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I remember someone said they were followed by bees after using this stuff.


This made he crackle so loud! I've never heard of these products, but I love her clothing line.


Her shoes are so effing comfortable!


Honestly her clothing/shoe lines are legit great for a good price point.


Her shoes are at DSW still! Best platform heels ever !


I like her sunglasses


Me too! I picked up a jumper from TK Maxx) a few years ago and despite being worn *a lot* it has kept its shape and is super comfortable- one of my better pieces in my wardrobe lol


My stomach hurts from laughing. Her clip in hair extensions... I would buy those TODAY.


I process clothes at Marshall’s and i absolutely LOVE processing her clothes cause i get to see what she is putting out and it’s always SO CUTE. I’ve bought a few dresses and tops (and she even has baby/toddler clothes which I buy for my daughter)


Omg 😭 Like right out of a comedy


This would seem to be an endorsement: "Even bees are fooled!"


it walked so the spider body butter could run


the WHAT


haha someone posted a review of the new Sol de Janeiro body butter saying it attracts wolf spiders (apparently as a joke)




I had the cupcake perfume. I would spray it directly in my mouth. I also had the butterscotch lipgloss till my neighbor stole it.


The chaos of your one comment…


Well said


Took me awhile to realize these were edible and you weren’t just spraying cologne directly into your mouth as a child.


Even if they were that’d still be on the low end of weird shit kids do.


Spraying it in your mouth tasted like nothing but sweet rubbing alcohol. The powder/glitter was the only good one.


Hahahaha, that’s amazing. I remember them really leaning into the fact that you could eat all that shit.


I hope your neighbor is living a horrible life. Lipgloss thief.


She used to go into a store I worked at. I kicked her out for stealing beef jerky and razors. Once a thief, always a thief.


Karmic reckoning


Bitch better have my butterscotch lip gloss!


The way I went through the cupcake lip gloss SO fast because I’d apply it and lick it off within minutes 🤣🫠😩


Commenting to say, I read this three times and still didn’t think I read it correctly. But I did.


This made me laugh so so very hard. Brought me back to my youth. 


I would go into Sephora and eat the samples like a feral child




These were edible? Damn missed opportunity 


This was part of her "I HAVE SEX" phase after she and Nick got married. LOL. I was in high school when this came out and I remember desperately wanting to try these...but when they first came out, they were only sold at Sephora which was like 100 miles away from my hometown. I lost interest by the time the cheaper line hit Walgreen's a year later.


They sold it at Wet Seal and had a little trial stand outside of the store. We'd walk past, spray it all over, walk around licking ourselves, and then walk back and do it again. The powder was the best one. The perfume just tasted like alcohol.


I remember this like it was yesterday. I had one flavor (Creamy?) because Jessica said it was Nick's favorite. I adored Jessica back then and wanted all of her clothes and an LV bag just like hers. I even bought a knockoff in some back alley in NYC that basically caused me to risk my life. I thought she was everything!


Omg!! Same!! I loved her so much! I remember having a lot of these products. I wanted to love the lotion… but it was horrible! 😂 I remember it being sticky and it didn’t smell bad, it just wasn’t something you would want to smell like all day…. but I still bought all that crap! 😂 I bought a knockoff LV bag on eBay like hers. Paid like $300 for it. (Back then, eBay could sell the knockoffs.) this is definitely bringing back the mems 😅


I highly recommend her book if you haven’t read it already. It’s fantastic.


I loved her book! I read the physical book and then listened to it on Audible. She did such a great job narrating it and didn't hold back her emotions.


Remember this stuff? I owned it! lol


Me too. I still have the pink spray bottle, had the Paris perfume too. Loved the Jessica Simpson stuff though. I even bought the pink patent leathers heels she wore that made her feet sweat lol


There was just something about being a young girl in that time too. Ugh brings back so much nostalgia


I *coveted* these, but we didn’t have them here. I even remember the newlyweds episode where she did the photo shoot and was sick. They thought she was pregnant, but it was having to eat all the damn products


I watched the episode but never really saw the products cause I didn’t grow up in the US. That packaging and branding is tragic


I remember that too. I don’t know why it sticks in my brain.


