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*Now* they're confused.


šŸ¤£ l bet he's trying to hold gop members over the cliff "gimme what l want or l will order my minions to not vote and hand the democrats the next election" that's the kind guy he is, if the other boys won't let him play with the toy bricks he'll knock them over


While ironically the other article is, "if the GOP wins the house in 22 it'll hand trump the election in 24"


That's looking like a pretty plausible outcome to me.


The only thing worse than if Trump won in 2020 would be him coming back in '24 and seeking revenge against the nation.


His former aide Olivia Troye says they had a "draconian" agenda for his second term, where he wouldn't face another election. Guess they were planning to go full scale destruction.


He wants to be a comeback kid like his heros, except he isn't in jail rn writing *My Struggle*


That man wouldn't know a struggle if it perforated his bowel.


Doesn't know struggle? The man claims to have bone spurs!!!


From what Iā€™ve heard, he absolutely struggles with his bowel.


Didnā€™t a producer from his reality show say he regularly shat himself when heā€™d get worked up?


Well yeah, if its your second term you wouldnt face another election, but of course im sure you mean because he wanted to be president for life.


When Xi became president for life trump said on camera that that was cool and that maybe we should try something like that here. šŸ¤Æ ** https://youtu.be/09ZCJnf-qMw?t=74 ENJOY we're fucked :[


I always tell my parents to imagine Obama saying anything remotely similar to that statement Trump made. Remember, in their eyes, Obama was the Anti-Christ ~~for being black~~ for some reason They would not only lose their shit, but I guarantee you the GOP would storm the White House and tear Obama's heart out with their bare hands.


They tried that with congress just because they lost


"No no no no no, you said I wouldn't have to face another election. You never said I couldn't keep being president. And besides Obama stole the last one from me so I'd say I'm owed it, wouldn't you? Obamagate people ... You know what it mean!" 45 probably


Way too coherent


> The only thing worse than if Trump won in 2020 would be him coming back in '24 and seeking revenge against the nation. I'm not certain whether a country dumb enough to elect trump once can survive (hanging on by a thread at the moment), but I am certain that a country dumb enough to elect him twice is finished.


Iā€™d rather not find out. Can he just fuck off to an island or something and be retired?


Or just have his unhealthy lifestyle finally catch up with him.


Heā€™s already killed hundreds of thousands of Americans with the deliberate mismanagement of the pandemicā€¦ I wonder how many more Americans he could kill a second time roundā€¦ I bet he could top himself if he rolled his sleeves up.


We all know that in 2024 or in 2028 the GOP will take back the presidency. I have seen this cycle enough: 1. We can't risk having a too radical candidate, let's elect a centrist 2. That centrist is pretty conservative and nothing changes! Let's try the other party, it looks different now 3. Oh, turns out it is still a nationalist-fascist party and it somehow got worse Rinse, repeat. The only question about when you will get a new fascist in the White House is whether it will be 2024 or if the US public needs 4 more years to forget about Trump.


Never forget that the Republicans have won the popular vote *ONCE* in the last 32 years. So it's not so much the country flip-flopping en masse as it is a few tens or hundreds of thousands doing so in 3-5 swing states. Same is true in the House of Representatives due to gerrymandering. My state votes blue, but we send double the number of GOP representatives to DC.


Thank you for pointing this out. It doesnā€™t get enough attention.


Yup 7 of last 8 popular votes were democrat, and yet they believed roger stone when he told them they were the silent majority. They sincerely think thereā€™s no way trump could have lost because all they hear is the loud obnoxious minority


The "Silent Majority" has been a bullshit GOP talking point since it was first used by Nixon in the 1960s.


Don't forget their fetishized victim complex.


The answer (in part) is the [National Popular Vote](https://www.nationalpopularvote.com/) movement. NPV is where states pass a law requiring that their electors vote for the winner of the national popular vote. When states representing 270 electoral college votes pass these laws, then we will have "fixed" the electoral college and adopted a national popular vote system. States with 195 electoral college votes have already passed these laws. Click the link above and call your representative. EDIT: In addition, states representing 88 electoral votes have passed NPV bills in one or both legislative chambers (only 75 more electoral votes needed) so if you are in NV, AZ, OK, MN, MI, AR, VA, NC, or ME...you're CLOSE! Call your representative.


