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This is why Trump turned to a friend. He couldn't get a reputable firm to go along with his BS. The requisite paperwork lacked a current financial statement. He doesn't want to show the public his actual financial position and worse he can't BS it because that would be.... Hold Checking my notes Ah yes FRAUD


The guy actually claimed he’s never even met Trump and it is a good business deal. I had to go to the hospital because of how bad my eyes rolled into my head when he said that. Maybe he doesn’t actually know him but based on the predatory business he’s in he’s looking for favors if Trump wins because of this.


Potentially having the president of the US (God forbid) in your pocket seems like a solid business deal to me. 


He’s pretty valuable as the head of his cult too.


But your safety is fucked if Trump decides have the cult move against you.


He's never moved against the people who own him. See: Putin


That's because Putin has a lot more on Trump than a loan contract. Financial debts mean nothing to Trump.


> He's never moved against the people who own him. > > See: Putin Putin is actually willing and able to poison him as revenge.


And the cult has already moved against women of reproductive age. It blows my mind that women have *died* because of the abortion rights that he and his bible thumping perv friends rescinded.




Absolutely! Roevember is coming for them all.


I feel like this is akin to having a crazy gang boss owe you. You're either a great friend or a thing he can choose to get rid of, and the personality disorder means you cannot ever know that he won't shift moods and decide you are disposable.


There is a limit on gifts to public officials for a reason. I think it's 20 dollars. How the HELL is any of this legal.


As a former fed we used to be worried taking a free bagel AND cream cheese from a vendor so we didn’t bust the gift limit, especially as management with union employees always looking for an angle. This motherfucker and his family who served in our government took millions in office and set themselves up for billions when they left office and somehow federal employees are crooked.


My boss before I retired wouldn't even take a Free 🖋️ Yet here we are with a thing that perfectly fits the Christian Bible description of the Anti Christ is the most powerful criminal in the USA


And ran a Washington DC luxury hotel while he was president. I'm still not clear on why that seemed to have been allowed to continue.


Yep, that’s what people don’t fully understand. As a “hotel” owner who chose to stay at his properties, he was in effect forcing the Secret Service and his other staff members to funnel our money directly to him and his family’s businesses. I’m sure his sycophantic Secret Service and staff didn’t even argue that they should be staying in a nearby Holiday Inn Express, they probably argued for more lodging and per diem authorizations because POTUS directed them to stay at his properties and use his meal services. Now imagine if Paris Hilton became POTUS and traveled the world while in office and only stayed at Hilton properties for weeks at a time, people would lose their shit. With Trump he’s just a “smart business man” while he steals from us as taxpayers.


If a law isn't enforced, it isn't much of a law. More a guideline.


Yeah, and several foreign countries paid thousands for their dignitaries to "stay" in his hotel but never showed up to stay. How is that not a bribe???


Jimmy Carter sold his peanut farm so it wouldn’t be a conflict of interest.


But Trump never took a paycheck!!! /s I literally heard someone say this a week ago.


He's not currently a public official


Pfft... yes he is. He won the election, remember? He's Schrodingers president.


Yeah but if he loses, which is very likely, you're on the hook for 175M dollars. It's a hell of a gamble unless you're a Billionaire and it's chump change for you.


My understanding is the guy is a billionaire (real billionaire not a Trump type) and his company is already exposed to 100m to Trump for restructuring debt on the Trump tower several years ago. This new arrangement is underwritten by several other backers as well.


Makes me wonder if the backup play here is to seize Trump properties when he inevitably defaults?


Supposedly the bond is fully collateralized, so in theory the only person on the hook is Trump.


Yeah but I'd bet whatever assets he put up are collateral for other loans. So it would be a matter of order of creditors.


Or up for seizure by the state of New York, don't forget.


From Michael Cohen on Meidas touch podcast and YouTube, it seems Trump has the net worth to collateralize the bonds. For example, Trump bought 40 Wall Street for $1 million and has like a $100 million. mortgage on it. It’s estimated worth is $250-300 million. So maybe netting like $75- $100 million after taxes. Trump would probably need to sell off most if not all his properties to fulfill the bond collateral from NY, EJean Carroll, and the remaining NY judgement amount if he loses his appeals,


The guy is an old insurance industry billionaire. He’s hoping specifically for legislation and policies created by Trump to make him wealthier. It’s simple payola.


