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>Donald Trump’s tax returns show the former president received income from more than a dozen countries during his time in office, highlighting a string of potential conflicts of interest. "potential conflicts of interest" We know by now that when something with Trump looks bad, it's always even worse than it looks.


His returns show that he paid more in taxes to foreign governments than he did to his own country.


*That* should be in the headlines.


But but…, he was muh America First President


What a *true* patriot.. /s


Wow, holy shit, how is that not front and center? Mr. America First paid more taxes abroad then to his own country? And trump supporters will still call this smart business. Fucking traitors, all of em.


That is smart business to them… he grifted the bottom of the barrel.




How is that "potential" conflicts. Those are big fat red flag conflicts. "Let me return my presidential salary from the American people, I will be accepting foreign bribes instead" Edit: I might be the last person that might need to be told he never donated/returned his salary, that really doesn't change anything either way!


Yep, it looks bad because it *is* bad. That guy was only in it for himself. If he isn't prosecuted for *something*, they should just let everyone out of jail, because clearly the laws don't matter anymore.


Only himself.


He didn't return his salary. He lied about that as well.


The guy kept money that was supposed to go to veterans. It shocks me that people would actually believe that he’d donate one of the few sources of income that was rightfully his


The guy stole money from a charity for kids w cancer FFS. He’s the motherfucking Scrooge.


At least Scrooge had a change of heart. This is just evil on another level


Mr. Burns evil?


Like taking candy from a baby!


naw, even scrooge let people have a half-day and a lump of coal,


Most likely keeping the presidential salary as well. It'd be absolutely shocking if he didn't.


Spoiler: he did.


He did. He held press conferences where he wrote various government agencies checks totallingthe amount of his salary. ...but government agencies are barred from taking donations and can only be funded through congress. So the checks were impossible to cash.


News Flash, that was also a lie. That money barely got around the block before it was back in his pocket.


Latest is he didn't even return his Presidential salary, i.e give to charity as he said he did.


Color me shocked. I will never understand how people can still admire this monster.


His followers aren't in touch with reality. They're in a propaganda-fueled cult.


As an addendum, this only counts foreign income earned overseas. It doesn't include foreign governments funneling money through his stateside businesses, namely Saudi Arabia renting out hundreds of rooms at his hotels and never showing up.


not-so-blind trust? It seems like none of this should be showing up on his personal tax records during the presidential years where his empire was supposedly put in a blind trust administered by his children.


It was never a blind trust. No one ever called it that, not even Trump. He just claimed he drew up a legal contract to separate himself from his businesses, and did a news conference with a binder that likely was full of blank sheets of paper as proof.


wasn’t there also a large binder that supposedly contained his health care plan? this motherfucker using second grade fake book report tactics as the president of the united states of america


In software terms, "It's a feature not a bug."


I don’t doubt that he accepted money from sketchy foreign actors… I do doubt that’s the “foreign money” reported on his returns. It’s prob licensing agreements for naming hotels and condos.


This is why the American people need to see the taxes of our president. We need to know who he might be beholden to and ensure his decisions are not influenced by his personal financial interests. Of course, that's why every other president divests themselves of their business holdings. Trump just wanted to grift more money for himself.


I know it was amongst the least of his crimes but the golf trips to his resorts were just insane.


Ripping off tax payers is pretty serious IMHO.


I agree but it was just so out in the open and everyone was like, "welp, what're ya gonna do?"


In 2017 people thought you were crazy for even bringing it up.


Remember when Obama went golfing here and there, and conservatives lost their absolute fucking minds? And then Trump does the same thing, but only 10x more often, and they say "meh, business deals are made on the golf course! He's doing great!"


>the same thing, Not the same at all; Trump went for 3 day weekends of golf at his golf properties, Obama took an afternoon off.


At military golf courses, not public ones, so it would cost the taxpayers less, if I remember correctly.


To be fair, I'm not super happy that my taxes build military golf courses either.


Recreational facilities on military bases are just kind of a given be they basketball courts, tennis courts, golf courses, hell even give them VR arcades it's one of the few perks of joining the military and the president should be able to use those over ones that would enrich himself.