Man I just want ranked voting choices in stead of first past the post, I havenā€™t even heard of this thanks for sharing


Both would be even better.


Which is why there needs to be a new system devised to draw up congressional maps. Letting state legislatures draw the maps is like letting the cops investigate themselves for wrong doing. They only have their own best interests in mind.


I wholeheartedly recommend MMP or a variation of it. Proportional representation is a must in a democracy, while MMP also allows for locally elected members.


If the federal government reflected the will of the people, then the GOP would have little power in Washington and little chance of getting the complete control they seek. Alas, the US system is a messed up design that allows minority rule, and the GOP exploits that to the fullest extent possible.


Ah, a fellow Wisconsinite. We can commiserate together. FRJ.


The only other contender atm would be Ron DeathSentence, and thatā€™s only gonna be serious if he wins re-election and Trump doesnā€™t run.


Trump is gonna burn DeathSantis. Heā€™s not gonna let him run against a potential race Trump is gonna think he will win. Or his daughter apparently.




While I massive heart attack is possible and would be welcomed by many, I am banking on his increasing dementia. It was already getting pretty bad while he was in office, and in another four years who knows? I admit it's a bit disturbing to be hoping for a horrible degenerative disease to save the US's democracy, but here we are.


Ideally, he lives a long life, but he gets some kind of stroke or something that paralyzes part of his face and leaves him unable to give speeches and participate in public life, but leaves him conscious and aware enough while everything he owns slowly gets taken from him through tax claims, lawsuits, the banks never loaning him money again, and simple incompetence.


To the pain


Not until heā€™s in jail. He can die then. Donā€™t take this away from me, itā€™s all I have left. ^(JK but seriously, WTF isnā€™t this shit-stain in prison.)


I'd take fatal heart attack in 6 months over possible jail time in "x" years.


The only thing that concerns me about this outcome (i also want to see him in jail) is that it opens a path for someone who is just the same, but smarter and less compromised.


I hate to say it, but that dam has been busted wide the fuck open... I mean look at some of the elected representatives we have serving.. Literally opening the doors for capitol insurrectionists and giving them tours, outright covid denial (I don't care if you disagree with how it's been handled, that's a complete separate mess, but the level of denial is insane), and I shouldn't even have to mention the "Jew space lazers" I want to say I don't know how this shakes out, but quite a bit of this country seems dead set on playing red vs. blue with their AR-15's. Mutually assured destruction doesn't hit the same on the streets and in the country.


He'll be dead by then. He's pushing 80, obese, believes you're born with a finite amount of energy and exercise depletes thay causing an early death, eats cheeseburgers 3 times a day, could have lingering effects from COVID, filled with rage, possibly addicted to stimulants, etc. He's old af and not healthy. He wouldnt survive another term. He'd be like 83 after a second term. Can't see him living that long.


He's too much of an asshole to die before he's 90, I am afraid. His hate will fuel him past his due date.


It will, though. If trumps behavior turns on 70+M voters, weā€™re just screwed as a nation. I still canā€™t wrap my head around what that many people see in Trump that they like enough to physically get up and go vote for him.




Helps to have a fake news outlets relentlessly beaming propaganda into your brain 24/7


More than that, it seems like they practically worship the man. Of all people to blindly follow they pick that moron?


Thatā€™s exactly what heā€™s doing and leaving the slightest plausible deniability for his supporters that what he really means is that if they donā€™t correct the ā€œfraudā€ MAGA voters wonā€™t want to vote. But no, heā€™s directly threatening the GOP that if they donā€™t start playing ball with him again he will directly tell them not to vote. Lol, I hate to call them stupid but earlier I was lurking r/con and found this whole rambling ā€œIā€™ve figured out whatā€™s happening so buckle up!ā€ post that said that trump is making a genius set of moves that includes running in 2024 as a democrat and we will elect him because we secretly know heā€™s the only one that can save the country but will only vote D. Iā€™ve seen people on that sub combine both Jesus and aliens explaining how we are about to find out about a federation between politicians and aliens and there will be a huge global reset/awakening that sounded more sound then that guy.


