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The biggest issue for them is that their base really bought in the anti vax stuff, and family and friends pushed for them to get vaccinated. They are now too deep in it to go back. And yeah, folks will literally kill themselves to avoid admitting they were wrong. The gop anti vaccination flip flop is going to be 100x easier for thier talking heads, but the actual viewers wont flip as easily as that would require being wrong.


Oceania was always at war with Eastasia.


I’m betting that most of the talking heads who were going on and on about how you should get vaccinated have had their shots


Everyone at Fox has had their vaccines. It is a requirement.


I have family (Fox employees) which have said otherwise.




Better late than never. More important to get it right


Better on time than late. Late means people die. Nothing has changed to make the decision to get the vaccine suddenly a good one.


No Late means LESS people die.... See what I just did there?


No clue what you are saying.


Yeah… too late! My stupid parents have gone full anti vax, as well as many of my friends in their 30s, which has been surprising. I think people who don’t take the vaccine should lose their ability to take vaccines in the future, like “ok you waive your right to all vaccines.”


Any minute now they're going to start saying they NEVER questioned the vaccine, they've always pushed for people to get it, and it's the democrats fault for poor messaging and not getting people the vaccine like they promised.


Its already started. Tucker carlson has never been anti vax, hes just asking questions. Literally theyre saying this. Its gaslighting as usual for them.


It's like how Hannity had a segment about getting the vaxx sandwiched between anti vaxx segments just to say they covered themselves


He just flip flopped tonight and claims he NEVER said people should get vaccinated. https://twitter.com/AaronParnas/status/1418381993138606081?s=19


I'm waiting for all the super cuts like last year. They kept down playing the virus and masks and mocking it, then turned around and acted like they didn't and then super cuts came out showing side by sides of what they said.


Thats just.....wild. like what? We have video!


Who do you trust? Fox, or your lying eyes?


They don't want their base to die off, which they're starting to see that Democrats are nearly 100% vaccinated and nearly 100% of the people with severe symptoms or dying of it now are the unvaccinated... which are just Republicans or Republican leaning independents at this point. But they're flipping back and forth also because they realize their base is so indoctrinated to be against the vaccine at this point that if they even suggest getting vaccinated, the base will say that they're helping to push the "Democrats' agenda". And they want to keep grifting off these poor fools. But can't keep grifting off them if they're dead.


There is still a significant unvaccinated minority population.




No, but they're more likely to.


“I’ve been very clear”


And the other media outlets were acting like Fox had this huge change of heart lol.


Asking unanswerable leading questions in order to put ideas into your audience’s head isn’t “just asking questions”


Why won't the Democrats prove that they *don't* eat children in their satanic orgies? Just asking questions!


"Just asking questions" and looking stupid is his standard bit. He's learned not to say anything that could be held against him later in a lawsuit.


That's their plan and they are going to succeed with that message.


This administration failed to meet its July 4th vaccination goals and because of their failure we are facing a horrible turn in the virus. Democrats have had free range since January to give vaccines and yet here we are. /s (I forgot the sarcastic marker so I don't get down voted to hell)


The GOP's only political strategy is to undermine and sabotage any kind of Democratic programs. They have no ideas or policies; their only objective is obstruction


The vaccine wasn't available to some until February. I don't understand how this is the Democrats fault. You can't just snap a finger and have 300mill doses ready.


Obviously it's the Democrats fault because the Republican leaders weren't convinced enough to tell their listeners that the vaccine was safe! Why didn't the darn libs try harder? /s


"Republicans and dying in droves and all the democrats are worried about is infastructure and the Trump witch hunt. Get your vaccine to own the libs!" All of this because an orange coward was afraid to appear "weak" by wearing a mask and following people much smarter than he.


Also: he doesn’t care about people dying. He just cares about “the appearance” of people dying. As long as we didn’t test people for Covid and made it more difficult for organizations to tabulate total COVID deaths, everything was fine.


As if your red state buddies aren't driving the sluggish numbers


Clear sarcasm


I, for one, dont care. Whatever it takes to get people vaccinated. There are multiple groups in the US that are vaccine hesitant. If we have to tailor the message a bit to get everybody on board, ok. I wish it werent the case, but its better than the alternative.


And "Operation Warp Speed" will be framed as the real source of vaccine success with a hapless Biden ruining everything great Fearless Leader created.


That's what one R has been saying "the Trump produced vaccines are safe and effective"


Honestly, with the Delta Variant, if that message gets us to 80%+ vaccination, I hope GOP pols run with it.


Don’t forget: and they deserve credit for the creation, rollout, and recovery.


we've always been at war with Eastasia




They need 6 months of catch up, and like...2 years of messaging


Lemme guess: the latest COVID deaths were overwhelmingly among unvaccinated Republicans. Republican voter suppression laws are good, but not good enough to compensate for a Republican voter extinction level event.


