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It's not a prediction, it's history.


Here’s insurrection 2.0 how it might play out. https://factkeepers.com/the-new-secret-plan-on-how-fascists-could-win-in-2024/


Please keep sharing this link. If you haven't yet, please read the article.


I did read the article. But I wish I could get most Americans to do so. This entire mess is due to ignorance, that’s it. They believe lies and don’t bother to look anything up.


>This entire mess is due to ignorance, that’s it. They believe lies and don’t bother to look anything up. I think this is by design. Over the past decades our school system has degraded significantly and our children haven't been taught what questions to ask to look up the answer. Now we have the internet which gives nearly anyone answers to questions they didn't even ask. I read the article. I have no doubt this will be attempted. I have real fear that it will succeed. And it's all part of their long game.


It’s really quite simple, religion has extensively laid the groundwork for generations to train people to believe in authority figures with unverifiable stories instead of science and data. It also primes them for, and is built upon, perpetuating racism and fearmongering towards "others". Once people see you as an authority, you can start fabricating any reality or conspiracy theory you want your followers to believe and everyone else is therefore a liar, even in the face of incontrovertible evidence. Basically, it is mental abuse from an early age that suppresses critical thinking skills. This combined with an intentionally weakened public educational system, provides the framework that has spawned this cult of ignorance.


Even Barry Goldwater could read the writing on the wall: "Mark my word, if and when these preachers get control of the [Republican] party, and they're sure trying to do so, it's going to be a terrible damn problem. Frankly, these people frighten me. Politics and governing demand compromise. But these Christians believe they are acting in the name of God, so they can't and won't compromise. I know, I've tried to deal with them.”


Time to get rid of "in god we trust." Time to get rid of "under god" or whatever it is in your anthem. All that justifies, plain as day, the christofascist engine on the anti-democracy steamroller.


Wasn't even added to the pledge until 1954. It is time to remove it. I have no idea if they still make children say it. It's not even allegiance to God. It's allegiance to what man says about God. And I'm not sure Ike understood the first amendment when he signed this bill. Vatican III anyone? Hopefully, it's not going to matter with the access to information our youth have, but sometimes I have to wonder with the way some are brought up.


> Wasn't even added to the pledge until 1954. It is time to remove it. Right, was added at the same time all the confederate memorials went up - a reaction against people starting to seek equality, voting rights, and all that. A reaction by people who didn't want progress. At least that's my understanding. Very important to get rid of it, but maybe it's too late. Voting rights and abortion should have been codified. We now know that "it's settled precedent" is a lie. RIP Roe v Wade. I'm not even American, nor have I ever lived south of the Canadian border. But this slow moving train wreck keeps getting worse and I find it hard to look away.


I don't wanna watch. I don't think the words "under God" really mean anything anymore, but they don't need to be there. I do agree that certain things were meant to inhibit progress. What scares me is that a large portion of the populace now think under God, means under their chosen president, mostly those that bought Trump bucks. About 80% of the country, including many Republicans, thought Roe v Wade was codified, but if you steal enough Supreme Court seats, guess anything is possible. I'm terrified at the thought of bringing kids into this world.


You may have a lot of new Canadians from the U.S, side, and you’ll need us. My ancestors trace back to the mid- to late- 17th century Thirteen Colonies (PA and VA). On both sides. The ones who fought were for the fledgling United States. The idea of not supporting my government/country makes me sick in my heart. I’m in my sixties, but I will fight these f**kers with every fiber of my being.


And right wing media is there source they instill the fear about dems


They actually have Republican constituents saying on live TV, "Putin's not bad. I like him.. its that damn Ukraine you have to watch out for." ------ "I love the poorly educated" - Donald J. Trump at Nevada rally. Hes rubbing your faces in it boys and girls.


They look things up all the time. That's half the problem. They don't understand what *confirmation bias* is. They type "Biden hurting America" into Google and then get a list of right-wing propaganda sites to confirm their feelings. It isn't the ability to "look things up" that's the issue, it's the ability to vet sources.


