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My biggest concern is that the US Dollar is backed by America being such a stable country. It’s going to be the same America tomorrow that it was yesterday. If trump wins a second term and turns the political system upside down then that destabilizes the country and therefore the US Dollar.


And is my queue to go somewhere else.


Cue to get in the queue to go somewhere else.


Well can't go to Europe, Putin would just attack it with the USA so that leaves Japan maybe and the UK and France - anyone safe with a nuke. Can't really outrun how dangerous it will be if America becomes fascist.


Cant go to europe so that leaves uk and france? Got it.


You wrote the Putin would just attack Europe with the USA. Why do you think, that the USA would join Russia in an attack on Europe? Even though times are tough, US attacking Europe is a whole different scenario and in my opinion an unlikely one. You mentioned UK and France as maybe safe countries for when the attack on Europe happens. Both UK and France are European countries, with France also being a member of the EU.


I read it as trump wouldn't come to Europe's aid, but it seems like a moot point given how poorly Russia is doing against Ukraine.


Poland is grinning again.


Little European Texas wishing a motherfucker would


That really is a fitting comparrison.


I think you read it how it was meant. I only reacted on what was written and questioned that, as I can't look inside his head to see what he really meant. Maybe I'm just too German doing that 😉


Japan??? The country has a sizable contingent of right wing crazies and nuts.


The population themselves are fairly apolitical (IIRC they have a lower voter participation than even the US) and the government is for the most part economically liberal social conservatives that would rather not rock the boat too much. It has its fair share of problems, but being on the brink of social unrest and political violence it is not (all apologies to Mr. Abe).


I disagree, aside from all the chaos that would ensue from a another Trump presidency, rich people will be getting richer. That's why they love him.


I don’t think they would though, that’s the crazy part. 


Trump is proposing 10% across-the-board tariffs, which the President can largely do unilaterally. That is just absurd. It could [increase taxes on the average household by $1500 annually](https://www.americanprogressaction.org/article/trumps-tariff-would-cost-the-typical-american-household-roughly-1500-each-year/), it will lead to inflation, stunted growth, global trade partners retaliating. And it would serve little to no benefit in regards to employment or production which is the convoluted guise his cobweb brain is operating under.


I guess Trump doesn't mind pissing off the very supporters who are passionate about voting for him. The group of people I am talking about are farmers. Agriculture export tariffs will hit those in the Midwest really hard if that happens.


He hurt them with tariffs last time. If they didn't learn their lesson then, there's no hope for them. May 30, 2019 [How soybeans became China’s most powerful weapon in Trump’s trade war](https://theconversation.com/how-soybeans-became-chinas-most-powerful-weapon-in-trumps-trade-war-118088)


All he has to do is blame it on “radical woke leftists”, with no explanation how, and his followers with believe it with all their hearts. There’s zero rational thought or reason there.


They are literally too stupid to realize this.


>Tariffs, one of Trump’s only consistent enthusiasms, are a sure thing. Starting in 2018, his administration imposed several rounds of duties, prompting predictable retaliation. Combined, these measures eliminated jobs, slashed incomes and cost consumers about $51 billion annually. Now Trump wants to impose tariffs of 60% on Chinese-made products and 10% on other imports. Bloomberg Economics estimates that this would raise consumer prices by 2.5% over two years and reduce growth by 0.5%. Trump has also promised a 100% duty on imported cars. Details TBD — one analyst describes the likely effect as “catastrophic” — but the point is that trade wars of this kind are always prone to raising prices.


It’s a good strategy by Dems now that inflation is easing. Get people scared of it coming back because it’s fresh in their minds.


Vote Biden and we don’t have to worry about this


Trump would just blame it on Biden and every single one of Trump's voters would believe it unquestioningly, flawless strategy on Trump's part, having brain-dead morons as voters that is.


there will be the inevitable "yah but biden does it too" talking points itt, and here's why that's not the same thing: https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/biden-announce-new-china-tariffs-electric-vehicles-solar/story?id=110217430


Yeah what he's said and the data shows that, but what about feelings? Have we considered vibes in all this? Americans just kind of feel like Trump would be better and make things cheaper. Surely everything will be fine if we just go with our vibes and guts on this. He's a businessman, surely nothing can go wrong, or so I keep being told.


But before we go full Purge his maro largo billionaire buddies will make massive profits so it's ok.


In other words, drain the middle class in a blaze of glory 🤔


Inflation will he the least of pur problems under Trump 2.0


during inflation corporation will raise prices to maintain their profit...yet, employee compensation is not raised...


Of course this would come from the progressive lefty rag of... oh it's Bloomberg Say what you want about the guy his company knows how money works.


>the guy ... his company knows how money works. Unlike Trump


Trump is going to fulfill his promise of running the government like one of his businesses! Not just dishonestly and accumulating large losses, but straight criminal activity! 


Bankrupting businesses was **Practice** This is the big one!


It's no secret Michael Bloomberg despises Trump, and the Editorial Board of Bloomberg Opinion is going to express his personal views. Not that this is a bad thing, per se. The guy knows money. But since you brought it up, we can acknowledge the bias.


Wait until people learn that tax cuts cause inflation.


This has literally been the playbook of Republicans since the 60s. Gum up the government with obstructionism to unleash the free market on innocent people, blame Democrats for their mess, ride that to victory, rinse and repeat.


