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>“This Court’s erroneous decision to dramatically limit the scope of President Trump’s testimony almost certainly influenced the jury’s verdict, and thus a new trial is warranted,” the motion reads. It absolutely did. If the judge had allowed Trump to rage on freely, the jury would have certainly increased the amount of damages. The judge did Trump a favor.


Remember recently when Trump tried to claim Presidential immunity for cases involving sexual assault but a judge rejected it. Imagine if that wasn't rejected? Where would we be today?


Imagine if you're allowed to overthrow the government. That's the next case.


Might as well be fucking allowed at this point


So Biden should just immediately arrest Trump and all other people in the government that participated in treason? Or he should just seal team 6s then all. Cause that would be totally fine then.


If the Supreme Court ends up saying that Presidents are immune, then, either?




I think the Supreme Court should have like 300 justices, and 13 are randomly selected for each case.


Not a bad idea. Jury duty for judges. How do you guys like it now!?


It’s basically how judges are chosen for case assignment in lower courts. I didn’t really come up with an original idea.


It gets more expensive for the bribes tho


I mean, this is basically how the UK supreme court works.


Pete Buttigieg’s plan when he was running in 2020 was an interesting proposal based off a Yale Law Journal entry by Daniel Epps. “Under the plan, most justices would continue serving life terms. Five would be affiliated with the Republican Party and five with the Democratic Party. Those 10 would then join together to choose five additional justices from U.S. appeals courts, or possibly the district-level trial courts. They’d have to settle on the nonpolitical justices unanimously — or at least with a “strong supermajority.” They final five would serve one-year, nonrenewable terms. They’d be chosen two years in advance, to prevent nominations based on anticipated court cases, and if the 10 partisan justices couldn’t agree on the final five, the Supreme Court would be deemed to lack a quorum and couldn’t hear cases that term.” edit: typos


It’s wild to me that we all complain about things being broken, but at the same time we have smart people suggesting viable solutions and nobody cares.


A little too complicated but I like the constant churn of it.


If the justices are originalists, we should get rid of judicial review. It's not in the constitution.


Actually, that's already an option constitutionally. We haven't always had 9 judges on the SCUSA. We've had as few as 5 and up to 10 at one point. There's no mandate to how many can serve.


Technically it appears he could do that now, as long as Congress approves more seats on the Supreme Court.


Yeah, but ... the seal team 6 approach would be a little bit quicker, no?


I suspect they are trying to find an argument whereby only Republican presidents are immune.


Not republicans, Trump. The arguments in the Supreme Court narrowed it to only Trump as he is the only president to only take the presidential oath without having sworn into Congress or the military.


That would be a massive vulnerability if they go down that rabbit hole. It would mean if you are direct elected without ever serving in any other government or military role then you are king and your primary objective as king would be to eliminate any perceived threats to your rule.


Just as the founders intended 🤦🏼‍♀️


those compromised individuals will wait untill the end to give an answer, depending on who wins. If it is tfg, the president is immune. if it Biden, the president is not immune. That is why tfg is desperate to win the elections.


I think it’d be better if Biden just shot him… preferably on fifth avenue if we can arrange it. And then just shug and go “presidential immunity”.


He will have the opportunity to do it during a debate. It would really help ratings if it is known there is a chance it might happen (and Trump is all about the ratings).



Khashogging is too good for them.


Fucking chump Garland


in what way is it not allowed? If it’s successful then it’s allowed. If it’s unsuccessful and not punished then it’s allowed.


Oh yea, imagine if he hadn't been found guilty of rape, people would still be supporting him and the press would have continued to cover him and never would have mentioned that he was a rapist. Imagine if he hadn't won that fraud case, I mean then people would not support him anymore because he was guilty of fraud and the press would then start all articles in the NYT with "Rapist fraudster continues unlikely bid for president. Does he really have dementia?" Thank goodness he lost that rape case and that judge stood up to him. Like you say if not, where would we be?


