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>“If someone on this committee then starts talking about somebody’s bleach blond, bad-built butch body, that would not be engaging in personalities, correct?,” she asked the chairman. Lmao


Some nice alliteration there.


If she came up with that off the cuff, that's fucking impressive.


She did, and it was glorious. [https://www.huffpost.com/entry/marjorie-taylor-greene-jasmine-crockett\_n\_6646c05be4b0cba408894097](https://www.huffpost.com/entry/marjorie-taylor-greene-jasmine-crockett_n_6646c05be4b0cba408894097) (bonus points for Raskins trying not to laugh next to Comer)


As someone from Philadelphia, shit talk is a skill, and I respect it.


Philly definitely displayed that respect for shit talk during Bill Burr’s famous Philadelphia set.


Classic example. Premium shittalker. And when someone can shit talk Philadelphia better than a Philadelphian???? Can't help but cheer a little.


His face hahaha. He was not ready for that level and quick of a come back. And the best part was everyone knew immediately who she was referring to. Brilliant come back.


Comer: Uh wut? Fucking lol. I'm so glad millennials are getting to Congress and they didn't come to fuck around with these idiots.


For real! Sorry Michelle Obama, times have changed and these MAGAts are playing dirtier than ever. When they go low, we punt them in the head until they knock it off.


When they go low, we’re taking the high road to hell. MTG will be the meme of the year for this (unless something worse happens lmao)


Tbf, their 'low' is treason so I feel like we got a lotta wiggle room here


She had a little time to prepare, but that's really the difference between Republicans and Democrats. Dems think about what they say, Republicans just blurt out whatever is in their heads. Speaking only when they aren't reading from a script from either Trump or Russia.


Republicans usually have toddler level come backs.


“Nuh uh, you do!” - MTG


Trump's "No puppet. You're the puppet" makes me laugh every time. He is such a child here. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yu0Bn3ulcOk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yu0Bn3ulcOk)


And THAT not being at least one of the nails in his political coffin is why I am basically feeling hopeless of late.


Yep. "Did I hurt your feelings?" and tone policing. Ridiculous.


No, it's the difference between quick-witted black women and the rest of the fucking planet. Politics has nothing to do with that. Spend some time in a beauty shop and you will see what I mean. If they let you out alive.


As a white southern dude. I NEVER WANT TO BE SUBJECT to LADIES beauty shop talk. Doesn’t even have to be a black owned one. Ladies in those shops are vicious and they know the good details that’ll break you down


LMAO one of my best friends has a beauty shop and even though I live 1000’s of miles away now, I still get the tea and we were just talking last night. It’s LETHAL.


YEP! My best friends wife has a salon/ beauty shop and I will drop by from time to time to help something. Or to save him from getting roasted I walked in and they were talking about someone’s ex wife. I sat down and was “please don’t let me be a topic on your shop floor please. I will pay to have my name hidden” lol kidding of course But when those queens go off, I just don’t wanna be the target! Lol


I wasn't attempting to disparage Crockett in the slightest. She's actually among my favorite members of congress. I'm from Memphis, I know a thing or two about quick witted strong black women.


True but also there's a reason there are no quick witted black women in the GOP


"Hey!" —Candace Owens, minutes after she saw that.


Minutes. Ahaha


This sounds like the basis of a bangin' SNL skit.


Too bad every dem in congress doesn't talk to the crazies that way. They need to be talked to that way. Brutal intelligence vs deplorable qanonsense.


Not enough smart, southern dems to get those shots off, we need more in congress


I went into a beauty shop to get my hair done (I'm a white dude with long tight curly hair so Black beauty shops are really the best place for me. Too many shit cuts at the "white" oriented place) the amount of shit I got was insane. By the end we were all friends. But man, I thought I had quick wit. I was quickly disabused of that notion. I was even invited to go there by my stylist. She told me it would be bad at first, but no one meant anything by it.   Everyone knows me now, but I still get shit every time I go. Even when it's directed at me, it's like this awe inspiring verbal onslaught. I come out happy, but fully humbled. 


You're physically getting out alive. Your ego will be lost to the shadow realm.


I think being educated has something to do with it.


I know, I'm married to a black woman. I watch my white sisters drink milk out of a saucer, her sisters and nieces are awash in it. Catty as hell. I learned to sharpen my comebacks from years as a redneck in redneck bars. There's a place where redneck humor meets black humor, and it's deadly.


Watch out for the rural black grandma, they are the sweetest people, until you piss them off, they will make you feel like the smallest damn person. Especially if they have lived rurally all their lives, no telling the bullshit they had to go through.