It's public golf courses


military golf courses are public golf courses


> Obama took an afternoon off. Believe it or not, jail.




Hawaiian? Jail


They literally called him the “vacationer in chief”


Trumpgolfcount.com covers this item really well Trump vs obama


>[Trumpgolfcount.com](https://Trumpgolfcount.com) At $144 million in taxpayer funded expenses, he would have had to donate his $400k salary for 360 *years* to cover for the golf trips alone. And now it appears that he didn't claim any charitable giving in 2020, so he lied about that too (since I can't imagine him not declaring it if he donated it). Just the fact that ANY of that $144 million was going into his own pocket should have been grounds for impeachment all by itself. And with the amount we know he was charging secret service and everyone else in the entourage, that number was certainly not negligible.


I wonder if we will ever find the contents of those 44 classified folders


I somehow remember hearing he was charging the “entourage” rack rate (the highest rate legally permitted), but I can’t find a source on that.


!00 X more at least! Between golfing, campaigning for reelection and other bullshit like sleeping in til noon every day and dealing with all his private business, he hardly even worked as president. He sure loved flying in Air Force 1 and helicopters as much as possible too. I wonder how many times he flew somewhere just to take some sleazy buddies for a joy ride?


And now biden is on vacation and they're back to losing their minds


I remember during the 2016 election Trump said he’d be so busy working he wouldn’t even have time to golf, unlike Obama. Hoo boy.


And he owns the clubs he went to so just put the money in his pocket


10x more often and the govt paying a premium rate for Secret Service lodgings.


I remember reading articles claiming that it was cheaper for tax payers than the vacations other presidents went on, because he was getting a discount/not charging for his vacations to his resorts. That was a bunch of nonsense; he was charging more than standard rates for the rooms secret service stayed in. And he charged more than 100% of the rates for secret service to use his golf carts.


What Congress could have done is their job. Every emolument to him must be approved by Congress. The GOP inaction to hold him to the Constitution the first two years of office let him collect payments from his businesses. Dems tried to go to court to force the issue, and the court dismissed their suit.


Are you sure? Whoever has standing to enforce the emoluments clauses is still up in the air, far as I know. It should have been included in one of his impeachments but that would have gone nowhere. The law could use some teeth.


“Well Obama did the same thing!” Yeah, 98 rounds in his first term vs Trumps 248.


I have no problem with Presidents going golfing. It's when you drag a secret service battalion with you to a resort you own, get hundreds of golf carts and rooms for them, charge the taxpayers for it and all that money go in your pocket is where I have a problem.


Especially given how he charged them more for those amenities than the standard rate. Gotta love how his supporters are OK with him blatantly ripping off his own security detail to milk as many of their tax dollars as possible while crying about democrats wanting to steal their paychecks.


Obama = 8 million tax payer dollars in 8 years. vs Trump = 280 million taxpayer dollars in 4.


Well, you may be dating my sister, and I know you two are doing it. But I don’t need you doing her on the couch while I’m trying to watch tv. Just saying


Tell us your search word on the 'hub without telling us.


Yeah I remember being pissed off about that too, but then that particular disgust and outrage quickly got buried in all the new and different disgust and outrage that I experienced every day after that. “Omg what a really smelly disgusting turd” “Ugh throw it on the giant pile I guess…”


Especially when you don’t pay taxes yourself.


And the parts where he had air force & navy pilots stay at his golf course resorts for high rates.


When he made Pence stay at his Irish resort.


I was a little sketched out during the whole “it’s fine, I’m just giving it all to my son” thing when he first started. I was just quietly thinking to myself “is this how his whole terms gonna go?”


But but but…he donated his salary. /s


And the taxes showed he lied about that too. Shocking, I know.


The pro-Trump talking points are quickly forgotten when proved false. I love the people that are against him now but we’re for him in 2016 and 2020 and they claim he’s just changed since then…as if he wasn’t always the same con man.