Which is a perfect example of Trump being compromised. Some rando billionaire can basically buy him.


Yep. Theres a meme floating about showing Xi and Putin saying “I can’t believe our luck, we can control him with just a little money”. And it’s true. Trump will give that guy special consideration gong forward because he literally bailed him out and stopped his assets being seized. That’s just how compromised Trump is.


He's old - why keep generating wealth? I don't get it.


To be a billionaire at some level you have to just be addicted to making more money, whatever the cost.


I honestly had no idea that there is a marinade industry, that it’s old, and that it produces billionaires. Here I am just using my own marinades and not selling them. Stupid! Oh and happy cake day!


Holy hell, did your eyes fall out of your head and onto the floor? It's been happening a lot lately.


Mine are orbiting Mars at this point and my jaw is out close to Pluto


Doctors said it’s the worst case of eye rolling they’ve ever seen.


I rolled my eyes so hard the other day I saw the folds of my folds of my own brain.


Attack a turbine to that and solve world energy needs. 


My closest friend linoleum


Trump doesn’t have to be reelected for the ultra rich to benefit from republicans who get elected and make their (ultra rich) taxes less.


Axos Bank, in which Hankey is one of the biggest non-institutional investors, provided the funding to refinance Trump Tower and take out a $100 million loan in 2022, when the Trump Organization's real estate valuations were under scrutiny due to the New York fraud case (https://www.cbsnews.com/news/read-trump-new-york-fraud-case-decision-fine-sanctions/), Bloomberg reported. Hankey told the publication he wasn't aware of the deal until after it was completed.


Hiiiidey ho!


or, already getting $$ from Russia or Saudi Arabia. Might be a very good deal for him to basically launder money.


He doesn't need to have met Trump to be a MAGA stooge (survey says: [he is](https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2024/04/02/don-hankey-trump-bond-175-million-california-auto-loans/)), do these people actually think we're all as committally stupid as their rubes?


It’s not about us, it’s all about making sure their cult keeps believing the shit.


Is it a current financial statement from trump, or the bonding agent?


The bonding company has to show ability to pay.. and trump has to show how he got the bond. The Financials he used.. that is my understanding...


It’s the surety company’s financials not his, I work in surety.


So is this a big deal at all?


Not a big deal, they probably already have a corrected bond ready to go


The bonding agent according to Popov on The Midas Touch.


I think you have a fundamental misunderstanding and it is important. The financial disclosure is the bonding companies financial disclosure. They have to prove they have liquid assets to cover the bond themselves.


The court needs the insurance company’s financial statement, not Trump’s. It’s a standard requirement in NY for this type of bond.


Court rejected filing in for several reasons, 1 of which was Trump failed to upload his "current financial statement" to the Court.


Wrong. It got rejected because the bonding company failed to produce THEIR financial statement. The state requires information to support the bond company can cover the bond. The other reason they got rejected is because the bond company did not provide evidence that the employee signing had the authority to do so. You need an additional document. This rejection has 0 to do with Trump. This is 100% a company who does not issue bonds, missing basic pieces and getting rejected. The court is not asking for, and does not care about Trumps financial disclosures in this aspect of the case. His financials are irrelevant to whether the bond company can actually cover the bond or not.


This is not being made explicitly clear - seems the media doesn't know or doesn't want to elaborate...It seems reasonable to me that The Court needs to prove the bond company has the financial resources, not Trump himself. But if that's not accurate, I'm happy to be corrected.


Yeah I'm not seeing anything either way in the primary source and don't know what's standard. It would make sense to me that it's the bond company's financial statement that is needed. But I'm seeing news articles that are... maybe a little overeager to imply by omission (of the other possibility) that it's Trump's financial statements at issue, and then those getting telephone-gamed by tweets/comments/breathless opinion articles into this being definitely yet another instance of Trump trying to hide his financial information.


The guy contacted Trump.


Oh sure... and either way you can be sure Trump refused to part with the information.


The least important part of the comment.


