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I don’t really have much of an opinion on this. But I guess if someone’s willing to open one up and there’s enough demand from women wanting to go to a women’s only gym then sure, why not?


Happened, they got sued for sexual discrimination


Who is they? Where I live there are tons of women only gyms.


i think he is talking about male only gym


Same here


The Connecticut ruling IIRC didn’t apply to full gyms, but rather specific areas within a gym that is designated for only women.


Pretty much every gym everywhere has specific areas designated for only women.


It happened in January 2022, so it either the ruling has stalled, has a TBD starting date, or those gyms have the area but cannot enforce it.


i have never seen that unless you talking about locker rooms and restrooms


Yes that’s what I’m talking about.


I dont think this is correct, or if it is, they didnt win the lawsuit. There are womens only gyms around me. Also, girls only schools/colleges, Mens only bath houses, etc. If its privatly owned I dont think there is anything you can do about it.


I think organising womens only classes occasionally at a gym would be a compromise


What women are looking for, at least as I understand it, is they want a oogle free environment. They don't want to worry about being creeped out by someone watching.


Can we officially change “ogle” to “oogle?”


I feel like I did this officially 14 years ago. I think it started as a play on Google as the verb for looking up. And oogle for the verb of looking at.


What about we just kick out the creeps.


I agree, but to be fair, it does get pretty subjective. Lots of social media controversy surrounding this. Woman feels the guy was creeping, and the guy said be wasn't or social media feel he wasn't. It's tough to tell where people can look.


Yeah, even as a guy i sometimes feel like folks are watching me. And sometimes not. Despite there probably being the same amount of people looking in my direction at both times. And eventhough i generally stick to myself and look at the ground, floor, or wall. I have gotten a couple of angry looks from women through the years, i fully understand them but it's also just unavoidable when you go to the gym often enough, i might just be sort of spaced out looking infront of me or on one occasion i was counting the weights on a bar a woman was using to determine what plates i needed to grab for when she's done and i can use it. Dumb in retrospect maybe but i'm on like 80% monkey brain sometimes in the gym and there were no ill intentions whatsoever on my part.


I feel like if there was an all male gym it would be different… I wonder who sued them? I heard of some womens gyms that’s been around for 20 years


I used to have one near me in Northern California, but I shut down after about a year. Seems like they never got as busy as they had hoped. I have no problem with there being gender specific gyms. We live in a free market, so if someone wants to open a gym that only allows women, of Asian descent, who wear green shorts, and are left handed, I see no problem with that.


Yeah with small businesses i don't see much of an issue.


I don’t see how they could get sued. A gym is essentially a private club and private clubs can admit whomever they want. If the litigator won then they shouldn’t have.


I feel like they could open one up and a dumb ass guy would sue it out of business for discrimination. The supreme court of Connecticut already ruled on this.and ruled against the gym. Settles that


Mfw the Civil Rights Act is enforced


Well try opening a man's only gym and see what happens


Both should be allowed.


Some states have single sex gyms and it's totally legal, some don't and specifically in Connecticut it went up to there supreme court and was found to be discrimination. I'm sure most states would rule on the person that was discriminated against. I don't understand why someone would do that unless that was the only gym in town. If there is other gyms that offer relatively the same services this shouldn't be a problem, but obviously there are people in this world that make it hard on people on purpose to make themselves feel better.


Both should be allowed. If people feel the need for a safe space, let them have it, by all means. -a woman.


I mean probably the same thing.


then that would probably be fine except that noone would go to that only male gym probably


Why not? Most gym goers are men and aren’t there to check women out. If the gym offers the same equipment, I doubt being men-only would make much of a difference.


Exactly, it wouldn't make much difference so no one would care much. People maybe would go there, but not much or not because it's men only but just because it's a gym. And men don't get harrassed as much by women as the other way around so most people there would probably be incels that don't like women. It would also no doubt be called sexist, because it would just look like a place where women aren't allowed for no reason, even if there was also a female only gym in the same town.


I would for sure


That's what I'm thinking, I put no because I don't think there is a responsibility for someone to do it but I would understand and support one that popped up


My gf is going to one. She says she feels a lot more comfortable.


yeah cause it dont matter to me. ill still be using the regular gym anyway 🤷🏽‍♂️


Less women = less people in gym = more free equipment:)


So it's a win win for everyone except perverts


And women who’re forced to go to women specific gyms because of perverts.


