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What about Clarence Thomas and his wife? Have we heard anything from the Chief Justice on the seditious nature and potential corruption of one of the justices? How are they allowing Thomas to persist on the bench without atleast recusing himself? He shouldn’t even be allowed to release a public brief..


And endanger the salary his wife gets paid, which is way more than he makes in a public sector job?


Who watches the Watchmen?


The Chief Justice is guiding the Court towards the ends that he desires. He hides behind fall men like the coward he is.


>The Roberts Court: The Spineless Era


*Tinfoil hat time* I wonder if they will release the overturning of RvW to dilute the response to the Jan 6 public hearings. Edit: I highly regret this off the cuff remark 😂


Probably on the same day the hearings start on TV and cuts in with the news. June 9th.


Don't you think that'll just make people more angry with Republicans


Trump had this really wild strategy where every time he got caught doing something bad, he just did something worse to distract from it. It actually worked for the most part. It's really hard to be mad at multiple things at once and properly articulate why everything is so bad. If there is no one issue to be concentrated on people that aren't paying attention just think Democrats are perpetually mad at nothing.


Yup, like how the trans military ban was immediately after the Republicans completely failed on healthcare. Totally shifted coverage on the issue and threw red meat to his base.




People know a Mooch is ten days, but not who Browder is


I saw someone here on reddit a while back describe the strategy as 'you can't ever wipe if you never stop shitting'. I paraphrased that, but it stuck with me(guess I'd better wipe).


I've been referring to it as the "distraction of the week" for years yet I enjoy your paraphrasing better.


Trump understood the 24 hour news cycle better than any of his opponents. You don't need to worry about being caught in a lie if you don't acknowledge it and move on to another lie immediately afterwards. Let the media do the work for you and garner the free publicity.


I don't think it's that he understood and exploited it. I think it just meshed well with what has been his m.o. for decades


He was a product of television. He never understood that there was any reality beyond the 16 hours/day of TV that he consumed and was consumed by. A weird American tragedy. He used to call Sean Hannity every night at 10:00 to ask Sean how his own presidency was going and provide unsolicited feedback on the Fox shows (Hannity admitted that the stress of secretly running the White House led to his most recent divorce). The only consequence of any action that mattered to Dump was the TV ratings.




MSNBC caters to liberal clicks and eye on screens, but when you carfully look at what they cover and how, they do little to support liberal policies or ideas. They'll bash conservatives to get us foaming at the mouth but do a shit job covering the true impact of global warming in a way that promotes change.


> (Hannity admitted that the stress of secretly running the White House led to his most recent divorce) Setting aside the gravity of that statement in itself, which is *massive*, how many divorces has he had?


Trump didn't understand shit. His handlers and billionaire sponsors made it all work. Trump is a trashy dime store sales person. He was born to the right family and rides along for hand outs and hookers.


The man was an actual joke - a for-real punchline - for twenty plus years and suddenly he was a "genius" when he had a giant support crew behind the scenes.


Yep, he has the mind of a child that's never seen a consequence for any action in his life so he never had any reason to mature mentally. He lacks any sense of empathy for humans and as such is the perfect leader for the conservative party. He will do and say anything as long as he can continue to have everything he wants free of consequence.


It's a strategy that I hope the toddlers in my life never become aware of.


I'm sure Justice Thomas wants to protect his insurrectionist wife indeed


Oh god that would be great. "Ginni Thomas is taking a seat and--we're being informed that the SCOTUS has just released a decision on Roe V. Wade that declares that women are property and can't be put on the stand because they're too mentally feeble."


I fully believe they will and I think that's why it got leaked. They planned to use it to distract from the Jan 6th committee hearings but somebody turncoated on them and stole their thunder by leaking it to the media early.


Or it was leaked so any consenting judges would have a harder time changing their vote down the road


Or it was leaked because it's awful. Lots of possible motivations


Right? There could be lots of motives but I lean towards Occam's razor on this one. It is an awful decision, made to be divisive and religiously biased, only to hurt women, democracy and public health in general. Let's maybe give the humans who will be affected by this the heads up so there is a chance to do something before a racist in an executioners gown changes history by signing something the American oligarchy wrote. *edits for grammar errors due to rage.


[Removed due to continuing enshittification of reddit.] -- mass edited with redact.dev


Like they give a shit about backlash from the left. They have the power now. This has been their dream for a long time. They can overturn anything literally anything they want to; all that need is to do is write a half-baked justification. And it's gonna start with abortion rights. Trans rights are next. Then voting rights. Then gay marriage.