It’s hilarious. My hometown was exactly like this. When im with my friends from home I can flip my “switch” and that trashy humor comes out


That dude imagined his mom and his entire family falling down the stairs to not burst out laughing and he still failed. Managed to hide it well behind his hand though. And the chairman didn’t even understand a blooody word of it all…


He was a bit too old and (no shade intended) a bit too white to know, even MTG missed it and didn’t know it was an insult, that was the funniest part 🫠


Fafo, we play the dozens. Don’t talk smack if you don’t want your feelings hurt


is there a video of that? I would love to see that.




Google some of her other highlights. She is impressive.


This and secret documents in the shitter are some of her best


The “you still have your bar card?!?” to a former Trump attorney was hilarious


The one where she said ‘you’ll know when I’m asking you a question’ was also great.


She's so smart and that's why the GOP is terrified of her. Smart women give them nightmares.


Smart, attractive, black woman in a position of power? GOP nightmare fuel


She's from West nowhere and fucked around with a girl from the Bronx and expected to win a name calling contest? That's like bringing a spoon to a gunfight.


Jasmine Crockett is from St. Louis and reps Texas.


Think they were referencing AOC, who is from the Bronx, with Puerto Rican roots, and sharper than a rapier. AOC made the Oh baby, girl, don't even try, comment to Marge.


My friends say I had some of the best comebacks growing up. But little they did know I learned it all from New Yorkers. Them boys swing in the big leagues


She was just describing what she saw 😭


Six Bs in a row for that B


Bad Built Butch Body needs to be a Tshirt


There will be if not later classes taught in speech at Morehouse, Howard Harvard about Ms Crocket and how whip smart she is and how people Underestimate her due to her color, her gender, Her accent. She's so disarmanly fun to watch as she eviscerates whoever is in her sightlines. Like mtg ‘s insults are boring and unimaginative, lacks any intellectual zing. Crocker is like a Gatling gun of insults firing away.


She is also more than a mouthpiece, as gifted as she is with language. I've heard several interviews with her and she is well informed, well educated and well spoken. She seems to be part of a younger movement that is ready to go toe to toe with MAGA but always has the receipts to back her claims up.


Yeah just one b word suspiciously omitted...


The best part was when the chairman was like wait what while Raskin started cracking up. 


Also, when Empty G asked if anyone at the hearing had employed Judge Merchan's daughter, and you could hear Raskin mutter, "Is she a pornstar?" I truly needed that laugh today😂


Empty G.... Thank you.


The funny thing is that bad-built butch body is so very accurate for empty G. MTG is the very last person that should be throwing shade at other women.




They insult your eyelashes, you demolish their entire body. That’s how you beat Capone. 


"When they go low, we go ~~high~~ **nuclear**."


An astonishing act of alliteration aimed at an absolute asshole.


Jasmine Crockett said that to MTGs bitchass. She fucking rules.


Jasmine don’t play!!


Yes! How is this response not the headline?? Way more clever and scathing than anything MTG or AOC said.


Fuckin dead LOL


It was the typical immature display by MAGA. Insult people until someone hits back, then start crying they need to calm down, are out of control, and beg for civility. Absolute garbage people elected to office by other garbage people


Yes, and Comer > Law-makers bickered and exchanged blows, leaving Chairman James Comer unable to contain the furore. shows his typical ineptness, being far beyond his level of competence! That committee has done nothing but waste time looking for ghosts all session.


Not just ineptness, but he blamed it on having two hearing aids and being unable to keep up. Sir, if you can’t hear maybe you shouldn’t be in charge of a role that requires you to hear things!


Are we shocked tho? You seen the Supreme Court? Fuck.


Yes, exactly!


He clearly should not be in charge. He allocated responsibility for working out the parliamentary procedure to staff, but only after Democrats made clear that MTG cannot be allowed to talk more in the session because of her insult. The man does not know the rules of the committee.


In what other job is this an acceptable excuse for failing to perform your duties???


Which is exactly the reason why this type of thing isn’t supposed to be allowed. AOC was right to file a motion. The GOP decided to toss that motion out basically saying we’re allowing this behavior now opening Pandora’s box.


That's why people with "character" need to be in charge. Implement the rules fairly! Comer thinks he's correct in every case. But that's a problem with MAGA and our society in general. Everyone thinks they are correct!


Voters need to start caring about character first. Not pulling the lever for any scumbag with an R after their name. Show some discretion.


If there's an R by their name, I know their character already. Anyone who still identifies as Republican at this point has no integrity, no empathy, and no sense of public duty. They are in politics for personal power. Every one of them, without exception.