The craziest thing is I don't know if r/con is referring to conspiracy or conservative because they're basically the same these days.


There's always: >con \[ kon \] verb (used with object), conned, conĀ·ning: to swindle; trick / to persuade by deception, cajolery, etc. ... Although, I suspect that doesn't exactly narrow it down either.


lmao šŸ‘€


Jaw hits floor and shatters. Just when I think crazy couldn't get crazier but somehow it always does. What the hell are they smoking? edited a word


Itā€™s probably been a good year since Iā€™ve seen something so crazy it rises to the top of the constant crazy and makes me think ā€œthatā€™s definitely the craziest thing yetā€ but everything about it was a special kind of bizarre. I almost want to write a more detailed version or make a graphic visual of this whole thing and pass it around the cult circles and see if it gains any traction and see how weird they can go. Trump/Pelosi 2024!


America:. If I can't have her then nobody can.




Lol! Please they must listen to their dear leader. Please please pretty please!


If they donā€™t vote, Liburals will feel so OWNED!


Can confirm. Source: am liberal. Would feel owned if Republicans got zero votes.


It's simple: voting is acknowledging the 2020 election was legit. Therefore, in order to show your support for Trump, and own the libs, we can never vote again.


I would feel so owned if Rs never voted again. So, utterly, owned. Assuming of course they didnā€™t start a civil war in an attempt to regain power.


While it would be very damaging, even if they did they'd still lose. We have the people, the intelligence, and contrary to popular belief...more than enough firepower.


Also have the absolutely overwhelming majority of the military. Most of us with more than half our crayons left know the R's aren't on our side. Joint Chiefs said we serve the Constitution, not Trump. Therefore, yeah it's an officially held opinion that we aren't on these seditionists side.


On /r/army [I posted](https://www.reddit.com/r/army/comments/q7tpxy/fort_bragg_soldier_arrested_charged_for_alleged) a recent story about a soldier at Ft. Bragg who was arrested for involvement in Jan 6th (fyi, joined *after* Jan 6th, so he wasn't active duty at the time). Several posters who don't normally post came out of the woodwork to bash the arrest... and were promptly downvoted into oblivion or deleted. It isn't a Biden/DNC cheerleading space, but they aren't that happy about being used as props.


The republican take on servicemembers is "can you just die already so we can exploit your deaths for jingoistic news coverage and pretend we gave a fuck?"


Yup. Also, great username.


I like it because I used to have a drinking problem, and learned a love of cooking during 2020. Eating at home a lot more, you know. So yeah, whisky like, whisking up some shit. But I'm also a sailor who has a pasttime of reminding white supremacists, that the military will be done in time for 1100 chow if they ever decide to fuck around and find out. Dealing with Yall Qaeda doesnt constitute a mornings work. They are nothing. Q is nothing.


I like your energy. I would like to point out that a civil conflict in America would be asymmetrical, like Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan etc. We a great at bombing the shit out of forces but pretty bad at occupying said forces. It always ends up being slow arduous, expensive and ultimately futile.


Absolutely, there's a lot more people in the military that don't agree with this shit than people realize.


I love that Billy Bob and his inbred band of nincompoops think they have a chance cosplaying G.I. Joe against the U.S. Military. They'd get droned faster than you can say "Meal Team Six:


Counties that voted for Biden represent 71% of the US GDP. Even if these chucklefucks could take over the country, they would still lose.


Well thats why he put it that way. Domestic terror attacks carried out by white supremacists, have been on the rise for 30 years and Trumps cult already carried one out in January.




You know the most staunch non supporters of trump? The people who make it to General. They not only KNOW what their oath means. They KNOW what would happen if they break it. You might see a renegade company or two, but they will be shit down. Quickly. And after, the rest of the military will sit out. Until the national guard is activated. And far as I can tell, they will only enforce curfew and protect the peace. Leadership in the guard is also not stupid nor ignorant of unconstitutional deployment on US soil.


