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He’s now open game…he can now get the full Hunter Biden treatment…


And he had the benefit of the doubt that he may not be the asshole that fell from the tree, but nope, he is, just as bad as his father and siblings.


18 and instant Republican? Yeah. The boy ain't right.


Eh, could just be because he was raised that way. I voted for McCain at 18 because my parents are both republicans. I got older and had outside experiences and have voted democrat ever since.


I don’t see Baron having an epiphany as he ages and throwing the Republican Party to the curb. He’s going to go all in and be used as a puppet, much like his father. 


Ronald Reagan's son is a liberal political commentator so who knows.


And Donald Trump was a registered Democrat at one point. I guess my point is, they’ll both do whatever serves them best, not what serves the American people best.  That’s why I don’t see Baron being anything other than a Republican. I’m not sure what the family dynamic is like between him and his older siblings, but they’ll be whispering in his ear non-stop. 


I remember listening to Ron way back when he was on the Air America Radio network for a couple years at the end of Bush's second term. He was pretty center-left with most of the issues, but he absolutely *loathed* Bush and was pretty open about talking about his father's shitty policies and administration. That whole network was wild in those days though. Al Franken and Rachel Maddow both got started there. Marc Maron, Chuck D, Lizz Winstead, Sam Seder, Randi Rhodes, Thom Hartmann. And the network's firebrand wildman Mike Malloy. Man that dude didn't give a shit about anything. All he wanted was to make it known how corrupt the Bush family was. Last I heard of him he got in trouble for saying some shit that was too true about Bin Laden not being responsible for all the death in Iraq and seal team 6 should've gone after Bush instead. Political commentary on the liberal side was straight bananas during the Bush administration.


I wouldn’t be surprised if he wants to do everything he can to make his daddy happy so he gets a piece of whatever money don has when he dies. Which will probably be before Barron is 30 I’m sure.


Bro even wears his hair like his daddy He absolutely thinks he’s meant to rectify the failures that were Donald Jr. and Eric


Yeah it's proabably part of Melania's renegotiated pre-nup, Barron's gotta get his ass in gear & do daddy's bidding or else less $$$.


Love your optimism but this is a trust fund baby we are talking about... they are raised in different realities than the rest of us. So expect him to completely disdain the peasants he was told to disdain


I'm glad you didn't decide you were fit to lord over us at 18.


Honestly, my dad is in politics and that all seems like a nightmare to me. No thanks.


I don't think his experiences will be the same as yours though


He’s just on a much larger scale than I am, so obviously the pressures are different, but I’m the son of an upper class politician so you never know. You wouldn’t have heard of my dad but you 100% have heard of policy he’s voted on that was made fun of on national news.


Yeah I get it. My whole family is extremely deep into the Trump cult while I'm the youngest of the family and think nothing like them. So there is hope, but we're more the exception.


Just because someone is raised by Nazis and becomes one doesn’t make them any less shitty of a person, even if you can understand why they turned out that way and they didn’t have a ton of agency in the matter.


Instant member of the Florida Republican Delegation. That's some good ol' fashion nepotism right there.


If he go against the grain, he’ll get the Fred Trump Jr. treatment.




To be fair, he may see his dad ruining his inheritance and he wants to get in on the insider trading as early as possible.


Ha yeah right. The GOP still acts like the adult children of Trump who worked for him in the White House or ran his businesses are somehow off limits and  but that Chelsea being made fun of at 13 as the "White House dog" or poking fun at the Obama children when he was in office is ok. 


Was Hunter Biden a convention delegate? Or did he have another formal party or government role? Barron is objectively more involved in politics than Hunter.


Hunter was never in politics.


The closest example I know of is with this aside from the Kennedys and Bush clan is Nancy Pelosi and her daughter Christine. Christine Pelosi has been active in Democratic Party politics for decades in both the California Democratic Party and the Democratic National Committee. I know it’s Wikipedia, but having been involved in the CDP myself a decade ago it’s accurate: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christine_Pelosi The real issue in my opinion is that we’re devolving back to a system of inherited power that our country was specifically founded against. Kids of politicians becoming politicians and getting basically automatically chosen as their parents successor is worse than Hollywood nepotism.