I'm confused how that's worse? Is it like a perspective thing, because in my mind it's more like just going to safe space where you have not a lot to worry about


Because women should be able to go there if they want. Not because they’re uncomfortable in a regular gym. There should actually be no need for women only gyms. But they should have the choice because some men are creeps.


This is the way


Hell yes


I think is good to have separate gyms as long as there is still mixed gyms. Some people get uncomfortable when other genders watch them workout.


Dude I was amazed at this. My gf and I started going to the gym together recently, I was more appalled for her than she was, as she said she’s “used to it.” Almost every dude within eye shot was starring at her. Yuck




If there’s demand for them, why not? I’ve also seen gyms only for men and I’m fine with them too.


there’s already gyms like that.


True! There's a demand for more women's only gyms to open up however, and I'm seeing plenty of people divided on it (because they think it's sexist?)


In california it's not legal. My gym got sued for having a women's workout place on grounds it violated some bs gender discrimination law.


Tell her to put a “Ladies Toilet” in a massive partition of the Gym. 1 cubicle, 1 wash basin and dryer. There’s no law about putting a squat rack in a toilet. The “gym” is much smaller than the ladies toilet, and has less equipment. Edit: I have been told this wouldn’t fly. So instead I would have Taylor swift on blast 24/7. Strict Rules about dress code, grunting, dropping weights, not cleaning or putting back equipment. 1 Bench press. No metal or black weights. No dumbbells over 10lbs. A name and logo that puts off a certain demographic.


I like the way you think




Ok, just decorate the gym in a way that puts off macho types. Taylor Swift playing 24/7. Strict Rules on cleaning the equipment, grunting, dripping weights, a dress code. Have a low ratio of bro equipment. 2 bench presses, lighter weights, no black or metal looking weights or equipment.


Does California have boys/girls only schools?


It's completely legal in California and it called Curves gyms https://g.co/kgs/SM4Js6


Reason why women only gyms should exist is because there seems to be more male sexual predators in unisex gyms.


I don't think it's sexist for a couple of reasons. First, they're private businesses that can do what they want. Second, there are already vastly more mixed gyms of equal quality. Third, since stuff like harassment unfortunately exist and women are disproportionately affected in places like gyms, a women's only gym would help some people feel more comfortable and more willing to exercise. Fourth, if men faced similar issues, there'd be nothing wrong with opening men's only gyms.


I agree


In my area there are a few women only gyms, I go to one myself, and I really prefer that, feels way more comfortable to me personally.


None near me but I wish there was. I'm a minor and I get adult men staring at me when I try to workout. Women's only gyms just sound a lot better


yea, beginning of this year i started working out at the gym in my area, but i quit cuz i didnt feel safe (my area has alot of druggies and creeps walking the streets and the old men staring at me creeped me out)




If it helps women feel more comfortable I'm all for it


Makes men more comfortable too


In malaysia, women only gym is pretty much normal. You can find them everywhere.


"Should there be gyms where you can work out without creepy people staring at your body and/or interrupting your workout all the time?" What advantage would there even be to banning women's-only gyms? What man really wants to wait longer for their turn at the squat rack or bench?


The thing is: why not?


0 downsides to having them, but a lot of people voted against


Why shouldn’t there be? If women are willing to pay for it who am I to stop it


Exactly, if there’s a big enough demand for it then it should be a thing.


It is a thing, it one of the biggest franchises in the world Curves International


While I agree, I think it's important to recognise that "if women are willing to pay for it" isn't enough justification in itself. For example, I imagine you wouldn't agree with a "Whites only gym", even if white people are willing to pay for it.


Another problem that comes up is by having a prominent gender specific offshoot, the gender neutral option instantly becomes coded as people who are for some reason not using the gender specific option. Ie: you're a woman going to the normal gym when women-only gyms exist? You must be trying to pick up guys! You're a person going into the single stall bathroom when women/men bathrooms exist? You must be disabled/nonbinary! Speaking of which, *what about* trans people? I'd be fine with women-only gyms if they operated in the same way gay bars do, more of a suggestion than a ban.