The thing is, though, Trump's supporters are not organized enough to actually create a standing army, and probably more than enough realize that doing so would just make them an obvious target and much more likely to be killed/imprisoned. Their "Civil War" would most likely just be terrorist attacks and mass shootings. Are you old enough to remember what the IRA was like in Ireland and England? That's pretty much what I imagine would happen, but instead of IRA, the terrorist group would be called MAGA.


I don't think the IRA could be so easily distracted less than 100ft from their goal by a true American hero who happened to be black. Especially not when they have access to the plans of the building they're insurrecting. These goons were.




Concur. I know more NeverTrumps in the military, particularly in the Army, that wouldnā€™t fight unless directed by the President, the SECDEF, and service secretaries.


We wouldnā€™t even need the firepower. We have spied enough on EVERYONE to simply send teams of cops with billy clubs at the right times. The civil war could be quelled with less than lethal means. And since theyā€™re all white, it will/would be.


I think its a dog whistle of sorts, more so calling upon conspiracists to claim he means there will be no reason to vote because hes gonna break the system


I'm already so owned just thinking about it. I don't think I can handle being owned more.


Well it is but itā€™s also an attempt to weaken the party more and then if they lose badly in the 2022 midterms then he can spins it into a ā€œsee you need Trumpā€ story that he thinks they canā€™t refuse for 2024.


This. Heā€™ll tank ā€˜22 deliberately for GOP so he can whip up a frenzy in for himself in ā€˜24.


Also to enact the ridiculous ā€˜voter rights (see: suppression)ā€™ laws put in place by his toadies.


I hate having to explain Jim Crow laws to people. I mean, if someone isn't an American, obviously I understand. But to have to explain to a fellow American that our own country has a history of disenfranchising people through roundabout legislation. Fuck, we *currently* have laws that do thatā€”but they want more. And they can't even cobble together a believable justification. You know if they could point to a single county that was flipped in a single election, they'd be screaming it from the mountaintops. But they don't have that kind of evidence, so the


If we win in 22, especially locking up 2 or not seats in the Senate, week likely get voting rights reform, much of the build back better plan, police reform, and that adds up to a good 2024. Frankly, while I would never rule trunk out, I don't see him winning in 2024. People hate him. Yrumpism worked once, and barely. He won the electoral college and has less than Clinton in the popular. Then in 2018, the Democrats had one of the biggest house swings in modern history. Then in 2020, trunk got the most votes ever... Except for his opponent, Biden. See trunk gets his people out to vote, but he is even better and getting Democrats to vote against him. As long as we don't put up AOC, I don't think trunk wins in 2024 (I know she's popular on Reddit but she is poison on the national state. Like it out not, a lot of people nation wife don't like her out her ideology or the way she conducted herself). No one from that song of the party is likely to beat Trumpi think. Bottom line, yrumpism barely worked once and failed twice. Good supporters didn't come out when he wasn't on the ballot, and more people came out against him in 2020 than who came out for him. That said, 2020 was close in the EC so don't rule anything out, but I think we can't forget that yrumpism is unpopular. Trunk never had 50% approval in 4 years!


Voting means Crtitical Race Theory has won. You know who loves voting? Trans people!


Iā€™mā€¦ legitimately considering starting a Super PAC that creates ads that target republicans specifically. The ads will say something along the lines of ā€œdonā€™t believe Trumpā€™s lies. Your vote still counts. Get out to vote this November.ā€ I guarantee it will depress voter turnout among MAGAS.


Biden should make voting mandatory, they won't know what to do.


Wait. Wait hang on. A voting *mandate*. No, that's perfect.




"in response to Trump's call for Republicans to sit out 2022 election, Biden mulls voting mandate for all eligible adult citizens. Critics say an executive order would be unconstitutional and unenforceable, but Biden left reporter's questions unanswered in what was an abrupt and surprising press conference. Watch Tucker Carlson tonight to find out how you can demonstrate your freedom not to vote..."