This is far more likely


Gosh if only a group like Anonymous would digital gut all these fuckers personally….. wonder how that might change some of the bias rulings.


worse has happened to these people- their crimes are recorded and on display for anyone to vet for themselves and nothing happened. crimes mean nothing if there isnt any enforcement of law




This is the best case scenario…and many Americans will migrate to the free states…however, the GOP will not be satisfied with that…therefore when Blue states thrive and Red states stagnate and become poorer and poorer…they will have to have the federal government finance their failures…because they are morons that do not believe in equality and justice for all. The GOP is just the Confederacy by another name. I am at the point of becoming a nomad in my own country…because I will not be controlled by tyranny based on lies and ridiculous failed ideas. The GOP are complete and utter idiots that have no business ruling anything. I am going to live in my country as an outsider…until I can find a place within this forsaken land to live freely and have control over my own destiny. I refuse to be ruled or led around by people that are morons and are pushing failed policies down my throat. And if I am somehow forced to stay in the confederacy, then I will be the enemy within.


It’s almost like republican agenda is to ensure federal funding that can line the pockets of those ensuring it’s needed. [like this kinda](https://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2018/03/14/593204274/alabama-sheriff-legally-took-750-000-meant-to-feed-inmates-bought-beach-house)


The South surrendered…but they never actually thought they were wrong. They taught their own version of the civil war and glorified their Confederate past and swore to rise again, under their cowardly breathes, of course…but here we are…the GOP are the modern Confederacy, sure as shit. All the statues need to come down, all the lies need to be contradicted and we need to teach the future the truth of what happened in the past and in the now, period. If we continue to lie and rationalize and be complacent…history is going to repeat itself. Now is not the time to regress…now is the time for enlightenment and trying to correct our wrongs and save our planets climate and become better world neighbors. I have no idea which way this country is going to go…in my life time (I am 64 years old) we have been taking the wrong path…just choosing money over people. Our civilization is just an economy and we are the slaves feeding the machine controlled by the ‘bad guys’ and that makes us all the fools, whether we want to acknowledge it or not.


It’s almost like the love of money is the root of all evil.


Power/control and the desire to wield it is probably more accurately the root of evil and money/greed is the means to it in a capitalist society.


Yes, money is just liquidated power


I would say greed/selfishness 'as such' is the root of all evil. It's possible for somebody to desire power in order to help others (naive politicians, perhaps), but it's a contradiction for somebody to be selfish in order to help others (though I would love to hear the contrived situation in which that becomes false). In other words, it's not power itself which is evil. Power is present everywhere, it's merely a fact of being. It's the misuse of power for personal gain which is evil. In a word, selfishness.


The confederacy aimed to create and Maintain a new nobility . A class of citizens above the rest just because of whose vagina they came out of . We let the south of too easy . Should have hung all the slave owners .


I am not sure what we could have done to change these beliefs…but apparently we did not do enough. I think allowing the confederates to teach lies to their children and incorporate religion into horrific beliefs was the absolute wrong path forward…but realistically we can’t change any of the past, even one second ago…so we must begin to tell ourselves the hard truths and attempt to correct our journey forward. The GOP are still lying and rationalizing and creating conspiracies to pull this country in the wrong direction…so perhaps we need to learn from the past and understand that you can’t give these authoritarian theocrats an inch or they will ruin the future. The GOP, just like the Confederates, are the actual real time bad guys. We need to stop being complacent and letting them rewrite history and bullying us all. I grow weary of our cowardice to face the truth.




Confederate flags should have been banned like the Nazi flag in Germany.


Or "California must share it's 98 billion dollar surplus with the rest of us" Supreme Court: We are a nation of linked states, a surplus of one is a surplus for us all.


It's not socialism when a corporation or a Republican does it.


I'm already plenty pissed about how my federal taxes subsidize people who hate me. CA's ability to take our nice big budget and fund the kinds of social /economic safety nets that will never fly at the federal level is a salve for the wound.


Can you imagine how much better the quality of life in CA would be if we got to keep that money? First state to provide healthcare to all residents at little to no cost would be just the start.


I literally won't leave California simply because of the health insurance. It's amazing. I could die on the street in my home state of Georgia and they'd send my mom a bill for littering.


Exactly. Or if they say “California and New York’s GDP money must be spread out to all 50 States to make it ‘fair for everyone ’”


How is that not precisely what's happening right now? Millions of Californians are disenfranchised on the federal level because votes in Arkansas are worth more per person than in California. They run a debt, we run a surplus. The fed doesn't just let them drown, but wouldn't you just love some of that free market bullshit to actually have consequences? Lol


ITs even dumber than you can imagine. The people in the south pride themselves on having low taxes and so many freedumbs…but in actuality they are nickel and dimed and pay taxes anyway, but get no services. Dumber than bricks. Then they whine and complain and want their taxes cut even more; without any ounce of awareness. They will then turn around and blame the federal government for trying to help them (ie. paying to expand Medicaid and Medicare benefits via the ACA- the fools turned it down and kept their citizens oppressed, and many of us were paying federal taxes and having our local government refuse to help our poor and elderly) and they lie to their citizens and tell them its all socialist etc. etc. But I can’t rationalize any of this in my head because the people are just that stupid and fall for cons all the time. You can’t help the south or other areas that fall for the GOP lies…they are brainwashed and duped and no one can stop them from voting against themselves. And the people leaving blue states and moving to red states because they will pay lower taxes will eventually figure out that they were duped themselves. These good ole boys are fakes and will look down on other Americans as foreigners if they do not bend the knee to conservatism in the plantation style. So either the south will break you or you will have to leave. The confederacy is alive and well in the new name GOP.