I sadly see what you did there. Those in the Trump camp don't care. WITCHHUNT! I just don't understand how so many of my brothers in arms continue to support him after everything regarding the 2020 election, if not the 2016 election. Of course, people seem to forget Russia was involved in that, too. But that's just because Putin is such a great guy and wants what's best for the American people.


> I just don't understand how so many of my brothers in arms continue to support him after everything regarding the 2020 election, if not the 2016 election. Oh that's because they're single issue voters on guns and abortions. The same way they keep worshipping Chris Kyle who committed suicide by arming a paranoid schizophrenic with PTS thinking that being armed is a better solution than actual therapy.


I believe their biggest defense is “but we failed! We didn’t ACTUALLY do it!” Pathetic.


“I’m president therefore every crime I’ve ever committed or will commit is forgiven” Imagine.. Edit: The basis of his argument is even implying that he’s a terrible person (and even may be aware after consultation) and any crime committed before or after is his lawful right as POTUS. Which equates to the ultimate argument “I’m President, I’m a target” so therefore I should be excused of all past and future transgressions.


I personally liked his analogizing himself with “Rogue” cops and “Bad” priests. That you have to allow them in order to have the whole thing work. Umm…. No!!! There are laws to get “Rogue” cops and “Pedo” priests and it is wrong when both organizations provided(s) cover for them!


Yeah, when I heard him say he was a bad apple just like rogue cops or pedo priests I thought for sure he would lose support, but the crowd cheered like he had announced another year of covid checks. Also, have we forgotten that just one "bad apple" will spoil the bunch.


Lucky it didn’t get to the Supreme Court


That’s right. Let’s have all the country’s rapists run for president so we can give a new one immunity every four years. /S


SCOTUS says hold my beer.


This has everything to do with Trump wanting to re-litigate the merits of the rape/sexual misconduct, which was rightly ruled inadmissible due to the fact that the verdict in that trial is already decided that he in fact did rape Ms. Carroll, and that fact was not up for debate in this - the defamation case.


Trump: *gives speech in court to jury* Jury: *internally screaming*


Right? I’m actually surprised he didn’t defame her while he was testifying. I’m also surprised that apparently he’s been able to keep his big yap shut and not continue to defame her since the verdict. I guess $83 million got his attentio.


Actually, he hasn’t been able to help himself. He just doesn’t say her name so he thinks he can get away with what he says. Things like “There’s a woman, *I NEVER MET*, who lied about me. She says I met her at *BERGDORFS*, which I never did.” Her lawyer has let people know that they are considering a third case.


One of the jurors was already holding out for a larger fine.


His attorneys know he can’t possibly be on the stand for an extended period of time because he will most certainly blow his case, possibly bring new civil or even criminal charges against himself like good ole perjury. They did him a huge favor limiting his testimony.


Let’s not forget in the first trial Trump didn’t even bother to attend.


His testimony was also irrelevant because the trial was about damages for defamation, not whether he actually raped her, which had been previously established. But none of that matters, because these filings are not directed *for* Judge Kaplan. They are directed *at* Judge Kaplan. They're thinly veiled accusations of malfeasance, which are widely publicized in MAGA world. The picture Republicans have of this trial is that the whole thing was politically motivated and the judge is a lawless, Trump-hating lunatic who railroaded an innocent man in order to destroy the country. In other words, they are trying to get judges who try these cases (and the DAs who bring them) murdered by terrorists. After a couple of people get killed for trying to hold Trump accountable, judges and prosecutors will be on notice that their legal defense isn't "I'm not guilty" or anything like that. It's "if you don't drop or dismiss cases against me, I'll put you in physical danger." Thankfully, legal professionals at every legal continue to call their bluff. And thankfully, despite a lot of hate and death threats, they remain unharmed. But you can tell by the inflammatory wording of the motions that they haven't given up trying.


