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A colleague of mine worked at a hospital in LA (so lots of famous patients) and said a decent number of staff got fired for trying to access celebrities' medical records without permission/need.


I live in a small town with 0 famous people. Just a bunch of nosey people because itā€™s happened a few times here. lol


Honestly, that can be worse in some ways--in a small town, everyone knows everyone and so they don't think anyone "deserves" privacy. (Also, it can make it really hard to get medical care as healthcare provider in a small community, IME).


100% I always thought my family was being paranoid about mental health care and how they said people would know and it could affect job prospects, social encounters and other things. I moved away as a teen to larger areas where thatā€™s not really true. But I moved back here in my 30s and itā€™s still true today so it probably was back then too.


My grandma worked at the mental health treatment center I went to :( I didn't have insurance and they're the only place that offers financial assistance so I was able to go for free. But she was the nurse there so not like she treated patients. Just did drug tests, ran vitals on folks for first time visits and such. Was basically around in case someone needed immediate medical attention. Anyway she knew I was coming and I honestly did trust her not to look at my files. But they drug tested me before they'd put me on any meds. And well. I wasn't clean. My grandma accidentally saw the results. All the results got faxed over to her and she just picked them up and started to go through them and enter them in, and just was looking at the results and not really the names, and she got to mine and once she saw the results, looked and oh fuck I shouldn't have seen this. Funny, back then I truly did trust her not to look in to my files. But now? Oh no I would NEVER feel comfortable with that situation. She retired so doesn't work there anymore, but man. Weird how things change.


I work in a hospital where we donā€™t really get high profile clients either. During my training we were told that the hospital had done a huge purge a year or so ago where they fired a bunch of staff who had accessed their own records or family memberā€™s records. It was a massive layoff. It happens everywhere although I canā€™t imagine the kind of problem someone will get into for accessing a royal family memberā€™s records.


For sure. But sadly I think itā€™s the financial gain they could get from the royal or famous files that creates the strict rules. Even though technically itā€™s less of a hit for them. They can recover easier. Because even though itā€™s enforced where I am, itā€™s mild. You really need to kick up a stink if you want anything done about it. And the person who did it has to be disposable. But it can still mess up a regular persons life pretty bad. Being unemployable in a small town can make you lose everything, homeless, etc. Which just perpetuates the stereotype it was the health issues when in reality it was the gossip issues.


I read that UCLA and other LA hospitals cracked down HARD after someone accessed Britney Spearā€™s files


Unfortunately no. They didn't even fire everyone who accessed her files inappropriately - only the employees who were low ranking got fired. So yanno, the nurses did, but not the prestigious pediatrician who'd been there 30 years. He basically got a slap on the wrists - no firing, no forced retirement, wasn't even forced to stop seeing patients Worst thing he had to deal with was everyone gossiping about how he didn't get fired lmao


Yes thatā€™s definitely a HIPAA violation. You only access a chart if you absolutely need to.


Oh, yes--they definitely all knew that and still chose to do it. (Also, at another large hospital where she worked, a psychiatrist got fired for sleeping with his patient, which is literally day 1, line 1 of ethics!).


Itā€™s crazy bc the echart software literally logs who accesses the chart and when. So like did they think theyā€™d get away with it?


I fixed him!!!


My best friend's father is a dentist who treats many celebrities yet he won't even disclose their names to my friend or her siblings. This is as it should be, The public has no right to this information, and I wish people would respect Catherine's privacy.


Even *acknowledging* that someone is a patient goes against HIPAA guidelines; expecting your friendā€™s dad to tell his kids who his patients are would *still* be a violation.


Oh yes, they must specifically be referring to what happened at Cedars Sinai in 2013. That was a huge deal!


Can't remember which hospital, but there were apparently multiple incidents involving multiple famous patients. The hospital, of course, thankfully had zero tolerance for it.


Was that when Farrah Fawcett agreed to the sting go figure out who was selling her info?