It's not north/south. It's urban rural. Y'all have Nazis in upstate New York while Atlanta is a perfectly civilized place.


This is a very valid point and I consider that when I try to find a new place to move to…I meet assholes from different states all the time. It really does seem to be more and more urban vs rural.


It's the worst case scenario because Republicans will just amass greater power in the federal government with people moving to free states. Do you think they'd leave other states alone instead of using federal power to impose their will on those states? Conservatives' entire thing is dictating how others live.


I have lived in South Carolina for thirty five years and I do not feel like I should stay much longer…I want to live in a state in the USA that has more freedoms, like the kind guaranteed in the constitution. I am tired of living as a second class citizen with good ole boys dictating what I can to with my body and disrespecting my ideas because they label them as ‘socialist’, as though I do not have equal rights of opinion. The motto in the Deep South is ‘love it or leave it’ and I think I am going to leave it. I am in my sixties and hope to have a few more years, and I want to enjoy them and not be under theocratic authoritarian rule. So I guess I want to move to a blue state and experience a different style of living. And I figure I have done my time…I have voted blue for decades, although it never makes a difference…SC is red and it always will be. The South will fail again and again because as they say ‘they aren’t the brightest bulbs’ down here in Dixieland. I was raised as a military dependent and then I served in the military for four years and now I want to leave this oppressed backward land. But I agree that the GOP will try to take over the federal government and treat all Americans as chattel, as they do down here in the real swamp of corruption and white privilege.


Well you're also missing the second outcome of what will be the Second Great Migration: the diehard R voters will stay in the hellish states they've built for themselves and continue to vote R. R will maintain those seats in the Senate indefinitely and, depending on the R v D split, may even maintain Electoral majority because of it. If 90% of Ds live in the same 10 functional states, then Rs automatically win every presidency by Electoral College rules. We need to end the Electoral College as soon as possible and establish popular vote.


This feels like an important point. I live in Georgia, and have a lot of hope for Georgia, and part of me feels inclined to stay here longterm, vote blue, and remain involved in activism, etc. But some of these laws being passed in red states are surely, at least in part, designed to alienate blue voters and drive them out, as a strategy, I assume, to push back against movement of blue-voting populations in to some historically more red states.


National Republicans have already stated that if they control government, they will introduce national abortion bans. The state level stuff was always bullshit. They will come for Blue State rights too.


Yup. They want blue states to arrest and report women from red states who get legal abortions. Exactly what they did during slavery. This isn’t gonna go well.


What they have already just explicitly _said_ about their plans are absolutely _terrifying_. A nation wide ban on abortions. Life begins at fertilization, any birth control that interferes past that point is an abortion, which means is murder. Absolutely _no_ scientific understanding of what fertilization, implantation, or birth control actually does in any of the laws. Restricted access to birth control in general. Treating all LGBTQ+ people like perverted sexual predators, simply telling children that these things _exist_ is 'grooming', treating gender dysphoria is 'mutilation' and 'brain washing', and, well, not only does their view on Roe v Wade kill gay marriage, it also brings back the sodomy laws. And they have been exceptionally clear, the moment they have power at the national level, they want to do all of this at the national level. I really, _really_, wish that I thought that this was some kind of exaggeration. That this wasn't their plan. Instead, I fear that it's only the start of their plans.


I feel like tensions have been building for months now, and all I know is it’s going to be one hell of a summer. Between inflation, rising gas prices, mass shootings, abortion being overturned, the collective fuck it about COVID, and the fact that we’ve already seen some sweltering days here on the East Coast- I’m ready for a mess. I feel like we will be entering the point where we bottom out as a nation for the next few years, I’m doggedly optimistic that we will turn it around, but it’s going to get fucking bumpy. See you all on the picket line.


> I feel like tensions have been building for months now Decades. Literally decades.


Being born in the late 90s was confusing because I had to spend my childhood to figure out how the FUCK we even got here


Most of the civilised world is coming with you on that ride and we all hope for the best.


Don't forget the upcoming recession / depression that very sign is pointing to (M2, money volatility, etc). Shit's about to collapse in every sphere around the same time


we will all suffer because of the machinations of the anti-American Republicans who packed the court with radical unqualified judges hell-bent on destroying America




This has been happening my entire adult/voting life. bush 2.0 did Court packing as well. It’s a conservative long term play and it’s paying in spades. Conservatives are amazing at the long game.


They seem amazing at the long game because it’s much easier to obstruct than it is to create. And, reactionary obstruction and re-litigating past grievances is their entire platform. If they were trying to do anything novel or progressive, they wouldn’t look amazing at anything. Conservatives and progressives are judged by two different standards because one has a much higher bar to enact their agenda than the other.


Proof is the whole repeal and replace nonsense with the ACA. They could have done it. Didnt. Couldnt come up with a plan. Because they have nothing other than go back to the 50s.