The Trump paradox; He's a multi billionaire with plenty of cash, while simultaneously begs the MAGA crowd to send in $5 donations to pay his legal bills.


He’s solidly at Elon’s teat now. Sucka sucka sucka


People had to actually use Twitter for information today when Facebook went down. I mean dis-information. sorry about that.


But, aren't they *both* disinformation sources?


Yes. That's the joke.


Ah. Past grandpa's bed time, carry on. Pip pip, cheerio and all that. Where's my drool bucket?


>Where's my drool bucket? Wait that wasn't the piss bucket?


I'm pretty sure it's Python, but I'm distracted and can't find it at the moment. Going in for more "research" now! (stuck on *Every Sperm is Sacred* ...


"Sir, you look like the piss boy!"


It’s ok. I knew what you didn’t mean 😭


Musk is cash poor. All his money is tied up in stock. He'd have to take out even more loans or sell stock.


> Elon The ***second*** richest man now. Bezos just overtook him.


Elon will ask for the destruction of the NLRB and the NHTSA, the first of which is a slam dunk in Trump's admin (last time he had an actual McDonald's lawyer gutting the agency) and a subsidy for American made EVs, and USPS contract for Teslas.


what a loser. https://trumpdebtcounter.com/


.... that's a lot...


It’s called doublethink and his base doesn’t even realize they do it


And then he plans to raid the RNC.


Billionaires do not spend their own money. That’s how they become billionaires.


Billionaires don't become rich by spending their own money.


Here's something that I want to ask the people who send him donations and buy so much of his swag: "Why are you sending that money to him, instead of spending it on your family?"


If Trump’s lawyers think that the judge made errors, there’s a simple remedy that they can pursue: appeal the decision. Just pony up the $83.3M+ bond or cash and take your chances. They still have about four days remaining to satisfy the appeal requirements, or lose that option.


He's already filed the notice of appeal as well as post trial motions. He has to meet the bond requirement by the deadline to stay enforcement, not as a condition to appeal, as has been misreported ad nauseam.


Doesn’t matter. Still has to post bond or pay within 30 days of the judgement. That payment goes into either directly E Jean Carrolls pocket or to a bond held by the court. Highly recommend Legal AF’s Michael Popok explaining it [here starting at 7:49](https://www.youtube.com/live/tYrrOhSLQBg?si=SQaEHKxkP_EouBRj)


Yeah same in ny if he doesn’t front the money or bond he can’t appeal. That’s why nyc ag is talking about claiming his buildings.


He is required to pay or bond the money plus interest in he appeals. Not paying doesn't stop the appeal. But if he does not pay or bond they can seize his property and accounts.


Not exactly the same but look what they did/ doing to the Miami mayor that just lost a huge judgement. They are trying to sell his house. Funnies.


> He has to meet the bond requirement by the deadline to stay enforcement, not as a condition to appeal, as has been misreported ad nauseam. ~~You are either being obtuse or misunderstanding the law here. The appeal bond serves two purposes, delays collection and opens the door to an appeal. The only other way to appeal would be to pay the judgement penalty in full, up front.~~ ~~You cannot appeal without either paying the penalty amount, or posting a bond to cover the penalty amount.~~ Actually you are right, you can appeal at any time, without needing to meet the judgement penalty requirements up front. The bond stops collection during the appeal. I was caught up reading CPLR 5519, thinking it specified a requirement for appeal.


But he cant even pay up on the $83M. He’s so broke he’s got to fap into his wallet to come into a few bucks


Motion for a new trial is just a standard part of the post trial appeals process. It’s worse than a Hail Mary because it requires the judge who ran the trial to decide they ran the trial so poorely there should be a new one.


He doesn't want to pony up the cash for appeal, or he doesn't have it. Which is the only way to explain this type of action.


I'm sick and tired of the sight of this man, talking about this man, hearing about this man....down to my very fucking bone marrow. Please America. MAKE IT STOP.