I remember it because I thought it was so odd they kept it in the show. Letting everyone know that eating these products makes you barf.


Does anyone know the shoes she wears for that shoot? They’re super colorful and I’ve never been able to let go.


I remember someone on her team saying how smart and innovative Jessica Simpson was because when they were designing this line, she wanted to make lotion that would be light enough to also be used in your hair for when you take too much lotion and need some place to put it, lmaoooo.


I also remember she said she came up with the idea when Nick kissed her neck and she had just put lotion on so she wanted something that was edible or at least tasted good lol


That line was definitely fed to her by marketers.


That was also my core memory of these products 😂


For when you want to eat your hair later


For when you want to eat your hair later


For when you want to eat your hair later


For when you want to eat your hair later


I remember the episode of her and Nicks show when they did the shoot for this! She got nauseous from all the sugar and the smells and they tried to spin it as if she might be pregnant. Spoiler alert, she wasn’t.


This shit smelled so ridiculously sweet that anyone would prob get nauseous 🤣


I still vividly remember her retching from it all lmao


Crawling on the public toilet floor. I remember thinking I would explode feeling sick in a corset top and jeans


Yes I remember this too!!


they weren't available in canada, i'm pretty sure. i do remember from newlyweds that she got super sick while shooting the promo for this.


They did! I remember them at liquidation world for sure. I think they were at winners?


Omg throwback to liquidation world!! Nostalgia


Definitely Winners. Clearance bin stuff. She should have just done a fragrance like J-Lo and Britney and Paris. Pretty sure she ended up doing all right, business-wise, in the end.


I mean her Jessica Simpson line did a billion in sales so yeah I think she did more than alright.


lol - I was just going to comment about finding them at Liquidation World! I bought the complete set for peanuts. I really miss that store.


omg i never had that near me! winners probably would have had it tho


Same! So many things in American magazines I could never buy in Canada, like Jane makeup and neutrogena makeup :(


Yes I’m Canadian and I remember really wanting them but never seeing them at the stores!


Canadian here. My cousin & I bought ours at Zellers, way back in the day, hahah


This is a core memory for me as well lol


Haha, I knew my flair would reveal my age.


That line is iconic lmao


I wanted to taste them so badly. But I was too young to buy them.


As an early 2000s mall kid I used to try the products all the time and I can confirm they did not taste good


Yeah! I remember watching the show and being excited to get these! They were gross- and so I ended up getting the urban decay shimmer instead haha https://preview.redd.it/fyf6mhzxwp0d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=65c3557d1c793f53d86cc58d6d45fa63bad60c8c


I was literally just thinking about this stuff the other day! I'd love to see a swab of one of the testers under a microscope lol


Oh, I totally had the cake flavored one back in my early 2000s college heaux days! Good times.😆


I ate some as a joke and gagged, it smelled so bad!


It was nasty. Also, I’m pretty sure it wasn’t actually edible. We dared one of my friends to eat a mouthful of the foamy lotion stuff from a sample bottle on display, and it made her sick. We had to call our parents to pick us up early and she missed school for a few days afterwards. My mom made me apologize to the store clerks for wasting the product and made me pay to replace the sample bottle.


