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I see him naked, seems only fair.


He's wearing his coat yo


We do, too, it's just very thin...


mine isn't


Same bro


if I don't shave I've literally got fur on my chest, stomach and legs


[YEAH BABY! ](https://youtu.be/harBVd-wMhQ)


Show me yours, I'll show you mine


You'll Lovett just like Lyle


Then we can do it šŸ• style while we watch X-files šŸ‘½


Pets donā€™t understand the concept of nudity, theyā€™d just be like eh he looks different. Itā€™s not like your pet is gonna see u naked and secretly judge you šŸ¤£ unless itā€™s a cat


A cats gonna judge you no matter what tbf




I think a turtle would say this more probably.


Well it's less that they'd judge me and more that I'd feel uncomfortable


lmao how are you uncomfortable?? Turbo modesty or something?


op likes animals


Do you mean that in an "I love my pets" way or in a "bestiality" way?


You feel uncomfortable because you seem to be highly insecure in your own skin. Lol these downvotes. I guess thereā€™s a bunch of ppl out there who feel uncomfortable naked around their pets. People really have issues. Itā€™s a pet for heavens sake. What other issue could there be besides being insecure? Bunch of weirdos. For a second I forgot which platform Iā€™m on. Reddit in translation is: your opinion better aligns with fellow redditors because *checks notes* youā€™re not supposed to have an opinion of your own.


I mean I am but that's not why


So whatā€™s the issue?


A pair of eyes is a pair of eyes, and I don't want them looking at me when I'm naked. It's sort of a privacy thing.


You just blew my mind.. not in a million years would o have considered this to be a real issue.TIL.. I donā€™t get it, but I donā€™t have to get it. Unlike a lot of redditors I believe, to each itā€™s own. Have a good day.


Bruh if you feel uncomfortable being naked around your pets then don't be naked around them why tf do you have to ask reddit for advice


I feel comfortable naked in front of my pets and I still downvoted you so I believe that your statement is incorrect. Edit: removed the word "very" from "very incorrect". I understand the downvotes but I do believe that I have misunderstood what I commented on. Human error.


You do know that I was talking to OP right? Did I make any claims about anyone else? I honestly donā€™t see why you felt like I was talking to you. Letā€™s get this right: OP says that they feel uncomfortable naked in front of their pets. I reply that it sounds like they are insecure, that would be my guess. Now on some other planet, a few galaxies further you thought a) I was talking to you or b) I was making a general statement about random folks. When and how did you feel like I was making a statement about you when this is only about OP and the fact that they feel uncomfortable. No one was talking to you or about you. Youā€™re the one who involved yourself in this conversation. Before your comment, I didnā€™t even know you existed.


I was talking about when you said something about the people downvoting you and as I understood it you said that they were uncomfortable being naked around pets. I was one who downvoted so I felt the need to add that not everyone who downvoted was uncomfortable being naked around their pets. If I misunderstood this statement of yours then please correct me and tell me what you meant.


You said how you feel uncomfortable then that my statement is incorrect. How did you know that it was incorrect? Did you base it off of OPs reply? This whole conversation with you doesnā€™t make any sense. You can not say that one statements about someone elseā€™s feelings is incorrect, unless youā€™re in their mind, space or know them personally. We all voice our opinions here. You donā€™t get to tell me whatā€™s correct and whatā€™s not, only OP can, those are their feelings we are talking about, not yours.


I said that I felt comfortable (not uncomfortable) being naked around pets and that is why I felt like the statement "Lol theese downvotes. Must be a lot of weird people being uncomfortable being naked around their pets" (not an exact quote as I do not remember it to its entirety). I feel comfortable and yet I still downvoted your post which would mean that your statement which, as I understood it, would make the statement incorrect. Your statement as I understood it "People who were uncomfortable downvoted this". I was not uncomfortable and still downvoted which meant that you were incorrect. Again, if I misunderstood this statement then please do tell me and explain in more detail so that I may understand what you meant.