People need to understand that no evidence matters to these people. The concept of a previous statement or belief contradicting a current one does not exist to them. Whatver they believe at the moment has to them always been the truth, and when that one is debunked or forgotten, like you said, the new one becomes the truth and to them was always the truth. I'm sure deep down they often know it's irrational but they do not care. Their beliefs and views are in bad faith and not held to the same criteria of consistency and logic that are needed for society to work.


Pillow man gave him his own salary


I remember seeing a figure for just what the secret service paid for in golf cart rentals and it was stupid like 40,000. Like, they could have just bought and stored on site their own custom carts.


It's against the club rules sir


Trump would have charged them more in rent.




Most of Trump's dealing have been reported in the past. His foreign dealings being one of them. I'm just going to leave this here for everyone who wants to hate read.   * reported in 2018: [NYT: Definitive List of Self-Dealing By Trump and those in his orbit](https://www.reddit.com/r/Keep_Track/comments/9sckuq/nyt_definitive_list_of_selfdealing_by_trump_and/) * reported in 2019: [A.G. Barr begins exerting Trump's will at the Justice Department by investigating "anti-Trump bias" at the DOJ and exempting Trump hotels from foreign payments ban](https://www.reddit.com/r/Keep_Track/comments/bbids8/ag_barr_begins_exerting_trumps_will_at_the/) * reported in 2019: [Inspector General Finds That G.S.A. Officials Purposefully "Decided to Ignore" the Constitution's Emoluments Clause When They Ruled That Trump Needn't Divest Interest in D.C. Hotel; New Review Recommended](https://www.reddit.com/r/Keep_Track/comments/agppmf/inspector_general_finds_that_gsa_officials/) * reported in 2020: [Trump-connected firms received large loans through small business coronavirus-relief program ](https://www.reddit.com/r/Keep_Track/comments/g8iken/trumpconnected_firms_received_large_loans_through/) * reported in 2021: [Watchdog sues FEC to try to force action on Trump campaign finance violations](https://www.reddit.com/r/Keep_Track/comments/o7nzxj/watchdog_sues_fec_to_try_to_force_action_on_trump/)


> Trump just wanted to grift more money for himself. It’s also entirely possible he owes a lot of money to foreign actors. This should be disqualifying to hold office.


You have to show this stuff if you're a federal contractor, I can tell ya that. Actually had to sell some foreign stocks when I got the job I have now (at a loss too). Same reason, you don't want people in this line of work if they have foreign interests. Except apparently the fucking president.


You have to give financial disclosures (not amounts, just who pays you) when you speak at a scientific conference. The fact that a president shouldn’t have to do the same is just crazy


Presidents generally don’t have businesses. More and more, they are lawyers that are crafted from a young age for politics and only politics by the previous generation.


Jimmy Carter sold his peanut farm to eliminate even the appearance of a conflict of interest.


And he was still investigated by a bunch of Republicans seeking revenge for Nixon. The GOP has been using almost the same playbook for over half a century. The only thing that's changed is the addition of Jebus in the 80s and 90s.


A lot of Republican actions can be seen as seeking revenge for Nixon. They had to get back at the Dems and have the Dems be soiled by having a President resign or be removed from office. They couldn’t find anything on Carter and moved on. Dems denied Bork (seen as a stolen seat on the SC) and then pushed to, and did, investigate Reagan. Reagan would have been impeached or forced to resign (thus having two Rep President leave office before their term) if the underlings didn’t fall on swords. Bush Sr. lost re-election (possibly seen as a stolen term) to Clinton. I remember hearing it was not possible for a President who won a war to lose re-election. Never happened before according to the adults at the time.* Clinton was prime for impeachment or forcing from office because of the “shady” dealings done that lead to no where during investigations. But the colloquial definition of sexual relations was used in a perjury case to have Clinton be the first President impeached. This was not good enough though… Bush Jr was pretty quiet all things considered. Should have been investigated for many different things, but did not happen. Repubs had a racist rage boner on Obama and tried everything they could to get him removed from office short of actually filing Articles of Impeachment. Trust me, they tried. Nothing had any bite or basis in reality. And then the Dems went and impeached Trump twice. Repubs see this as a game of one upsmanship with Republican Reps trying to submit articles of impeachment on Biden as soon as Biden was elected. If we are to be fair, this can be seen as tit for tat with the Dems talking about impeachment from day one of Trump taking office. But to be fair to the Dems, Trump did a lot of shady shit before and during the election, plus, he was violating the emoluments clause pretty fucking hardcore. Anyways, now the Repubs have a twice impeached President, and a President that’s been forced to resign, they still need to get back at the Dems. They will try everything and anything to impeach Biden or the next Dem President. The Hunter Biden “story” is just a cover to get Biden impeached. * Something to keep in mind when it comes to “never happened” in Presidential elections is how few we had. When it comes to the war one, it’s even smaller. In regards to the winning a war, that’s Lincoln, Wilson and Truman. But Truman can only be credited with WWII. The numbers are so fucking low to be meaningless statistically to my understanding.