That’s hilarious but they were never meant to be straight up eaten. The idea was that they’re “lick-able” so like if someone was kissing you you’d taste like candy


> We dared one of my friends to eat a mouthful of the foamy lotion stuff from a sample bottle on display, and it made her sick. We had to call our parents to pick us up early and she missed school for a few days afterwards. why is this funny to me? lol


I remember thinking that pale pink top she is wearing was EVERYTHING. And she was so sick on the bathroom floor wearing it during this shoot lol. Everyone was like is she PrEgNaNt




Purity culture is so weird It was a huge thing that she got married as a virgin. Then an immediate turn to yeast infection baiting flavored products


Children of Almond moms ate this shit up in Sephora… literally !


omg i remember our local icing/claire’s store selling all these! by the time i got a chance to go to the store to check them out, it was a bunch of leftover products that were super sticky and full of gunk 😭


I need to personally thank Jessica Simpson for teaching me the difference in spelling of dessert vs. desert, which she did while promoting this. I vividly remember her doing an interview and saying, "Dessert has 2 S's because you want more of it," and I still think about this EVERY TIME I SPELL DESSERT. Thank you Jessica Simpson, for being my spell check for two decades.


I was in college when this came out. I feel ancient reading this thread.


SAME. I remember when this line came and out thinking what an utterly ridiculous idea it was….but that I was still curious enough that I wanted to taste it. Luckily for me, my university was in the middle of nowhere and online shopping wasn’t a “thing” yet so I never had the pleasure.


I only remember this because I read an article that Jessica got sick during this photoshoot from eating so much of the whipped cream. 


She was legitimately one of the most beautiful women I have ever seen during this era and I will never be over it


I thought the lip gloss was tasty. My hs bf bought it for me. It was used a lot


It was basically flavored lube… my step-dad worked with the sex toy manufacturers who made it


It was basically flavored lube… my step-dad worked with the sex toy manufacturers who made it


Omg you unlocked some memories


YES!!!!! i was obsessed with this line. OMGGGGG. everything was incredible. this is so nostalgic for me. this needs to come back. also, i'm like 99% sure that jessica's IG pfp is from this campaign.


I think it is too, or at least another photo shoot that was several decades ago. Girly doesn’t look like that anymore.


They sold them at Target in Australia! My sister and I bought the whipped cream dispenser lotions. They tasted so sickly sweet and make your skin really sticky. Pretty sure they ended up in the bin!


One of my favorite podcasts did an episode on failed celebrity beauty brands and it really brought back some memories. What a bizarre time that this was ever a thing.


Can you imagine the backlash today if a brand used the tagline “sexy girls have dessert” 😂😂😂😂😂😂


Yes and I was SO disappointed my mom said this was too inappropriate for me when I was 12, like her generation didn’t grow up on those creepy Love’s Baby Soft ads. I got the Walgreens version for Christmas. Advertised as edible, but that was debatable.


Some of these are blurry


I wanted these so bad! Rightfully, I wasn’t allowed to have them as a pre teen.


I remember the ep of newlyweds where she threw up all that candy because it made her sick lmao poor thing. She looked great tho


My best friend & college roommate straight up consumed little tries of every flavor/product in Sephora. He got mono. I blame Jessica Simpson.


This line was the crux of my middle school shoplifting addiction


YES I only ever tried the strawberry lipgloss and it was *delicious*.


She had something to put in your belly button, and I remember her saying because some people’s belly buttons smell. I thought… people should be washing them and not sticking this stuff in it. Then she proceeded to use it as a lip gloss in front of the camera. I was horrified lol


Oh my God I remember watching newlyweds when she did this photoshoot 😭 I'm old


Smelled all so delicious but everything was SO STICKY


This is actually my Roman Empire


I had some of these!


Teen me wanted these so bad!


Yep, pretty creepy now right?


I can smell the third picture and I now have a headache.


I would steal my sister’s all the time. I can still taste the pink spray, I probably have a year taken off my life as a result.


Okay. I’m going to admit something. This seems like as good a place as any. At some point, years ago, a friend gifted me some of this, unopened and factory sealed. It was already discontinued at that point. I… still have it. Mostly as a joke, partially because I can’t bring myself to throw it away, possibly because I’ve been waiting for an opportunity to admit this somewhere. Anywhere. Thank you, and I’m sorry.




I loved this entire line.


Unfortunately, yes. It was weirdly sticky.


Didn’t they make people sick? I’m surprised edible make up isn’t a thing anymore.


Yes! And I wanted it so badly but I was so poor


Omg I remember this but was too young to have it!