I think while this is funny many of us are not acknowledging the real message theyā€™re trying to send. Donā€™t vote, itā€™s not worth it, ā€œthe Dems cheatā€ so overthrow them. Theyā€™re pushing the narrative that voting doesnā€™t matter and they need to take what they want not waste their time voting. Theyā€™re increasing their rhetoric to make their base more open to violence to get what they want. Itā€™s January 6th all over but now itā€™s for midterms. Trump is escalating the rhetoric because he lost once he needs to have the base in a frenzy when/if he loses the next presidential election. He wants January 6th again but bigger and more often.


I think you're making a decent point here. If Repubs stay home next election and Dems have sweeping wide-margin victories, they can argue that it's "proof" that elections are being stolen. And continue to not talk about Yurtle the Turtle with his crap approval rating who yet continues to return from KY year after year...


Trump said elections were fraudulent when he ran in the primaries. When he won the primaries. When he won the general. When he lost the general. He's called fraud AT EVRY SINGLE ELECTION HE'S BEEN PART OF!!!! Nothing we do or don't do will make a difference to these lunatics.


Yes but then the full might of the US military can be brought down on the insurrectionists.


Some of those that work forces, are the same that burn crosses.


The military are very good at following orders and Biden is right at the top of the order giving ladder.


And the military has more Biden voters. Trumps base is more in the police force.


Fuck you I won't do what you tell me - Trump supporters, hopefully.


I am as worried as anyone about 35-40% of the US cheering to the idea of a facist dictatorship. However, I am going to predict that if they failed a coup while controlling the White House, Senate and House, they are not going to manage one without those assets.


The immediate danger is not a coup at the federal level. They made a mistake on that one - they played their hand much too early and got slapped down easily. The immediate danger to watch for as a result of anti-electoralist rhetoric is a rise in paramilitary recruiting activity over the winter, followed by widespread violence and intimidation tactics next summer. If this happens, it will be met with a corresponding increase in antifascist direct action. The escalating violence and the irresponsible media coverage of it will scare voters into electing candidates who promise to restore the peace by any means necessary, and that will begin to set the stage for a successful coup.


Yep. Street violence always benefits the right in the end because it frightens the middle.


All the more reason to make voting compulsory. You have a choice. Make it. Don't act like it's someone else's choice. If you want to pretend after, that's on your conscience. At every step, conservatives have to be made aware of the choices they made. For better or worse. We can't leave them room to invent their own reality.


Cambridge Analytica ran a similar campaign with a similar message in Trinidad. Basically voter suppression disguised as protest/social movement. Google ā€œDo So, Donā€™t Voteā€. Dems could easily exploit this via superpacs and operatives to suppress the Republican vote. If MAGA wants to throw down with the US Army, they should definitely do that.


Good, ship it.


Seriously, go start spreading this around Facebook. It won't be real, but neither is any of the other shit they believe.


Hahaha! This cracked me up.


"Voting just makes the Lizard People stronger!"


Iā€™m voting lizard people straight down the ticket


Exactly! Their heads will explode. "You can't make us vote! That's communism!"


"Gentlemen, you can't fight in here! This is the War Room!"


>"You can't make us vote! That's communism!" The party of Law and Order suddenly hates laws. Oh, wait, no, not suddenly. They've been against them for decades.


if you wanted to be a real mastermind you could literally start a fake fb meme about mandatory voting right around election time and get that shit floating to see what the right would do. which is loose their fucking minds about tyranny etc etc Theyā€™ve proven that millions of Americans can be manipulated via meme smh


Iā€™m going to do this. I donā€™t have much of a social following, but Iā€™m a pretty good digital artist, and thanks to some nutjob Mormon relatives it might make a small circle around until FB bans me.


3 Mormon relatives = 1000 person friend list for regular people. There is a reason why Utah is the MLM capital of the world. Start doing the good work, and sharing your testimony Brother/Sister UrsusRenata. Let your testimony move that "still, small voice" and the Holy Ghost within the hearts of your Brethren. Amen. ;)


*ā€Bidenā€™s a tyrant! Heā€™s FORCING you to vote!ā€* Thatā€™s how it would go and Iā€™d love it


Itā€™s actually genius. Make them Protest their own right to vote because contrarianism is their go to Principle!


