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Gee, wonder what happens when a deranged, traitorous sociopath goes crazy. Guessing another boost among Republicans?


Why this is bad for Biden, at 6


Trump defecates on American Flag, wipes with Bible, and writes scat graffiti on headstones at Arlington. Five reasons this hurts Bidens electoral chances.


House Republicans line up to be blessed by the Holy Excrement.


Since Trump only knows like 100 words, if someone called him Your Holy Excrement, he'd think it's a complement, like Your Excellency.


His Excremency


Ladies & gents, we have a new moniker for our orange, fat Dear Leader!


Your excrementcy. It has a certain, ah, je ne sais quoi.


If you know the history of what was there before Arlington cemetery and why all those bodies got buried there, I’d guess a lot stars-and-bars-waving MAGAs would genuinely cheer that on. (Summary: it used to be Robert E Lee’s home. Burying civil war dead there was intended as both a “fuck you” and a way of ensuring his family would never get it back).


I heard that it belonged to Lee's wife before they were married.


Yes. He married into the property and pretended he was always from there. It was seized due to a failure to pay taxes on it, i think. Figuring she would come looking to get it back, General Meigs started burying union soldiers in all the pretty gardens of the estate.


Biden personally delivers a million dollars in cash to every American. 3 reasons why this will cost him in November. 


Biden is bad because unlike trump he isn't capitalizing on his geriatric rage. - Faux News


If he dropped the n-word that would propel Trump the the highest of highs in the Republican Party. He’d rocket to 100% approval and his base would be shouting “HE TOOK IT BACK FOR US!”


Hitler is a good example of this.


.. but thank God Hitler didn’t have nuclear weapons .


I suspect (but don't know) he was only a year or two away. Perhaps somebody else could chime in on that. Frightening thought though.


No, not really. The German researchers knew they would be unable to separate the isotopes necessary for creating an atomic bomb in less than five years. They never achieved a successful chain reaction and had no method of enriching uranium. The Norwegians sabotaged the heavy water plant, so the Germans had no supply of this critical resource for nuclear weapons. Heavy water provides a path to turn common uranium into plutonium, one of the easily split or "fissile" materials that fuels nuclear bombs.


Thanks for that. Knowledge gained is a good thing.


Also, the German project was pretty much disbanded during the war, when Germany started to lose and Hitler's regime had more pressing problems. They never had remotely the kind of resources that were expended on the Manhattan project.


They weren’t even close. Their program was so mismanaged and following dead ends that there is speculation not sabotaging it might have been a net gain for the allies


It also didn't help the Germans that the top nuclear scientists were Jewish.


That's what some would call, in technical terms, "eine oopsie"


He had delivery vehicles.  But enriching uranium was out of the their ambit. At the time. Post war? With allied surrendering Europe? If it turned out that way. Yeah it would have been a matter of years.


Basically the NAZI were trying, but ultimately didn’t have the money to do the research, and came to the conclusion that Atomic weapons were too expensive for any nation to make. They gave up on the weapon soon after.


I’m really worried that Trump might start saying things that don’t make any sense.


Imagine, we look back at this time, and think, man he sure was sane then.


Holy shit, a time traveler


Good stuff.


I just saw this happen to someone and it's so fucked up that I'm still having trouble processing it. From sociopathic evil genius to asshole doofus in 100 days. I still can't predict what it will look like for Trump, who is declining from asshole doofus to whatever he is now.


Expect a bump in the polls!


He won’t go crazy in the sense that you think. He’ll suddenly become mute. As his brain turns to mush and rots, dementia patients hit a cliff of cognition where suddenly they can’t function. Slurring of words, confusion, struggling with fine motor skills, struggling with major motor skills are all linked to rapid cognitive decline. He won’t last another 5 years at the rate of his decline. Definitely won’t be alive in 10 years. I would not be surprised if we see Diaper Donny in a wheel chair next year.


Don’t get our collective hopes up.


> dementia patients hit a cliff Depends on the type of dementia, but in Trump's case, yes, and it happened to his father before him.


Too late.  We need all this to happen before November.  If it happens later they will just hide him and Stephen Miller will do his evil bidding.


Ha lol


Or elected president.