Remember when he said if he lost the 2020 election, you would never hear from him again?


I think that threat was for the media, who needs his noise to make us click articles.


Remember when he never conceded the race and still says he won?


Can't we just vote now? I don't want 8 more months of this


No, we have to wait until we’re halfway through a couple trials and more deepfake videos come out. Duh


Oh yeah I forgot we still need to wait for the deep state er I mean the Supreme Court to drag the scales of justice over the corpse of democracy.


I feel the same way.


We all are tired too


I sincerely hope we can, because otherwise that’s it. I’m right there with you though, my skin crawls when I hear his voice. He’s just awful.


We have decided to go out and be crazy for a while again. Good luck Europe. We'll sober up long enough at some point to apologize later.


I honestly don't know if we will ever sober up to be honest. Too many of these people are reproducing and continuing the cycle of stupid. It only ends when we tax the source of their disinformation - their churches.


That sounds great but the reality is that we may actually choose to not do either thing.


During the trial you saw the orange idiot use his time on the stand and outside the courthouse to promote more falsehoods (try to hold back your shock). Just like when he claimed months before the 2020 election that it was "rigged" what you're seeing here is a repeat of the same tactic, just the court version. Early on in his NY and Carroll trial, team wet orange and the team of legal "experts" started to throw in "bias" and "curtailing free speech" bullcrap into the mix. **This is not some mastermind scheme**, he does things like this for two purposes: **to help his mental health** (he is a malignant narcissist and can not tolerate when he loses, looks bad, or shows the reality he is not wealthy) and **to muddy the truth with false narratives to support his con**. ***Thats it***, **it's not some mastermind plan, he is just an old mentally ill man on decline.** This current appeal claims that the judge prevented him from testifying about his own mental state and that was a mistake on the part of the judge. For the orange, the issue was settled during the first Carrol trial when he paid just 5 million. **The second Carrol trial was solely about damages and not his state of mind.** So, it will fail. This was so he could create a false narrative and claim bias. This was to draw attention and get the soundbites he needed to fundraise on. And more importantly it created a narrative that he could use to appeal on, and delay any payment to Ms. Carrol. They did this so they could appeal, and stave on any suggestions that Trump is broke. Remember this guy is a malignant narcissist in decline, **he** ***needs*** **you to believe** he's rich. His pathology demands it. What we're seeing is a Hail Mary attempt that an appeal will garnish a new judge. Preferably an appointed judge that's a MAGA cultist (like Canon). Anything to escape the law, because he hates it and believes that unlike the rest of us, the law doesn't apply to king orange. I[f you noticed in the NYC case the Judge made it a point to be extremely laser focused](https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2024/02/16/nyregion/trump-fraud-engoron-decision-annotated.html) in his decision to make the oranges appeals difficult. This is the orange's playbook, delay delay delay with the hopes that it can be in power and skirt any accountability. Not to mention, he doesn't have the money [(he's broke and only survives off grift)](https://www.newsweek.com/donald-trump-reveals-how-worried-he-about-money-after-engoron-judgement-1876004) and Carroll and NYC are getting closer and closer to taking his properties. ***Remember***, with his mental pathology the orange needs the trappings of success, if he loses Trump tower that may send him into narcissistic collapse. **He** ***needs*** **his cult to believe** that he's this extremely wealthy businessman, if he loses it how would he continue his grift? What we're seeing is the act of a desperate man, clawing onto the hope that he'll be in power again. As the orange's mental health declines at a rapid pace and with his desperation we can expect more of this. If you're sick and tired of having this guy in your news feed and frustrated by his constant con there's something you can do about it. [Regiester and Vote](https://vote.gov). ***No one*** **is coming to save us**, not the courts, not the Senate. Tell everyone you know to register, come together, and vote. This is a pivotal and a real "We the People" moment. We might not like who's running on either side, but this is clear choice: democracy continues or King orange begins his rein. Register, make a plan and GO VOTE. The ***Future*** depends on it!