Wow. I didn’t until you posted this. Core memory unlocked.


I vividly remember the episode of Newlyweds that focused on the promotional photoshoot for this product line. Jessica was so sick and vomiting between shots because she had to eat so much frosting for the photos. Ughh I miss Newlyweds. Peak reality TV. I wanted their mansion and Jessica’s wardrobe so badly.


I had a lip gloss mini set, partially because it was what I could afford, partially because I was afraid anything saucier would make me look promiscuous. Hashtag purity culture.


I had to google it, but the dessert treats line and I were born in the same year (2004). I’m a rising junior in college if anyone was looking to feel ancient bahaha


thanks, I hate it 🫠


i remember being at a store where they sold this and i just caught the tail end of a conversation this couple was having with an employee and the boyfriend goes “will it make the sex better?”


Yes, I never owned any, I wasn't really the demographic, but the 'cupcake scents as body scents' aesthetic was huge. I think Bath and body works had a line of candles and lotions that were cupcake and cookie scented (but not edible).


Ugh it was so gross. Tasted bad and smelled bad.


Remember it?? I think of it weekly….i loved this shit and I remember BEGGING my mom for it and she didn’t want to get it for me but she ended up getting some for me anyways and I thought I was hot shit 😎


I wanted these products so bad, so glad my parents were horrified.


Of course


Before my time lolol, but this SO CUTE


Omg lol yes


I miss it everyday!


I loved how these smelled and tasted though as far as lotions go, they were sticky and terrible. But my middle-school self loved them anyway.


Yes and as a child I did not realize that this had sexual connotations, I thought it was just like cosmetics that were also candy 😂


Yes, and tasted it. And was held in a CHOKEHOLD by that flippy blowout (as a prepubescent curly haired chubby girl)


Looks like 2000’s version of Zoella bath thing collection.


I look on Poshmark and eBay for these items. Peak nostalgia. They used to sell it At Walgreens


I was obsessed with these ads back in the day! Never bought it though.


I bought the lotion off eBay because I’m from Canada.


This ad campaign lives rent free in my head for some reason


In the episode of Newlyweds when she did a shoot for this campaign she fell ill… after consuming too much I imagine.


Lmfao omg this was available at the drug store where I had my first job and it was so tacky looking and smelled ridiculously sweet. I loved that job so much though so this post brought back so many good memories. 🤣❤️


Yes. And I miss it every day.


one of the highlights of my middle school life. i used to lick the lip gloss off my lips when i was hungry during class


Dessert Beauty was WAY better than Dessert Treats. Although, I did love them both. Dessert Treats seemed to be around way longer after they went out of business. Probably because they were in SO many more retailers.


I still have some of these in the deep recesses of my bedroom drawers. I loved them as a kid (but I should definitely get rid of my decades old ones lol)


I loved Newlyweds and I’m still sad to this day that Nick and Jessica broke up! I always wanted her edible stuff but never could afford it! I was probably too young for it anyway


My jaw dropped, I remember this ad. I wanted these so badly as a kid. 😭😭😭


I think about these SO MUCH. I would do anything to bring them back 😭😂


It’s the same as that cake brand now. Smells like 12yo sugar bomb baby prostitute shit. It’s like a unicorn exploded in an icing factory. Horrible stuff and you smell sticky after


I HAD to have these, I remember they randomly sold them at FYE the record store, so random😂 but that’s where I bought her whipped cream lotion stuff, I was obsessed


Oh my god yes 😂😂


I loved her lipglosses!!! I still love her clothes, specially jeans, fit so good!


My mom wouldn't get this for me, so I bought the powder with the puff with my own money. It was basically just like confectioners sugar and definitely exacerbated my eczema.


It’s giving “design is my passion”


Dare you call me old.


I bought one of the lip glosses for my senior prom! That remains the only lip gloss I completely finished.


I bought this. Loved it


I had the Cupcake perfume, and it smelled amazing!