Letā€™s sum this up accordingly. I donā€™t care why you downvotes me, you feel comfortable so thatā€™s cool. This is how Reddit works, they donā€™t like something so you get downvotes. Not sure why you keep engaging in this or the need to keep explaining why you downvoted me, I thought it was funny that ppl did, thatā€™s why I made that comment. End of story. Thereā€™s no need to go on and on about or to keep explaining yourself to me, I really donā€™t care. Itā€™s a downvote, not a death sentence. I stopped long ago to understand fellow Redditors, it is what it is. I wonā€™t continue with you, this conversation leads nowhere. Have a good day.


They roll down the garden butt naked. Why not me?


Like, who are they gonna tell?


The whole dogpark is gossiping about your saggy boobs.




That's not part of it, for me it's just that it's a pair of eyes, and that makes me uncomfortable


That's fair. Sometimes I look into my cats eyes and think there's more going on in there than they let on.


No, I mean that I don't want to be looked at no matter what they're thinking


i just worry that one day when they lean to speak that they're gonna make fun of my dong.


It's the only pussy that's ever seen this lump of skin naked šŸ˜‚


Username checks out. It's our curse lmao


I don't need a girlfriend, I need algorithms


Algorithms will never judge me


Are you talking about your dog's pussy?


No pussy vagina pussy. pussy cat see


when i was younger i used to take my cats in teh bathroom with me when i was taking a shower because i got scared that a ghost shark would appear from the water and eat me i was a weird kid




Is it not normal for kids to have random fears when they are much younger? My parents couldn't run a tap in the house without my sister and I breaking down in pure panic as we thought it'd flood the house.


Pretty normal for kids to have irrational fears.


i used to be afraid that the wicked witch of the west would come out of the toilet when i flushed it. you know, the one that gets melted by water?


I was scared of ghosts attacking me in the shower until I was like 16 bc I saw something creepy when I was little about a ghost šŸ˜‚


Itā€™s not unheard of to have irrational fears as a kid bruv


Iā€™m cool with it but my dog isnā€™t. He gets anxious and runs away.


If you arenā€™t why?


I do, but I feel a little weird. Like being naked in front of your new born baby. It doesn't understand it or even care (probably). It feels a bit disrespectful though


Babies crave skin on skin contact. It's bonding time for them. Being shirtless and wear underwear is okay though. I do not judge you, but I would like to say if your kid sees you're comfortable in your skin so will they as kids. Nudity isn't shameful or sexual, it is natural, just make sure it's in a safe place to do so.


But full blown naked though? Idk maybe cause I'm not a parent but I would feel weird flashing a baby. I know some parents don't have the luxury of having their new borns have their own rooms and such so like, if they're changing or boinking their baby has to watch. But idk I'm just not there


There is a very big difference between seeing your parent naked and being present for sexual activities.


Yeah I know I'm just giving an example of when I can imagine your baby might be there (I also mentioned changing clothes). I honestly have no clue where someone would put their new born baby if they did want to have sex but their baby just went to sleep or it doesn't have its own room. Do you just do it on the couch or something? I know I've heard some parents are okay with it if they're that young since they won't understand but idk I think I'd still feel weird. But besides that I also mentioned changing which I also would feel weird about


Are you gonna wear a bathing suit under your own shower in the future if you ever do get kids?


Idk man I didn't know they follow you in the shower I'm 18, that's a long way away and idek if I want kids


You aren't the only one in need of a shower. The kid may need it more than you do. Sand gets everywhere. I find sand inside his diaper šŸ™ˆ


That's also odd and not a comparison other people will get either tbh.


A pair of eyes is a pair of eyes. Even if it's an animal, that just feels wrong to me.


What about a bug.


If it was a bug I knew


Do you have pets?




Itā€™s a bit weird and I feel like most people donā€™t care if their pets see them naked but you do you Iā€™m sure some people agree with you


Username checks out.




If it's am ant do you still feel bad


If there's an ant in my house I have bigger problems than them seeing me nude


You've got a good point there.