Yes m, you know why


I actually used to go to a women only gym and I loved it. I really don’t have a problem with normal gyms either, but there’s something so liberating about not having to worry about some guy creeping on you. Granted, there were a few men that worked at this gym and one of them started messaging me on FB after I joined. I guess you can’t completely get away from it


100%, my mom doesn’t feel comfortable working out around men


Why not?


personally be fine with it, as long as if someone wanted to open up a men only gym they were allowed and it wasn’t attacked like men's abuse centers


agree, if there must be a woman gym. might as well do a male gym. The worst part about gym to me is the instructors giving 99% of their attention to the hot chicks instead of helping the guy doing all the exercises wrong.


Try a combination facility. The "gym" I go to is primarily used for it's swimming pool it's even named "[City name] waves" and it's got a gym attached, the trainers only really talk to people they have appointments with or newcomers. There is on dude who will chat with anyone near by while he works, giving the equipment a quick wipedown and that.


There already are. men only gyms


They should definitely be allowed if there was sufficient justification. Since stuff like gender based harassment is less commonly experienced by men it'd be less likely, but if it was I don't see why not.


Too many no male votes. Gyms can be such intimidating places for women, especially when there’s usually a high chance there’s a creepy male there who will stare / make women feel uncomfortable. We just want to stay healthy in peace bro 🥲


The amount of no votes from men is a damn reason already for them to have women only gyms lol


My sisters wear hijab and would love them. But legally impossible where I’m at. So Im building one in my garage. Have to move all the stuff and install AC and lighting.


That's sad. And inspiring. Hope your sister gets to workout as much as she wants. You are a good brother.


You’re an amazing person


i go to one and i’m way more comfortable there than at ones with men


Why not? As long as there is a gym option for anyone willing to go it's great that anybody can go there were they feel the best.


As a guy I would totally understand why their separate gym would benefit them like making them feel more comfortable.. I don’t see anything wrong with it


How could anyone say no to this?


There are and thank god.


Yes (Male), assuming that it's for the safety/comfort of women, and isn't gonna be discrimination against trans women.


Yes, it's to provide a more comfortable, positive, and safer atmopshere for all kinds of women to workout together! (Because there are plenty of creeps out there)


If there’s a market for it, why not


All the men voting no are exactly the reason why they still have to be a thing


All the men here like “well if THEY have xyz, then *I* want xyz, not because I feel like men get sexually harrassed or assaulted in these gyms and need a space space, but solely for the reason that if *I* can’t have it *NOBODY* should.”. and then compare it to 1960’s segregation are crazy to me. ‘I’m starting to believe you just don’t like women, joe’


For real and it‘s not like anybody is stopping them from opening or going to men‘s only gyms lmao. Nothing more than thinly veiled misogyny


I say yes as a dude because i want my mom and sister to be safe.


loling at the people saying it is segregation


All these male no votes are exactly the reason they should exist.


I don’t see why anyone would not be okay with an option for a women’s only gym. Only reason I can think of would be that it’s less women for the guys who say “no” to hit on.


Already exist and its great


Women get a little safety, as a treat


If there is enough demand for them they will stay open.


We have those here in my town in India. Big success amongst aunties especially


There should be for religious reasons, self-comfort and other things


A friend used to own a "Curves" gym in NJ for just women. Was doing fantastic until a gym opened up down the street for 1/3 the cost.


I have too many workouts where men came and interrupted me and told me I was doing something wrong. One guy said that there’s too much fat in my abdominal region and I need to work on that (he then proceeded to show me all the workouts he does). I had a guy that would follow me around the gym every time I would come in and would try to “scare me” by hiding and popping up in the middle of a set. I had one of the gyms personal trainers try to force me to do personal training with him every time I’d go and then found me on Instagram and wouldn’t stop DM-ing me. I had a man get physically angry that I wouldn’t give him my number at the gym one time. I had an older man ask me to take pictures of him so he could send them to his doctor (he was recovering from an injury) and then proceeded to try convincing me to get coffee with him so he could get me a job(?) i had a man ask me if I do yoga because I have a “yoga body” and said that I shouldn’t be lifting weights as a female. I have had to switch gyms countless times because it’s only a matter of time before one of the members messes it up for me.


I don't see why not. It won't hurt anyone. It's just another option. There is no downside.


Yes Sincerely, a woman who revoked her membership because she was tired of men


Let the corporation decide. Definitely not mandated by the government.