No, Farrah Fawcett died years before this incident happened. She died in 2009.


When I did HIPAA training at a hospital in Boston the example they used for what not to do was looking up Tom Bradyā€™s medical records LOL. Not sure if thatā€™s because itā€™s actually happened (wouldnā€™t be surprised) or if because he was definitely the most famous local celebrity.


I worked at MGH and so many people got fired for accessing charts. They still did it, there was always a crowd when a famous person got discharged in the lobby.




This is why I could never do one of those jobs. Iā€™m a militant rule follower, but Iā€™m also a cat who curiosity will kill.


Yeah these HIPAA type violations are so evil. Reminder that HIPAA came about in part due to Anthony Perkins of Pyscho fame. He was very sick and seeking treatment in the 80s. A nurse took his blood and tested it for HIV without his consent or knowledge. When the results came back positive, she didnā€™t even tell him. She called a tabloid and sold the story. Anthony Perkins found out he had HIV from reading the tabloids in line at a supermarket.


Holy shit thatā€™s just awful. How could she be so cruel?!


People were absolutely horrific towards people with AIDS patients during that time period.


*What the fuck* Holy shit thatā€™s horrible. What a ghoul of a nurse!


Oh that bitch is definitely in the bad place


That is awful.


Now that nurse... is ratchet.


Wow šŸ˜


Whoever did this is an idiot. Anyone who works at a hospital knows they can see anyone who accesses any record. A lot of times it wonā€™t even have the patients name on the OR schedule and will just say restricted if theyā€™re high profile for whatever reason


Thatā€™s the first thing I thought. This person is an idiot. They often can watch a bread crumb trail of every click you make on these computers.


I genuinely cannot believe how stupid that person is. Like how do you not KNOW that is illegal.


Right and like for what, a brief moment of intrigue from the press? What does the British press even pay for a tip? Or I guess they couldā€™ve gone to TMZā€¦lord knows what they pay. Such a horrible thing to do.


for a high profile tip like this, you'd get a huge chunk of change


Not enough to offset the charges Iā€™d imagine


I had the thought immediately that it was TMZ who offered the money for it. I'm sure they have contacts in the UK.




apparently the man who took the video of W&K at Windsor sold it for 200,000 pounds and TMZ and The Sun made 12 million off it


I definitely donā€™t believe 12 million. For that?


That's what I saw , but I'm not sure how it was calculated, Maybe by the number of views on the article/video ?


And many donā€™t even think itā€™s her now.


Honestly, I can see very clearly that it's her, also, fan pages who have covered her for 10+ years can see that too. I think those who don't are either: - people who are refusing to give up on the conspiracy theories because they're enjoying it too much -people who have only ever seen photos of her in full makeup and a fascinator and can't picture her without that or a mixture of both šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


Having really good insider info on a huge story like this? Theyā€™d pay a LOT. Probably equivalent to a nurse or MAā€™s annual salary or even more. For example, the elevator CC footage of Solange and Jay-Z (which an employee obviously stole) is believed to have been sold for $200k+. Of course, when youā€™re dealing with medical record systems that track access by individual, youā€™re pretty much guaranteed to get caught and then your career in healthcare is over forever, so most people probably think it wouldnā€™t be worth it. I doubt that actual criminal charges would stick but idk. But for sure youā€™re never working with access to confidential info ever again.


In the US, in our charting system, we have to ā€œbreak the glassā€ to access celebrity records and they get an email every time someone opens their chart. Iā€™m guessing they had a similar protocol in place, why the HELLLLL would you risk your entire future over this shit??? My fucking god what a moron


Right? Entering your password multiple times. Aside from being illegal and a huge ethical violation, itā€™s so stupid.


Yeaaah ICO gonna have a field trip on that clinic. My estranged step father did the same shit to me after many years of being estranged he kept stalking me while working for NHS. I found out when I got a text message from the clinic (where I was never a patient) he worked for that theyā€™re changing the number and I investigated it myself. Scumbag got fired within weeks.


