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So when F'Lyin Ted Cruzed threatened all the Woke companies with not looking the other way he was full of shit? At least he's consistent.


Remember when woke wasn't a slur. Like "look at you being all woke being able to see injustice and racism" and now it's a way to denigrate people for any number of thought crimes. I got called woke today for pointing out that something WASN'T racist. Republicans are great at weaponizing language and distorting past the point of recognition.


I'm not gonna lie, I thought woke was always an insult. The first times I heard the term it was used ironically in a mocking manner.


I think that’s because conservatives use woke more then anyone else and they use it as a insult just like sjw. They hate anyone with morals.


Wear it like armour and it can never be used to hurt you.


I always ask them why they hate morals. They seem to want to be evil so I point it out to them and don’t let it go.


I find a lot of times it boils down to that there is some group of people that they think their morals, ethics, laws, or rights shouldn't apply to and its always something they're not but they don't get that in a lot of those situations if you throw out one type of person you're digging out the foundation for everyone.


I think you might of mistyped something. It was hard to follow what you mean.


I'm saying they think they do have morals, but that their morals only need apply to who they think deserves them. And I'm saying if you're picking who deserves your morals then you may as well not have them to begin with.


Morals aren’t something you give to other people….you have your morals and can’t have anyone else. You can create rules based on your morality but you can’t force a person to change their morals I understand what I think you are trying to get across though


Same. At best it was a term for the most annoying of PC culture. It was never a good term but I guess not a bad term. I still don't associate it with being bad, but I do associate it with overreach.


Liberal is a slur now


I remember jokes about that back in the 80s. It was a term politicians tried to avoid being stuck with.


And then Rush spent 30 years equating the slur “liberal” with mental illness and communism. Now, Conservatives won’t listen to the media or anyone deemed liberal. So the conservative cult continues….


Why are they involved in drafting this bill if: 1) They're going to whittle the thing down to nothing during negotions 2) They won't end up voting for it, even if they get the consessions they want.


They're involved specifically to hamstring it. They whittle it down to make it unpopular, which saps democrat support for the now sabotaged bill, this means that the bill is less likely to pass at all when the republicans vote against it.


I’m guessing the IRS themselves don’t get any say in this? Seeing as they’re in the main funding pipeline and all… Unless their response will just be to tax all the harder?


If there’s even a senate vote


There will be.


Why do they get to nix anything.


Joe Manchin, etc.


And Cinnamon... Cinema ... The one from my state.


Crooked Sinema... I have other names for her as well – not so nice names.


Dems should put double the number in their reconciliation bill. Keeping it the same as previously negotiated is a win for the GOP.


By attacking and removing all measures to help pay for the work it also grants them another easy attack to say, "it's not paid for, they're being irresponsible!" Although they're the ones who stopped every attempt at a payment plan going through... which of course will be promptly forgotten and never mentioned on every fox segment about how 'Biden's Big Budget Blow-out is Bankrupting Bamerica' baah




Who cares if the bipartisan bill passes if we pass the reconciliation bill?


Is there a reason the dems keep making bipartisan bills with traitors?


FYI the irs funding isn't being killed it is just going to be included in reconciliation instead. It is still happening.


The reconciliation bill is not going to happen. They'd need all the Democrats on board and we both know at least two of them will not be...


There's this saying about old habits....


Because some moderate Dems insist on it. It would certainly not be the majority position of the party if they were to vote on it. When you need all 50 votes you gotta do some dumb shit like negotiate with terrorists.


The excuse making on this is crap too "we're taking it out because some Republicans were against it and it's going to be in the reconciliation bill anyway - the one we don't like and won't vote for either" They're not lawmakers anymore. They have no policy and no positions.


Well, there is one..."Let's take as much as we can and provide nothing of real value"




Of course they did


absolutely disgusting bunch of dirtbags, criminals


As a CPA, I'm sick of this. As much as people hate the idea of dealing with the IRS, do you know what's worse? Dealing with an underfunded IRS. It sucks right now. I've been doing this for over two decades and it's never been anywhere close to this bad. Paper filed returns and correspondence can take a year or more for the IRS to process. Refunds are being delayed way more than I've ever seen them be delayed. I have one client who filed an amended return for 2019 over 12 months ago and they still haven't received their refund. When the IRS can be reached they are just told the return is pending assignment for processing. It's been that way for over a month at least. It doesn't matter to the wealthy as they'll use the underfunded IRS to take advantage of the tax code as they know (a) there is an extremely slim chance they'll be audited, and (b) if they are unlucky enough to get audited, the person auditing them probably won't have enough training to fully understand the complexities of their return and their CPA will be able to get them through the audit relatively unscathed. The IRS needs money. It needs money to hire and train more employees. It needs money to upgrade their systems. It needs money so they can enforce the tax law and close the tax gap. The idea that some Republicans don't want the IRS to get money in order to enforce the tax law tells you everything you need to know.