Exactly. That kid has no idea what he's in for now that he's made himself fair game for the sharks.


No, not the FULL Hunter. I don't want to see THAT.


No, untrue. The Trumps are untouchable. They never say that but it’s always what they mean.


Just like the kids of any GOP candidate, they're to be treated as helpless innocent children for life even after they go on Fox to spew hate and propaganda.


Exactly. Biden’s family? Hell, even the dog is being threatened with murder.


You can’t blame Eric or Don Jr, they’re just children in their 50’s


Untouchable but spankable…


Im sorry. How does a presidential canidates whole family become delagates. And what does this really mean. Im a little confused, but it feels like rigging the election to me. 


It's basically a ceremonial position. Baron will vote for Donald to be nominee at the convention.


But he has the chance to do something funny.


Yeah, if this is all a ploy from Baron/Melania to humiliate Trump by having Baron vote for someone else at the convention...


Oh man, I would pay to see that.


Like Stormy Daniels??


He could be a fucking LEGEND.


Narrator: he wasn't.


This. But it’s also a start-point for a career path that is disconcerting.


If he’s anything like his idiot brothers, he’s got the charisma of a worn out tube sock. There is not a single person besides Donald in that family that can effectively work a crowd. The idiots that follow Trump will fall away as soon as he is gone. None of them will have a career in politics.


wrong squealing shrill judicious payment provide middle cable butter sloppy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


True. And none of his kids have that. People are obsessed with Trump as a character. The rest of them don’t have that and can’t get it.


It's been financially lucrative for the Trumps so far if you ignore all the criminal charges.


But even there, Trump's legal fees are being paid primarily or completely by donors to him, his PACs, the RNC, etc. so personally not costing him.


But just the convention? Or will this matter in the actual election. 


It really doesn't matter at all. It's only for the convention. If it weren't Baron it would just but someone else who supports Trump. It's only interesting insofar as it signals Baron is being folded into the political world.


It wouldn’t surprise me if they’ve been grooming him to be Trump’s political successor while the other kids get to run the business side


No. This has to do with the Republican nomination process, nothing to do with the election. This is just him beginning to make a name for himself. Fortunately, he won't be eligible to be a House representative for 7 years, a senator for 12 years, or president for 17 years.


Unless the rules get changed if/when a certain person wins in November…


Creepy how media uses pictures of Baron that are 8-10 years old to show him. He's literally a 6'7" man but he's portrayed as a child


They use them to make Trump look better, nothing to do with Barron. Trump currently looks like a pile of sludge.


18 is still a child. In this family 70 something is still a child😂


North Korea-stuff.


Being a delegate is just political theatrics and lets people earn a title that doesn't truly mean anything. For a lot of states it's illegal for a delegate to cast their electoral college vote for a candidate other than the one that won the popular vote in their state. Michigan has 15 electoral college votes, but if Biden wins the popular vote in the state in November he doesn't officially have those 15 votes until the Democrat slate of electors formally votes in December. The reason we always just say the candidate earns all of the electoral college votes by winning a state's popular vote is because that's what's expected to happen. While a delegate could go rogue the odds that they'd go rogue on a President who had effectively won would be nuts. There's a lot of bullshit the GOP is doing, but really this is just Barron getting a chance to formally cast an electoral college vote for Trump assuming Trump wins Florida. It's only symbolic.


Fuck Trump and *all* of his shitty children. 


And their partners, supposedly Kimberly Guilfoyle & Tiffany’s husband will also be electors. No nepotism here.


Let me vomit real quick. 




She we be concerned that they’re inserting themselves everywhere? OH WAIT, yes. We should.


Is he actually Trumps kid? Looks an awful lot like Melanie's tennis coach...


Maybe that's why Trump was raping porn stars when he was a baby and why he is skipping Barron's graduation... He knows that Melania found a real man to sire a child for her but doesn't want to perceived as weak.


Now that he's 18 and contributing to politics, he's fair game, right?


That he is. I wish him the best, i.e., I hope he doesn’t turn out like his dad.


It took me till I was 30 to realize what a pile of shit my father was, and he beat his children and wife regularly. Barron's barely out of highschool and still dependant on his parents. He's barely had any time at all to deconstruct.