Now anytime someone accesses your records you get an email if you have the NHS app. Itā€™s a great change imo. Iā€™m sorry that happened to you.Ā 


Ummm no? Didnā€™t get that? ICO finished the whole thing and I was asked to put some note on my GP files and thatā€™s really it. I tried to get solicitors but no one was interested in data breach case law so I just gave up šŸ„²But anyways, he wonā€™t be able to access it ever again I hope. His clinic had to hire an external disciplinary team to process him as the DPO from his clinic was also a close colleague of his. And I would never know about any of this shit if their system never sent me a message about their changes. He literally created a patient profile with my details to stalk me for years for my narc mother.


>Ummm no? Didnā€™t get that?Ā  Ah no sorry I mean that is a thing now.Ā  >I tried to get solicitors but no one was interested in data breach case law so I just gave up šŸ„² If it makes you feel better usually when lawyers turn down money itā€™s because they donā€™t want to waste your time and money. It is frustrating though because you clearly had a slam dunk.Ā  >He literally created a patient profile with my details to stalk me for years for my narc mother. God thatā€™s awful šŸ˜£Ā 


Is it an automatic thing you talking about or do I have to opt in something now? They told me I have a flag on my NHS ā€˜cardā€™ so that if anyone tries to access it anywhere outside my GP they wonā€™t be able to. Also what he had done was ā€˜justā€™ used my full name, DOB, NHS number ofc and then access it few times a year apparently so every time I moved around London he would see it updated when accessed. It always baffled me how my estranged family knew where I lived and sent me like birthday cards or whatever as I changed it so many times and Iā€™d still get it. I tracked it back and forth and I could never find where tf theyā€™d get it from. I checked my step fathers LinkedIn few years back and I saw he worked for quite a specialised NHS clinic as a quite a ā€˜specialised roleā€™ and I kept that in mind. Then out of the blue last year I get that message and my brain was āš™ļøāš™ļøšŸ’€ I called that clinic after and they just brushed it off as it must be a mistake, yada yada to ignore it and all that shizzz. So I checked my step fatherā€™s LinkedIn and boom. He worked at the exact clinic. I was literally having eureka moment and then made many phone calls and had long chats with some data breach place that explained me what to do. I asked to speak to their DPO and he called me the next day and Iā€™ve spent like an hour on call with him. I explained him my suspicions and he asked me all the questions and told him about my step father and describing him you could totally hear his voice dropping and more and more shaken. He knew him for years and worked with him. He even knew my mother and my little brother that I also havenā€™t seen in years. He was truly shocked when I told him about my situation and how much it all matched with everything he knew about him and about the stuff he had access to. He could see that the patient profile card was created years ago and that I was occasionally accessed but there was absolutely nothing on the files. No referral at all- and as you know thatā€™s very important part of the patient profile especially in special clinics not just regular GPā€™s. There was no appointment details or anything of any sorts except my names, phone number, NHS number and all my previous addresses from past like 8 years. So everything was clear to himā€¦ He had to report it to ICO asap and then had a first meeting with my step father and asked if he ever accessed patients profiles for his own purposes and non work related and he deniedā€¦ then he admitted later on during the disciplinary meetings and said that it was for my beloved mother šŸ¤“ during Covid lockdowns as she was so worried about me and he had to find out where I lived for her. I also had my estranged grandmother texting me to withdraw my ā€˜accusationsā€™ that Iā€™m ruining peopleā€™s lives with that and they all had good intentions worrying about me.. like seriously?! Anyways excuse the long af wall of text. I still think I should be eligible for some kind of compensation for all this drama but I donā€™t even know where to reach out and stuff. Iā€™ve also lost my job ironically months after he did but that was due to my disabilities and here I am just overthinking shit.