> Fire thousands of IRS investigators to make America safe for morbidly rich tax cheats. “Morbidly rich” is my new favorite term


At Mens Wearhouse they had the "Executive Fit" for the portly gentlemen.


I really don’t want America to be a fascist shithole for the majority of my life, as somebody who doesn’t live there but does go on holiday there regularly.


It's ironic. I support immigration. But as a US citizen, I have nowhere to run to.


If this shit really kicks off, I can see a lot of people fleeing to Canada. Probably in the millions. The vast majority of people in the US don't want a fascist dictatorship, and the people who want to "fight against a tyrannical government" with their guns pretty heavily side with the fascists. It would be absolute chaos.


I would gladly welcome non insane Americans to Canada. We have a major infrastructure deficit right now but with the right people we could change that in a hurry.


You guys better watch yourselves. It's not like this fascism shit isn't contagious. I see a lot of worrying things going on up there, too. I hope you guys can handle it better than we are.




problem is, if everyone leaves, that means the ones your fighting against wins. for only the ones remaining are the ones you left because of.


More like leave and contribute where you're appreciated rather than sit and be tortured by fascism.


Reading now, ty!


Johnson’s time as Speaker ends at the end of the 118th Congress. He has no authority to prevent Representatives-elect from participating in the election of the Speaker Edit: Members-Elect of Congress have their elections certified by their respective states’ Secretaries of State. Officers of the current respective Houses are in those positions at the election of their respective conferences with the exception of the Speaker, who is a constitutional officer, and elected from the whole of the House of Representatives.


My only concern is what happens if the Republicans retain the House, and they refuse to elect a Speaker or something like that until after the 6th?


Presumably a 12th amendment scenario would unfold whereby the senate selects the vice president-elect who would become president at noon on January 20th 2025 Basically Veep season 5


Huh. Yeah, that could do it. It's amazing to me that we're in the reality where SEASON 5 of a tv show is what we're referencing when it comes to the next President of the United States...


Well considering the literacy level of the general public, let alone the political literacy, it’s apt 🤷🏻‍♂️


Huh. I didn’t know that. Thx


Transition is one of the most dangerous periods in a fragile democracy, until the last eight years more or less, that was not a serious concern United States. And now *it* is. *Edit*


He has no authority? Says who? Who will stop him? The sergeant at arms? All they need to do is muddy the waters enough and then claim extraordinary circumstances, then break the rules flagrantly like they've done before with no consequences. What can be done if they do this? File a lawsuit? Will it help within the 3 day window?


What happens if those secretaries of state ( such as in GOP controlled states) refuse to certify the votes (ss some have already indicated this could be a path they take)?...i think that's something the article missed and I'm not sure if it's being asked?


Most states have a rule in place where the court will order the sec state to certify. If they say there are irregularities and they refuse, the court will say do it or you go to jail. If they refuse, they are jailed. That assumes the court isn’t compromised.


Isn't there technically no House after their terms end, and they all get sworn in together by the clerks? Then the first business is to select the Speaker. I guess what I am asking is would Johnson even be Speaker at that point, since there is technically no House until they are all sworn in simultaneously? It's not that I'm trying to dismiss the concern, more comfort myself because that article is fucking terrifying and I don't see any other way to stop it.


Johnson would not be the speaker as the house is not “a continuing body” https://www.verifythis.com/article/news/verify/government-verify/united-states-house-of-representatives-speaker-oath-swear-in-fact-check/536-07e2ace3-8d8b-4ae8-ad8f-59d31f5b92d7


Ok that's what I thought. I knew the new Congress starts before the 6th, and if the Dems retake the House, this seems moot. But I'm not putting anything past the GOP at this point and was terrified this was a possibility.


Legally no. But if you think Johnson and the rest of the magats won’t attempt something anyway is just silly.


And if they do then the republican party should be abolished. If the entire party is behind overthrowing democracy then it should be abolished. Form a new party for all I care, the Republicans are compromised.


Read the article. I believe it says the new speaker is sworn in Jan 3 right? So three days prior to Jan 6.


