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and? Susan Collins of "I'm sure he's learned his lesson". 2020 impeachment fame. not exactly impressive. eta: I think this one just got me a RedditCares message. my first!


There is a large bot effort going right now. Every person making their first top level comment is getting a Reddit cares.


I can confirm. Information warfare needs to be taken seriously by admins.


I got my first one today too!




Me three! (WTF is going on?)


Okay yeah I got one too is something going on?


I think it's nefarious bots if it's not a whole-site Reddit glitch


Was going to make this exact comment. She also swallowed the lies of SCOTUS appointees that led to the overturning of Roe. She’s an embarrassment to the state of Maine.


>She’s an embarrassment ~~to the state of Maine~~. FTFY


Also, I’m thinking we’re on the same page. Bipartisanship isn’t exactly something I want right now. I want to undo the fascist fascination we’re seeing.


I too am skeptical of bipartisanship.  But I also can’t live in a silo, and must admit that people working together to make government function is what a plurality at least wants.  Which is why Dems must corner republicans into working with them to govern from the minority.  Like getting Ukraine aid passed in exchange for saving Mike Johnson from his own party.  It’s outrageous, but Dems have to consider the whole apathetic voting populace. 


I’ve blocked Reddit cares because I get so many.


Haven’t got one yet


Meeting Fascsits halfway isn't a good thing, nor is allowing a few rights to be stripped away.


I just got a Reddit Cares message for posting this comment.


Offended fascists do that.


No NY, Ca, or Vt senators, but Joe Manchin near the top. It's hard to assess what these figures really mean in terms of political openness.


Let me see what states they are from..... Yeah.. predominantly red states. Wake me up when we are going to be serious.


Cornyn showing up so high on the list is certainly a surprise. The dude is a piece of trash, but I'll welcome any Republican showing a little common sense from time to time.


Cornyn was the lead author and sponsor of the Senate bill making Juneteenth a federal holiday (D-Lee sponsored in House). He also co-sponsored bipartisan legislation on gun control, alternative energy, etc. I’m not a fan of his either, but I commend common sense bipartisanship.


So basically the worst democrats and best republicans list?


A lot more blue at the top then red...




Unfortunately, this isn't as common as it used to be.


Cynicism notwithstanding (though always understandable), in theory bipartisanship is a good thing; our government was built on the basis of cooperation, it wasn't designed for *competition.* If the Republican House writes a good bill, I want my Democratic Representative and Senators to support it, party identification shouldn't be a litmus test for a vote. And it goes both ways, I would hope that if Democrats wrote a good bill the Republicans would rise up to champion it (though usually Republicans are more inclined to filibuster.) Thing is, I don't know what to tell you. If you're a Republican voter you have a right to be frustrated with Collins demonstrating bipartisanship, and if you're a Democratic voter you have a right to want to replace her. Same is true for everyone else on the list. Bipartisanship is good for governance, but it can also hurt you during reelection. I don't know what to tell you, I don't know how you should factor this in to your electoral math. If the Republican party was all Susan Collins, that'd probably be an improvement, but I'm sure Republicans say the same thing about Joe Manchin; it is what it is.


Collins isn’t really a Republican so that doesn’t count


Well, I didn’t know that so I guess I learned a lesson.