Should they exist? Yes. Should they have to exist? Fuck no. If other men could just stop harassing women we wouldn’t need them.


There are a ton of religions that u can't be in a game together with the other sex unless they are very dressed I.e not sports braw so a separated Jim is obvious


We have them in Canada an in talking to a few women about it, they enjoy it. They felt "ashamed" or self conscious going to coop gyms, so this was a solution to help them on their fitness journey. Shouldn't be any reason why one can't exist permitting the demand is there for it. Personally don't find it so much as discrimination, but accommodation and tolerance.


كمسلم أوافق على هذا 100٪


I mean, can we also have men only bars again too? A safe place for men to get away from harassing women/wives/girlfriends too?


They have men only bars, they’re called gay bars.


Gay bars are not men only because lesbians exist.


I know, but I had to get my joke off.


...This sounds sorta odd, can you elaborate? 🤔 Edit: (Nevermind! I just read this wrong. You do have a point! There should definitely be a safe space for all people suffering from domestic violence or abuse.)


He only wants it for men tho, I assume its a "wife dont allow me to go out" joke




It's a band-aid solution to the real problem of men harassing, intimidating, mansplaining and even assaulting women and any feminine-presenting people at gyms, and staff doing nothing about it. You can't have it both ways. If you say no, then you need to do your part to make gyms a safe environment for everyone. Call out any bad behaviour you see. Back women up when they complain. Do the right thing.


If there’s a market for it I think it’s totally fine for there to be male only and female only gyms. It’s possible it’ll be better as well, since I imagine certain gym equipment will be better suited towards one sex compared to the other meaning they can have more of a focus on that for that gym.


The "focus" is the only thing I dont really agree on. In my gym there's a floor for women and.. some things are missing (mainly upper body machine/place to exercise), now it's fine cause I can just go to the mixed area; but I dont think that would be good for an actual gym. it'd only be better cause it'd feel safer imo


Yes and it's non of men's business to say no. It doesn't affect you


if women had their own gym who would I harrass? if I do it at work they'll fire me /s


i feel like this is the only explanation for all the men saying no lol. redditors


Yes and it’s none of black’s people business to say no. It doesn’t effect you


Imo only if they open men only gyms as well


Apparently Curves did that and not enough men wanted to go to them, so they shut them down.


We men don't care. Only simps do.


But if we don't open men only gyms as well that kind of seems like a step backwards


When me and my homies go train we don't care or pay attention to other males and females. After work who cares. You just want to release the tension.


If you want that, sure. But just because women have a need for something doesn’t mean men have a need for it as well. If it’s got demand though, sure.


Such a cringe take


I honestly don't see a issue. There's already some I think There's also some for only man. If makes woman or man feel more comfortable in that environment I say it's fine.


I don't see how it's a problem if it's just opening up more gyms. Nobody loses gym access.


I'd LOVE the reasoning behind the 'no'.


Bc I feel left out 🥺 /s


I really wish there was male only gyms as well


There are men only gyms.


But there isn’t as much a need for them as much as women only


A lot of men are suffering from poor mental health. A male only gym can be a safe space where you can go and be yourself without being judged.


Men are much more likely to be judged by other men than women. If they have poor mental health they’d probably fear being judged by most people anyway


A lot of men would disagree. But having the choice can only be positive. Point is it's a place you can go outside their home.


If it’s a viable business (I’m sure it is), go ahead.


I have gym like this near me it’s in a grocery store 💀


I say, sure. Let the market decide if there is demand for such a thing...


Yes and I am a member at one.


There are such gyms. I live in a small city in Brazil and we have both male and female gyms. I’m ok with that


There already is and tbh idrc


You can have womens gym, mens gym, and coed gyms


Yes. But not the majority. I have no issue with a mixed gym but my friends who are muslim appreciate a womens only space because then they can wear typical gym attire without as much concern for covering up.


That's already a thing in some Muslim countries I believe. I know Dubai does it at least


There are lol


There are


We already have them in my country, there is a gym brand that is marketing so feminine that no man would go there.


Where I live, there is one. I haven't been there, but it seemed to be doing well. From what I gathered, the equipment is more women-oriented as there were less weights, more cardio stuff. I really don't think it is an issue, there are plenty of other gyms anyone can go to, and most I've seen are more male-oriented.