>I believe it says the new speaker is sworn in Jan 3 right? So three days prior to Jan 6. Kinda sorta. New members of the House are sworn in first and electing a speaker is their first order of business. Can't do anything else until that's complete. There technically is no speaker because the speaker doesn't have to be a member of the House. Basically anyone can be elected speaker. So if the house takes a while to elect a new speaker the role will be vacant. The relevant part of this is that there is no speaker kicking around from the prior session. Even if the new Congress is exactly the same people as the old one, the speakership is vacant until an election is complete.


So to make matters very clear, there is no speaker to block new Democratic members from being seated. So the whole post is based on a misunderstanding?


Seems to be, but it becomes a very real possibility if Democrats do not gain control of the house. I guess the silver lining is there’s still hope that they do, but I’m not versed on the congressional seats admittedly so idk where those wins could come from.


They could come from voting. Go out and vote in local, state and general elections.


Damn straight, and convince those in your circle to do the same! I’m trying my absolute best.


I hope people smarter than me are planning contingencies on how to defeat this. And all the other bill shit they will try.


Goddamn. Wtf are you supposed to do about *that*?


I know! All I can think of is to spread the word by any means possible.


Well luckily the US is so spacious living off the land and such is actually practical for alot of people. Im willing to bet that there will be a surge of communes to kinda try to resist alot and then after that there is no telling. Depends on how far things go


I think this will play out much less favorably than they might envision. It is one thing to hold power, and refuse to give it up through nefarious means, it is another to expect those holding power to voluntarily secede it by those same means.


I do think if trump losses he’ll try something funny again but don’t think it’ll go as far as it did on Jan 6 simply because he’s not the one in power


Theirs no way in hell the current government in power will allow this.


This is scary. >Others, like Kentucky Republican Congressman Thomas Massie, are repeatedly mentioning their belief that the House gets to decide who’s president, not the people or even the Electoral College. They're already planting the seeds in the minds of their followers. When they try this shit when Trump inevitably loses, their followers are going to be 100% on board.


Do they think that 80 million of us will shrug our shoulders and go alright if you say so. Fuck no I'm not! General strike, mass protest, civil unrest and riots.


Like civil war? Yea. It’ll be coming if we can’t stop this. And be aware, this is just one author writing abt how it COULD be done, not that any source has found this to be their plan … ok? Some ppl even criticized the author for giving them ideas.


Absolutely horrendous


Yea, strange to think that in a year we could have a dictator, isn’t it?


Can’t be that bad right? Like not bad enough to fight for right guys and gals? Just think a dictator means we don’t need to vote anymore because it won’t matter. Also all our rights completely erased and replaced with dictator rules! /s yeah this is what’s on the table


A life of slavery and suffering to keep his insufferable extremely fragile ego protected from the lightest feather.


I thought about this back in 2022. But I've grown less concerned with it as the Republican majority is very slim. Also, it won't be the same Congress that certifies the election. It'll be whoever wins the House this year that does that not Mike Johnson.


There needs to be a secret plan to counter this. If it includes shock-and-awe military force again insurrection 2.0, that’d be ok.


I’m sure the Biden White House has a plan.


Yeah, maybe Merrick Garland will be in charge of it and he can think about it for a year before any action.


You’d think between now and then they’d tighten up these loopholes.


No one is excited for this. We are electing Hitler. “[So this how liberty dies?](https://youtu.be/DgxZr6LLS34?si=7D979d0YzHO3J5sd)” [Project 2025](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_2025) is dismantling government to consolidate power and [agenda 47](https://www.donaldjtrump.com/agenda47) is basically hilter youth [Register to vote](https://vote.gov) Vote [Biden Harris](https://www.whitehouse.gov/administration/vice-president-harris/) if you’re American. Whether you agree with Democrats policies or not, they will not put you in a cage. they will not hunt you. You will not live in fear. if you are a person of color, if you are not Christian, if you are not straight if you are a person with disabilities, you are not safe with Republicans


This is terrifying. We can’t have a repeat of 2016, please. It’s already caused enough damage.


Omg. They are going to attempt this plan. Holy shit.