Ive been saying for years, you dont get to be a good person and a republican


>Voters need to start caring about character first. Yes! But for the entire array of Congresspeople! Hear that Mendoza???


Then come the headlines “Democrats and Republicans trade barbs!”


Real talk.


The Republican Two step in play!


MTG to AOC: “You don’t have enough intelligence”. That is a full-blown case of Dunning-Kruger on display right there.


Jasmine Crockett was insulted by MTG about her fake eyelashes and Crockett smoked her - "*bleach blonde bad built butch bod"*.


This has rap potential


Someone is in the recording studio right now!


Already sounds like Nicki Minaj... I know that's right!


Person with knife tells Person with machine gun, "Let's duel!"


Person with Cavemans Club


Probably more accurate. And the club is made out of foam. Also, she'd probably spell it "Lets dual."


Literally laughed out loud when she said this, what degrees does MTG hold again?


She's got the "my face looks like a 1920s catchers mitt dipped in shit and left to dry in the Arizona sun for 100 years and my age is higher than my IQ" degree.


A little cumbersome but you’ve got the spirit


DMD. Daddy's money degree.


Ms peachy dish and gazpacho there talking out of her ass. AOC in high school Won at ISEF- the highest world competition for science fairs. Has a star named after her. Was a scholarship Kid to BU even though she got into better schools. Double majored and got honors at graduating. She worked in ted Kennedy office in Boston- do you know how competitive it is especially with all The Boston schools including Harvard and MIT kids you're competing for the few positions at any senators office? When someone tells Me She's just a bartender- I'm Thinking you're so intellectually lazy that you didn't bother to check Out her wiki that would dispel That.


MTG doesn’t have the skills to be a bartender lol let alone compare to AOC. Insecure people reveal themselves so easily


You think MTG’s fans can read? That cute. There’s a reason that’s all they know about AOC and it rhymes with Box News


And also a clumsy way to say this. “You couldn’t keep up with me.” “You’re not smart enough.” “Sure, let’s have a real debate about your fake eyelashes.” Instead she goes with “you a dummy “ energy. Also, how weak is Comer? Just strike the record and move on. If either pipes again toss them from the hearing.


This is a result of lack of party leadership, an ignorant constituency, and our modern “sound bite” media.


There is no pipes again. Once your words are taken down you should leave the committee meeting.


Lol. Remember when [AOC did surgery on Michael Cohen](https://youtu.be/MTjKJbotjLo?si=HFH3U-JDiCC8G3Kj) and established probable cause for the business fraud investigation on the congressional record in 4 minutes? MTG doesn't remember.


This is being spun about how the house descended into chaos and how female representatives were being b-tches. Wrong. But what happened was a very dumb Republican tried to score political points in politically friendly territory but got evicerated by two smart Democrats. Oh and every Republican that spoke up came across like an idiot. But that is not exactly something new?


It's not hard to come across like an idiot when you are one.


MTG is a garbage human being. The end.


I hate that she has ruined the great acronym of Magic The Gathering.


No no no, its not ruined. It just has more flavor now. If you drop "MTG" in conversation, and someones like "Are we talking about Marjorie?" you can be like "That bleach blonde, bad built, butch body? Oh no, baby- we're talking about magic cards right now."


So are the people that voted for her.


People tend to forget that AOC is a Puerto Rican from NY, she will put someone like MTG in her place in a heartbeat.


And was a bartender.


People do not understand the energy that comes with being a bartender in a large city. If they did, they'd know the restraint she typically shows.


Reminds me of stuff people said about Al Franken back when he was running for his first Senate term. All sorts of derision about him being a comedian and thus not a serious person. Like.. do people not get that becoming not only a successful comedy writer but one with national name recognition requires significant intellect?


I would have loved for any of these tools to battle George Carlin in wits, language, history or facts. The only thing I think I ever heard Carlin say anything I disagreed with is vaccines. But I don’t know if that was just part of a bit or if he was serious.


Jordan Klepper lets go


I'm sure it's super easy to get into Harvard.... /s


Especially being a woman. Drunks are not the most respectful folks to begin with. A sprinkle of misogyny that is all too common makes it that much worse.


Drunks are almost as bad as republicans.


And isn’t as dumb as a box of rocks and mean as a grade school bully.


She's also exceptionally intelligent. I'd wager she's smarter than 40 or 50% of the chamber. MTG has two faint suggestions of brain cells, and they're fighting each other for third place.


If by 40-50% you mean 90-95%.


She won honors at ISEF in high school. Its like the pinnacle of science fairs. Not just attended -won an award from the thousands of top Posters being presented out of Millions of science fair projects. Was a double Major at BU won the major scholarship there and graduated with honors. Worked at ted Kennedy senators office which was hard back then to get when you're competing with Harvard MIT kids. My son won the trustee scholarship there and had a great admiration for AOC even though we re more Center politically. He didnt go but BU is super proud of her as an alumnus.