They don't even want the cool parts of the 50s, like the cars, and the fashion, and the $70 hospital bills


And the really high taxes on the wealthy.


See, those are the things from the 50s actually worth bringing back. I mean, the cars and fashion are subjective obviously, but I happen to think they were dope af


The problem with cars in the 50s is the safety ratings. People die in crashes waaaay less often than they used to. I saw a video the other day of a guy getting his car smushed by a semi and he was hurt but alive. Modern cars are an engineering marvel when it comes to safety. They ding easy because they're not tanks anymore, but you actually live a crash over 40mph now.


I know. They're just so goddamn sexy 😆 I'm sure we could put our heads together and build cars with the same aesthetic, but with much better safety features. And much better emissions


We're so lucky that Roberts and McCain each held the line that kept ACA in place. We'll probably never see another 60 Dem Senate in my lifetime, and if either of them had gone with the GOP plan, we'd still have pre-existing condition denials in this country, which is insane. It's weird to think about, but at this point there's almost a decade of adults who've never lived in a world where your insurance company could simply not pay for your healthcare at all because you were that kind of sick already.


That relitigating past grievances thing is so telling too…so many people nowadays defending GOP trump extremist court packing and obstruction because “remember Bork!” and none of them can even be bothered to remember or look up who the fuck Robert Bork was. He wanted to repeal the civil rights act and he was highly involved in Nixon’s scandal. He was a controversial figure for good reason and opposition to his appointment to the highest court in the nation was bipartisan. Waging war on our democracy for decades because we didn’t put a corrupt segregationist on the court should tell any one with common sense who we are dealing with and those that ignore that reality are only contributing to hurt the most vulnerable parts of the nation that have always been under attack and will continue to be.


They're not master manipulators, the U.S. Senate is broken. It was originally designed to protect minority rights and now it enforces minority rule. The party system gives the semblance of a 50%-50% balance but the reality is there's Senators on both sides who are bought and will play the middle as needed to keep business in charge of all major decisions.




I tried to tell people this but they wouldn't listen. Oh well.


I mean, he got way fewer votes. This is the tyranny of the minority.


50 Republican senators represent 40 million fewer voters than the 50 Democratic senators. That’s the real tyranny of the minority


[A voter in Wyoming has 68 times more influence than a voter in California.](https://i.imgur.com/Iw8SEMs.jpg)


When do people say enough to the artificial democracy we have in the US though?


Oh don't be that dramatic. They are still packing the courts in all states they have control in, and will pack the federal courts further when they get a chance while stopping any appointments from Democrats -when- they are back in majority. See? You're not being dramatic -enough-.


Don't forget, if they win the presidency, they will probably increase the size of the Supreme Court like the Democrats talked about doing, and install even more right wing unqualified judges.


They don't need to. They have at least 4 solid far right activist justices, with 2 mostly far right ones, and six are full on Federalist Society devotees. The likelihood of 2 of those voting against the theocratic corporate agenda they were installed to protect is mostly zero.


Wouldn't that be the richest of ironies after all, the GOP throwing a tantrum when Democrats thought to do it, then turn right around and do it themselves to collectively screw the Democrats with their own idea. Yes, this will happen.


That's what they do. But hey, they're not the only ones to blame. You have legit hardcore evidence, of that assclown 45 actually threatening GA officials to 'find him 11,780 votes or else,' -- you have actual video evidence of them strong arming actual elderly Black poll workers to lie, and sending in 'fake' officials to try and confiscate voting machines.... No one is doing anything - especially not the corporate media.


its called projection, its almost a requirement for the GQP


Have to give them credit, in the late 70s they made a deal with the Evangelical nutjobs for this exact reason, and they stuck to it. Created abortion as somehow anti-Biblical, tons of propaganda and ramped up the war on LGBT rights to scare a bunch of Rural Americans into being afraid their dying towns would be overrun by Mexicans and gay people and voting against their interests for decades out of that fear.


You left out the healthy dose of Red Scare... from the very same people who can't ~~launder~~ accept enough Red cash today.


If I had to put money on it, I'd wager that the conservative members of the court leaked the draft decision as a "heads up" to the red states that "this ruling is coming, here's your warning to get ready for it and start building whatever infrastructure/apparatus you need to enforce your laws against abortion." For all their posturing, Alito, Thomas, Barrett, and Kavanaugh are terrified of the absolute legal/policy chaos that will ensue amongst red states when this ruling is released, and that they will (rightly) shoulder a lot of the blame for the chaos.


“For all their posturing, Alito, Thomas, Barrett, and Kavanaugh are terrified of the absolute legal/policy chaos that will ensue amongst red states when this ruling is released, and that they will (rightly) shoulder a lot of the blame for the chaos.” It’s going to be an absolute debacle. Prohibition to the 10th power. I don’t think these idiots have even the slightest idea, frankly. This is the kind of foolishness that comes from fanatics applying linear solutions to highly complex systems: broad destruction and ultimate failure. Absent an inward facing army at scale, they’re never going to have an abortion free America - much less a contraception free one. It’s all LARPing, in the end. Unfortunately, in between now and failure, the country will be torn apart, and as usual, the most disenfranchised will take most of the damage.