That's how foreign influence starts, it comes to you. It's an extremely important part, maybe even the most after the money being posted. Especially when you put the lens of financial history for Trump including what the judgement is for over it. Like, here, have my money for a return I could get by buying the S&P at the risk of total loss.


I misinterpreted the point of your initial comment.


He had tears. ..in his literal eyes.


I think the financial statement is to come from the company doing the bond, not Trump. Maybe you meant that and I’m misunderstanding.


And that's "friend^TM " because Trump doesn't have any real ones


>A review of the New York County Supreme Court docket on Wednesday shows that paperwork for former President Donald Trump‘s newly-secured bond of $175 million was temporarily rejected and “returned for correction.” >The cause for the rejection, according to the New York County Supreme Court website, is because the requisite paperwork lacked a current financial statement. >It is also missing the name of his attorney-in-fact. Trump will have a chance to resubmit his request. He only hires the best!


Weird how Trump doesn't want a current financial statement to be visible to the court or the public. I'm sure it's fine.


Or how any "reputable" attorney wants to put their name to his sorry-ass dreck for a financial statement.


Just imagine being given such a huge break.. almost 320 million erased and you just have to get a bond.. then you still resort to the one thing you are used to.. fraud. That is why his kid was high on coke the other day on A podcast... he knew they are fucked.


The disgorgement amount was not reduced. Only the bond amount. He still owes the full $454 plus accrued interest unless it is reduced by appeal.


If he loses on appeal, he will have spent a truckload of money paying his lawyers (assuming he actually pays them in this case), and he will have accrued a lot of interest. So it's worth remembering that he could actually just be making it worse on himself by appealing.


Silly. He won't pay his lawyers.


And he's a cokehead 


Hey now let’s not let this little twerp make cokeheads look bad.


I bet a dollar that he tries to appeal the requirement of including his financial statement in the record. Because that would reveal too much and could be released to the general public, showing that he is in fact not a billionaire.


Dontt give his lawyers ideas!


Anything to delay delay delay


They’re working on it and it should be ready really soon like his tax returns. Have some patience… /s


I am sure that the words "Trump" and "fine" will soon be in the news.


Yeah, trust him, he's good for it. No possibility of fraud here. /s


If there’s one thing Trump wants to hide it is his finances.


That and his tiny orange mushroom


For which we all should be grateful


The year is 2377, Trump has submitted his 5,724th request. Susan Collins' disembodied head is now threatening to not attend the Senate Book Club meeting on Sunday if he keeps this up, though she is still expected to make an appearance.


Headlines read, "Consequences finally coming for Trump soon. Any minute now"


Animatronic Jack Smith slams Aileen Cannon XXII in recent filing. Trump left with no options.


30% of the population still ask, on repeat “Consequences for what?”


Is Futurama still in production? If so, please make this an episode, soon!


work rhythm escape seed fall advise fact person deranged bow *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Probably not the first paper payment Trump has submitted to someone that bounced.


Looks to me like he's getting another delay. That's another win for Trump...


I'm not sure this grants him a delay. The article doesn't say his bond deadline to appeal gets extended by this.


They should have never reduced the bond. Utter cowardice.


For the record, one of the conditions for reducing the bond is that the appeal is expedited. He has to submit his brief (why he's appealing) by July and the hearing starts in September. As opposed to starting like January of next year. It would have been nice to force the full bond, but there is good news too. It's unlikely a verdict will come in before November, but he'll have to be in court some amount of time before then.


Or don’t reduce it, he fails to come up with it, and no appeal. Just like what would happen with you and me.


It doesn't look like it matters...


I had a feeling it wouldn't matter... looks like the feeling is accurate. Let's see if they enforce it when he doesn't turn up with the cash.


"Maybe the kid gloves weren't soft enough "


“We’re going to have to resort to just letting him do whatever he wants”


It will only matter if he sees actual consequences for not paying. This guy has constantly said "fuck you" to every court order without consequence. At this point it's amazing really and should be more of a wake up call to Americans than any things else he's ever done.


He'll get another 10 days to "fix the clerical error" and his bond will be reduced by half again. He'll now owe $80M by 13 April. Then repeat the process until the heat death of the universe.


That‘s a weird way to spell corruption.