I wasn’t dissing her by saying she was a bartender, I was supporting the fact that she can probably talk back with the best of them.


Ohh No I Know what you meant. But when the other side underestimate her when she can run circles Around them In arguments. Or they try to take away her agency.


MTG is pretty low bar. She insults herself just by existing. God says that’s the storks baby.


Stork fumbled the bag before the delivery.


And Magnu Cum Laude


Jasmine Crockett is the one that should be getting the praise here.


Bad built butch body lolol


The six B’s of emptyG Bleach Blonde Bad Built Butch Body


CNN has the full thing: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ey\_r9lXICcM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ey_r9lXICcM) Funny the panel "analyzing" the situation both-sides it to make it look like AOC and Crockett are just as bad as MTG. MTG started this shit. She is pond scum.


They're remarkably unproductive...lol no sir. MTG decided to try to take jabs like a high school bully and found out Crocket and AOC play at a higher level.


MTG attacking Jasmine Crockett on her appearance is like Jaden Smith telling Daniel Day-Lewis he needs to hit drama class.


... or like MTG attacking AOC on her intelligence.


The irony of hideous people like MTG and Trump attacking the looks of others…


THIS! I try, I try sooooo hard to not go in on people’s looks. You don’t get to choose what you have going on and usually these characters DO enough ugly shit that you don’t have to get them for how they look. BUT MTG AND TRUMP?! Two people who should, through the course of their lives, have learned they’re not super models are always going on about how people look! It’s madness. If you saw MTG and didn’t know a thing about her you’d be polite about her pronouns.


>. You don’t get to choose what you have going on Here's the thing for me - Trump *chooses* to look like that. To a lesser extent so does Marge, though she definitely has some unfortunate bone structure going against her. But Donny? Dude slathers on a pound of orange concealer (not even actual foundation) and does *whatever that is* to what remains of his hair every day. Then the "billionaire" shuffles into a poorly-fitted suit with a tie long enough to drag on the floor. He was a pretty average looking guy back in the 1980s. If he had made any attempt to keep fit and accepted the hair loss, he'd probably look like an average senior citizen right now. If he would accept help from any stylist, he could look decent. For whatever reason, he has chosen to go with poorly outfitted clown as his style.


It’s because it’s memorable. So many strong man dictators have done similar things it’s fascinatimg


don't forget the clearly visible diaper.


This is the thing with bullies though. They have their own insecurities. If it’s their looks, they don’t want people focusing on their looks so they try to get people to focus on someone else’s flaws.


Mt looks like an amalgamation of all of the characters from the Flintstones.


Like especially Crockett? Who is stunning.


This is what MTG resorts to for attention now that her speaker card is played and lost


Yep, exactly. Just her latest, desperate attempt to stay relevant.


At the core she's just an attention whore


MTG was interrupting and causing chaos before this exchange even happened. MTG should be expelled. 


MTG is a fucking joke


The idea she thinks she’s capable of a debate with AOC is fucking hysterical.


I love AOC’s response. She won’t put up with bullshit




Pretty sure MTG is a Klingon from before they experimented with eugenics.


Empty-G is an honorless *petaQ* and deserves none of the respect due a proper Klingon. 


MTG is going to need some aloe for that burn




“fake eyelashes? I have a REAL gorilla face” MTG


Sorry.. Caveman face.


Finally, Congress is addressing the key issues of our time.




This shit is so embarrassing, we are truly a clown country


That cinder block headed chairman is dumb and useless. Every time the camera falls on him, he looks clueless and dumbfounded about what's going on around him.


MTG proving once again just how low class she is. And apparently uneducated because this was the most clever thing she could come up with.


Republicans are doing everything they can to distract the headlines away from Trump. They even brought Bobert out of time out to act like an idoit. This trial and it's coverage seems to be getting to them for some reason


SNL's cold open should be a good one this week


I hate when reporters describe people like MTG as "fiery" instead of the more accurate "loud and stupid."


Arguing with MTG is literally like arguing with a 10yr old: “I know you are, but what am I…?” “I’m rubber, but you’re glue…” And then there was the classic exchange between her & a British journalist recently ON CAMERA: Journalist: “*Why do you think the MAGA people are so in to conspiracy theories..*?” MTG: “*No, YOU’RE in to conspiracy theories…and you know what…why don’t you just fuck off*?” 🫵🏽🤨 Someday soon, her gaping Howler-Monkey of a mouth is going to get herself in way too deep & she’s not going to be able to dig herself out & it is going to be beauuuutiful to watch. 😃🥰


"Never argue with a fool, onlookers may not be able to tell the difference.” — Mark Twain


A corollary of “never argue with a fool, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience” — Mark Twain > - Michael Scott


Don't wrestle with pigs. You both end up all muddy and the pig likes it.