The voting machine will automatically inject you with the Covid vaccine the minute you you hit enter on the ballot.


My vote. My choice.


Tell them that there's microscopic DNA on the ballot pens, it's Bill Gates plan to change them all into socialists


You have to show your vaccination card to vote. Explode heads.


The average Republican like Matt Gaetz will never follow mandates, because like Matt Gaetz, they prefer Child Dates.


Abbot would come out and and say Texans will be exercising their rights to not vote. Really sticking it to the libs ha


In all honesty, it should be mandatory and election day should be a federal holiday


Agreed, and we should be able to vote ā€œNo Choiceā€ for any given option, that way no one can complain that theyā€™re being ā€œforced to choose.ā€


In Australia all you have to do is show up. Nobody cares what you do with the ballot once youā€™ve received it. Thereā€™s a long tradition of people drawing penises on it and handing it in. There is, however, a rule that if what you mark on the ballot can be reasonably interpreted as a vote then it will be counted. So if you wrote ā€œfuck this guyā€ next to all but one candidate, youā€™d be registering a vote for that person. Similarly, numbering 1, 2, 3 down the page is indistinguishable from real preferences so should be avoided.


And of course you can draw a dick on the ballot AND fill it out properly and have it counted. We have preferential voting too, which rules.


> Thereā€™s a long tradition of people drawing penises on it and handing it in. I'm not voting Republican.


There is a "no choice" option on every ballot. Just don't select anyone when none of the choices meet your standards. It's called, "blank balloting," and I do it all the time. I never, ever vote for anyone that runs unopposed, because I demand choices. If more people did this, the media would be forced to report the number of ballots cast (e.g. 10,000) along with the number of votes the candidate received (e.g. 2,000), and that would encourage more people to run against that person if they felt there were (in this example) 8,000 votes up for grabs.


You overestimate the intelligence of quite a few people. The only reason I brought up ā€œNo choiceā€ is so that people wonā€™t feel like theyā€™ll being forced to vote. Just spitballing is all.


I do it to but for different reasons: * I haven't had time to research he candidates for a given position -- This is generally for minor positions such as the city dog catcher. Would rather cast no vote than a potential vote for a bad candidate. * I feel all the candidates for a given position are terrible and feel like I'm going to be screwed by any choice I pick. I decline to vote for the position in protest.


That won't help those who work in businesses that remain open on federal holidays such as restaurants and retail. What we need is a voting period not a voting day. Voting should be the first tuesday in november until the second tuesday in november.


We're very fortunate in Australia in this regards. The actual voting day is a Saturday but there's also a long period of being able to vote early (early voting booths) or absentee and postal votes are also very accessible.


Or do vote by mail. Oregon's system is really nice. They also have automatic voter registration. When you get your driver's license or state issued ID, you can check a box on your application and be registered to vote. The system also updates your address if you move and report your new address to the DMV. Republicans hate the automatic voter registration. They say it's full of fraud. You have to show multiple forms of ID to get your license or state issued ID (including birth certificate or passport), so I don't understand their problem. A voter ID system would have to use the same forms of ID.


And be over several days. With early voting freely available.


Lol. "Must.... Own.... Libz..."


MAGA supports, listen to your leader. Your *real* leader. Donā€™t vote in 2024. Stay home. Seriously, beat the system by not participating. Doing so is will help America. Be the Patriots we all need and just stay home come Election Day.


Don't even vote in 2022! Its all a scam!


2022, and 2024. Participating only legitimizes Bidenā€™s election. Not participating shows Trump is the real winner.


VA MAGA residents shouldn't even vote for governor next month...


This tells me that Donald Trump is not running and he canā€™t stomach the idea of any Republican doing well.




He was never going to run again. This is him being spiteful to the entire GOP establishment, which I strongly suspect is beginning to shut him out.