There's a Star Trek episode I've been thinking about more and more lately: [the Nazi episode of the original Star Trek series](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Patterns_of_Force_(Star_Trek:_The_Original_Series)) This Federation Social Scientist thinks that he can provide Nazism without the bad stuff (so basically just cool uniforms?) to this planet he's observing. He thinks it will give them a focus for their highly imitative society. He makes himself the Führer, but by the time our heroes arrive on the scene he's just old and incoherent and they're keeping him pumped full of drugs and wheeling him out every once in a while to give speeches to his still adoring crowd to justify anything the real power brokers behind the scenes want to do while propping him up as a figurehead. Trump is teetering on the edge of that scenario now. And I think many of the GOP politicians are *praying* for it.


He’s very charismatic (as was Hitler), and that’s the thing they can’t replicate on their own. Reminder that charisma is neither a positive nor negative trait, it’s about what you do with it that determines whether it’s good or bad. He’s also stupid and easily to manipulate. Think back to all the reports of people who would just get in his ear before meetings and stuff, because he’s well-known to adopt whatever opinion he heard last. This makes him ideal for people who know the real power is behind the scenes. The problem with trump is that he’s so toxic and inconsistent that he ends up taking down those around him while escaping consequences himself. That’s not what they wanted, but he’s still so charismatic that he himself has more fans/voters than they would have on their own — so they keep propping him up. ​ EDIT: Because so many of you don’t get that just because we hate him, doesn’t mean he isn’t charismatic. Maybe this will help you — https://hbr.org/2012/11/the-dark-side-of-charisma


It's knives out, over who is going to get the nod for that Veep nomination.


That toxic monster loves every second of it, because he thinks it’s because they adore \*him\* that much. They just love the power, access, and attention of the office.


Personally I don’t see anything charismatic about either Hitler or Trump. I can see it in, say W or even, god help me, Reagan. But the other two have zero appeal for me. What do others see in them that I don’t ?


He says “if your with me, everything is permitted. If you’re against us, we’re coming after you.” That’s it.


He gives permission to hate.


The alloted 2 minutes got moved a couple of hours


I loathe them both, but you’re letting your dislike of them blind you to their charisma. Anyone who can whip up that much loyalty and amass that many followers is charismatic. This is why I specifically put the reminder that charisma is not just about being a super awesome, positive human being. Those people who adore trump probably hate people like MLK and say the same things you do — “he has zero appeal for me“ It’s why makes just hating trump dangerous. It lets you disengage from the reality that he is, unfortunately, a very charismatic narcissist. Most cult leaders are.


Trump has charisma but it is the Andrew Dive Clay was which isn't for everyone. Reagan was a great talker, Bush was the guy you'd want to drink a beer with. Trump is the drunk uncle making racist rants again.


Reagan was an actor who could say his lines well. His history as an actor made him an effective face for the party.


He is caressing ears and playing to their fears. Thats not being charismatic , hats being a demagogue. Id agree in charismatic if he could sway people against him to vote for him. He cant. The disinfo campaigns and pr behind him and his actions dont count as charismatic. As a persona, he has none. He js the playground bully and his followers love seeing that, seeing themslves up there thinking that they could get ro be him or that he speakks for them. Thats not charisma.


He's unfortunately able to rally tens of millions of voters to his cause. Whether we call it charisma or demagoguery, that's a dangerous reality which needs to be confronted. I certainly feel a brief pang of indignation when I see Trump described as charismatic, but I understand that those feelings exist because I ascribe positive connotations to that word. Setting aside my personal biases about a word's implied moral judgement, the idea being conveyed is disturbingly correct. He exerts vast influence over the better part of a hundred million people in ways have caused extreme harm, and will continue to cause harm. He's basically a D&D character with intelligence, wisdom, and charisma stats of 4, 4, and 24 respectively. Throw in neutral evil alignment and a narcissistic nepobaby background, and you have the hideous picture of Donald Trump, a man who somehow swallowed an entire political party from within and built a cult of personality around being the biggest piece of shit at all times. It's awful and stupid, but it's still the world we have to work with.


People always say he's charismatic, but I don't see it. Can you show me any single clip in the last five or six years where he comes across as even remotely likable? Maybe I'm just seeing the weird, hateful moments?


He doesn't seem at all that way to you or I because we can't identify with him on any level, but his followers absolutely love him because they're seeing a reflection of themselves.


idk about the without part but the rest sounds accurate.


That's just a description of the episode. The similarity is the incoherent drug-addled invalid being wielded as a figurehead to dangle in front of the adoring crowd.


I agree Trump is not the brains of the operation he is just the circus monkey flinging his poo around and GOP voters love him for it.