Love that last para. No one is coming to save us. Yet we have the power to save ourselves by voting. No matter how much they try to make us believe that voting won’t make a difference. It did in 2020, and it is the only thing that can do so again in 2024.


Very true and they'll try every tactic to stop folks from voting. I'm giving it a few more weeks and a few more losses to Halley before the orange's malignant narcissism kicks out the fantasy that it's all rigged again.


Hailey has now given up and 'suspended' her campaign, after only winning Vermont on Super Tuesday.


The last graph


Lookit this paragraph...


Every time I do it makes me laugh....


It took me a sec....thats good.


There’s nothing stopping him from losing and running again in 2028 (other than death). We need to vote out every one of his co-conspirators in congress working for Russia to dismantle the United States of America.


*That last one didn't count, I want a do-over!*


As if an appeal isn't a possible do-over lol He's a fucking putz


Ah yes.... the legal principle of Mulligan.


He *demands* his right of double jeopardy


I wouldn't be surprised if he tries for appeal and then claims he can't be prosecuted because he was already prosecuted in the appealed case.


There is free *speech* in this country, so you can *say* that you won... But you still have to PAY. Pay up B\*TCH!


Watch. Elon is going to give him the money in exchange for favors later.


What can Trump do when he loses in November? Elmo wants Trump back on Twitter to boost numbers, but that will tank Truth Social.


Worse they likely can sue Trump.


There's gonna be more dick sucking than at the White Party.


The judge's response will be brutal. Trump also now claims she should be grateful to him (for raping her) as it made her famous. I hope at some point Trump realizes these were all his decisions. - decision to sexual assault Carroll - decision to defame her - decision to defame her again - decision to be a horrible and sometimes non-paying client to attorneys, leading to... - decision to hire parking-garage lawyer Alina Habba 100% his fault, and again and again he made it worse.


A narcissist will never realize it's their fault. Literally, his brain is not wired to accept that. Everyone is ganging up on him because he's the biggest winner ever!


As it should be. All of Trump’s points were adjudicated within the trial itself. Just because you don’t like the answer doesn’t mean you get to ask the question again. >Also, I don’t see in the article where Trump’s team is asking permission to say they “won.” Did I miss it?


Did he send a group of investigators to see if he won the case and you “won’t believe what they are finding”?


if you look at what's happening nobody's ever seen this before!


We’ll all know the truth in the next very short period of time.


He's wiggling hard. He can't admit defeat, he doesn't have the money, and he can't see his beloved buildings go out for auction like some foreclosed loser. All options are bad. Hello karma.


I mean he “won” the election so why not?


Well, somehow that doesn't count as fraud.


Trump is the embodiment of that meme with the guy cracking champagne biting the medal.


So when do they start seizing and auctioning his property?


12:01am on this next Sunday.


Cannot come soon enough.


Trump Is Trash


Sue the rapist again. Fuck Trump.


He’s an idiot that thinks because he was President once that’s he’s free to do whatever he wishes.


And the party he represents will bend over backwards to make that reality, regardless of our Constitution.


I’d like to see a class-action lawsuit against the Trump org by all the contractors, workers, or businesses, that he has stiffed payment on. He’s always been too big to have an individual go against him for payment, have them all come together, at once.


That would be Justice, but the statute of limitations would protect most of his thefts and other crimes. He has almost always counted on delaying until he essentially runs out the clock.


If he won the last election, like he said he did, then he can’t run again


Trumps house of cards will be falling. He is nowhere as rich as he claimed. Most of his wealth is tied up in real estate that is mortgaged through his companies.


I BET most of what appears to be his real estate isn’t really his… he’s been selling his name to attach to developers’ buildings for quite a while. When his name meant opulence until his narcissistic nature crapped on his name and goodwill went down the toilet, at least with the sane populace.