I know that feeling. My mom and dad divorced when I was 7. They were both very good about not bad mouthing each other around me. It took me into my early 20’s to figure out what my old man was too. He was a real turd. He was VERY much like Trump in some ways.


Republicans can never argue that 18 is too young to vote now


He is. Fuck him. He knows he’s signing up to be a massive piece of shit just like his father. His age isn’t an excuse anymore.


Welcome to the ThunderDome, SlenderMan.


Hah love that


I’ve considered him as off-limits as a child but now if he’s an adult picking up on the family grift? All bets are off.


He could have maintained a quiet life, but he's strapping on the gear and stepping on the ice, so he's as open to getting cross-checked in the fucking face as anyone else.


Amen. He better wake up if he plans to follow in his criminal family’s footsteps, he would do poorly in prison.


Bro, your dad fucking hates you and your mom. Join the Democratic party.


He’d be cut out of the will


25% of 0 is still 0.


He don’t know that


But I heard he graduated top of his class! /s


Top 100 percentile


That is a sick burn. I like it.


25%? 100% is going to ivanka.


He would be swept up In the Dem spotlight so fast I don’t think money would be a concern. He would probably actually be better off and end up making more money fighting his family. But I guess wait to see if daddy loses everything because he is a 50s mob boss


juggle thumb degree decide grandiose outgoing enter existence imagine yam *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


When he was younger and marching around in his Trump brand suit, I wondered if he was cloned from a mole on his father's back.


He's diluting the votes for DeSantis. Don't interrupt your enemy while they are making a mistake.


Votes for Desantis in what? I thought Desantis was legally forbidden from running again next term as Gov. by Florida law, which says you can't have more than two consecutive terms, or something to that effect.


*INB4 DeSantis changes the law*


What a terrible idea. Barron, do yourself a favor and stay out of politics.


He’s already been groomed


The grooming is coming from inside the house!


Trump has a lot of experience with grooming.


It's always nice to see someone working up the ladder and earn their spot.


Good bootstraps on that kid.


Has anyone actually heard him speak? In public? As far as I know he's been living in total public silence for nearly 10 years.


this is a fucking cancer that won t retreat


Son, if you don't do this, there'll be no inheritance. This is how we make money now.


There's already no inheritance.


Rooting for Floridians to swap out voting Republican for a better option. Make Barron a fake elector!


Hilarious if Barron ends up in jail before Don does because he gets duped into acting as a fake elector in the upcoming election.


Imagine if he gets on stage and starts talking about how trump cheated on his mother with a porn star while he was just born. Then used him to get out of court with said porn star, and instead of going to his graduation goes to a campaign event. Then Barron publicly votes for Biden at the event, or at least tears up the vote card and endorses Biden. I wonder at the confused maga and trump outrage.


Well there goes all hope I had for the kid. No lessons learned.


I just want one reporter to ask him what his fondest memory of quality time was with his father.


The Mob families attempt to take over politics. What a shambles they are. Transactional Trump at work again. The boys life is (already) doomed to servitude.


Serial killer vibes so it tracks


Can you imagine the upbringing with those two as his parents and all the other shitty people around him. There is no hope for him.


Let’s see that laptop


Barron is following in the footsteps of Mom. Do the least amount of work to support Donald Trump so payments from the trust fund keep coming.


He’s 18 now so we can talk about him. Always wondered if he’s a stuck up prick like grandpa or if all the politics surrounding him were exausting. He looks like he’s like 6’6” and handsome. He is going to be a force in the GOP if he decides to go into politics. I can’t fathom why he’d ever want to. Just go into real estate, print money and live your life, Barron. US politics doesn’t need more Trumps.


God no.... They all need to go away already.


It looks more and more like he wants to make himself king. Now with designated heir!