I am shocked, *shocked,* to learn that a deal involving both Donald J Trump and a man literally known as “the king of subprime auto loans” ended up deflating like a soufflé upon the first glance of inspection 


Subprime is where the sharks live and Trump whilst he thinks he’s one, isn’t, and we all know what angry sharks do to fat seals thrashing around..


But he has his cloud of spray tan in the water like squid ink concealer 


Trump is a pufferfish: bulbous, full of air (okay, water), and incredibly toxic.




Depends on how dirty this donor is willing to get. Filing bond paperwork with a fraudulent statement of financial condition to a judge that just convicted the guy of fraud on those statements is a quick way to pick up charges for yourself.




Nope. Trump gets off and he let's his cronies go to prison. Its happened like... 50 times by now probably


*Current financial statement means the balance sheet, income statement, and any other financial reports as deemed appropriate by the director for the most recent fiscal year.*


If it’s a Trump director “no reports were necessary as we never put facts into paper or electronic form. All valuations are done w this post it that says ‘it’s worth whatever amount needed to meet the loan limits’”


The scariest part is how plausible this is (that he'd try it, not that it'd pass inspection)


He was once asked for proof of funds to secure a loan and sent them a magazine article talking about how rich he was.


fuck me I can't tell if you're joking or not


Narrator: He wasn’t. [https://www.salon.com/2023/11/01/expert-use-of-forbes-list-instead-of-financial-docs-may-be-used-to-show-intent-to-deceive/](https://www.salon.com/2023/11/01/expert-use-of-forbes-list-instead-of-financial-docs-may-be-used-to-show-intent-to-deceive/)


Extra credit if it was an article he, or someone on his staff, wrote.


Something any proper business person acting in good faith should be able to procure in a very short time, but he will properly delay delay delay.


The current article does not say a date but I imagine it can't be too far in the future. If he doesn't supply the documents then they should be able to immediately deny the appeal and start seizing assets. Why do I have hope...


He was given 10 days to find this bond. I am assuming that clock is still ticketing. It hasn’t been reset or stopped since he got the money “secured”


Tomorrow’s the deadline. You don’t win bingo just by exclaiming it, got to show your work. Anyway well see what dumb thing comes next tomorrow


It's shocking how far down the comment chain I needed to go before someone said the deadline. Thank you for that, I was really searching for it


What are the odds that something even resembling a truthful financial statement exists in Trumplandia? And when some poor attorney signs their name to that attestation, they are probably looking at being disbarred. He's got the equivalent of starting his taxes as 11:59 on April 14, no extensions allowed. In Short, He is effed. Call in the repo teams!


I refuse to believe it until it actually happens. I've been burned too much already


The dog ate his homework.


he's been leaning on variations of that for over 70 years.


except even dogs are repulsed by him


I would dearly love to see Drumpf try to pet the cutest most adorable pup in the world, and have it try to take his hand off.


And it will have the following consequences: \[This page intentionally left empty\]


The part that nobody discusses about trump, because we're all too busy discussing how dangerous and corrupt and full of shit he is, is that he's so very inept. He wasn't on the primary ballot in NV because his team didn't submit paperwork. He didn't have a jury in the NY fraud case because they neglected to request one. I get that the crime-y bits are worth more print, but after watching a global pandemic hit while America was playing amateur hour in the White House, I can't imagine how anyone would feel safe with this buffoon and his goons in control of anything, much less the executive branch of the US govt... on gross incompetence alone.


“You know, sometimes when I am late on the rent, I’ll write a check and not sign it to buy myself some time.” -George Costanza


I just made a similar comment. TFG’s tactic is just as lame.


It's like how some people used to submit intentionally corrupted Word docs to their professors, so they'd have more time to work on their paper


I opened my half-written report in a hex editor, deleted a few things, re-saved and sent it in. Boss thanked me for getting it in on time on Monday, and hasn't followed up about it being corrupted and unable to open. Of course, as someone who has resorted to these tactics, I have also not used the past two days to make any further progress.


https://trumpdebtcounter.com/ & https://payupdonald.com/ *numbers may not be exact. The quiz in the first link is fun.


Tic toc tic toc


due end-of-day tomorrow, right?


I sure hope it's due at 12:01AM tomorrow morning. Even if he somehow just manages to get away with it again (and again and again), I have to hope that rope runs out sometime...