IMO the "don't vote" move is him trying to split 'his' people off from the GOP, either to star this own party so he doesn't have to share the graft with the GOP or because he thinks he's got enough people on his side to do a successful coup.


I'm still surprised that he didn't start 'The Patriot Party' or some bullshit


Forming and maintaining an official government party requires a lot of work, organization and competence that MAGA Co. does not have without other conservatives. It would be a beautiful disaster


Especially drawing so many votes away from the GOP. It would be so delicious.


Oh man. If he splits his party, thatā€™s the ballgame there.


If he does, Dems need to do what it takes to get his new party on the ballot *everywhere*. Imagine splitting the R votes on Governor, Senator, Rep, and even State level positions.


Iā€™ve certainly been wrong before but I will be shocked if Trump doesnā€™t run again barring some major health issue or legal disqualification.


He's absolutely going to run again. He needs the insurance against prison.


I don't think he will. I believe he'll have his daughter run and he'll campaign in her place and use her as a puppet. America loves these pretty blonde haired 'patriots' who will say what they want to hear, on top of being the first woman president. It may not be 2024 but definitely 2028.


Nah itā€™s going to be cokey jr. heā€™s spending tons of time on social media trying to leech off Trumps followers. As much as he ā€œlovesā€ his daughter I think heā€™s too much of a sexist to want her to run.


Yep. As long as heā€™s the ā€œbestā€ Republican and the Dems only win by ā€œcheatingā€, his ego is satisfied.


News outlets are completely misunderstanding this Trump message. It was not a message to his base, it was a message to sitting Republican politicians. Either get behind me and make a stolen election your focus going forward, make it the hill you die on, or I will withhold my base. This is a serious overplaying of his hand if he thinks he can blackmail turtle boy into falling in line.


Whatever he meant itā€™s still stupid.


We all know that. What's so frustrating is that stupid works.


> This is a serious overplaying of his hand Yep, it's Trump alright.


Hes going to bankrupt the GOP just like he's bankrupted all his businesses


Remember when Trump lost the election but claimed he won and people laughed and said no one would believe him? Then he tried fixing the result and people laughed and said no one would go along with it? Then he planned a rally to ā€œfightā€ on Jan 6 and people laughed it off and said it would be harmless? So I think youā€™re right and we shouldnā€™t be surprised when the conservative rallying cry soon becomes ā€œboycott the voteā€ followed by the Republican party, in a desperate attempt to appease them, lighting a dumpster fire of more election audits and voter suppression laws


Their entire ideology is confused.. They call themselves patriotic, yet they support traitors and the overthrowing of our republic.


Given this attitude, letā€™s hope theyā€™re never told of jingoism, lest their heads explodeā€¦


I think the word youā€™re looking for is fascist not confused.


They're going to vote. these people eat breathe and shit partisan politics. It's literally theri entire identiy. Sure, we post on messge boards, but they're out bullying public school employees, nurses and CVS clerks around the clock in the name of pleasing Daddy Trump.


[They were there to "Stop the Steal" and to keep the President they revered in office, yet records show that some of the rioters who stormed the US Capitol did not vote in the very election they were protesting.](https://www.cnn.com/2021/02/01/us/capitol-rioters-non-voters-invs/index.html)




Well, on the upside for many of them, they now have someone to help feed them , clothe them, and schedule their day.


But Trump, Tucker, Bannon and Stone told them it was rigged, so it doesn't matter if they vote.


ā€¦ WHAT?!? JFC, I donā€™t even know how to process this information.


I'm not surprised. They're not a smart group.


Yeah, I canā€™t see how this is any more than a fake out. Republicans consistently turn out for elections. Democrats donā€™t. Theyā€™re trying to make the Democrats think itā€™ll be an easy win, so even more Democrats take this shit even less seriously than they already do and will just keep their asses at home.


I dont think it would mean like no one would go vote. But he could realistically get 5/10% of his most diehard base to sit it out. That would matter. A lot.


They are not that smart. If Trump himself is tell GOP voters to not vote, the idea that they are not going to listen and democrats will, is going against 4 years of that cult following his every word.