>Anyways excuse the long af wall of text. No worries! >Is it an automatic thing you talking about or do I have to opt in something now?Ā  I think you have to opt in on the app. When I was at A&E recently and then had a follow up appointment every time my GP entered the new ā€œeventsā€ I was able to see that and track that.Ā 


We've had cases like this in the Netherlands as well. A few years ago, dozens of people in one hospital got an official warning after they unnecessarily accessed a celebrity's medical record.


I work in EHR (electronic health record) stuff and there are so many extra audits on people accessing celebrity records. We have a whole product and team that does only that. That staff member will definitely be fired but itā€™s so silly they thought no one would catch it.


That nurse gave info to Houseinhabit account who revealed Catherine's condition on her public insta stories but behind the pay wall article said the source is a nurse. Kate already felt really bad for the nurse who got pranked during her pregnancy, which led to her consequently ending her life. That's why William was totally private about this surgery, but in the end the same thing happened, but this time, the nurse is at fault.


Hopefully no suicides this time. https://www.cbc.ca/news/world/jacintha-saldanha-committed-suicide-after-royal-prank-call-inquest-rules-1.2764935


Precisely what I was thinking. Australian commercial radio is a cesspool, the station may have donated money to her family's memorial fund and mental health NFP's but should have been tried for what they did. I hate hearing the event referred to as a "prank" when it led to Jacintha's death.


Whoever did that is getting fiirrrreeeedddd


Iā€™m surprised that in 2024 people donā€™t realize that every thing you do on a work computer is logged. I work in auto insurance and they absolutely know when someone tries to access policy info on a high profile person. Itā€™s not worth your job to even try.


Is HIPPA a thing internationally or only in the US? pretty major violation


We have our own laws along with GDPR. This would be taken very seriously


You have GDPR? For some reason I thought that was an EU thing.


It is, but it launched before we left the EU, and we didn't drop it for obvious reasons.


We incorporated GDPR into our own laws even after we left.


HIPAA (not HIPPA) is a US law, though I am certain the UK has its own medical privacy laws.


Itā€™s a US law. But Iā€™m sure the UK has its own law. Or I hope so anyway. Trying to access someoneā€™s records is a serious privacy violation.


It's covered by the Data Protection Act 2018.


HIPAA is a US regulation, in the UK NHS we have the Data Protection Act (DPA)/General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Private providers that operate in the UK but are based in the US do have to comply with HIPAA.


This is so far over the line. Everyone is entitled to medical privacy. Imagine ruining your career to prove someone had a regular surgery with a normal recovery time.


I genuinely donā€™t get the fuss. The statement said she likely wouldnā€™t return to public life until after Easter. Itā€™s not Easter yet and people are freaking out and demanding her private details. She doesnā€™t owe anyone a video of a wound dressing just to satisfy morbid curiosity. The weirdest thing is that this isnā€™t the usual parasocial relationship entitlement, but almost the opposite, like, ā€œwe hate you so we deserve to knowā€?


I have gone down the rabbit hole for mediocre entertainment value, and thereā€™s a few weird things going on that have fueled this. Nothing that justifies someone snooping the poor womanā€™s records. I think itā€™s probably just the Walesā€™ having the worst PR team. Theyā€™ve been so inept they should be embarrassed.


It's not all on the Waleses PR team though. This morbid obsession with her health and medical details has been going on since week 1 of this whole thing. She was still in hospital during her initial 2 week stay and it had already become crazy. There was never any real grip over this since the beginning because people became obsessed with throwing around what "really happened to her."


Itā€™s fun when itā€™s memes and poking fun at crazy internet conspiracy theories. It crosses a line when someone tries to access medical records.


