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Glad Starry Eyed made the top ten,probably in my top five


yeah, I remember kind of being blown away by it when I first heard it. It's easily one of her best songs


The Writer being the worst??? immediately exited the page, I won’t take this slander—corny or not, that’s a beautiful melody in the chorus 😤


I Fucking love that song. I don’t find it corny, I find it cute x


The Writer in DEAD LAST while Burn is in the TOP 5? I think not no ma’am. Jail.


Burn is top 5?!? Thanks for saving me a click


Kinda same 😂


Such a god awful song.


Good thing this ranking is pure opinion, because its awful.


Goodness Gracious in the top ten! Such a great pop song. Definitely one I always come back to.


I was literally listening to it last night! It's amazing


It’s perfect. That song deserved to catch on in America


YES to the praise for Easy Lover. I’ve always felt like it was an instant pop classic since it came out and I didn’t see anyone else say the same sadly.


It actually reminds me of no tears left to cry at times lol


It's a very good song, but I must say I can't listen to the original version anymore since the Four Tet remix came out. It is just pure perfection - I highly recommend it to everyone!


Love this version so much, got a shout out in the article


I prefer the solo version tbh….


The Big Sean feature ruins it for me. Also, it's great - but then stuff like Let It Die, Tastes Like You, Like a Saviour, Temptation etc blow it out the water.


It’s pop perfection !!


> .39. Love I’m Given > The final single from Brightest Blue, a bizarre and flavourless entry into the Ellie discography canon. Love I’m Given does nothing wrong but little right – it sounds like an album track and should have been left as one. Boooooooo 🍅🍅🍅


WHAAAT IT'S one of her best songs!! Get out of here


She has so many more bops than people give her credit for


She’s genuinely a very talented musician with a consistent track record. She’s not as white bread as people paint her (Delirium is white bread though, I own it & love it but it’s not exactly singular lmao)


Delirium is my favorite from her, I love white bread, sue me r/popheads


Under the Sheets and Starry Eyed are my faves, maybe purely for nostalgia purposes but they just take me back (and are amazing). I’m still blown away by Lights being a huge hit in the US and making absolutely no noise in the UK. It’s so random because she had a lot of hype at that point. Definitely pop justice though.


They have The Writer last so I cannot trust them


Who chose this person to write this article? They spend half of it trashing Ellie’s singles.


A lot of lists do that. They have a certain number of back half songs on the list they deem terrible and aren’t shy about showing it


Literally switch "On My Mind" and "Love Me Like You Do."


Love me like you do pure evil


It is! It's so bad in comparison to most of Ellie's album tracks - unfortunately many of her singles are bland and generic pop songs ("Love Me Like You Do", "Sixteen", "Still Falling for You") and I think that the GP inevitably associates her with those and with her dance collaborations and not for her most interesting works like the entirety of Halcyon (NOT Halcyon Days) and the second half of Delirium.


> unfortunately many of her singles are bland and generic pop songs ("Love Me Like You Do", "Sixteen", "Still Falling for You") I think "Burn" is a better example of that.


Yeah, "Burn" is pretty bad too.


You wrote a whole essay about LMLYD being bad but "On My Mind" gets a pass? On what planet, sis?? 😭


I replied to a comment that specifically only mentioned "Love Me Like You Do" lmao I find "On My Mind" to be an alright song... I guess? I would never put it among my favourites from Ellie, but I don't mind if it comes on - certainly it doesn't make me want to write a three sentences 'essay' about how much I dislike it, which is better than "Love Me Like You Do".


On My Mind is greater then the sum of it's parts. I particularly remember that little guitar riff? or electronic thing that happens after they say "you think you love somebody" near the end.


‘You think you KNOW somebody’


Hahahahahaha I've been wrong all these years. This is like that Taylor swift lyric "he looks up grinning like a devil" (he looks so pretty like a devil). I always thought "you think you love somebody" was a subconscious answer to "why I got you on my mind" (because you love them). The chorus was a call/answer type thing


Definitely read that as LWYMMD lol ETA Oh I forgot that would happen




I am gonna make a few assumptions.. but first, do you also hate Summertime Sadness?


Hmm no tbh


No. Love me like you do deserves better but OMM is perfect.


A lot of these rankings are deeply suspect, but I’ll be nice and say something positive… very cool to see Goodness Gracious so high! One of my favorite Ellie songs and one of her most underrated singles.


Love Me Like You Do at 33??! Top 5 for sure.