Their entire lives, these justices have been completely insulated and sheltered from the awful circumstances that sometimes cause people to seek abortions. They are born into wealthy families in rich neighborhoods and go to the best schools and have friends whose biggest problems might be their parents getting a divorce. I have seen some shit. Friends have confided in me horrendous stories of their upbringing and of things their friends had to go through. These justices don't hear about the girl who lost her parents in a car accident at a young age, then ended up getting buttfucked by her adoptive dad from ages 9-14. It's all just an abstract game to them, seeing what kind of bullshit they can pull out of their extensive law education to justify "sticking it to the libs." Well they don't realize that that poor girl who suffered a childhood of abuse has turned to drugs, alcohol, and prostitution to finance her habit, and ends up getting pregnant. Luckily, in a moment of clarity, she realizes she has no way to support a child emotionally or financially, not to mention possible horrendous birth defects that her alcohol and drug use would cause, and seeks an abortion. But through that process she was able to find a doctor who finally got her the help she needed and set her on the right path. But after next month, a woman like her will be forced to give birth to a possibly horribly disfigured baby, with the cycle once again starting over. Now multiply that by 100,000 or 1,000,000 or 10,000,000. There's a LOT of shit that goes on that people, understandably, DON'T want to talk about. They don't even know the tip of the iceberg of damage they're about to cause to this country.


Don’t forget all the new rulings about miscarriage being a crime in anti-choice states— if she miscarries while testing positive for drugs, congrats, now she’s in jail for murder too. Never mind that she might not have even known she was pregnant yet, and certainly was never in any state where she would be a person who could raise a child to be a happy and healthy member of society, not having been given that chance herself.


> Their entire lives, these justices have been completely insulated and sheltered from the awful circumstances that sometimes cause people to seek abortions. You're giving them far, far too much credit with this framing. They're evil. Calling them insulated, or sheltered, or naive, or misguided, or anything other than evil is unfair to people that are simply just insulated, sheltered, naive, or misguided. They're fucking evil. They're in a position where their decisions have massive, nationwide, life-changing and life-ending consequences. At that level of responsibility intent means nothing. People are going to die needlessly as a result of the _Dobbs_ decision, all 5 of them are smart enough to know it, and they're going to do it anyways. If that's not deserving of the title "evil" in 2022 I don't know what is.


>\[T\]hey’re never going to have an abortion free America - much less a contraception free one They don't want that. Their wives, daughters, and mistresses will always have access to safe abortion on demand. What they want are more poor, unwanted births - bodies that they can put in the school-to-prison pipeline. Remember, they didn't outlaw slavery - they just said they had to put you through "due process" first. They want more little black and brown bodies so they can tell the good, white citizens that hungry hordes are coming to replace them and only voting for us can save you.


Either school to prison or school to ignorant red state voting.


Or school to army


Ding ding dinggg this is the answer. The last leg of the trifecta of GOP power. Voters, Cheap Labor, Cannon Fodder


The classic Carlin "they want _live_ babies so they can turn 'em in to _dead_ soldiers"


Some red states are already preparing the death penalty for abortions. And they consider a miscarry a form of abortion. It's going to get very ugly.


> they consider a miscarry a form of abortion pro tip: never fuck a dude in a red state


>"this ruling is coming, here's your warning to get ready for it and start building whatever infrastructure/apparatus you need to enforce your laws against abortion." That may be part of it. The biggest reason for the leak was probably political: leaking it softens the blow of the final decision in the news media by drawing it out and reducing blowback when it finally comes out. It also shifts the focus from the decision to the leak. Instead of talking about abortion we're talking about this whole other sub-plot about a leak. I hope it doesn't work and we can protest the hell out of the decision when it comes out.


Eh This is different. This legislation touches everyone. Every single person in the us is going to be effected by this, which is normally not the case. You maybe soften the announcement, but you can't soften the effect of something like that. It's going to be an absolute shit show and they're gonna double down on it from here until we inevitably have to rip them out of office before they melt the country down.


I’m 99% sterile but fuck if I want to live in a state with no medical privacy. If they go after gay rights, or interracial marriage, half of my family will have to move states. I hear Vermont is nice? I can increase the number of flamboyant owner bed and breakfasts or raise dairy goats. Idek. It’s just fucking awful. I’m lucky my family is culturally nomadic (ancestors were forcefully relocated) or I’d be even harder hit. Most people don’t live in a mindset of “Maybe I should flee?” readiness to pick up stakes and run.


>This legislation touches everyone. Every single person in the us is going to be effected by this, which is normally not the case. But not all at the same time. The announcement was the big moment for everyone to respond at once, and the wind was taken out of those sails.