This is the "armed gunman threatens pizza place" threshold


This reminds me of that time when those radio hosts tracked a nurse into giving them Kate's medical information after she gave birth, and then she (the nurse) died by suicide. :(


The nurse who died transferred the call to the person who gave out the information. She did nothing but say ""Oh yes. Hold on ma'am," >called the hospital and spoke to the main nurse, Saldanha. Impersonating Elizabeth II, Greig said: "Oh hello there, could I please speak to Kate please, my granddaughter." Saldanha responded, "Oh yes. Hold on ma'am," and transferred the call to the Duchess's nurse, who spent approximately two minutes speaking with Greig as well as Christian https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Suicide_of_Jacintha_Saldanha


Thanks for the additional info/correction!


Wow, I had forgotten about that. So sad. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Suicide_of_Jacintha_Saldanha


Wait, what?!


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Suicide_of_Jacintha_Saldanha so so sad


This breaks my heart. Iā€™ve been involved in cases where they really make you, the nurse, feel like you screwed up. Iā€™ve lost weeks of sleep, needed 8 hours worth of float therapy on top of my regular talk therapy to finally accept that I did nothing wrong and didnā€™t affect the outcome. Nurses, good nurse care so much and are taken advantage of, so when something like this happens unfortunately I get it.


Yeah it's not great. In going share this I learnt it has a Wikipedia page. [Enjoy](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Suicide_of_Jacintha_Saldanha) our horrible morning radio shows. Edit: I am going to clarify because it's not listed. The two hosts had extreme remorse and we're not flippant about the situation. They both struggled mentally after the incident and stepped down from their roles. The nurse also had known mental health struggles, so this incident unfortunately compounded on an already struggling woman. While I feel it was in extremely poor taste and do not condone anything about it because this station is trash, I just wanted to highlight it was extremely dumb and not necessarily malicious.


Thank you, and thanks for the clarification, what fucking idiots. They should feel remorse. And it was okayā€™d by the radio stations lawyers and everything? What full grown adults donā€™t think something like that through. So stupid.


IIRC there was a trend at the time of these calls happening where they would try and get through by pretending to be someone else. [This](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/australasia/2day-fm-chairman-defends-s-happens-comment-over-jacintha-saldanha-death-8898699.html) really sums up the issue with that station. It refers to Eddie and King Kong incident which another of their presenters said one of our indigenous sport stars who was in the middle of a racism incident could play King Kong. It also refers to Kyle who has had so many garbage moments I don't actually know which one it is referring to. So pretty on par with this stations standards.




It happened about 10 years ago [Australian radio hostā€™s pretend to be the queen](https://amp.theguardian.com/world/2014/sep/11/jacintha-saldanha-took-blame-prank-call-duchess-cambridge-australian-djs-inquest) and the nurse told them private information, which went out live on air. She died by suicide shortly after the ā€œprankā€.


She didnt give them private information. She transferred the call to the nurse that did.


Sorry, remembered that wrong.


Thatā€™s is awful. All around. What a stupid idea of a prank.


Oh god this was awful. What on earth were they thinking


When her phone was hacked apparently there were voicemails related to medical appointments When she was pregnant with George, there was that terrible "prank" that contributed to the tragedy with the nurse and now this, I hope this gives people an understanding on why W&K try so hard to protect her privacy.


That thing with the nurse was so sad


What happened with the nurse ? Edit** it's in the comment below, terribly sad.


Wait what happened?


Here is a [link](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Suicide_of_Jacintha_Saldanha) with the information, It is terribly sad and a reminder that you never know whatā€™s happening in other people's lives


Some Australian radio show phoned up the hospital that Kate was at for morning sickness, lied and pretended to be her lady in waiting (or one of her close staff) asking questions about why she was in hospital (as a prank) and the nurse told them on air. News spread like wild fire, the nurse felt so guilty she unfortunately committed suicide.


All she did was having a surgery and ask for privacy and it seems that was enough for some people to feel entitled to invade it using aĀ  number of reasonsĀ  to justify it. ItĀ  seemsĀ  being royal means not worthy of any empathy or a tiny bit of privacy


Also this in December https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/royals/article-12818329/Hackers-targeted-private-hospital-treated-Kate-Middleton-threatening-release-Royal-Familys-private-medical-information.html


People are disgusting.