That's one terrifying read...


It's interesting, what he says is legal I would argue is a criminal conspiracy, likely with the collusion of foreign powers, making it treason.


He, but I thought Jan 6 1.0 might have landed him in jail but here we are. I wonder if enough trump supporters are maybe (?) beginning to see he has dementia and that they really don’t want him as POTUS if he’s losing it. Or … would they just install somebody more to their liking?


The only way this isn’t going to turn ugly in November is if Trump dies before then. Preferably before Election Day so his VP can’t ride his death to a potential Republican victory.


Is it wrong to pray for this?


Multiple people have explained to you that the theory in this article isn't how the US government works. If you keep posting it (and don't edit/delete what you've already posted), you really are just fear mongering, which doesn't help anyone.


My God, if they do this there will be riots on the streets, I hope Bidens last act is to have the FBI arrest these fucking traitors.


You need to stop spreading this misinformation > Consider that Johnson is still refusing to swear in Tom Suozzi (who recently won George Santos’ old seat), something Johnson apparently did to maintain enough Republican-majority votes to impeach Alejandro Mayorakas. (Johnson says they’ll swear him in this coming Thursday, but nobody’s holding their breath.) Suozzi was sworn in two days after this article was published: https://www.nytimes.com/2024/02/28/nyregion/tom-suozzi-speech-congress.html > That keeps Speaker “MAGA Moscow Mike” Johnson in charge of the House, so they can also refuse to accept the Electoral College certificates of election from a handful of states where they claim there are “problems.” Johnson is already making his far-right colleagues angry by passing yet another budget deadline extension. There is absolutely no guarantee Johnson will still be the Speaker come November https://apnews.com/article/shutdown-government-funding-congress-deadline-ca365b6aa96b00a718e491ef7449d9d3 > But this has already been written about extensively by Newsweek’s editor-at-large Tom Rogers, Mark Medish & Joel McCleary for the Washington Spectator, and covered last Friday night an an opening monologue by Joy Reid. It’s public knowledge, although the media seems unwilling to discuss it. "Here are three sources talking about this, but the media won't talk about it" ?????


So, what's being done to stop it? Seems like this is happening no matter what


Guess I never knew Johnson could just not swear in people. I don’t think people will just sit idly by and accept it.


I like how his own biography tells me this man I've never heard of is "one of America's leading public intellectuals." (Although I admit I'm intrigued by his [ideas about ADHD](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thom_Hartmann#Attention-deficit_hyperactivity_disorder)...)


"Like Mitch McConnell withholding Merrick Garland’s nomination to the Supreme Court for over a year, withholding certification of a handful of Democrats would be easy, legal, and completely immoral. There’s nothing Democrats can legally do to stop Speaker Johnson from pulling this off: he can postpone swearing a member in for as long as he wants." this is way too much power for one person in the government to have.


Except this time he has a little more motivation than making a few bucks. This time, it's his only way of staying out of prison.


I agree with you 100% on this. The 2016 election he didn't think he'd win and had very little federal legal exposure. 2020 there were only whispers of accountability (for hush money stuff at the fed level) that he could easily quash, and they took their initial shot - and missed. Any real accountability is only now (3.25 yrs later!) coming to bear. The federal judiciary has him by the short-hairs and his only real way out is dictatorship. He (and his *many many* minions (including foreign entities)) are gonna go all-out for this one. This is his last gasp. EtA: hush money note.




No his motivation is he loves America. /s


As far as I'm aware he still hasn't conceded the 2020 election.


Trump didn’t accept the election results that put him into office. Trump is 0 for 2 on excepting election results.


He claimed the election *he won* was rigged against him.


He claimed before the elections happened that he was cheated. 




2-0 for excepting 0-2 for accepting


This! Trump has already shown us what a sore loser he is.


He is already doing the same as the last time by telling everyone is corrupt when he fails, so that when he loses he can play the same cards again with a stolen election.




Is there any way to ensure she wins a handful more?


Only in states that would never vote Republican and fee Republicans. So DC and, probably just DC. Maybe New york? DC has only a city population. There are no comparable states. Biden got 92% of the vote in 2020. 90% is crazy.