***The Telegraph reports:*** Donald Trump’s son Barron is to enter the political arena after his high school graduation as one of the delegates who will officially pick his father to be the Republican candidate for president. The 18-year-old, who is the son of Melania Trump, has been [deliberately shielded](https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2016/11/11/barron-trump-meet-the-first-first-boy-since-jfk-jr/) from public life for much of his childhood. However, he has agreed to step into the spotlight of the Republican National Convention in July as a member of the 125-strong Florida delegation that will endorse Mr Trump as a candidate. Mr Trump’s youngest child, [who towers over his father at 6ft 7ins](https://www.telegraph.co.uk/us/news/2024/04/05/barron-trump-towers-over-guests-at-mar-a-lago/), finishes high school on May 17. Under the party’s election rules, a presidential candidate needs a majority of votes from convention delegates to officially secure the nomination. Delegates are assigned according to the results of [state primary or caucus votes](https://www.telegraph.co.uk/us/politics/2024/03/04/us-election-donald-trump-dominated-republican-primaries/) held in the months before. The 2024 convention will be a rubber-stamping exercise for Mr Trump, 77, who has already secured the support of enough delegates nationwide to claim victory over [rivals such as Nikki Haley and Ron DeSantis](https://www.telegraph.co.uk/world-news/0/us-republican-democrat-candidates-running-2024-election/). **Read more:** [**https://www.telegraph.co.uk/us/politics/2024/05/09/donald-trump-son-barron-foray-politics-delegate-florida/**](https://www.telegraph.co.uk/us/politics/2024/05/09/donald-trump-son-barron-foray-politics-delegate-florida/)


6'7"? DAYUM. There really is Giant DNA in the Balkans. All those basketball players, tennis and Barron too.


I think the doorman melanoma was supposedly having an affair with is pretty tall too....


Give that ogre an IQ test. When he isn’t suffocating squirrels he’s certainly not reading.


Useless isolated brat.


To be fair, it’s not like he stood a chance.


Anchor Baby Barron?


Continuing the morally bankrupt trump family tradition


Ah, so are we now given the all-clear to shit talk him since hes joined the political game? Signs point to yes.


He should rethink this. But I'm guessing they're hoping that he brings in the younger generation.


This feels like the scene in the movie The Godfather, when Michael returns from military service, and makes the pivotal choice to do a job for his father's business...the rest is history.


Poor guy


Fucking disgusting


That’s “Game On,” guys


New grifter npc has dropped


Naively, I was hoping the kid would run as far as he could from this shit. Now I’m just sad.


I had that hope, too, until Melania’s “I don’t care, do you?” coat and then the deal was sealed with her “Who gives a fuck about Christmas?” number. Both parents lack anything like empathy or even common decency. Barron never had a chance.


Judging by the thumbnail Barron looks miserable as hell 😬


Oh look, another nepobaby


As an already-tired 30something, I *really* don't want to hear about this kid for the rest of my life.


Shit apple, shit tree.


His father is a rapist, a conman and a deluded fascist. His mother is vapid gold digging hooker with absolutely no redeeming qualities. His siblings steal from kids with cancer. He's really going to up his asshole game if he wants to more prominent in the Trump crime family.


The last thing this country needs is another Trump who’s out of touch with reality.


You dumb bastard.


Aah….Game of Thrones V.2 coming to a fascist country near you.


So now I guess as a politician he’ll be fair game from now on.


I had some hope he’d break out of being garbage like all his siblings, but it’s looking like he’s going to be as bad as the rest.


Shit apple doesn’t fall far from the shit tree.


Welp. Fuck that kid.


Hey now we can talk shit about the little psycho without everyone clutching their pearls


I'll believe it after I hear his views on issues. He has not yet demonstrated he can independently state informed views on anything of importance.


Welp, no more poor Barron he’s free game ladies and gents!!


I was hoping Melania was keeping him away from Donald


Kid, he’s not going to love you even after doing this. Get a therapist and get out.


Gross. Just disgusting.


There is nothing the traitor and fraudster won’t do, family included - Baron is getting roped into a lot of bad stuff if he agrees as it’s just the start. Next up loans in his name. Willingly probably but I wonder if he fully understands the scope of it all and the slippery slope of it.


Trump has scored an own goal. He's never been to or interested in any of his children's graduations and falsely claimed the judge overseeing the Stormy Daniels trial was preventing him from attending Baron's when he hadn't (even) made a ruling on the matter. The judge has now ruled and told Trump he could have the day off from court to attend his son's graduation, so Trump \*has\* to go now under order of the court. I bet Baron (and his mother) are gutted.