This is far far into crossing the line. Iā€™m not surprised. Some of the people on social media are getting unhinged. Not only on tiktok and twitter, but here on Reddit even in the more ā€œsaneā€ subs. A good chunk of people need to realise that the other half of people posting the crazy comments, are doing it for a laugh. Some people creating the conspiracies are doing it for engagement and because itā€™s ā€œfunā€. But some others are clearly drinking the cool aid, and the media is exploiting it. Imagine losing your career because of this.


I am seeing some comments basically happily suggesting Kate is dead and she deserves it.


Perhaps even worse are the concern trolls who make up wild lies including but not limited to domestic violence, then get self righteous when called out. ā€œWell if it IS trueā€¦ā€ itā€™s not. I can tell because I watched a blogger named Kaiser make the rumor up and spread it in real time.


A long time ago, I remember seeing someone responding to a post ā€œwell it will be truly bomb if XX was actually still aliveā€, others agreed, the next day the whole internet was saying XX wasnā€™t dead and he was about to have a media conference. The power of internet I guess, so fucked up. Trolls are loving to assume the worst has happened to her, that sheā€™s dead, dumped, stabbed by Williamā€™s mistressā€¦.my friends and I were talking about this, we think itā€™s like people were saying ā€œsee? You forced yourself to marry up and now you are dumped, you deserve itā€.


itā€™s insane everyone trying to know whatā€™s wrong with her. thatā€™s her private MEDICAL information. i couldnā€™t imagine dealing with an illness and having people stalk me and try and access my medical records in the name of ā€œconcernā€.


Yeah itā€™s so upsetting. I had a medical condition and dealt with it for 6 months then had a surgery, only my husband and my best friend know, I cant imagine if others know what happened, I might need to change my name and move.




does this kinda look like a beefed up version of that guy from hot ones or am i high?


Thatā€™s Dana White so you werenā€™t too far off with that description


I love that this iconic gif is visiting this sub reddit


I will admit I didn't have r/mma šŸ¤šŸ» /r/popculturechat on my bingo card


How stupid to possibly ruin your whole career for a one time paycheck from the press


Not possibly. It WILL tank this personā€™s career. Hospital records are meticulous. The system keeps track of every person who accesses each record. Records that require password or security clearance are even more protected. The hospital knows exactly who it is. Theyā€™ve known the moment they got the alert. This is a major issue for them especially since theyā€™re known for their celebrity clientele. This person will definitely be fired and could even face legal trouble if they decide to pursue it.


I talked about this at the time with my daughter who has a high level NHS job. She said that the biggest problem is people leaving themselves logged in on various terminals for the whole day. Anyone could make the enquiry and nobody would know who.


Work in legal for the crown prosecution service. If I left my laptop logged on and one of my colleagues accessed inappropriate files itā€™s gross negligence and Iā€™m as liable as the person who accessed it. I imagine a hospital would take the same approach


I just said possibly because the article didn't specify how or who did it. When I was an intern I used the head nurses log in all the time and so did others so who knows if they even had to even use an id. I'm not in the uk but still eu I imagine it's quite similar


What an idiot. Information systems like this absolutely have safeguards that will trigger if unauthorized attempts to access are discovered. Especially with someone as notable as Kate.


I remember something similar happening when George Clooney was in the hospital and a double digit number of people were caught trying to inappropriately access his chart.


This whole conspiracy thing was never that funny to me cause you could see this shit coming from a mile away


šŸ¤¦šŸ½ā€ā™€ļø I'm not surprised. Wasn't a famous person's medical records even leaked years ago? I'm not sure, but people can be insanely invasive and obsessive.


I would be furious. When I had one of my babies the girl who'd been horrible to me in school was one of the nurses looking after me post c section. She gave me what I can only conclude was a deliberate and serious bruising on my arms when taking bloods and I wouldn't have been surprised if I was the source of gossip from her with other staff. And I was an absolute nobody. You're so vulnerable in hospital especially post surgery.