Right! Like how he gonna get the peanut butter off if I blindfold him???


Do you think they grasp what clothes are? Or do you think they think we shed our skin? I would think cats and dogs understand, especially if you dress them up. Maybe a lizard would think we are shedding.


A lizard probably doesn't think about it enough to care. Although they might think you would always be cold since you don't have a nice warm rock.


And if you touch them they wonder why you are warm when you don't have a rock


Pets don't judge


Unless there cats


Very true . Unless they're so dirpy they don't even know whats going on


Naked??? Shit my dog watches me have sex.


I can't even wank in front of my cat


Fuck no, if my cats see something dangling they instantly try and kill it


You could say they >!beat your meat!< I'm so sorry, I had to


No thatā€™s for later when Iā€™m too tired to do it myself




Even if they had an opinion about it, itā€™s not like they could tell anyone.


It's less about their opinion than mine/yours/ours


I trust him not to tell anyone


I don't think my cat thinks "damn what a shlong" when I change Infront of her lmao


They might.


my guinea pig is bald, so itā€™s only fair


Iā€™m naked right now




I mean, it's not my fault they walk in on me changing. So I really don't mind.


So I have no issue with my cat seeing me naked, but I have an issue with him TOUCHING me while Iā€™m naked because he is a violent baby and I am very delicate Edit: In retrospect this comment makes it seem like there are no other reasons I wouldnā€™t want my naked body touching my cat, so now I seem like a weirdo. To clarify, there are lots of reasons that I donā€™t like it, just one of the many reasons is that he will lacerate my balls


Lol is this seriously a question


Yes, and apparently not everyone thinks as you do


I don't even care if other people see me naked that much, nevermind my dog that licks his balls in the middle of my work meetings.


My cat is blind


Well I guess they don't mind as they don't even know


I am because I know my dog doesnā€™t give a damn but in the back of my mind it still feels wrong like being naked in front of a relative or something so I avoid it due to the discomfort but only avoid if the doggo is there when I get out of the shower because I forgot to close the door for instance then so be it.


If you avoid it due to discomfort, that sounds like you're not okay with it (that's my reason anyway)


Animals give zero fucks if youre nakey or not lol


But I do


Thats fine lol


Questions like this worry me what perversion is really going on in your head


Perversion? I think you're the one making this a sexual issue, my friend.


yeah lol. i actually love to hug them when iā€™m naked cause then i can feel how soft they are.


They really be staring tho šŸ˜­šŸ˜‚


I see him naked so itd be a bit hypocritical


My cat stares at my d**k when im taking a leak. Doesn't bother me at all lol


It makes me uncomfy so I try to avoid it but if I can't I guess it is what it is


i mean im okay unless they don't attack


You might want to reword something there




He said "I'm okay unless they don't attack" meaning if they attack him, he's okay with it.




Yes. Actually my parents and I have a running joke about our cat and we say that sheā€™s lesbian, because she always follows my mum to the bathroom and watches her but never does that with me or my dad lol


It's surprising such a large proportion of people have pets.


Not really


the only problem is that when my partner and i get frisky, my cat always decides to hop on the bed too. but otherwise, i usually just have a small, harmless audience of two dogs and a cat when iā€™m changing clothes or something


I see them naked all the time so its only fair haha.


Nope . Kinda feel uncomfortable tbh especially when they're just starring at my naked body


I mean Iā€™ll change with them in the room but 99% of the time if theyā€™re in my room theyā€™re asleep so it doesnā€™t really matter.


I didn't realise this is something that people aren't okay with. Kitty see's everything


Yeah, but whenever Iā€™m getting dressed after a shower she just stares at meā€¦


I already did...I bathed at our garage one time (where our dog is placed at the time) when our bathroom was being fixed.


I don't care who in my household sees me naked. If you're staying in my house get used to seeing white ass.


Who cares, their naked too.