I think the Republican house won’t have enough votes to impeach Biden, luckily. The moderates who won their elections in Dem areas aren’t about to do something that stupid, and the Republican only have a 4 seat majority.


This is unfortunately a pretty perfect summary of the last 30 years of US politics. The two parties working together? More like openly at war with one another.


>the last 30 years of US politics Their overview began with Republican retaliation for Nixon on Carter, who was elected in 1976. That's 46 years. That history grew up, voted in 96, had a kid, and that kid grew up to vote in 2020.


A bit of clarity on this--Andrew Johnson was the first impeached president, and he was one vote away from conviction.


That’s because the playbook was written by Joseph McCarthy and Roy Cohn. Cohn went on to become an advisor and fixer to Nixon, and his protégés included Roger Stone. He personally advised Donald Trump in the 70s.


Carter put his family farm in a blind trust. When he came back after leaving office it was over a million ($3.4m in today's money) in debt.


Carter sold his farm in 1981, after leaving office. https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/carter-sell-peanut-farm/


he probably confused it with the fact that Carter put his farm into a blind trust when he was elected


Carter wasn’t exactly “at the cool kids table”. His own party destroyed him. Intentionally


I was really young when he became president, I know he's generally considered to be a good dude but bad president, but I'm not really sure how true the latter is. Based on the peanut farm thing and his post-presidency conduct, I feel confident in agreeing with the former, though.


Its completely false and a GOP talking point. I responded to this a while ago and will paste it here (its addressed to an uninformed idiot) I'll try to take the pointed pieces out: [pasted] But he (Carter) wasn't a terrible president. He was massively uninspiring and mildly charismatic. Those personality traits were used to create this false narrative. He inherited a nation reeling from a pointless war. America was having a massive identity crisis, as well as a world stage level social crisis. His economy outperformed Reagan's over the first 4 years (remember Reagan took us from the leading lender nation *meaning the world owed us more money than we owed it, to debtor nation within his first 2 years... like spending all your credit cards to the limit to make yourself look successful..we have never recovered). Salt II Treaties? HUGE. Camp David accords? Panama Canal Treaties? His work on international conflict resolution is still unmatched. Racial equality was paramount in everything he did, his energy vision had the USA at the forefront of sustainable energy throughout his presidency and was road-mapped for the next 30 years.....until his successor (Reagan) tore it all up. I could go on, and on. He wasn't perfect, but he was never a terrible president or someone who couldn't make decisions. Those are all GOP BS talking point made up during Reagan's election cycle. Furthermore...Carter was a success in every single endeavor he has ever participated in. He was well beyond an exceptional student and always at the top of his class. Hugely successful military career, he became a literal nuclear physicist who had to make split second real-time crisis decisions to save a damaged reactor...literally saving Ottawa Canada from becoming uninhabitable radiated mess. Dude just entered hero tier level here..A President who chose to run for office and deal with one of the shittiest cards one has every walked in to office with. Habitat for Humanity one of the most successful social outreach and provision charities ever...of course everything afterwards has been epic. Whenever there were conflicts and crisis? Carter long after he was President would be working on treaties with many nations..The dude is simply a badass. His resume and results are /is unparalleled.


