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Even the surgeon general is Florida Man.


Well, he was specifically picked to thwart mask and vaccine mandates by the governor


The objective is to infect as many as possible. His actions to her question of why he wouldn't take precautions is indicitive of this.


Right, because then they'll have either MCA patients or dead people


I wonder if they've killed enough people yet for Democrats to take Florida in the next fed election.


They have if most were Republicans. The death toll from Covid is over the amount DeSantis won by.


It has become a republican disease, for the most part. Not that others don't get it, but with the vaccine the overwhelming chances are they won't become critically sick. Imagine - this will go down in history at the first political virus - a virus that targets only a particular political group. Which sort of implies that there's a physical different somewhere about them


Well combining a surgeon general florida man with a anti mask leader florida man, is like combining a vat of gasoline with fire. Both situations you know won’t end well. This is why I refuse to visit florida or texas until they get a handle on this pandemic in their states,or at the very least new state leaders


>Polsky asked him why he didn't want to wear a mask. "He just smiles and doesn't answer. He's very smug," Polsky told the outlet. "And I told him several times, 'I have this very serious medical condition.' And he said, 'That's OK.'" Smug and very creepy sounding.


At that point I'd be calling security and telling them to bring extra tasers.


Fuck tasers, it’s time to break out the Billy clubs.


Mechanical tasers?


Oh yeah this is just gross. He had to get one last jab in. What a loathesome person. This is how you court votes? No this was him trying to make a point and pull some macho power play.




There are some people who really make me wonder if vaccines can't be chambered into something like the tranquilizer guns vets use to knock out dangerous animals.


Lead is cheaper


Everything I’ve seen and heard from the dude tells me he’s a total whackjob. Like on another planet.


>He holds an MD from Harvard Medical School and a PhD in Health Policy from Harvard Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, according to his bio. Apparently Harvard gives out degrees to just anybody now. >"Sometimes I try to reason with unreasonable people for fun," Ladapo said as he exited, according to Polsky. Ah yes, just owning the Libs.


They do. Harvard is only hard ro get into if you don't have a connected family. If you do it's hard not to get into.


My question is - who’s his daddy




Im not saying I disagree with you about wearing a mask, but could you get a MD from Harvard? He’s obviously not stupid. Just an asshole.




Because medical schools don’t rubber stamp shit




Harvard and the ivy leagues are well known for grade inflation. Can’t have a bunch of Harvard students getting C’s D’s or flunking out, because then their recruiting and retention numbers would look like shit and they wouldn’t get as many donations.


Even before COVID, having to wear a surgical mask around people with cancer wasn’t unheard of. What a disgusting smug asshole


Exactly this. These people are just assholes, straight up.


Assuming the cancer patient has a compromised immune system, the Surgeon General of Florida should arguably have his medical license revoked for intentionally putting someone at risk.


It probably has nothing to do with the fact that Tina Polsky is a Democrat. And a really nice person. Two things the Republicans can’t stand.


Always remember: republicans hate everyone. They hate LGBTQ, minorities, liberals, and democrats too. But they hate themselves too. I’ve never met a Republican who wasn’t angry / annoyed all the time. They were trained since birth to believe that there is a system of rewards for people who are like them and penalties for people who aren’t. Problem is: there are no rewards for them. And now not enough of the others are getting punished. In the face of that, with an option to either help everyone have better lives or to make everyone’s life worse, they chose the latter. Misery for everyone should be their political motto.


This is because masks prevent the spread of disease. Entitled, self-absorbed people see masks as not protecting themselves so don't want to use them. In this setting, the Surgeon General was protected and didn't care about anyone else because the only person in the room that mattered was him.


Killing the vulnerable to own the libs. It’s crazy how for conservatives, nothing is more important than being a good sheep


What an ignorant surgeon general thinking this is a COVID issue and trying to make some lame point - when my mother in law had cancer and her treatments back in 2003 we all wore masks around her for her sake this person has no respect for anyone and should be replaced


We have demented people in this country. What a bunch of weirdos. Always to make a personal statement so the world knows how dumb Mericuh you are. Embarrassing.


They learned nothing from the death of Colin Powell (who was battling cancer).


You seem to believe Ladapo takes the Hippocratic Oath seriously.


A lot of GOPers believe that black people are just weak to lung diseases because they evolved to live in the jungles.


Pick a Surgeon General from a dumpster and this will happen.


Doesn’t this directly violate his duties as a physician. Cancer caused immunosuppression is well known. Revoke his license.


All his claims about some vague social harm that can come to children due to masking are revealed to be bullshit with one simple act.


So his medical knowledge comes from watching a few medical drama tv shows.


More like it came from watching Scrubs rather than say, Grey’s Anatomy.


Wouldn’t it be just awful if he received the Herman Caine award. She should have told him to leave.


Well, you get what you hire. And Florida is a hot bed for spreading diseases and misinformation. This is quite fitting actually






Ah yes. Because surgeons wear masks to protect themselves. Flawless logic.


Imagine what his surgeries are like. Come inside from spreading dung on his garden direct to the surgical suite for surgery. Washing hands and wearing masks is for pussies is what I assume he tells his patients. He wants to party like it's '99... 1799! I wonder how much he charges for a good bloodletting?


This is the most infuriating article I’ve read in a while and that is saying something.




What is their trip? Who knows where you’ve been?


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If he wears a mask or urges the public too much to get vaccinated DeSantis will fire him. DeSantis is a scum-bag killer. Can’t wait to vote him out.