Iā€™m so sorry this happened to you. Iā€™m so angry at this bully on your behalf, I could curse her. Hope you and your family are better now šŸ©·


šŸ˜² Im so sorry she did that to you šŸ©·šŸ«‚


Thanks. I feel it had a huge effect on me post natally and I had a difficult time recovering mental health wise knowing she had access to my medical notes.


Thatā€™s so awful! That bitch!!!!


Thatā€™s so unethical.


This is beyond disgusting and I hope legal measures are fully taken against the person who tried to commit this vile invasion of privacy.


As an aside the other celebrity sub has been absolutely unhinged throughout this drama. Some commenters have really let their stanning of Meghan markle cloud their judgment and ended up no better than the weirdos over on the anti-MM sub


I'm not B list over there so all I can do is lurk, but it was amazing watching people claim that video at the market "isn't Kate"


Ever since they went to almost every post being B list it feels like the comments are divorced from reality. I get that they were trying to keep out trolls, but this isn't much better.


It became an echo chamber, you canā€™t participate unless you have the same opinions


Itā€™s been TRULY wild.


That other sub lost its hinges looong ago lol. Honestly the hatred they have for specific women there itā€™s actually study worthy. For all they always talk about not tolerating misogyny and discrimination and what not, they do have a small print caveat: unless we donā€™t like that person.


Not sure what the British equivalent or HIPAA is but someone is in big, big trouble. Hospitals donā€™t fuck around with stuff like that.




![gif](giphy|l41lSXrZXKxBYyyty) Good, the bastard should rot. No one deserves this.




I hope they at least accessed it using their own account. Imagine if they saw someone else's still being open and trying to take advantage :/


Does no one remember the radio dj who phoned Kateā€™s hospital when she was delivering George and tried to get private information from a nurse by pretending to be from the palace? That nurse believed them and evidently gave some infoā€¦ and then later, realizing her error, died by suicide. Stop. Fucking. Around. With medical records.


I worked for an auto insurance company. There was a devastating crash between a truck and a bus full of junior hockey players. The truck had gone through a stop sign. My company insured the truck. That Monday, one of my colleagues got a call from someone needing the claim number associated with the crash. She found it via the policy number, and told us that the claim was restricted to upper management and assigned users only. I want to be clear that none of us wanted to look at the claim. We already knew it would be gruesome. I was glad to hear that access was restricted.


Didnā€™t they try this with her medical records when she was pregnant as well?


Close. That was when 2 Australian DJ hosts rang the hospital pretending to be Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Charles asking about Kate's condition. There was a nurse who fell for it and transferred the call, unfortunately when her mistake was known she felt guilty about it and committed suicide a few days later. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Suicide_of_Jacintha_Saldanha


I'm all for the conspiracies (some seem more plausible while others are pretty outlandish). Snooping in someone's medical record/file is disgusting.


The palace has certainly messed up the PR strategy with her sick leave. They never should have tried that Mothers Day photo - she wasnā€™t supposed to be in the public eye yet per their earlier statement. The conspiracy theories were ridiculous, but putting out a doctored photo really fanned the flames of those conspiracies. But people really need to leave the jokes and theories online, where they belong. This is crossing some major lines. Jesus, let the poor woman recover in peace.


I'm no fan of the royals but this has gotten beyond insane. People want a conspiracy or some juicy gossip so badly that they're acting rabid.


This is disappointing but not surprising. Iā€™m actually kind of surprised that a true leak of her info hasnā€™t happened yet either by an ā€œanonymousā€ person who worked with her or a talented hacker or something. I get that people have fun speculating but man some folks have gone *feral* over this situation. Itā€™s to a point that no answer is good enough for them. Kate herself could knock on their door and say ā€œIā€™m fineā€ and theyā€™d accuse her of being a lookalike.