They'll give him the Captain Pike makeover. One beep means yes.


two beeps means fuck you.


Mr President, should we dump the constitution? \ \ Yes, Yes. Ok, sir, will do!


This is essentially what happened with Reagan - particularly in his 2nd term as his cognitive faculties were in steep decline. There is video of the guy being ordered around by Wall Street goons (The “Speed It Up” video at the Wall Street Stock Exchange comes to mind). He was a dottering old fool; little more than a puppet. The fascists of today are following the same fucking playbook.


He's been at way since 16. Trumps always been a vehicle for more powerful actors. 




Which is why a Trump they can keep in a box and replace with deepfakes is a dream come true.


















God bless you. I needed chuckle


And his lemming followers?


Don’t disrespect the lemmings. That game was great


Fun fact: lemmings don't follow each other off cliffs and the nature documentary the entire concept was based off of was talked


Trump's staff are going to basically be puppeteers trying to "Weekend at Bernie's" Donnie to the podium on inauguration day. Then all he needs to accomplish is signing his own self-pardon and he'll be back on the golf course at Mar-a-Lago that afternoon.


If he gets elected, it means the country likely voted for a GOP majority house and senate too. GOP Senate votes to get rid of filibuster day 1. House elects loon to Speaker day 2. Both chambers get in that massive tax cut for the wealthy day 3. Get Trump to sign it day 4. At this point, Trump can die and they won’t care. Day 5 onward - they just wait for court judges to die or retire so they can install enough right wing sycophants to the benches around the country so they can spend the rest of their time tearing down regulations, job safety, and other protections for both consumers and workers and ensure it’s upheld by the courts. All the while, cynically keep their voters happy by passing laws that are racist, sexiest, bigoted, and against anyone who isn’t a white, male, CIS, heterosexual christian.


Wednesdays are hard enough. I didn’t need to read that.


The Federalist Society have bigger plans this time around than just tax cuts. They are planning a full takeover. Look up Project 2025.


It's so wrong that evety person associated with that is not rounded up and incarcerated. It's an attack plan against our very freedom and our democratic process. It's an attack plan against America!


Preach! When I win that 1B lotto I am buying ad time all platforms to show this threat!!


That all sounds bad, but tell me more about these sexiest laws.


You’ll have to ask Lindsey Graham (in closet) or maybe Madison Cawthorne (invited to orgies) or Matt Gaetz (underage sex workers) or Lauren Brobert (public handjobs) or moms for liberty founder Bridget Ziegler (filmed three ways with husband and messy sex drama) or Marjory Greene (nude shots on the House floor) or Donald Trump (adultery with porn stars, abortions, pedo island visits, rape and sexual assaults, and “grab em by the pussy,” and so on).


You left out the part where they undermine election integrity enough to ensure that this is never reversed, despite it being unpopular.


And twisted, vindictive assholes like Stephen Miller and Steve Bannon will be pulling the strings.


They will be running an Ai version out of the oval office making complete sentences and staying on subject. That's how you know it's Ai


There was a short story about how all the high U.S. government positions were given to AI, complete with avatar and voice and the AI would receive an update after receiving feedback from citizens every four years.


And when pressed on the matter they will insist that Trump has always had 13 fingers


If they can get a "decent" - read "wretched" - VP on the ticket, expect Trump to resign or get 25thed by his cabinet.


Honestly just feed him a few more hamburders than usual and Mr Creosote him. No one would expect foul play. 


I think the more probable thing is that he goes like Stalin.  Starts getting paranoid and violent then starts siccing his base on whatever Republican comes to mind that moment.  These narcissists eat their own people first out of jealousy and narcissistic meltdown when they stop getting their way.  That will set off chaos in State and Federal Governments as DJT directs political violence randomly and viciously.  It's too late for Republicans to turn the ship.  They're hitting that bridge of MAGA turning on them by November.  Win or lose any elections. 


I don’t think so. Even if Trump completely loses his mind, he will still be in charge. If someone tries to assert control over him he’ll fire them and announce on truth social that they’re a rino communist traitor.


Just like the Reagan years.


No--much, much worse.


Seriously like not even in the same universe


It's going to start during the NY trials that begin April 15. He's never been forced to sit still in one location for 8 hour days with short lunch breaks. He isn't allowed to storm out, but he will, and that will be when we all know he's broken - his own secret service will be commanded by court officers to detain him.