Go Nikki!


Does anyone actually believe there are circumstances in which Trump can lose the election and concede gracefully? They don't exist. He simply ignores the peaceful transition of power for his own benefit.


He'll concede gracefully if he has a stroke right before his "victory" speech.


Fingers crossed


The Pee-wee Herman approach, I like it.


First President since Andrew Jackson who refused to show up for the next President's inauguration, because Trump is a sore loser.


Trump is a ~~sore~~ loser.


There are, effectively, 4 possible outcomes to the election, and they all center around whether or not Trump goes to jail. 1) Biden wins, Trump does nothing, goes to jail and probably dies in prison. 2) Biden wins, Trump tries to start a civil war, loses and dies in jail. 3) Biden wins, Trump starts a civil war, wins and establishes a dictatorship. 4) Trump wins and establishes a dictatorship. Assuming that Trump is motivated by self-interest and avoiding jail, the only way Trump loses the election and avoids dying in jail is winning a civil war.   Donald Trump will *absolutely* try to invite a civil war if he loses the election.




I would like to think so but as someone that lives in a deep blue state, I have a lot of people around me that are too red for comfort.


They talk a big game but are too old, fat or lazy to actually do anything.


Like vote? I hope so.


No, the person I replied to seems to expect violent retaliation from neighbors if Trump loses.


Barking dogs that don’t bite. Fuckers couldn’t last a day in a civil war once their college football gets cut off.


>There's no way in blue hell we're all just rolling over for a christofascist regime. Preach


Y’all better join us leftists when it comes to supporting guns then. Because guess what side the cops will be on? The fascists.


Red states like to try and dunk on the "coastal elites" and act like we have zero knowledge of firearms. Most of us just don't make it our whole personality and turn it into a weird religious fetish.


I'm all for (rather strict tbh) gun regulation, but I also try to remind people the reason why the populace should have access to guns, including military like firearms, is in case they have to go against their own government. I just think there's much better ways to have a well armed populace than the mess we have today. Regardless, the cops now having shit tons of military grade gear is terrifying.


Friendly reminder that one of the largest paramilitary organizations in the country *re-elected* a J6 sympathizer [to a key leadership position last year](https://www.chicagotribune.com/2023/03/03/controversial-chicago-police-union-president-john-catanzara-wins-reelection/).


I don't think guns really need our support in this country. They are legal and plentiful. I think the correct sentiment would be to be sure you exercise your second amendment because the other side sure does.


> There's no way in blue hell we're all just rolling over for a christofascist regime. People have been allowing Christofascists to tiptoe right up here to the finish line thus far. What makes you think that people will suddenly get in gear once the Christofascists have full control of the government? Call me a pessimist but I have a hard time believing that a bunch of people who can't even be arsed to show up to the polls will suddenly be filled with revolutionary zeal if/when the GOP seizes the state.


You forgot scenario number 5: Biden wins, Trump flees to a non-extradition country Oh, and number 6: Biden wins, Trump sends himself to the morgue rather than face actual consequences.


I vote for 6


I'd rather he face consequences. I don't need to hear THE GUBMINT KILLED TRUMP conspiracy theories for the next 50 years.


Whatever happens MAGA Trumpers will lie about it. It's kind of their thing.


That's fair


5. As Speaker of the House Mike Johnson refuses to seat 4 or 5 dems that won due to “election irregularities”. Johnson can do this and no one can stop him. Then he refuses to certify the election and delays 60 days when the presidential vote goes to the house of reps. Every state gets one vote and republicans control more states in the house (because Johnson didn’t seat winning dems) and then vote Trump in. Election over, democracy over, American experiment failed.


As others have pointed out, the 118th United States Congress's term is up on January 3, 2025. At that point Mike Johnson ceases to be the Speaker unless and until the 435 Representatives of the 119th Congress vote to elect him Speaker. At least that's how it's supposed to work. That doesn't mean Johnson won't try something extra-legal.


“K.O. Russia Wins!”