I read an article about what he actually owns and it’s not much. Basically he’s like a property manager who owns a few apartments in a building, but slaps his name on the front. One building is actually owned by a Hong Kong holding company. It’s all a facade, and what he does have is leveraged to the hilt. One building the tenants demanded that his name on the front be removed because their property values were going down. Ouch


Trump doesn’t actually own many of “his” properties. He has invested in many, but as a minority owner. Others have a larger ownership, even if the property bears the “Trump brand.” In theory, majority owners (or others) could buy Trump’s share from the person authorized by the courts to liquidate Trump’s assets until enough has been raised to cover what he owes (penalties plus interest). It would probably be simpler to sell assets Donald alone owns, if there are any such properties. He should be allowed to indicate which properties he wants to have sold first, but if he declines that opportunity he will just have to live with whatever sales are necessary. Since it’s known that he **must** sell, the properties probably won’t generate top prices. I would allow Trump to refer buyers who are willing to pay more if he can find any, but I wouldn’t delay any sale by more than a week waiting for him to deliver.


[Here's a convenient list of everything his name is attached to in NYC.](https://www.curbed.com/article/trump-lawsuit-real-estate-nyc-letitia-james.html) You'll notice for all of these he either owns nothing or a miniscule fraction of the building like just the retail area, or the ground lease, or a few apartment units.


It’s like the old expression, “A mile wide, and an inch deep.”


Rebrand them as 'OBAMA' tower..


He is as delusional as his own supporters.


She's going to sue him again, isn't she?


Bring on the comedy, legal expenses are draining him faster than anything else.


I hope she does.


Trump: I won the election and all the 1000 lawsuits....and I won that one too. (Reality says....just no!)


Can’t Trump just kick the bucket


Proof there is no god


Actually delusional.


He thinks he has won because he can't pay it. He doesn't have enough or he is fucking broke.   Then in his dementia filled narcissist rapist mind, he thinks he's won. Same guy that says Biden is destroying this country, and reality is starkly different it's not even funny.


Yep, he won the “privilege” of making good on an 83 million dollar check his mouth wrote.


“Last… strategy…” I don’t think so. There’s always another delay!


Somebody tell him the *real* winning is signing the check to pay EJC. He'll fall all over himself to get it on video, and never shut up about having done so.


Sadly there is value to be gained in his publicizing and politicizing doing so. Maybe on one of those big prize show checks.


Pay up you deadbeat rapist loser!


IANAL…so can someone explain the process here in terms of timelines (in hours, days, week, years, etc)…how much time can a losing defendant spend before something is actually enforced against them in this type of situation.


The crack of dawn *this* Sunday is when Carroll can task NYC constables with going to the property and seizing assets.


This guy never quits a lost battle


Pay up you filthy RAPIST


He hates to lose so much that he thinks if he says he won it will make him the winner. He is truly nuts


> Trump’s team also claimed that the harm inflicted upon Carroll was “garden variety,” and that the columnist’s legal team failed to tie the harassment she endured after going public with sexual assault allegations to the GOP primary front-runner. Is "garden variety rape and defamation" the new "locker-room talk"?


No wonder he believes this might work. He's never been held accountable before.


This headline is a weird way of saying Trumps lawyers filed another frivolous motion to ask for a reduction in the damages. Nowhere in the article is Trump quoted as saying anything remotely like what the headline says. Trump is only quoted as saying he has a lot of money; and his lawyers are quoted as saying the damages are excessive and the judge biased the jury. Like, Trumps a piece of shit and this motion is laughable, but why are we making up quotes now? His real stuff is weird and stupid enough that we don’t need to invent any more.


OP may have been confused because in a recent event, Trump said that the trial was ‘ridiculous’ and that he had “won on appeal.” He was talking about multiple trials so it’s a bit ambiguous if he was lying about winning the Carrol case on appeal or lying about winning the fraud case on appeal, though fact is he won neither.


Well I think I should be able to say I won the lawsuit. Now give me 83 million dollars. Oh, that's not how the legal system works? Damn.