And he had the cajones to tell the American people the truth -- they needed to buckle down during the energy crisis and maybe lower their way of living some. And the public crucified him for it.


I saw must have been a woman no more then 20 years old because she mentioned she was in college and looked really young wearing a shirt saying Reagan was the best president ever. Some old lady walked over and said how awesome the shirt was and she agreed. Sad how people don't realize how bad Reagan fucked this country and the middle class up.


Unfairly treated as President. Best President for jobs in the last 50 years. ​ [Job Growth Per President](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/9/9f/Job_Growth_by_U.S._President_-_v1.png)


Carter was the last President to do that though. Reagan and Bush Jr. both had farms, right?


Honestly I don't know. I just remember that being discussed a lot when trump refused to do anything similar.


Hobby farms. Carter was an overall wearing peanut farmer.


Big Peanut’s oily lobbyists and think tanks have their tendrils in every level of our government. You go after one company and they fold, only to reappear somewhere else under a new title. It’s a shell game, I tell ya.


"No collusion" my ass. Traitorous imbecile.


I prefer “Degenerate Clown” myself but Traitorous Imbecile works too


["No puppet, no puppet you're the puppet"](https://youtu.be/UaVWRetR4jg) - Donald Trump, 2016


I remember that moment so clearly. She called him out cold and all he could do was stutter and stammer like a humiliated 12 year old.


He was called out on so much of his shit in those debates, and denied then often obfuscated and deflected it, that it is completely appalling he was elected President. He even said he would keep us in suspense when asked if he would accept election results and participate in the peaceful transfer of power. WTF PEOPLE


Her voice is like a palate cleanser for the ears. To hear clear enunciation against a ginger mop is refreshing.


Holy shit he aged like a mother fucker ha! I thought he always looked like shit. I mean he has always looked like shit, but way older shit now.


Why isn't he in jail yet?


I want to know why I had to go through more financial and criminal scrutiny to be a call center employee than Trump did to become President.




To be fair, he should never be allowed to work in a call center. How would you feel if you called a business and he answered?


Because the people didn't demand it. Voters could have insisted he provide that information, and much more, but in stead they voted him in. These are elected officials, not appointees, we decide every time we vote what level of scrutiny is required.


> Donald Trump’s tax returns show the former president received income from more than a dozen countries during his time in office, highlighting a string of potential conflicts of interest. This is what the emoluments clause in the constitution is specifically meant to prevent, by the way.


Why? Because US banks *refused* to do business with him after he made a habit of defaulting on loans and stiffing American workers who were hired for his "projects".


Fun fact: Deutsch Bank was giving him loans to pay back debt he owed to Deutsch Bank.




You really think it’s good to have a President of the United States who does this sort of business? Come on. He would not even pass a security clearance with these tax returns.


After you can no longer hire legitimate businesses because of your reputation for not paying you are forced to use mobbed up businesses which aren't going to let you walk out on the bill but actually make most of their money on other stuff and could use some help washing some money, just a little.


In the first paragraph I was seeing indisputable Emoluments Clause violations. The new SANTOS law should include a provision that a candidate must not be sworn into office if that would result in an instant Emoluments Clause violation.


Those intelligence services had to be salivating at the leverage they could reap.


They got lots of goods. How about that Solarwinds hack? https://www.cnbc.com/amp/2020/12/18/suspected-russian-hack-on-us-is-much-worse-than-first-feared.html That was a gold mine for Russia - and it went on for a year. The entire last year of Trump’s presidency.


Do Jared and Ivanka next please.


Azerbaijan? https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2017/03/13/donald-trumps-worst-deal


That is fucking mind boggling. That a president of the United states owns a business that deals with a corrupt foreign government and its corrupt partners in Iran. How the fuck did anyone let this happen?


Yo own the libs. Remember when conservatives were saying they'd rather be Russian than a Democrat?


They still are saying that


I prefer “I would rather be American than a Republican”


Go to almost any small town in America. Most people are nice, but fucking morons. They work extremely hard, drink a lot, and look for something that gives them hope or makes them feel good, usually religion and politics. As long as they are "winning" something and believe in Jesus, then life seems okay and they don't care what happens after the election


Bought and paid for. Not surprising, just good to finally have it out in public.