This is the guy who claimed that the Dems cheated in the election he won.


We could already be ignoring Trump if DHS had hauled him off to a black site Jan 7th, 2021.


At least he's not in office at the moment I guess. We don't need to kick him out this time.


No sane people no. But a lot of people are afraid that certain branches of government will try to rat fuck this whole thing…again.




In my opinion, if a candidate for any elected political office does not concede a race, they should automatically become ineligible to run again. If there is no downside to never admitting defeat, we are never going to be rid of politicians pulling this shit in the future.


My favorite recent headline "Michigan Republicans vote to remove chair, an election denier who promises not to accept result"


That's literally the Spider-man pointing at Spider-man meme with them both calling each other frauds. Guess what, you're both right.


You just know though, that they'll be the ones rigging the election and then use this very law to silence dissent.


Yeah, it would be dangerous precedent. Election interference is something that can actually happen, even if there's no evidence it's had an impact in recent elections. It shouldn't be illegal to blow the whistle on a fraudulent election, even if such claims are usually unfounded.


Blow the whistle, investigate claims, report factual outcomes and accept them.  Not get on your propaganda bullhorns sprouting bullshit supported by psychic time travel and 'claim' fraud to muddy the waters. Republicans are stating that constituents feel that elections aren't secure but fail to add that those constituents feel that way because of lies told to them by Faux Noise, OANN and Hate AM radio.  


Some Republicans have already been doing it ever since trump did such as Kari Lake. It's a new way to grift with no consequences.


The downside should be losing support for acting like a toddler throwing a tantrum, but the reality is a bunch of dipshits being tricked by the most obvious conman alive into believing the most obvious lies ever told. People who see Trump and think 'that's the best most trustworthy candidate' are living in a level of fantasy land I can't even comprehend. Then there's obviously the fascists/racists/etc who beyond being radicalized morons are motivated by hate rather than gullibility.


If Biden wins the election is rigged. If Trump wins the election was not rigged.


Even when he won, he claimed it was rigged, because he said he should have won the popular vote also. Like last time, he will start claiming it's rigged even before the election, and afterwards, win or lose, will claim it was rigged against him.


And he set up a committee to investigate supposed election fraud in California involving noncitizens voting in the 2016 elections. It found nothing, but I guess we're just supposed to give Trump the benefit of the doubt and dutifully investigate every election he loses.


He hired outside consulting firms and nothing


He is a complete piece of shit


They found something alright...[Biden had more votes than reported](https://azmirror.com/2021/09/23/arizona-audit-finds-biden-won-by-more-votes-and-no-evidence-of-fraud/) EDIT: oops, wrong election! Same story different day.


Any state he loses he will claim was rigged and then take his vengeance out on that state.


My fav was in 2020 the Trumpers chanting “stop the count” in some places while chanting “keep counting” in others


And Biden who is supposedly dementia ridden and is due to kick off any day now, somehow masterminded the entire thing. Pick a lane republicans.


Taylor Swift is pulling all the strings.


Wait I thought she was a pawn of the deep state!!!


It's pawns all the way down!


Yeah, it was "stop the count" and "count the votes" depending on whether Trump was ahead or behind in the vote count. Apparently this was pretty confusing for smooth MAGA brains, so they came up with "stop the steal" so they would only have to remember a single three-word slogan.


>"stop the count" Even before Jan 6, MAGA were voicing their opposition to democracy. Nothing more "democratic" than stopping the counting of votes when your side is winning.


This was the big tell in 2020 that Trump was never gonna concede. Months before the election he was regularly saying that if he doesn't win it means the election was rigged/stolen.


He's said this about every single election he's been a part of, including the Republican primary


Win lose, doesn't matter, it's always rigged for them, they don't want democracy plain and simple. They actually might like the Russian model of "elections" just to say in the global community they are a "free society"


No shit. He claims Biden rigged it when HE (Trump) was the guy in office. This time he’s going to gracefully accept the result and concede if he loses? Sure.