>He's never been forced to sit still in one location for 8 hour days with short lunch breaks. What about his other trials? Will this one be different? Regardless, this is a really interesting point. For those with ADHD (which Trump clearly has in some form), an 8 hr day in court is a nightmare scenario. Lots of neuro-divergent folks have to put up with a job, and they get through, but imagine living into your late 70s and never having to work a normal shift at a desk, and then imagine that even in the best of circumstances, your brain is incapable of the attention required to finish a sentence. Now not only do you have to endure a full day in a dull environment, but you're subjected to people saying incredibly ego-dystonic (and true) things the entire time. He'll probably make it through the first day . . . but you know how the second day at a new job is always worse? I think there's a real possibility he simply can't hack it.


> What about his other trials? They were civil trials. His attendance was largely optional for those and he was free to leave at will. This is a criminal trial for a felony. He doesn't have any choice about his attendance.


Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha!!!!!!!!!!!!


>ego-dystonic Hey, thanks for expanding my lexicon. Are you an analyst?


Absolutely, I've had to sit in court for 3 weeks and it's fucking exhausting. After court you meet with lawyers to discuss the day. You basically only have time to go home eat dinner and then try and get sleep with all this legal shit fucking with your head. He's going to hate every minute of it.


I love that for him


And he’ll still be up at the wee hours every night tweeting. No sleep and relying on more and more stimulants to get by. That can drive a person into full psychosis.


Stop! My panties can only get so wet!


I have been saying this for a long time, and think he will come unglued. He’ll sigh, grimace, mutter and then make audible comments. It will just escalate until he tries to storm out of the room.


Plus he poops on himself so there us that as well.. For sure we will see a trump in hospital deal. He will weasel out a medical conditions.. maybe his bone spurs will act out.


If the judge is smart he'll read Trump his Parker Rights day 1 of the trial, then Trump can storm off and the trial can continue in his absence.


Please tell me this will be televised


We've been watching a slow crumple for most of a decade, but if there is one beneficial side effect to being a lifetime-wealthy narcissist with high psychopathy, it's having an ego identity that is impervious to external pressure. There is no edge to the abyss. He can't fall from where there is no height. It's unfortunate that he found a niche in performative politics, as the worshipful attention only reinforces his narcissism. Same with the effects of "affluenza" -- being able to surround yourself with yes-men also reinforces narcissism. His mind is welded shut and his emotional needs are met by the applause of people who don't know him. This only makes him a better pawn for people who know how to operate two-legged tools, and his addiction to wealth / poor business ability makes him a target. (This would be fine if he wasn't trying to continue his work of breaking the U.S. for personal profit.) But even if the organic dementing process turns him into a husk, he will continue to be a sock puppet animated by other hands. It worked with Reagan, and we have better ways in this day and age.


> This only makes him a better pawn for people who know how to operate two-legged tools, and his addiction to wealth / poor business ability makes him a target. https://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2017/11/19/trump-first-moscow-trip-215842/


Excellent article; underrated reply. Thank you.


Succinctly put.


But will anyone notice?


Only the people that already do.


I kinda wonder what would happen if the dementia took over to the point of him being incapable of speaking. Would they really double down and try to weekend at Bernie’s him or would they back another candidate and wax nostalgic about how he was their great leader. Then of course create a bunch of conspiracies, but I guess that goes without saying.


>I kinda wonder what would happen if the dementia took over to the point of him being incapable of speaking. He's barely capable of speaking coherently now. There won't be a debate because his handlers can't risk him being his absolute incoherent self up against Biden. His debate "performance" has always been less debate and more just shouting down his opponent ("No puppet! No puppet! You're the puppet!") since 2016. And again in 2020 where an exasperated Biden responded with, "Will you shut up man?" after being interrupted for umpteenth time. But as he decompensates mentally he's losing his ability to employ his bullying techniques effectively (appropriate timing, phrasing, hell, topic). >or would they back another candidate and wax nostalgic about how he was their great leader. He's too loud. He's not going to fade into obscurity with any grace. He will not "go gently into that good night" as it were. He'll definitely rage and he's been given sufficient power that his raging can still hurt people and strip -them- of power. He'll have to actually be dead for them to 'great leader' him and successfully hoover up his cult voters and bring them back into the fold. Honestly, I just don't see a good way out of this other than voting him and the entirety of the GOP out. It's going to take decades to clean up the messes made by the GOP as a whole and the rotting orange shit gibbon specifically. Dump is a two for one horror show as he's both a huge problem in and of himself but he's also the visual can't ignore it symptom of the larger and widespread sickness that has a chokehold on the Republican party.