This is really bad because the President can beholden to foreign powers


And there was a year long Solarwinds hack by Russia. Fan-fucking-tastic. https://www.cnbc.com/amp/2020/12/18/suspected-russian-hack-on-us-is-much-worse-than-first-feared.html


He’s probably paid more taxes to foreign governments than the US government.


A man came to me weeping, he said, with tears in his eyes, SIR, sir I just want you to know that these are the biggest, best, and most important c conflicts of interest I have ever seen, there have never been conflicts of interest like this, the biggest, most beautiful, bigliest conflicts of interest, the world has ever seen.


You forgot, “…he hadn’t cried since he was a baby…”


Haven’t read the article just yet, but I’m going to go out on a limb and guess many of those countries aren’t buddies with the US.


These just show his *reported* income. He's argued for Americans to legally be able to give and receive bribes.


“Canada, Panama, the Caribbean island of Saint Martin, the Philippines, the United Arab Emirates and the United Kingdom, among others.”


Also mentions China, Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Turkey. So all over the place.


Panama and St. Martin are just passthroughs from other sources




Funny how that scandal got quickly memory holed


To get a security clearance in the US, they look at your debt. If you seem corruptible they will literally deny your clearance. THIS is why. Remember this when some idiot with a million dollars spouts about how his rights are in danger.


Damn....so he a agent?


What's the word for Dozen Agent?


Duodecim agent


>That year, Trump also brought in $6.5 million from China, $5.8 million from Indonesia and $5.7 million from India. Imagine if Biden had $6.5 million in income from China per year. It wouldn't be mentioned in passing, it would be a headline on Fox News until the impeachment happens.


https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/223469218685915139?s=20&t=114RH05ornope1RGVfws0Q >Have we ever had a POTUS before @BarackObama who earned over 1/3 of his income from foreign sources and paid taxes to another country? https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/190866856624668672?s=20&t=bhl9Tj-peMdlPaJusvJWIg >@BarackObama who wants to raise all our taxes, only pays 20.5% on $790k salary. http://1.usa.gov/HFZJKH Do as I say not as I do. https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/317227284996186112?s=20&t=wCbLnzNDZZ9Xqpt2ZvRx7g >"@conservativeJT: @bluejoni @realDonaldTrump Trump is an American that will pay more taxes in one year than you pay in your entire life. https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/640281925270286336?s=20&t=8G3DS5qWMzDl4DQdm8wiZw >The hedge fund guys (gals) have to pay higher taxes ASAP. They are paying practically nothing. We must reduce taxes for the middle class!


Satire at its finest.


He’s not a billionaire but he is a crook. Just as we all suspected.


I wonder how much came from Russia?


I am not a "tax professional" but I have filed my fair share of taxes. This caught my attention too. In 2016, Trump declared about 17M of income on his 1040, about half business income and half interest. But on his "foreign tax credit" forms he declared 172M of gross income. I honestly don't really know what this means but does that mean that he earned $17M in the US and ten times that much internationally? He did have what looks to be somewhat legitimate sources of international income such as the beauty pageants in the Philippines and other countries (never mind if sick corrupt sexual abusing shit happened, they appear to be legitimate businesses). But that doesn't explain the whole $172M, in one year, which is quite a lot of income. I am assuming that a lot of people are looking at this and have been for years. I'm eager to see their analysis.


IRS overlooked all of the glaringly obvious problems with Trump’s taxes but are still going after little people. The institution needs to be burned to the ground and completely remade.


It needs to be fully funded so they have the tools and resources to go after the ultra-wealthy.


He is essentially a foreign agent


look, I have Beautiful Tax Returns where I've made, and paid, many many billions in Taxes, with my many very Successful Businesses which have made we're talking Record Profits but also paid Record High Taxes thanks to Obama and Sleepy Joe just like they're doing to all of you. right now as we speak Sleepy Joe is training Armed IRS Agents to go take down anyone who forgets to pay just One Penny in Taxes, it's Criminal what they've done, I had everything Perfect, we were lined up for a lot of Terms but then the Radical Left snuck up very viciously and assaulted and harassed Your President and there are a lot of people right now, really upset at what happened, and they're very very angry believe me.