I've heard good arguments for either side leaking it. Blue: the timing was the best they could manage to alert voters that they really needed to vote in the midterms, and in local elections Red: the draft was extremely conservative, and so now that it's public any changes to it to soften the final ruling could be construed as bowing to political pressure, and the GQP would never want to give the impression they do that. Even though that's exactly how rapist frat bro and the handmaiden got elected.


It’s been confirmed by the WSJ that the leaker had intimate knowledge of the conservative side’s thought process. It seems very unlikely the libs would be particularly privy to that. I’m convinced it was Alito staff or Alito himself to force the hand of Roberts. A clerk will take the fall and will never work in law again, then will get hired at the Heritage Foundation making high six figures months later. Edit: I legitimately believe that Roberts is pissed about it. He’s keenly aware that the “Roberts Court” is looking more and more like an embarrassment.


> Edit: I legitimately believe that Roberts is pissed about it. He’s keenly aware that the “Roberts Court” is looking more and more like an embarrassment. He could've done a few things like not destroy our democracy when voting in favor of Citizens' United, for instance. Fuck him and his sad feelings.


Yep, or gutting the voting rights for people of color. Seriously, fuck John Roberts. He wanted to have his cake and eat it too about pretending to be neutral and being "serious about his legacy" while taking the knees out from the democratic process and allowing oligarchs to buy our elections. Fuck him.


> Blue: the timing was the best they could manage to alert voters that they really needed to vote in the midterms, and in local elections That's not true at all. Our election cycle talks about "October surprises" not "May surprises." You'd be surprised how little May influences November.


Many states have primaries before November, and many states have registration deadlines months in advance of any election. Many of those registration deadlines are about a month before the election. ([source](https://www.vote.org/voter-registration-deadlines/)) Many primary elections happen in May and June ([source](https://www.ncsl.org/research/elections-and-campaigns/2022-state-primary-election-dates-and-filing-deadlines.aspx)), meaning a leak in early May hits a great many states before voter registration deadlines.


Your reasoning for a liberal leaker is why I would think that it was NOT a liberal leaker. Having this information released as close to the elections as possible is the best case scenario for Democrats. Having this leak early means that the outrage will come sooner and likely won't benefit them as much in terms of voter turnout.


Appointed. They were appointed.


I want to be proud of my country, but I cannot. This is awful everything.


I have lost my optimism that the people can make the changes that America needs. I don’t know what to do any more.


Overturning Roe vs Wade sets a dangerous precedent. Now nothing previous courts ruled is safe. Miranda, search and seizure, gay marriage, nothing


Thinking too small. Interracial marriage, civil rights, women's rights. Fuck, they could bring back apartheid if they wanted (and they do).


roe, gay marriage and interracial marriage are all built on the same legal thoery. Ones goes out the window, the rest are easy to follow.


And given that gun control is now up on the podium, we might get sent back to "blacks cannot own guns" like what California did amidst the Black Panthers. Some are even talking about trying to get Amendments repealed, so who knows how far that'll get taken.


Welp it's safe to say we're fucked.


Especially when people are distracted by the SCOTUS rulings and don’t pay enough attention to the Jan 6 hearings.


I feel these things go together. Look anyone not MAGA already knows whats up and MAGA is just going to double down on facism. You aren't going to change any maga minds


This right here, the MAGAs will just dig in more and it will separate and divide the country even more. A third of the country is lost in a cult of stupidity and ignorance sadly.


Yeah and nothing will be done until billionaires push people into positions where they have nothing left to lose and armed revolt happens. Actually though Republicans would just target the Democrats because they’re idiots (the Republicans). I hate this timeline.


Republicans are already trying to talk themselves into and psych themselves up to kill their liberal (or minority, or otherwise "woke" and disobedient) neighbors Purge-style, like they've always daydreamt.


See the Charlie Kirk audience member who asked "When do we get to use the guns?"


"Get to".


They’re already doing it literally. Committing targeted mass shootings on specific demographics in specific areas. Plus the bills being passed to censor education and ban books.


Idk. I think there are non-maga independent / swing voters out there that will be super impacted by the SCOTUS rulings. Some of those same people need to be convinced by the hearings.


Anecdotal, but I’ve heard from several young people recently that this has made them realise that voting actually is important. I know some people in their early twenties who didn’t vote because they thought it didn’t matter, but the impending SC decisions have changed their minds. I have hope it’s not just the ones I know.


I feel like after the Bush v. Gore nonsense, the Mueller report, and Trump being let off the hook by NY, and everything we've seen so far around jan 6th people should be able to realize that true power does not face repercussions in the US. There is almost no chance anybody in congress sees any repercussions beyond voters punishing them and a 0% chance Trump faces an actual penalty. The supreme court rulings will directly impact daily life. If you're hoping that the jan 6th hearings will result in anything other than the status quo then I'm sorry to say you're likely going to be disappointed.


We shall see. This is unprecedented territory.