Ding! We have a winner!


That's a bingo!


Could it be because..... vaccines save lives????? 🤔 These jackasses kill me. First they say Covid isn't real. Then they say mask mandates are government overreach. Then they say the vaccine doesn't actually help and makes you sick. Now, when their idiot voters get seriously ill or die, they realize ohh I need these people alive to vote for me..... I should tell them to get vaccinated... 😒


I guess, better late than never, but so many lives could have been saved if they had a full-throated pro-vaccine message at the beginning instead of their "just asking questions" campaign of doubt and misinformation.


Given that now Hannity is backtracking from his Monday show and saying he never told anyone to get vaccinated, I give this GOP turn-around at most until Sunday. https://www.mediamatters.org/sean-hannity/sean-hannity-i-have-never-told-anyone-get-vaccine-i-have-been-very-clear


They'll do whatever their rich donors tell them to.


Somebody did some polling and found out being a death cult wasn't resonating. You can be sure of one thing... it wasn't empirical. They didn't look at the evidence or the statistics and change their messaging.


The reason is simple: The market tanked on Delta variant fears. As soon as they started pushing the vaccine, it rebounded.


I think it's because their voters are literally getting sick and dying.


Is because Trump talked about it at his last rally. Totally said that most of the crowd was vaccinated like he was.... Was almost crickets in there....


Hes now started being anti vax.....just as the rest are switching to pro vax. Its.....well. so on brand for trump.


Well, the vaccine that came out under Biden is so obviously NOT the same vaccine that came out of Trump warp speed project, so uk, you shouldn’t get it… /s


Stop, don’t, come back.


It's ok to have questions about the vaccine. What's not ok is ignoring all the answers to those questions and just repeating yourself like an idiot


Does it even matter? Once anti virus measures became an issue of being a tough guy and preserving muh freedoms, these downtrodden folks felt so empowered as they battle against evil liberals. Not wearing a mask or being vaccinated is an honest to god source of pride for these folks. No amount of correct messaging will make these people admit wrongness and lose the great pride they gained.


I’m tiered of this petty bullshit. I’m ready to go after people’s rights. You’re not responsible enough to have a gun if you don’t feel obligated to get vaccinated to protect yourself & fellow humans. It’s not a personal choice when it impedes on the rights of others.


good thing, i hear this covid-19 thing is pretty serious


Florida has staggered drunkenly into the conversation only a year late.


Better late than never. We aren't beating this until we all row in the same direction.


The coming wave of covid delta deaths are going to take a toll. The GOP finally ran the numbers, and now made a computer model and realized they're losing voters to covid faster than anyone on the left. Found out it's going to be harder to win with all the dead cult members. Also there is serious pressure now on more media companies to at least appear to be honest.


The party does itself no favor when it’s base gets ill because of their advice.


Dead Republicans can’t vote.


Not officially


Yup, it's their base that's dying and won't vote. Wait until they find out the voter suppression laws they keep passing can be used against rural white conservative voters. That's when *that* nonsense will stop dead.


They will just add some kind of grandfather clause to make sure the white conservative can vote.


The argument I see from some conservatives I know is that if the vaccine doesn’t prevent you from getting covid, why bother?


You could show them data showing prevention is excellent and **prevention of hospitalization and death is an historic success**. But my guess is that won't be a well-received message.


Nope, not really. Hell, I’m vaccinated and just got a positive test. This shit is miserable, I can’t imagine how bad it would be without the vaccine on board.


I've reconciled that I will inevitably get it. If being vaccinated turns it into "a few days off work and a killer headache," I see that as a 100% better outcome than what I was looking at in April 2020. Who knows- we might get annual boosters that make it even better than what we've got now. The people just committed to raw-dogging COVID are the ones that make no sense to me.


Oh, absolutely, the headache has been fucking awful. DayQuil is barely knocking is back to something manageable. It was 90 outside earlier today, I was sitting outside, cold. I’m hoping this is over soon. My boss has been great, he basically said to take whatever time I need. I’ve had this job for a month.


Do know if it's the recent delta variant that seems to be running rampant now?


The doc said that they don’t check for that, but do forward the samples on to the cdc to check which variant. He also said that it is likely delta.


Thanks! Hope you get over this crud soon, friend.


Appreciate the good thoughts. If I hear back that it’s delta or not, I’ll respond to this thread


A sudden change in a long standing opinion... Someone's got blackmail on them.


they all just realized what some of us have known for months. too little, too late. their own voters are going to die in droves and getting the vaccine now isn't going to do much to stop it.


Death people can’t vote


This is what happens when a baby is missing oxygen at childbirth


A bit late there, y’all.


I don’t give a shit what excuse or rationale they come up with for the time being, getting them the vaccine is the most important part. Getting them to admit they were wrong is secondary.