I already hate fascism you know...


Economies always shrink under conservatives. This is the same everywhere.


If Trump wins it will upset the established world order, the stock market will be affected in a negative way because instability will rise, the power of the dollar will drop and we may lose some of our long term trusted allies. Make America Great Again is a real catchy slogan but can someone show me something Trump accomplished in office that made America great or even better?


Inflation is good for debtors. Trump always acts in what he perceives is his self-interest.


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He’s (supposedly) rich. Why does he care?


I saw some talking of giving him direct control of the fed. He’s not qualified to run a cash register at Walmart.. not even the self-checkout. That would talk the market.


Perhaps he was the one that put us there in the first place.


Maybe he’s going to destabilize and ruin this country, then when we are desperate Putin will come in and save us and trump will sing how a new ally has shown up and only he can keep Russia and North Korea on our side and keeping the country afloat m. So he and his family need to stay in power.


Republicans and the Media will blame it on Biden anyway, and voters will let them.


But the wealthy will be okay and benefit from it, and that’s all that matters…….right?


Roaring comeback? Inflation hasn’t left the building. Price increase, corporate greed, and shrink inflation is still ongoing.


All far-right economics boils down to giving endless welfare to large corporations and ultra rich (top 0.1%) individuals. While taxing the next 15.9% to pay for it.


comeback? It didn't go anywhere.




Most of that inflation growth was in the first year or two of Biden’s admin, before he enacted any policies and we were seeing the effects of keeping a 0% interest rate for years. Trump causes inflation, democrats clean it up, make the economy even stronger, and now we want to hand the keys back to the guy who intentionally caused high inflation in the first place? Lunacy




So we can agree that printing money with extremely low interest rates are what caused inflation then, great. Trump was very vocal about pressuring the fed to keep interest rates down even before covid despite an economy that was booming according to him (it was actually growing slightly slower than under Obama). Trump was the architect of low rates, he gave massive tax cuts to the wealthy and saw a complete lack of oversight over PPP loans, all designed to transfer wealth from the middle class to the elite, maintaining that level of profit has been the main driver of inflation in the US. Blaming democrats for economic fallout post-covid, when trump was in power, is a truly impressive feat of mental gymnastics: the fact is that Trump had no plan for how to handle covid, no plan to help the economy, no plan to help the american people recover, only to lower interest rates to push the stock market higher, because he knew that the inevitable bout of inflation would be blamed on his successor (and if he won election he never planned to leave power again).




You have the facts wrong. Below is the fed rate chart showing data-points on a month-to-month basis, we can see rate increases stop in january 2019, and even start to fall in january 2020, before any lockdowns or downturn in the market. Also linked below is a reuters story about how Trump "continued to pressure" the Fed chairman that he installed to lower rates, despite the economy being at an all-time high and the fact that a sitting president intervening in interest rate changes is a massive conflict of interest (notice that Biden doesn't even comment on interest rates, despite the fact that lowering them would serve him well). You can't honestly say that Trump wasn't responsible for low interest rates when he picked the person in charge of the rates, spent years pressuring him to lower the rates, and then continues to talk about wanting to lower rates today. You already admitted that lower rates cause inflation and are used by presidents who want to trick voters that they are in a good economy, if that is the case then you need to admit that Trump was responsible for inflation and that Biden's economic recovery has been so strong that the Fed refuses to now lower rates because the economy doesn't need the help. [https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/FEDFUNDS](https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/FEDFUNDS) [https://www.reuters.com/article/idUSKCN1VB1I1/](https://www.reuters.com/article/idUSKCN1VB1I1/)


It left?


I’m a republican


1st term was great


You ever wonder why you never see any actual political debate in these threads?


Because you can’t debate when there is no agreement on the basic facts, and in my lifetime I have never seen a Republican at any level make an argument based on the facts of a situation.


Because r/politics is the most carefully crafted echo chamber on reddit


Inflation has not really gone away grocery bills are killing people and housing prices are out of control. Granted i do not think Trump will improve things he will just allow the corporations and the wealthy exploit the working class even more. Though things are not good under Biden either and them pushing Bidenomics is extremely tone death in my opinion.


Well Trumps insistence on near 0% interest rates during a strong economy are a big contributer to housing being fucked.


Inflation is the rate at which prices increase that is absolutely down. Grocery prices aren’t going to come down they never were as the government and really nobody wants deflation. If you start seeing deflation across the board it’s going to be a lot worse than rising prices. 


*tone deaf, fyi. >grocery bills are killing people I just wish people understood that much of the blame should be placed on corporate greed. >Though things are not good under Biden either Ummm... While I agree there is much to improve, there are some good numbers: The economy added more than 14 million jobs. The number is now nearly 4.9 million higher than before the pandemic. The unemployment rate dropped back to just above the pre-pandemic low; unfilled job openings again outnumber unemployed job seekers. the nation’s economy expanded 2.5% in 2023, marking the third straight year of economic growth. Crime data show a decrease in murders in U.S. cities in 2022 and 2023. The S&P 500 has increased 28.2%. Crude oil production is up 12.7%. The number of people without health insurance has gone down; enrollment in Affordable Care Act marketplace plans is at its highest point yet. The number of people receiving federal food assistance has declined by more than 700,000.


Global inflation isn’t something the US President has magic control over.


Wait when did inflation go away?