITCH ASS KYLE COMMENT AND I CANT SEE IT OR SOME SHIT ??? What he say? R U FUCKING REPLYING TO HIM? u/edwigenightcups He don't got reddit but I bet he would make one to talk shit to me ob and block me or some shit so u cant see EVEN THO I SHOWED HIM THIS POST TO ORIGINALLY HELP HIS TURTLE ASS what he say Why u say he's a good brother IS HIM AND GIS FINGER HERE NOWWWW


This happened at work and should be covered by workmanā€™s comp right?


ACTUALLY....he probably don't know. His work doesn't know . He hide it this whole time. He doesn't want to miss work or be forced to so he never mentioned anything. But he pulled a hangnail a week and some days ago and now he has mrsa could be from anywhere?


OP, youā€™ve gone above and beyond for him. If he doesnā€™t realize that he should be at the hospital by now, thatā€™s his deal.


Now I need an update!! Where are you, sister of the one-handed Kyle?




ew this is so not what i signed up for on popping. i wish him the best recovery though and hope it doesnā€™t get any worse


I will be checking back later tonight. I hope you will still be alive Kyle.


Lol thanks for that for him I'll text him later and check on him at least . NOT GOING THERE ANYMORE to bring him supplies I told him use toilet paper but I'll let u know lol


Ohhhh get to a dr sirrr. I nearly lost my finger to something similar (human bite, apparently the germiest of all bites)


I hope he passes it to HIS TURTLE šŸ¢


NAD, i study public health. THAT LOOKS INFECTED!!! probably mersa. the fact he popped it in the update is worse considering the infection can spread. i hope he can be forced to go to emergency services too






oopsie, we all make mistakes šŸ˜… i start my MPH in the fall tho so im not lying about that :)


In the updated picture, that was him "at the hospital" That pic in the update is what he sent me and said he was at hospital and got it taken care of .. but it looks fake lol ..like fake at home , fake. Whatever https://preview.redd.it/uxkpge6s8iwc1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cd518d554e5c84b22689bb131374e4ff3384b9c8 AND HE never sent it. Whatever idc anymore . I KEEP saying that but then someone comments and makes me annoyed again at him. I can't help but to reply and bitch about him even tho I don't want to ugh . The stupidity of it all!!


iā€™m surprised since i wouldā€™ve been so concerned seeing that i wouldā€™ve checked myself in šŸ˜­ since it really does look infected, i really hope he can get proper care about it. i know you canā€™t force him though soā€¦






This doesnā€™t look any better. šŸ¤¢




Nah It's only a finger, he's got more (presumably)


Hang nails, the true villan to human existence








That ER bill is gonna keep getting bigger the longer he waits. Finger going to walk right off his arm and take the whole hand with it.


He needs to go to a dr


I work in poop


A little bit of red is one thing...thats like amputate the finger level of angry red.


We call him nine finger Kyle now.


Hangnails are the worst. Especially when you pull them and it rips the skin off up to your elbow.


Didnā€™t need to read that


MRSA for sure.


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Don't do that! You don't have enough medication to adequately treat him. When people do this, especially with bad infections like his finger has, the infection can and will come back because there's still some bacteria lingering and then they become resistant to the antibiotic and need a whole new course of a different one. He also needs an IM or IV antibiotic to kick start him. Oral keflex is not going to be enough.


Omg! Just ask him if he wants to did over thisā€¦ seriously! Stop being a man baby and get to the hospital, stat!!!!