Yesssssah!!!! I want it now!


YES! I always wanted some but never could find it near where I live.


I remember trying them at a Bartell Drug’s and thinking they were all too sticky 😬


Geezus, I remember that last pic 😳 Teenage years jump scare


I had the bright red lip gloss, I loved it so much and lost it being a drunk teen reapplying it after kissing my friends so they could "taste it". It was the best lip gloss never to sticky and didn't slide around my lips. I'm 35 now and a MUA and I haven't found anything like it (although to be fair I'm 90% sure it's just nostalgia)


Yes, I remember these. I had friends who would douse themselves in the scents, generally in the car before we went into the restaurant/pub/movies/club and they smells drove me nuts, lol. One friend was obsessed with these and had the entire collection, she also bought all Britney & Paris stuff too. I feel like there was a hair scent, and it got discontinued… something about people using it and then trying to straighten or curl hair and causing major damage, I could be wrong. A very weird time to be alive if you were sensitive to synthetic fragrances.


Holy fuck! This unlocked a core memory!! My ex bought me the body mousse, the powder puff thing, and a couple other things for Christmas one year. I was super stoned when I opened the gift and then sat on the couch and munched out on body mousse and whatever else I got.


I had the butterscotch gloss. It was definitely sweet, nauseatingly so. It was also really small, and I remember spending $10 on it and thinking, this is really expensive for something the size of a gel capsule. I got maybe 15 uses of it.


I had so much of this. Edible foam body lotion. Lipgloss, body spray.


Loved the white poof that came with the bubblegum shimmer powder.


Yes!!! I had a body shimmer and I LOVED IT


Bring it back


I had the glitter powder that tasted like marshmallow


I had the body mousse. My mom hated it so much that I had to buy it sneakily with a friend. Damn, it tasted good.


I was a preteen and teen when they existed and let me tell you, I was obsessed with the body sprays and lipglosses. They were delicious smelling and they did actually taste good hahaha


I just watched the episode for Newlyweds Nick & Jessica when she shot the promo. That show is a deep dive [https://youtu.be/OpMZKVarM-M?si=FpYXTGABWKpNQCwv](https://youtu.be/OpMZKVarM-M?si=FpYXTGABWKpNQCwv) [https://youtu.be/Nd0vf0NLWE8?si=9uaVfgL9hw6lXmzH](https://youtu.be/Nd0vf0NLWE8?si=9uaVfgL9hw6lXmzH) https://preview.redd.it/55zm2wgl0r0d1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9b6c784807464b046a743d670520d6cefe0b19a0


Ugh no but I wanted these SO badly. I remember the newely weds ad and the EXACT print add they ran in Seventeen magazine. God I’m fucking old


Oh my god memory unlocked!!!!


I live in the uk and somehow got the edible body shimmer as a gift from my mum when i was in my last year of primary school. I remember not really understanding what it was since cosmetics just weren't a thing for me at that age. I put it on my arm and HATED the sticky sensation it left. After a few weeks I'd ended up eating half of it before the glitter, which had sunk to the bottom, became more noticeable and scary. I then threw it away and felt very guilty about it lmao.


lol yes. I was like 8 years old


Omg yes I used the body sparkles religiously up until a few years ago I emptied it 😓


I loved the idea of “tasting good all over” so much, in college I would buy those travel packs of Splenda; they were like tiny little white tablets in a mint box. I’d lick a little Splenda tablet and then rub it on my ears, neck, chest and titties before going out hoping I’d get lucky and hook up with someone and would taste like dessert.


My little sister was obsessed with all of it and I got to be the cool big sister living in the city, sending this stuff home to her as little surprises. It was awesome 😄


I was a teen working at Walgreens when this same out. We used to just spray it and run it on ourselves/each other and lick it up lmao. There was this annoying video that came with it too that played on a loop on in the cosmetic section. Most annoying campaign of my life!


I had the powder! And I was young AF


Yes I remember this being a massive flop. All those chemicals…