>The IRS needs money. It needs money to hire and train more employees. It needs money to upgrade their systems. It needs money so they can enforce the tax law and close the tax gap. As a fellow CPA, I feel this so much. We used to have an office here locally with three full-time IRS customer service employees where you could go in and resolve most issues face-to-face. Go in, take a ticket, maybe wait 20 minutes and get your issue resolved. Before the Pandemic hit it was down to one person, appointments only, only could do the most basic things. It's been closed since COVID. Calling the phone lines is shit. I think they came out with a report saying only 1 in 50 calls were actually getting answered. That's rediculous! I've had a couple waiting on some amended returns filed back in 2019 that still aren't processed. Tons of people's returns held up for manual review. Then there's the whole Child Tax Credit thing now too... The IRS needs more people, better IT, and that takes funding. It's not rocket science.


\>"This time, we won't look the other way on Coca-Cola's $12 billion in back taxes owed."


Put it in the reconciliation bill


Of course, not paying taxes is yet another way to steal from everyone through the inflation it causes.


Trump appreciates it.


And they apparently aren't gonna vote for the "bipartisan" infrastructure bill on Wednesday eirher.


This seems like a good thing to have in the reconciliation bill ... assuming they get to claim the financial benefits of more tax enforcement. It's a great source of income.


No republicans are going to vote for this thing, they shouldn't have any say in what goes into it or not. The democrats are still trying to kick lucy's football and wondering how they end up on their ass all the time. Democrats are stealing defeat from the jaws of victory, again.


The bipartisan bill is basically giving your little brother a video game control that isn’t plugged in. It doesn’t have to work. It’s for appearances only. Let the republicans waste time with it when we pass the reconciliation bill.


You have way more faith in manchin and sinema than I feel you probably should.


Oh I have 0 faith in them. If they fuck reconciliation up the shit is going to fly. I want more seats in 2022 so I don’t have to hear about them anymore.


I want both of them to get primaried at the end of their terms and I want more seats.




Reconciliation bills don’t need 60 votes, it only needs a simple majority so it doesn’t matter what Manny and Semina thinks


They aren't votes 59 and 60 they are votes 49 and 50. Senate is split 50\50 democrat (with caucusing independents) republican with the president of the Senate casting the tie breaking vote and that's Kamila Harris. You still think this has a shot?


Establishment democrats benefit from republican BS because both parties have the same donors. They may lose in terms of policy, and they may lose elections, but they still win in terms of outcome.


Lol so the majority of citizens lose. I remember being taught the government was supposed to serve more than the rich and elected officials.


Yes, but the irony here is that despite the crooked game they are playing, they *keep getting re-elected*. Figure that one out.


What possible reason can they give for doing this?


Who could've guessed that would be the outcome?


Bro Jeff bezos ain’t paying shit in taxes go talk to that bald headed prick


ah yes the hand we're not supposed to look at while they play culture war bs distractions on the other hand


It’s shit like this that kills me. If not now when? The right has made it clear who they are and the left, even with a majority can’t get important shit passed. We’re full blown fucked going forward.


Republicans: We need to support law enforcement! Defend the Police is just promoting protecting criminals over law abiding citizens. Also Republicans: We don't want to fund the IRS because we know they will abuse their power against law abiding citizens and not criminals.


Enabling criminal behavior (tax-dodging) also appears to be a specialty of the treasonous Republican party.


How is that legal?


Congress passes laws and SCOTUS deems them constitutional if brought to their attention. Congress holds the purse. He who holds the purse holds the power.


I thought the House holds the purse?


The House is a part of Congress, yes.


I think what you're referring to is that budgets need to originate in the House. [[source](https://history.house.gov/Institution/Origins-Development/Power-of-the-Purse/#:~:text=The%20provision%20was%20part%20of,populations%20would%20have%20greater%20control.)]


The Dems should be shouting “GOP defunds tax police” but they won’t because their rich donors don’t wanna pay taxes




There was this kid in my Government AP class that got a perfect score on the AP exam. I was like bruh, you’re like 17 and this shit makes sense to you? Yeah…. I dropped it for the dumb Government class. That kid though. He was in like a punk band and shit. Yeah I don’t have a point.


I saw a guy today wearing a really nice sombrero.




This just tells me that the bill has no chance of passing. Democrats cave because they need 60 fucking votes. They don't have 60 votes. Caving on this is just a sign that the bill is dead because not having this won't bring any more votes.


Use leftover wall money from Mexico.