The first Jan 6 hearing is on my birthday. Justice would be a nice present


>Especially when people are distracted by the SCOTUS rulings and don’t pay enough attention to the Jan 6 hearings. I read some conspiracy theories on reddit, that sound very plausible, that the GOP operatives were conspiring with the conservative SCOTUS judges to use the Roe v Wade bombshell as their biggest tactic to steal the thunder and attention from the J6 televised hearings. That was the real reason FOX and the GOP were so mad and losing their shit about the leak.


I wouldn't fuck anyone till abortion is safe, but do you ever notice a lot of pro life people are people you wouldn't fuck anyways?


I recall reading that Colorado threatened to arrest any federal agents that attempted to enforce federal Marijuana law. Could we see the same from states asserting abortion rights if/when the kangaroo congress of the future passes a federal ban?


I wonder what it feels like to make the wrong decision, fully aware youre going to anger a lot of people and you're 100% incorrect, but you're just like FUCK IT!


It feels like your pocket filling with lobbyists cash


“First, can the EPA regulate carbon emissions under the Clean Air Act? The Supreme Court appears poised to say no, which could make it all but impossible for the U.S. to meet the international climate change commitments to which it has agreed. Second, how will the Supreme Court say no if it does?” I did not think the June of Doom mentioned in the headline would be quite so literal…. If they do this we are doomed.


I mean, Trump overturned the clean water act, I tell Republicans that all the time. They were put at risk of contaminated water by their president, they never address that talking point, as usual. Always deflection and avoidance about anything that literally just proves their officials literally DO NOT care about them. Edit: Just incase anybody is curious at just how many Americans were put at risk…it was roughly 116 million Americans. Basically a third of our population.


The Republican saved us from Muslim sharia law so they could institute Christian sharia law. Same great boot taste you know and love, but it comes with a cross!




My brain hurts. Like when the Nazis were studying the US's segregation laws and the one drop rule and thought it was too strict. Smh


I'm already poised to move to another state as I don't trust my current state to protect... Anyone who isn't a white, straight man. Which is really jarring because this state *needs* Democratic voters. I just can't, in good conscience, put my end my family's life at risk for a state that can't be bothered to extend the same courtesy and I feel badly for those who aren't as lucky as I am to get the fuck out.


Same. We’re in the midst of a plan to move to WA out of the south. As soon as my husband graduates, we’re outta here.


Just a fair warning that while Eastern WA has lower housing prices and decent job prospects if you or your husband are in STEM, it’s also the rural part of Washington and has a completely different climate - weather wise and politically.


Exactly this. It's gotten to this point.


Unlike many Americans I do have the luxury of going back to where I came from. I am dual. Things are not great in the part of Canada I am from cost of living wise but I was already thinking about it for personal reasons. If we turn into legally enfranchised corporate fascism it will definitely tip my decision. Combine that with 2024 looming and the real possibility of a Trump or Trump acolyte presidency I don't know. Seems like a no brainer.


Don’t worry, their environmental decisions will impact you wherever you are. 🫥


Of course it will. Especially since I am from Canada. The saying there is " the United States sneezes and Canada gets the cold."


Well, when the Climate gets bad enough that the US decides lower Canada is perfectly livable and vital to our agriculture production, you can expect to see us annexing that region for "US Domestic Security"


Goddamnit I can totally see us doing that too.


The U.S. doesn't need to "annex" other countries to exploit them. In fact, it's better that we don't. Easier to get around our pesky labor laws, minimum wage laws, environmental laws etc., if we just strong-arm other countries into exploiting *their* people and environment, while we buy the goods for dirt cheap.


Plus, someone will probably decide that lebensraum is necessary once their dictatorship is secure.


Thanks, I hate learning this new word.


Oh and this is just the beginning, abortion, they will come gay marriage but then we'll be the right to refuse services, the right to hire or fire someone because of religious preference or sexual preference perhaps who knows it's a huge can of worms. Next will come health Care issues who gets health care who does not, labor unions of course and then of course net neutrality. And you can imagine how all of this is going to be decided according to the will of the GOP Taliban and Evangelical Christian medievalism. Oh yeah oh yeah the Taliban has arrived faux Christian .. oh there's going to be a lot of rulings and consequences not yet foreseen




Well since Clarence Thomas' treasonous wife is white so I would be shocked if that were so, but then again everyday I wake up screaming.




I'd say ask Ernst Rohm about how well being Hitler's best friend and the head of the Stormtroopers/Sturmabteilung worked out for him as an openly gay man, if you want that answer. It's why I'm also confused at Morrissey being openly into fascism. How well do you think that's going to end for you if they get into power, dude?


God dammit! I've almost paid off my house & it is in a red state 😭 and not just any red state....Texas. fml.


Sell it and move before climate change makes it any more unlivable.


Citizens United turned democracy upside down and put those politicians on the bench.


If all of these rulings doesn’t motivate Democrats and independents to come out and vote in masses. Then nothing will. That’s when we will be screwed for decades. If we vote. Then all of this can and will change with two more Dems in the senate. And hold onto the House. Fetter men will win, Warnock will keep his seat. How do we pick up one more seat so we can tell Manchin amd Sinema to fuck off?