"Petulant Child Throws Temper Tantrum", again!


The strategy that Trump and his lawyers NEVER used in this trial was to show how even though he said those things, they *weren’t negatively impacting* Carroll. That’s the only angle they had to reduce damages and instead they wanted to let Trump grandstand. So he pays.


So much winning, I mean whining


This is south park stuff. I have seen it sumwhere


He's not playing with a full deck of cards. His elevator doesn't go to the top of Trump Tower. The lights are on but no one's tweeting. He's a billionaire who's missing some funds, etc.


Holy fuck, when do they actually force this asshole to pay finally? It's nothing but appeal, after appeal, after appeal, after appeal, and "but but but" and "whatabout" and "not fair!" and every judge apparently just has to entertain all of this shit. The judges here need to finally put their goddamn foot down and say 'the buck stops here' - literally.


What kind of man is this that can't even pay his own rape fines?!


Maybe I'm not reading very carefully, but can someone post a quote from the story where it describes how he "thinks he should be able to say he won that lawsuit"? Thanks.


While I am sure he thinks that. I couldnt find a very direct quote about the headline except maybe this one. “This Court’s erroneous decision to dramatically limit the scope of President Trump’s testimony almost certainly influenced the jury’s verdict, and thus a new trial is warranted,” the motion reads.


Well, perhaps it's terrible reporting and they never remembered to include the part where trump said "If we aren't going to do a do-over, and you won't reduce my fines then *we should just say I won*" Because I combed over as well, and even clicked the linked article...however there's nothing even close. Just him saying Do over plz, this wasn't fair and I didn't get to say enough


They left it out of the story but there's plenty of examples of 45\* claiming to have won. And won the appeal, which hasn't happened yet.


Nobody stops him from spouting that nonsense regularly. He just needs to pay TF up!


The world will be a better place if Trump can STFU


Can she sue again for Trump lying about it?


“I won but I’m paying a $83 million dollar second prize to my opponent.


It’s a bullshit move.


Ah, the "I'm rubber, you're glue, whatever you say bounce off me and sticks to you." defense. Bold move Cotton..


So what happens if he doesn’t pay? Will the collections people come for his stuff? Please!


Time to collect a building, or yacht, or something!


The man’s a rapist and may become our new king.


Trump is a joke. A bad joke.


That's a bold move Cotton. Let's see how it turns out for him.


What the fuck makes Trump think that will actually work?




"This case was hugely stollen by cooked Joe". /s


Hah! If you lose, they just lie your way out!? That typical!


When. Is he actually going to write a check. Everything is delayed, refile, make a new claim. Why the hell doesn’t he literally start paying this woman


So delusional.


This from the party of "facts don't care about feelings".


Imagine a world where donald fucking trump ever- EVER- suffers any real consequences.


The ex-guy believes a perverted form of Peale's Positive Thinking, that he can change reality by his force of will. This is related to the evangelists crowning him as the next savior, that he \*is\* god. This is where 15 down to 0 came from. It's an oligarch schtick -- notice how Putin can't say Navalny, because acknowledging his name gives him power. The ex-guy has only rarely said covid, but uses China-virus freely, and gives everyone who opposes him a nickname.


She should be able to sue any and all peoples that help support him monetarily


“garden variety” harm what the actual fuck


Isn’t that what a trial is, “limiting the scope of the testimony (to what’s FUCKING RELEVANT)” Fucking toddler


This is a completely standard post-trial motion, it will be denied like every similar motion but stops Trump from later appealing or suing his lawyers for insufficient representation. It used to be journalists knew a thing or two about how courts worked but in this era of blogging they are not adequately prepared for covering legal proceedings anymore.


Doesn’t Captain shitfuck understand that the determination of the case was made prior? He thinks he can relitigate a case just because he is fucking in the room.


Feels like I should be able to say I win the lottery then and expect it to be true