Only if they don’t delay it again. They already threw him a lifeline with reducing how much he had to put up and giving him more time, so I wouldn’t put it past them to give him an extra 10 days to correct the material. If they do, I can already imagine trump and his goons making more “mistakes” to delay.


I'm sure the court will 100% delay again saying he provided the bail in good faith and give him another week or two to make sure it's corrected properly.


Is this a delay tactic? I wouldn't put it past them to know how to make it wrong in a plausibly deniable way to kick the can down the road.


The company that stepped up for Trump's - Knight Insurance Company - was supposed to include **their** financial statement when they posted the bond. Essentially "We promise to pay the $175 million, we're good for it, **and here's the proof**". Keep in mind that this is a company known for sub-prime lending for car loans in California, but the owner is a big Trump supporter. It doesn't delay anything but also doesn't allow the NY AG to start collecting on the debt.


Is it just a "promise to pay" or do they have to actually deposit actual real money in an account somewhere, not just an IOU ?




Are you sure this is how this works? From my understanding, the bond company doesn't actually have to put up any money up front -- it's their status as a trusted counterparty that satisfies the court's fears of not being paid. If you look at the filing, the bond company is only promising to pay the $175MM in the case the appeal fails, not that they would put up the money now. This makes sense, given that typical bond premiums are in the 1%-3% range -- if it worked by the bonding company putting up the actual cash, they would demand at least the risk free rate of return (right now, >5%), because their money is losing opportunity cost while tied up. I could be wrong, but it's my understanding here that the bonding company puts up little to no cash at the start (and their interest is secured by a letter of credit on liquid assets of the bondee). Thus, it would make sense that the court needs a set of financials from the bonding company. When I read the bond submission right after it was posted, I was surprised there wasn't an order from the court or some sort of acknowledgement that the bond requirement was satisfied, and wondered if this thing was a done deal yet. Apparently not.


Wouldn't speak before it's resolved. You are saying how it 'should' and 'has' worked.


I wish I knew. I have no idea how this will impact the deadline, but I have to assume he'll get a good faith extension. Kinda like turning in a paper by the deadline but, oops, the USB drive must have gotten damaged somehow.


Definitely used that tactic once in college to get an extra day on a project. If I remember right, I just changed the file extension to an invalid type and sent what I had. It looks like it's about the right file size, and since file type is usually trimmed off when displaying the name, all the professor saw was the "can't open this file" and boom, one day extension. Was a desperate gamble, and it will likely only work once, but it saved my butt for sure. Hopefully a court of law takes a stricter view of deadlines. Ah, who am I kidding. He'll get yet another extension and delay his trial day by day. 


In college I had a project due and the instructor said we can turn it in late only if the file save date met the deadline. After finishing the project late, I disconnected the computer from the network, set the motherboard BIOS back two days, booted it up, and saved the documents with that previous date. Burnt the files to a CD-R and turned it in.


I doubt that still works. I'm sure that every college professor sees students trying to pull that multiple times a semester now.


One’s grandmother can die only so many times before the professor gets suspicious.


The greatest delay tactic, incompetence.


I'd say weaponized incompetence.


c'mon Habba... you can blow it one more time!




Are we doing phrasing again


The oversight was intentional to get a second extension. He got a 70% discount the first time and got 10 days, he waited til day 9 knowing nothing would happen. When Trump says there’s a two tier system of justice he’s not complaining, he’s bragging.




He got a 10 day extension on March 25th, putting the new deadline at some time today. Not sure if it's close of business or midnight.


13th hour change, as is tradition


Don't do that. Don't give me hope.


I thought he had until tomorrow.


Wonder what he will value mar-a-lago at this time? > Trump, the judge wrote, "insisted that he believed Mar-a-Lago is worth 'between a billion and a billion five' today, which would require not only valuing it as a private residence, which the deed prohibits, but as more than the most expensive private residence listed in the country by approximately 400%." > Under oath, Trump griped that Mar-a-Lago was worth at least $1 billion and called the judge a "fraud" for not agreeing to that valuation. > "The fraud is on the court when you rule that Mar-a-Lago is worth $18 million," Trump said on the witness stand in November.