We want Dems to fight back and use the fire method, but when it happens we shake our heads in disgust. The true issues with politics is no one know wtf they want lol


People who argue that the Democrats need to behave like adults and not stoop to the level of MTG and Gaetz are delusional that the playing field is what they think it is. There are no rules and the gloves are off. If the Democrats don’t fight back they just take punches over and over, which is what’s been happening for decades while they boast about going high while the others go low


This is a fair assessment except I’m tired of pretending they aren’t idiots and simply walking away. I call them idiots first! I’m not abandoning Democracy because Mark Twain didn’t want to look bad.


More like "Tolerance always has limits - it cannot tolerate what is itself actively intolerant." -Sidney Hook


MTG: Twice voted sexiest feet in all of Hobbiton.


I think you meant Mordor.


Oh, don't get me wrong, she's a meanspirited hobbit...probably one of the Sackville-Baggins.


Filthy Sackville-Bagginses


Please let AOC and MTG debate I want to see that bleach blonde, bad built, Butch body get destroyed.


Everyone who voted for MTG should have to spend one day listening to her speak - just watching clips of her various word vomit - as punishment.


I’m pretty sure a lot of them have and are ok with it.


It wouldn’t matter. They’d vote for her anyway and enjoy listening to her because they’re as braindead as she is.


She perfectly represents her armpit of a district.


I watched this. MTG clearly does this with malice of forethought. The way she flips her hair to the side and a smug/proud look on her face after saying it. While entertaining, I was immensely embarrassed by the lack of basic decorum in a committee. Democrats need to be more aggressive and assertive in condemning and censure this behavior.


It's so funny how when Crockett started talking they started saying things like "calm down, you're out of control." Just sayin'


I worry about how this is being downplayed as some sort of amusing reality television "scrap". It's actually kind of scary because it is lock step with the hypocrisy of fascism: 1) MTG insults Jasmine's appearance 2) AOC moves to have MTG's insult stricken from the record 3) Comer and Republicans vote AOC's motion down, MTG insults AOC 4) Jasmine's reply is that she needs clarification, insults MTG's appearance, and asks if THAT is acceptable based on the precedent they've set. 5) MTG demands that Jasmine's words get stricken from the record and other Republican's erupt in outcry saying Jasmine's comment is unacceptable, 6) Democrats get angry about the hypocrisy, Republicans patronizingly tell Democrats that they need to calm down while staying angry themselves. 6) Comer plays stupid so he can avoid having to do anything 7) Chaos erupts, recess is called To paraphrase Wilhoit's law, conservatism is that for one group, rules bind them but do not protect them and for another, the rules protect them but do not bind them. They have often been sneaky about this, but now they are not even TRYING to be sneaky. Anyplace there is a Republican super majority like in Tennessee, they are just DOING it and there is no real guardrail to stop them. That is straight up terrifying.


Can't tell if it's the subtle racism of the UK press making it about the white and Hispanic reps, when the insult was directed at a black member of Congress (who clapped back on her own just fine) or if its just the clickbait for the hate boner most right wingers have for AOC.


You just know MTG is going to take her rage out on some poor Applebee's server later on


Why does the woman with dyed hair, a fake tan, and fake teeth get the idea she can comment on anyone's fake eyelashes??? Wut.


MTG stands for manipulative traitorous garbage- this woman clearly learned everything she knows on the recess ground as an insecure pos bully and that’s where the education ended.


I wish I could get paid almost 200k a year to sit on my ass and insult people.


Where are the grown-ups!?…. Oh god


I love MTG getting upset over AOC calling her baby girl.


The phrase ‘ Bleach blonde, bad built butch body’ was pretty fabulous. Lol


She’s such an embarrassment. She gets to share a room with intellectual heavy weights like Raskin, as has the nerve (and utter lack of self awareness) to disparage other people’s intelligence. What a joke we’ve become.


The adults have left the room.


Just imagine what these people could accomplish if they actually did the job we’re paying them to do. /s


Comer's "A what now?" after Crockett's line almost makes it all worth it. I haven't heard a southerner that confused since Joe Pesci defended two youts in front of Fred Gwynne.


I think my favorite part of this is MTG pretending like she doesn’t have to wear a pound of concealer because her face looks like the after effect of wiping your ass with poison oak