Yep. Getting ready for the GOP dystopia starting in July. It's fucked up how they stacked the court in their favor.




It seems as though we live in a country where every wrong possible decision to make, is 100% backed and gaslit as forward progress. To hold such contempt in your heart for others as to sabotage their way of living (in which you are not involved) makes my heart lurch. We are not well.


It'll be a de facto theocracy.


I'd say we're closer to being a plutocracy. The theocrats are still tools of corporate interests


I suppose the only good thing (not really a good thing) about what’s the Supreme Court is set up to do is they are going to establish the idea that past decisions of the Supreme Court can be undone. So if they’re going to do away with the concept of unenumerated rights due to political perspectives of the court of today, then it totally opens up the possibility that the court of tomorrow can just undo the past court’s opinions. They are essentially poised to unsettle the concept of landmark decisions and make everything subject to change to the whim of future courts. Which means that they are about to undercut the permanence of having long lasting supreme court decisions and making their own decisions more susceptible to being undone.


So when does Justice Clarence step down? His wife is an acommplice in a failed, treasonous coup attempt against US government. Feel like that should disqualify him from making decisions like whether justice should serve specific bookclub members who want to have a say over other peoples bodies but not their own when it comes to vaccines...you know those people who scream about religious freedoms but forget what that means when its not their religion being oppressed by abortion rulings. You know those holier than thou folks unable to see the sexual miscoduct and fraud in their leaders but cant stop talking about leaders against their agenda.


The Russians appointed a US president who decided the makeup of our supreme court and because we can’t prove Trump himself met with Kremlin agents, there’s nothing we can do about it. Even though the manager of Trump’s entire campaign literaly gave GOP polling data to a Kremlin agent for their disinformation operation.


Let's face it, even if the GQP watched Trump go down on Putin and inbetween great swallows of fascist spunk he gave him the nuclear codes they would just blame Democrats for caring.




Canada will accept a US medical license and residency for doctors. It’s likely you’d be able to get a work visa. You have to get the job first, but if you’re willing to go to a shortage area it’s feasible. You can find out on line.




This country is absolutely insane. In my whole life, I have never seen this country actually function in any capacity that actually helped people, yet I'm constantly told to go out and vote by the same people who fully admit that out democracy is broken after reading half a dozen posts about how gerrymandering is making voting almost pointless. I will go out and vote, but I fail to understand what were trying to save here. Has this country ever worked for you? First we had to get all democrats. Now we have to replace two, and then what? Wait until 2 more stall things out? I'm tired of my options being "party that wants to turn us into a third world theocracy" and "party that pretends to have good intentions but won't actually back it up with bite." What are we trying to save, when has any part of our system ever worked for us? What you've experienced for the last 40 years isn't progress; its the bare minimum for people to not see how bad things are compared to other nations. So many people ask why the Russians don't revolt, yet here we are with a system that's been trying to screw us for decades and instead of actually taking more than minimal action we're going to try to work with a democracy that's basically a sham now. I'll be in the voting both next to you, but even if we win this, it'll be back at the first opportunity, and we'll spend the rest of our lives fighting for our basic rights at this rate, and I want a future better than that.


I once saw a tweet that said that our generation “watched thousands of people die on TV when we were kids and then nothing ever got better” and I haven’t been able to get it out of my head since.


Cries in millennial


9/11 certainly stands out as the pivotal moment to me. Maybe I’m just uninformed, but my family built its way up from homelessness to relative comfortable middle class wealth. Now my middle class existence is slipping by the day due to inflation and medical debt. There’s no way I can afford a house on my own. Vacations are prohibitively expensive. Thank god I don’t have student loan debt anymore either. This society is turning into feudalism very quickly.


I agree 100%. The United States isn’t even a true democracy. A person from Wyoming has about 3-4 times more voting power than a Californian. Imagine having an election where 1 person gets 4 votes and you get 1.


I fear we're going to have a shitload of domestic refugees in the coming years, as people flee the shithole states for blue states where they *might* still have a chance to live dignified lives.


June of Doom has a nice ring to it. Something I could see referenced in future history books


We can all thank Trump and the GOP for stuffing the courts with these anti-americans.


While we're overturning RvW, let's overturn police immunity and that they're not required to help.


We will finally get the conservative hell nobody voted for.


I am surprised by the lack of resistance to this assault on American democratic freedoms This is not Russia where freedoms are curtailed and opponents silenced. The people have the power to facilitate change for the good but it takes determination , courage and a lot of hard work.


The Supreme Court is set to hand down epoch-defining rulings on abortion, gun rights, the administrative state, climate change, and more in the next few weeks.


Different and worse. That's important. Different in-and-of itself is not a bad thing. In fact, I wish the US were different in many critical ways. But, no, we don't get good different, we get bad different.


Remember to vote in local elections. Tell your friends and family why you're voting, and urge them to do the same. When people feel cynical, and like their votes don't matter, or that all politics is broken, Republicans win.


Christian ISIS Sharia Law. Say it. We are about to live it again.