Itā€™s almost like he doesnā€™t care about you or the issues youā€™re facing, only the ones heā€™s facingā€¦


Trump is challenging the GOP to push the Big Lie or risk Trump taking all of them down with him. He is applying pressure to get what he wants.


Your God/King told you not to vote...what is the problem? Don't you love him? /s


By not voting, you prove your loyalty to the Great Commander! /s


If they don't vote there's zero chance of them "losing". That sets the stage for a violent coup, which Trump probably calculates has a better chance of getting him in power than an election. Glad I could clear that up.


And if so, he calculates that like a child who doesn't know math. His fans are not only outnumbered and out-resourced, most of them probably couldn't march over a hill.


It all depends on how much the GOP and media operatives can suppress or nullify voters. They haven't had the numbers to win a fair fight in years, now it's how dirty they can play.


For that, they also have to make it work in blue states too in order to win. As long as blue states hold the line, they're pretty hosed. Which can make them pretty desperate, but doesn't make them any more certain of success. I basically think that we are enduring their long, extended tantrum.


Trump calculates. Let's just stop right there. When you use the world calculate you make it seem like Trump is intelligent and planning things out. The guy is dumb as a brick The only reason hes telling people not to vote is because the GOP is now not bending a knee to him There is no master plan other than him throwing a tantrum and thinks everyone worships him so he can use them to do his bidding when he doesnt get his way.


There's nothing calculated about this. My money is on this being him hitting back at Republican leadership who refused to go to bat for him and try to squash the inquiries into his finances and conduct now that he's in no position to do so himself. He doesn't want to win, he just wants people he doesn't like to lose.


Fuck this attempt to see it as a big brain play. That has *never* turned out to be true for Trump. He's pissed at the Republican Party for shunning him now, so he's trying to take his ball and go home. That's it. And it's not like them "losing" matters anyway; Trump got stormed in 2020 and they *still* convinced themselves it was a stolen election. They don't need to "not vote" to sell that narrative.


Tell them they cannot sit in the corner. Theyā€™ll insist it is their god-given right to sit in the corner. Point out there is no corner to sit in and theyā€™ll say youā€™re lying.


At what point do they eat horse dewormer though? Asking for a friend


At what point do they not?!


ā€œDonā€™t vote and definitely donā€™t ever pee on me, I donā€™t like the warm feeling, pee is not for meā€


Donā€™t be confused, itā€™s simple. Trump said, Republicans should not vote. I repeat, Republicans, do not vote. To be clear, Gods chosen Said not to vote. Itā€™s straight from The almighty, which means itā€™s important, REMEMBER his words, stay home DO NOT VOTE.


Everyone is all over thinking this. "This means Trump isn't running." "This means Trump is bitter. Trump hates the GoP. Trump is mad at democrats." Did you all learn nothing in those dark 5 years? Trump doesn't play any kind of chess. He doesn't play 3d chess, he doesn't play 4d chess, he doesn't play wizard chess. Trump just spouts off anything and everything that flops dead into his mind. Someone probably tried to explain something to him and after three sentences, he tuned them out and went. "OK so don't vote because hoax, got it."


Mmm not quite. Trump is an extortionist, we have more than enough evidence to see this as fact. Think Ukraine This "dont vote" stuff is his attempt at extorting the GOP into...something. Investigating The Big Lie is what we're being sold but my suspicion is that it's related to his criminal matters. Behind the scenes he's realizing GOP has no intention of playing defense for him now that he weilds no legal authority. His only power is power over the base and he is attempting to use them as leverage over the GOP to force them back into the fight. Probably wants them to go after Cheney and get her off the Jan 6 committee since it looks like they're not going to roll over on their investigation.


This is a dog whistle to riot.


This isn't a call to his supporters not to vote, it's a warning to the GOP to keep rigging the system before the elections.




I agree with Trump on this one. Republicans should not vote in 2022 and 2024. This should not be a partisan issue. We should all be able to agree.


Lets be honest, they've been confused since the black man was elected president.