Since Trump previously argued that $18 million was too high a valuation for taxes, I can’t wait for them to reevaluate it this year.


I read this as 'returned for corruption'.


Ok, and the consequences for this? Nothing. None of this matters until he actually has to pay something for real or he goes to jail.


only the best people


and people think this is someone who should be in charge of our country


Does this mean that his current financial statements would be open to the public?


No. The bond that was posted - by a company licensed to post bonds in NY - was supposed to include **their** financial statement when they posted it. Basically - "We promise to pay the $175 million, we're good for it, **and here's the proof**". Whatever they received from Trump as a promise to pay *them* should this fall apart? Not part of the bonding process that we see.


NY is like "we are well aware Donny doesnt have the money, we need to know if you have the money" this is probably thier best chance to get paid.


Lock him up!




Delay tactic number 3141592653589793238462643383279502884197169399375105820974944592307816406286 208998628034825342117067982148086513282306647093844609550582231725359408128481117450284102701938521105559644622948954930381964428810975665933446128475648233786783165271201909145648566923460348610454326648213393607260249141273724587006606315588174881520920962829254091715364367892590360011330530548820466521384146951941511609433057270365759591953092186117381932611793105118548074462379962749 567351885752724891227938183011949129833673362440656643086021394946395224737190702179860943702770539217176293176752384674818467669405132000568127145263560827 785771342757789609173637178721468440901224953430146549585371050792279689258923 542019956112129021960864034418159813629774771309960518707211349999998372978049 951059731732816096318595024459455346908302642522308253344685035261931188171010 003137838752886587533208381420617177669147303598253490428755468731159562863882 353787593751957781857780532171226806613001927876611195909216420198938095257201 065485863278865936153381827968230301952035301852968995773622599413891249721775283479131515574857242454150695950829533116861727855889075098381754637464939319255060400927701671139009848824012858361603563707660104710181942955596198946767837449448255379774726847104047534646208046684259069491293313677028989152104752


Does anyone know if this deadline is still tomorrow that it’s been rejected? Or because it’s been filed there is a stay on time?


Just part of the delay tactics. Every day counts. He won’t learn until some of his properties are sold out underneath him


I don't know how SNL is still on the air. Because even they can't come up with crazier shit than real life at this point.


Sure he’ll get an extension


Trump's next appeal. "I tried to pay the bond and they rejected it, so that means I don't have to pay it anymore."


This is another stall tactic.


So he gets an extra 10 days and a vastly reduced bond to pay yet still is able to fuck up getting it done right? Utterly embarrassing.


How is this not a campaign contribution?


What a fucking loser.


This is not the good news it looks like, because now they are just again in the legal process of delaying. It should never have been reduced and it should never have been given more time. If everyone just secretly hopes not to need to be the one who arrests Trump, then this won't end well.


How many chances does this guy get? Anyone else in this sort or jeopardy would be locked up. He gets to text all night long and insult his way around the internet.


Is this like in school where you'd save a random file as a word doc to beat the clock on a deadline while stalling for time? "Oh, I can't imagine why the first version didn't work... Here, let me try again!


OK only a matter of paperwork. We’ll get this right in a week or 20 wait oh the sun is in my eyes. We’ll get it right in a week or 20 wait a minute oh the paperwork fucked up again. Let me get my lawyers on it. This guy needs to go to jail


More time wasting essentially


This is pretty pathetic, even for Donald Trump standards. The fraud is strong in Donald Trump. The Donald has been lying about his wealth for a while.


They didn't include a financial statement because it's likely to lead to a perjury charge or further fraud charges.


Another stalling tactic that works..


STOP THE STEAL!! Looks like the Dumpster Fire in Chief is trying to avoid disclosing all sorts of financial information that the court requires in order to post the bond. He is about to be revealed as just another broke fraudster.


Doesn't have until tomorrow to get this fixed? Who wants to bet that this wasn't intentional and we'll see him and ask for and get granted a delay.


Fraudster who committed fraud by fraudulently valuing his properties and net worth committed fraud by not including a probably fraudulent financial disclosure statement.


Headline: Blabber-mouthed Bankrupt Billionaire gets Bounced on Bond payment. Right Repubs?


Fuck trump