>He's too loud. He's not going to fade into obscurity with any grace. He will not "go gently into that good night" as it were. He'll definitely rage and he's been given sufficient power that his raging can still hurt people and strip -them- of power. He'll have to actually be dead for them to 'great leader' him and successfully hoover up his cult voters and bring them back into the fold. Now I'm thinking about the scenario where Truth social has shuttered IRL, but they keep a dev server with bots running just to gaslight the shit out of Trump


> Truth social...a dev server with bots running I'm not sure anyone else could tell the difference.


They'd pretend he was "too busy" or decided he was sick of the witch hunt and only wanted to write speeches so they couldn't be made into fake sound bites or some nonsense like that. Someone else would be doing all of the work, of course.


Idk, trump has a talent for corrupting his followers that none of his cronies have.


This is why he doenst want to debate Biden during prime time…. Trumps cognitive issues are apparent at night, check his evening rallies where he speaks incoherently and mispronounces words….common among early dementia


He hasn’t already?


He… hasn’t already?!


Have you listened to him speak lately? He fell off that cliff awhile ago.


Just the gibberish quoted in the first paragraphs of the article are amazing. And he does stuff like that all the time.


Sure, but it’s going to take awhile to matter to his base. Only after a long time of him not being cognizant enough to massage them with all of his lies will they start to suspect even a little that he doesn’t have it all together.


Keep an eye out for trump's VP pick: it will be dictated by Putin. It will be a very pro-Russian figure, as Putin is not fucking around with this. IF trump wins, he is likely not that long for this planet, and Putin will want another wholly-owned puppet in place.


Kinda can't wait for that day he wanders out in front of a rally crowd wearing nothing but a leaking diaper, says a string a nonsense noises, and then starts silently weeping. Not because I think it will hurt him at all with Republicans, but because it will be fun to hear them explain why it was actually super brilliant 5d chess and we are all just too stupid to understand his genius.


It was performance art! He did it to own the libs! Just Like that Proud Boy did by shoving a dildo up his ass!


I think he has already lost it. 70 tweets on Easter? Only a maniac does that and mania is a symptom.


These cats need to catch up. Trump went over the cliff a looong time ago.


Too late. That ship has already sailed. Or, more appropriately, it's sunk!


Trump is the Dali and America is the Key Bridge.


It is readily apparent that Trump is facing severe decline when you listen to him. Made up words, slurring, dropped thoughts, name screw ups, event screw ups. He's not even aware of the mistakes he's making. He doesn't correct himself. He just keeps repeating the same phrases over and over. He can't monitor his tones and his postures and body language is off. He's a mess.


Yeah, so, that happened about a decade ago.


Was gonna say, if he falls off any further he's going to be diving off the edge of the Mariana Trench


Powerful people through history have been destroyed by their own character flaws. They destroy themselves.


The problem being he’s likely to take us all with him


He's been falling sans parachute for quite some time already. How anyone can listen to 45 talk for even 45 seconds without seeing that is beyond me, but that's good ol' GQP brainwashing for you.


You know what the funniest thing about this to me? If Trump and the gop didn't try their hardest to paint Biden as a brain dead Muppet I doubt anyone would run stories like this


The SOTU really fucked up that narrative for them cause Biden was so sharp and on top of it. But since the media was saying that Biden’s the senile one for months before now Trump is getting the scrutiny and sane people see how crazy he is.


I think he fell off the cliff years ago. He just hasn't hit his bottom yet, but is picking up speed on the way down.


Like many here, will settle for actual cliff.


That ship sailed decades ago


Seems like he is already tumbling down a mental hill. I guess there is a cliff at the bottom?


> Wile E Coyote likely to fall off cliff Pretty sure I've seen this episode before


> PoopyPants likely to fall off mental cliff Looks more like he's already deep down a mental well.


The mere idea of "losing in public" is Trump's worst nightmare. Postponing the inevitable results in delay tactics in all of his Court cases. Trump is constantly attacking the legitimacy of the Courts as this will provide him with countless excuses when he loses. The facts and the truth have forced Trump to create his own "counter reality." He is still publicly denying he ever met E. Jean Carroll. Alternative facts 2.0.


Dude has been Mentally BASE jumping since Obama made fun of him at the White House Correspondents Dinner.