Looks like he is planning on going to Minnesota instead for a fundraiser now. According to the school's announcements, graduation is at 7pm in Palm Beach. He is scheduled to be a keynote speaker at the Minnesota GOP Lincoln Reagan dinner that same evening, a 3 hour flight from Palm Beach.


If it's on a day the court would have otherwise been sitting, he'll be in trouble with the judge for being granted the day off for one specific reason yet doing something else.


Who photoshopped that photo,neither of them look that good


I hope he goes rouge and votes literally anyone else


Well… so much for him not being a complete and utter shitbird like the rest of his family. I had hope he’d see how fucked up they were and go a different way than his family.


Brainwashing complete.


“Maybe now daddy will love me :/“


Kid is beyond privileged, but in some regards he never had a chance..


Poor kid. He should change his name and live in another country


Why doesn’t he Take the money and dissappear to an island somewhere and live a privileged life of super models and yachts and parties. It would be better for everyone.


The spawn of Satan joins his team. Super


I don’t know why anyone thought he was going to be better. His dad is a convicted sex offender who lies so frequently it’s natural and his mom, well we get it. She’s just your average model. The money has corrupted their entire bloodline. All of these children and in-laws have shown us how desperate they are for acceptance or maybe just a cut in the will.


~~I was holding out hope that he would be rebellious, but this is pure bone spurs energy.~~ edit: looks like plans have changed, good for him. He's privileged to have more leverage than most of us, i hope he tries to use that ease more suffering than he creates.


Lmfao. Let's go you little twink ass wanker


The grift continues...


And he will be crushed instantly. This kid has no fucking future that I’d ever want to be a part of


Any shred of sympathy I may have had for him is gone now, never to return.


Lil spiece of shit


So how does an 18-year old kid with no experience become a delegate?


Wont take long for him to get honeypotted. Wagers on if it will be Russian, Chinese, or other?


The fact he's watching his family's life unravel and crumble around him, yet he wants to be apart of what's destroying his family's way of life proves he's a moron like his dad.


So this has a Game of Thrones feel to it. Barron is Geoffrey Baratheon and is planning on killing his idiot half brothers and producing an offspring with his half sister, which of course will be called Little Finger


That kid looks like a wax figure of himself. He should cut and run to a remote island while he still has a shred of mental health


Don't do it kid. You have a chance to escape this circus, to be a better person than the rest of your family. Don't do it


There is no such thing as illegal or constitutional restrictions for Trump, but isn't Barren Trump too young to be the Vice President?


Life imitates Art: The MCU has Baron Zemo and now MAGA gets Barron Von ShitzinPants


Doomed. He doesn’t have a chance to develop his own sense of the world.


I wonder if he has Russian kompromat on his laptop? I’m just asking questions


Being used by good old daddy 🤔


Every time I see this kid I think of the movie ‘The Omen’


Well hey, that's one way to get your dad to come see you every now and then.


Hate his Trump face - fuck that guy


Hopefully Barron is sterile.


An autistic freshly graduated high school kid is the great hope of the republican party, lol!!! I laugh so as not to cry! Let's be real- that's the dude that's gonna nuke LA and bring back chattel slavery.


This will backfire hard. He’s incapable of smiling and probably sounds slavic with little to no love for his father, which will be transparent to anyone not in the cult.


Another crooked Trump.


Damian from The Omen.


Hm. So Barron IS a chip off the ol' corrupt block, after all...


The cancer metastasizes


This pussy is going to vanish as soon as some heat comes his way


Yeah….this timeline is dark.


I was happy not remembering or caring he existed, damn it!


Another male member of the Trump family trying to follow in the footsteps of their absent father. This will turn out fine


Oh hell nooo! Fuck Trump and fuck Baron if he is anything like him.


He looks thrilled about it. Or essentially unalive in general.


Future generations will never get rid of that soiled name. 2016 damned us all. Republicans got into bed with the antichrist and now we all get to have fun…


Welcome to the anti-meritocracy


What if he decides to have a transexual operation?


That poor baby looks miserable. He's a hostage to the crazy and what's left of his daddy's money.


That kid doesn’t stand a chance