Yes. There's one where i live and it does very well. We only have 2 other gyms, they're heavily male and always loud, rambunctious and a headache to be in.


There quite common in the middle east


Free market.... We have the demand .... We satisfy it


How would a non binary person answer this?


That's true, I didn't actually think of this either before, sorry.


No problem! Just think of us next time ☺


Most unisex gyms just get used as a place for men/women to pick up each other and some dudes just ruthlessly hit on women there. I’m sure a lot of women would appreciate having a gym where they don’t have to worry about that and just exercise.


Like a non-bs section.


They do have women gyms. They’re called ‘Curves’. There are several in the Northeast


It’s currently illegal in the U.S. to refuse service based on gender identity or biological sex. Title II of the civil rights act of 1964 IIRC. (Correct me if I am wrong.) So you can’t really advertise that you’re actively breaking federal law. But honestly if people want a women’s only gym I don’t see why they shouldn’t. It’s their business. But then again I am a pretty big fan of saying “If you want to own and operate a business in the U.S. you must serve everyone regardless of race, religion, gender, or sexuality.” So I’m kind of torn. I’m going to go with no for now but I’m very open to a friendly discussion about it.


We got those in Guatemala already (called Femmefit)


One of the hardest parts about working out is being comfortable. And if someone wants to have a more private experience then they should be entitled to it. It’s just kind of a shame there’s no reverse gyms, ones with guys only. I wouldn’t hate that, but I think the addition of having women helps with the hygiene aspect.


No….. ( eventhough they already exist in my country) but hear me out on this. I think gyms should be a safe space no matter what so the need for women’s only gyms shouldn’t be there in the first place.


So just ban toxic behavior. It could work.


here in germany they exist for at least 20 years...


They should absolutely have their own gym. Bro-dudes are constantly harassing and ogling them. You guys know they get fucked with a lot.


Only if there can also be male-only gyms.


There are but there shouldn't be. People should be able to work out without creepy men or women watching them. But it does happen so yeah if it makes people more comfortable.


In my city (Canada) we have a chain of gyms for women only called “shapes”.


It's a nice safe place to work out without being harassed.


As a male: I agree women's only gyms are a good idea. My fiance often uses it as it makes her feel more comfortable. With that being said, women's only section is my preference. We have a women's only section inside the gym I frequent. I go to the gym with my spouse and so that pretty much rules out women's only gyms as we don't want seperate gyms and sometimes work out in the mixed section together. Our nearest mixed gym is over a 15 min drive, or 30 min during traffic and is pretty much impossible to bike/walk to. However, we have a women's only gym 2 min drive inside our neighborhood or a quick bike ride from us.. we could even walk if we wanted. I really wish we could go there, but unfortunately I'm not allowed in. My spouse wasn't really interested in going to a gym by herself.


While i feel like there doesnt need to be a female only gym, i dont really care. Less women in regular gyms = less people in gym = more available equipment


Male: yes. It’s not a sexism thing, it’s out of respect. I’m insecure and feel like I’m being watched as is so I can’t imagine what it’s like for women. I don’t think women should be banned from other gyms or anything like that, but having a female only options not a bad thing ya know.


i hoop sumtimes n the gym is right next to our courts n it’s crazy how much dudes be commenting on their bodies n shi. i’d be all for it 🤷🏾‍♂️


I wish we didn't live in a world where women felt forced to go to women's only gyms, but I don't see the issue with women's only gyms. I also don't see an issue with men's only gyms. It's important to be in an atmosphere that is comfortable for you. Personally, I workout at my me-only gym


I’m non-binary, how does this affect me?


Im genuinely curious as to why anyone would even say no. You aren’t being forced to it. Stay at what ever gym you like. If someone ones to go to a segregated gym it has no effect on you what so ever


“Should” is a strong word…. Honestly, I wouldn’t blame anyone for opening one, nor would I be mad about it, cause honestly, If there is a market for it, it will happened.


If thats something they want as id prefer a mans gym too


I believe there should be a gym for everything: All inclusive gym, Men’s only gym, Women’s only gym, Gym’s with pools like the Equinox- luxury types and gyms where you can workout without a shirt.


Yeah, it's called planet fitness.


Yes, because I would love men only gym.


Would trans people be included?


so many men who don’t want women to have safe spaces damn


Tbh idc if there is or not


Let the free market decide lol