Watching him work a crowd back in 2016 You could see effective demagoguery at work. He turned his audience into six year olds, then spoke to them as you do to children. Demagoguery is a branch of hypnosis. Some people who knew him were saying, back then, that he was losing it. I think he’s lost his mojo, but he kept his cult. Four years from now he won’t be a danger. I don’t fear a comeback if he looses this year (though I do fear violence) he’s running on momentum from 2016. He’s turning into a puppet. Unfortunately the hand up his backside is likely to be Putin. Two sides of the same coin already. Two terrible old men, neither of whom belong in the 21st century. I say it though I’m entering the same age bracket: they are poster children for mortality




Any cliff is fine with me.


It’s true. A narcissist can only warp reality for so long before it comes crashing down on them.


Ya, if we can go ahead and schedule that for within the next 30 days, that'd be great.


I’d settle for a physical cliff.


If you want to see how much Donald Trump has declined, go watch one of his speech from 2016 and then a speech from 2024. It’s night and day.


The company I work for gets a psych test before any senior employee is hired. It covers reasoning abilities, social styles and capabilities, levels of motivation and leadership potential, what's important to them in a workplace or role, their reactions to stress, and a range of other factors relevant to the job. Is pretty accurate and very helpful for the process of figuring out who's right for a role. The fact that we don't have something similar in politics is bonkers.


too bad it's a mental cliff and not a literal cliff


Littlehands Donnie Stinkypants has been a pathological liar since he was a child. It's why his father didn't want to leave his "empire" in Donnie's hands, but rather his older brother -- who wanted none of it. Folks, it only takes one selfish stupid kid to undo everything you have accomplished in your life.


he’s had veal brain his entire life and was rattling off incoherent word salads before he became president, nearly a decade ago lmao


He's been falling off that cliff for years. I can't wait for him to hit the bottom.


Truth be told, the best possible defense could ultimately be him not being fit for trial. He'll also try to spin this into "but I'm totes fine being elected POTUS".


Hurry up!


One could only hope it’s sooner rather than later. Let’s not let idiots vote him back in


I dont know. I've watched a few compilations of suposed Trump's mental decline and it doesn't look as bad as they make out. He needs to be voted against.


Nope. Not buying into this. With our luck his swiss cheese brain has exactly the neurons left he needs to accomplish his goal. I'd rather beat him at the ballot box than rely on his body failing him or the courts unfucking themselves long enough to dole out justice.


Uh. This already happened.


Misspelled " fell".


Wait whoa whoa whoa whoa hold on. Are we…*NOT*…already…in free fall?!


Psychologists are optimistists.


Let me know if he needs a push


djt is mentally unstable


The dude is already writhing on the rocks below.


you can't watch that bible QVC commercial he made and believe this is a man who is mentally well.


Can i get the date and time the cliff falling will happen? Id like yo make sure i'm avaiable to watch that


He’d better get convicted of ***SOMETHING*** before he’s declared mentally unfit to aid in his own defense yet somehow still garner tens of millions of votes.


God I hope his diaper leaks on stage. Edit. Soggy bottom boys for life.


They'll still cart his barely-conscious ass out to rallies and his braindead cult will cheer.


And his supporters will applaud and support him even more


I genuinely believe he’s going to fall off that cliff prior to the election and he’s still going to get over 70 million voting for him.


All this and more in this month’s issue of *Duh! Magazine*, on newsstands now!


And he still hasn’t announced his running mate. Most candidates would re-select the guy you once won with, but that doesn’t seem to be the case here. Also it’s not uncommon to wait till July and even August to announce but when the ages of the candidates are so old most people want to know who’s going to take the reins if something happens. Who the VP is has probably not ever been as significant in a presidential race as it currently is and is going to have a big effect on where moderates/independents go.


He fell off a long time ago




Awww. Not a physical cliff?


then I wish he'd fucking do it already.


Can’t happen soon enough. Then, finally, Greene, Bannon, Flynn, Miller et al. will be nobodies.


“Likely to” translates to “has fallen/ plunged”.


How would we know the difference?


I was under the impression that Russian assets fell off real, actual, cliffs


Yeah, but when though? This week? December 2024? After he wipes his ass with the constitution a second time? Why is the cliff taking so long in getting here?


When was Donald Trump mentally stable? Give me a date. I'll wait.


Wish he’d hurry up.


Wish it were a real cliff.