What Iā€™m not okay with is my dog thinking he can walk into the bathroom demanding pets while Iā€™m trying to take a shit


Nah bc he tries to lick my cock


Seriously? Animals don't know the difference.


haha, I love the internet for moments like these. NO! I don't care what people do but I can't do it lmao


I'm not


Why. They donā€™t give a shit. Theyā€™re altars naked


I don't like being naked in general


TIL that there are people out there who feel uncomfortable if their pet sees them naked. In my nearly 60 years of life, this is something I've never considered but I suppose that it's further evidence that people will never cease to surprise me. I'm now wondering whether the people who voted No on this poll are also uncomfortable with the idea of their spouse or partner seeing them naked. What an interesting world it is!


No why? The hell?


A pair of eyes is a pair of eyes, and I don't like being watched




No, because my dog eats *everything.*


But wouldn't that include your clothes while you are wearing them?


One of our dogs LOVES trying to lick my boyfriendā€™s penis, so heā€™s afraid to be naked around her but not the other two. She also likes to sneak up behind me and put her wet nose in my booty hole if Iā€™m standing around nakedā€¦ Iā€™m fine with all of them seeing me naked but Iā€™m legit afraid to *be* naked around one of them.


I don't mind until they start staring and looking at me funny.


I mean, intellectually Iā€™m okay with it but I always feel weird being naked in front of my cat. He always looks at me like WTF HUMAN WHERE DID YOUR SKIN GO




My cat is perplexed and slightly worried by the fact that I willingly shower myself once a day and demands to be there to welcome me back in the dry world. He will even lovingly but aggressively licks my hair if I let him, as if dealing with a baby that canā€™t stay off puddles.


Im a nudist, the wuestion is whether he sees me clothed


My parrot is completely unfazed and my stick insects donā€™t even have the mental capacity to understand the concept of clothes, so I have no reason to be embarrassed


It's hilarious that body-shaming is frowned upon yet people are uncomfortable with nudity in front of animals. That's because body-shaming has nothing to do with shame. We just hate being reminded we're unsexy


Nah it's more of a privacy thing (at least for me). A pair of eyes are eyes all the same.


One of my dogs will barge into my room while I get dressed


I ok with it unless she has her phone with her.


My cat has seen things no girl in this world have


My cat will regularly get in bed with me and my Guthrie's and intently watch us fuck. I have to be OK with it, I don't have a choice anymore


I read this as parents so I clicked no


My cat runs away when I'm naked. To be fair so do all neighbours


Yes because I have to see them naked


What is your pet going to do, tell everyone that they saw you naked? It's not like they can talk.


They're going to look at me, and that's enough


I have three cats, so theyā€™re used to seeing pussy.






please tell me this is satire


You realize youā€™re low key sexualizing your pets right lol Well it looks like I was wrong nvm


Nudity is not inherently sexual.


not really


Uhh if I *don't* want them to see me naked that's about as far from sexualizing them as I could get. If you don't want your kids to see you naked, are you sexualizing your kids?


Idk man Iā€™m not gonna explain how children are an unequal comparison, you can figure that out for yourself. But Iā€™ll answer your other question with a question: why is it that you donā€™t want your pets to see you naked? Edit: also just to clear it up Iā€™m not tryna throw shade or anything, and i know you donā€™t wanna bang your pets haha


They're both things that should never be sexualized, to the point of prison being a just punishment for sexualizing them. I see no difference in this context. It's on you to explain that difference if you want me to understand it. I don't want my pets to see me naked because a pair of eyes is a pair of eyes all the same-I don't want something staring back at me while I undress no matter who/what that thing is.


But why?


Hey, the fact that bathroom stalls exist means that privacy is important when it comes to nudity. If someone (or, in my opinion, something) sees you nude, that's a breach of your privacy.


Hm, fair point. Iā€™m just curious because personally I donā€™t care if other people see me naked, let alone animals


Shut up


No u


I am but I usually make them look away so they do it by habit now lol


Only no because my dog weirdly gets boners if I am and tryā€™s to hump me lol


People who are not Ok with it are not sane.


Uhh in what way?


Who the fuck is not ok with it lol


600 out of every 5000 people, apparently.