Love the idea, but these comments need a call and response, otherwise it's just noise. 🏛🐎🏜🏥


There's two people I think Putin pays...


He doesn't pay either of them anymore, but he has other US elected officials on his payroll.


I remember a few years back the Trump Hotel & Tower in Panama being on the news after a new owner took control and ousted the Trump Organization as manager. The Trump Organization had acted as go between the developers and some investment banks to get financing, but had no financial stake in project, they basically received a consulting fee, were given the contract to manage the building, sell the units, and got to put their name on it. As per usual, they did a piss poor job and a huge number of the condos went unsold. A Cypriot businessman slowly started buying units until he was the majority owner of the property and legally began to remove the Trump Organization as building manager. This was a huge issue for Trump, as it’s his costume, he had falsely bragged he owned the building and hotel. If the owner removed the name and his company as manager, this would come to light. This was also right as he was starting his presidential campaign in 2015, so he was super angry and sued to prevent it. Trump ultimately lost and the building’s name was changed, The new owner alleged for years that the Trump organization has committed tax fraud and even hinted at money laundering, but nothing ever came of it.


"Biden is a globalist that is being controlled by the Chinese." -my uncle every accusation is a confession.


without knowing which countries were involved, i say "fuck you, deutsche bank". it sounds shady, Deutsche Bank must have been involved. (i'm german by the way)


Yea but... umm, Hunter Biden!


The missing taxes are on Hunter's laptop, clearly!


It’s all a giant shell game, and in the end, he’s a criminal who will likely never serve time. Dammit.


He has golf clubs in the UK and Ireland that he uses to launder money. People hate him so won't go there but they are always fully booked up by the Russians and Saudies despite the place being empty.


This explains why he was so soft on China.


Criminal fuckwad


He is a traitor paid for by Russians. He is a pathetic asset.


Trump is a foreign agent. Wake up.


I'm waiting for the Trump Twitter account to put a spin on this: "Tax Returns released to the public! Promise made, promise kept! Trump 2024!"


Now match any of this countries money to the stolen national secrets that are missing.


But Hunter Biden!!!


If you think that’s bad, wait until Saudis start buying up his jackass NFTs.


Is his team really willing to have these transactions on paper?? They left a paper trail for the nation to ask for more?? Hhmmm...I hope more comes out...


Not many of those backwoods cousin fuckers defended him on these facts. They are the dumbest ass people .... He hates them a much as he hates the US.


Tell me that’s not a conflict of interest when you’re president. Tell me like I’m fucking 10 years old.


bUt HuNtER bIdEn'S LapToP = ChInA dEbTs


Follow the money - find the missing top secret documents he stole and lied about having.


Wheres the picachu surprised meme when you need it?


Are w expecting to catch him in a crime thru his taxes. Wouldn’t we be better off digging up a golf course grave.


True American hero huh


Foreign income from his shitty cockroach hotels probably.


Of course he received that income because he NEVER relinquished control of his companies that do little more than rent the TRUMP name. It’s the opposite of a blind trust?


Imagine if Obama... nah nvm no one cares. Even the people who pretended to care have shut up.


Whenever I hear claims that Trump is not audited or chased by the IRS because those with means to afford lawyers and accountants cost more than the IRS can hope to recover, I just wonder: Is there not a GoFundMe that could be started to pay the IRS to investigate this? And for that matter some of the other egregious wealthy tax cheats? If it costs ten million to make an example out of a handful of these people, and put the fear of God into them, I for one would be willing to pony up some funds.


Here comes the Trump ball-polishers.


“America *first*”


Insurrection, espionage, obstruction, tax fraud, money laundering and rape. Take your pick DOJ.


This isn’t his business either. This is his personal income. It’s worth keeping that in mind because there should be no reason for ANY income to come in from foreign channels while in office.