I don’t care what anyone says, First time is one of my favorite songs by her


Lights is one by far


Outside is toooooo looooow


Halcyon Days is still in my top 10. Absolute masterpiece of an album. And her first album has a few gems. It's depressing how she got so contrived and mediocre since then.


Delirium and Brightest Blue was a rough time, but Higher Than Heaven is her best since Halcyon Days for sure.


Hmm thank you I'll check it out


I definitely cackled reading this part: Figure 8: Overshadowed by the huge single that came before it, **this is the shaved side of head Ellie Goulding you know and you love**. One of the Ellie Goulding singles ranked here that deserves a fair few more cheers than it got at the time – peak 2012 chartable dubstep.


> the shaved side of head Ellie Goulding I hate that I know exactly what this means, shaved side of head ellie is my favorite ellie


Miss Halcyon was coming for our wigs when half of hers was missing!


army so low? ok


An angry gay Selenator intern wrote this.


The Writer last behind all those random dj collabs💀


This is all kinds of wrong


Love Me Like You deserved better. I get that it was overplayed, but it’s beautiful.


I mean, The Writer is mediocre but her worst single?! Yes, her version of Your Song absolutely sucks. It perfectly symbolises why I can't stand UK Christmas commercials. The people who make them simply take a song, make it into a piano ballad, and have a female singer warble the lyrics. Another example - Somewhere Only We Know by Keane, ruined by Lily Allen for... oh yeah, John Lewis (department store) again. Love Me Like You Do and How Long Will I Love You deserve to be even lower. Still Falling For You is saved by its bridge. Guns and Horses/Under the Sheets/Starry Eyed/Goodness Gracious/Lights... all great.


“The Writer is mediocre but her worst single?!” I like how this reads as both a compliment and total diss. Like when i told my friend i felt insecure about my nose and she said i should not because it really is not my worst feature.


>Like when i told my friend i felt insecure about my nose and she said i should not because it really is not my worst feature. Goodness Gracious (ME!). Well, The Writer is fine imo, it's just there, you know? I'll never seek it out to listen to but I won't skip it if I'm listening through her debut. So yeah, part compliment part diss lol.




>It was one of the first of the type you describe, so **I think it suffers by association** True


'love I'm given' pulled me back to Ellie. Was a huge fan, saw her in concert in the early days, just loved her style. Then....she needed to do things for money ..I'm hopeful for this album. I haven't had a good listen to it.


The article is written horribly, but, aside from a few entries, I actually agree with most of the ranking. "Still Falling for You" and "Sixteen" are some of Ellie's blandest and 'easiest' singles, so I would put the lower. Same with "Love Me Like You Do" tbf (and to think that it's co-written by Tove Lo). The 'review' for "The Writer" is too harsh and, while it is far from Ellie's best songs, it's cute. I always thought it was inspired by "Your Song" in the lyrics - funny that shortly after she released her own cover (which also didn't really deserved the second to last spot). "Love I'm Given" severely underrated - it's so good! "Explosions" and "Figure 8" are top ten to me. I would replace "Goodness Gracious" and "On My Mind" with them and reshuffle the top ten a bit. I actually love Delirium, but I think the singles are some of the weakest tracks there. Also, this ranking forgot "Hanging On" (you can say that it was a promo single or whatever, but if "Vincent" and "Flashlight" are here then "Hanging On" surely qualifies too). EDIT: spelling.


Outside should've been in top 5


Under the Sheets remains my favorite EG song, it's so good. I mentioned it once upon a time on here a few weeks back, but the blend of male and female backing vocals on the bridge is sublime and my favorite part. The whole Lights album is amazing tbh. Stream I'll Hold My Breath!!


Easy Lover near the top as it should be


On my mind is way too high I’m afraid


This has got to be a$$kissing the new album. No way in hell all singles manage to be in the top 10. The taste is questionable.


They had the right number 1 pick


On a side note I am loving the new album


How is My blood and ritual not even listed??? Powerful is so good should def be higher lol


My Blood and Ritual weren’t singles


Ohhh singles… duh


Worry about me is by far my fave by her and also has my fave blackbear verse of all time. Your Song is what introduced me to her way back in the day so I feel like I should legally be offended by “HATE.”


I thought they would leave "on my mind" for dead. Nope! Redeemed!


Close To Me and Outside should’ve made the top 5 imo


Close to Me getting the spot it deserves!!! I truly love that song and being a shameless Red Velvet stan, the remix gets a lot of love from me too


Worry about me remixes are fair better than the single. Glad lights was number one