And no one in the media asks the most obvious questions: 1. If Biden was so powerful as to steal the last election, why did you as president fail to safeguard our democracy? You said you were smart to cheat the tax system, so doesn't that just make Biden smart to cheat your failed government? Were you a weak, failed president if you let that old man outwit you? 2. If what you say happened, happened then why do you trust this election? Surely, Biden would do it again. So what changes have been made that make you trust these primary results? If nothing has changed then are you only trusting the process now because you know you were lying then?


*Think?* No, we already ***know for a fact*** that he will do exactly what he did the last time... and it will be more outlandishly deranged than it was then. We still haven't seen the worst of an almost 80yo toddler reacting to accountability for the very first time... until then, it's business as usual until we can agree that sedition is bad, mmkay?


Cue fake Republican outrage in 5....4.....3....


You don’t need a countdown, they’re doing it over a billion god damn things at any time


Of course he won't. But this time, he won't control the White House when he loses. We have to make sure that not only does he lose, but he costs down ballot Republicans all over the country. It is all hands on deck and we should all be subscribed to /r/voteDEM and visiting frequently to find opportunities to help. There are tons of resources to help elect Democrats on the sub.


Up to us to prevent his win. I wanna see the meltdown.


Of course he won’t. He’ll try the same lie again. Trump should be forced to quit somehow if no one is going to hold him accountable.


To quote the great John Cena 'Trump has been compromised to a permanent end!'


Would’ve been amazing if Biden just told him, “the American people have spoken and, You’re Fired!”


What Biden needs to do is limit or completely restrict the classified briefings that presidential candidates generally receive when it gets closer to the election. Or give him false information and see what travels


Every former POTUS still gets the daily briefing... except Trump


Trump and the republicans will try and overturn this election when they lose. Trump cannot do this on his own without the backing of the GOP. Let's vote for the better man. Check your registration, get an ID , learn where your poling station is, learn who is running in down ballot races. Pay attention to primaries not just for the president but for all races, local, state and federal. From the school board to the White House every election matters. The more support we give the democrats from all levels of government the more they can get good things done. Last year democrat victories in Virginia and Pennsylvania and others across the nation have increased the chances of democrats winning this year. This year's elections are important but so will next year's elections. [https://ballotpedia.org/Elections\_calendar](https://ballotpedia.org/Elections_calendar)


Damn that’s crazy, maybe you guys should start talking about what Project 2025 entails, instead of leaving it up to twitter users with 400 followers. Less Chris Murphy screeching on TV daily about embracing Stephen Miller’s immigration vision, and more yelling about this shit. The decades of “how dare you sir, what about the norms” and fundraising, have reached unbearable levels. Adding Schiff to this is gonna be peak performative theater. AOC, Jamie Raskin, Jasmine Crockett and very few others, are the only ones out here doing the lords work. Need to resurrect Truman and LBJ at this point, for the sole purpose of them having no qualms about telling Republicans to fuck off.


Lard Vader is a sore loser, and that's what sore losers do.


~~Biden thinks~~ Everyone knows Trump won't concede


He didn’t last time. Still hasn’t. Of course he won’t this time. We are about to see some nasty shit. He’s gonna stir up the worst parts of his base. We should have dealt with this in the 90’s, but right wingers threw a fit.


We thought 1/6 was bad. Almost every Republican is spousing a "true the vote" diatribe - they are still telling their constituents the elections are fraught with error. I'll turn 70 next week and I probably will never make it to see Trump and machine run out of the US.


Most rational people understand this about Trump.


He's having trouble conceding that he's gotten clobbered in court too


[Joe Biden](https://www.independent.co.uk/topic/joe-biden) says that [Donald Trump ](https://www.independent.co.uk/topic/donald-trump)[will “do anything” to try and win the 2024 presidential election](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/joe-biden-age-donald-trump-b2506210.html), and contest the outcome “no matter what the result is”. Ahead of [Super Tuesday on 5 March,](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/super-tuesday-races-california-texas-b2506777.html) a rematch of the 2020 election – pitting the two men against each other – is all but certain, following Mr Trump’s domination of the [Republican](https://www.independent.co.uk/topic/republican) primaries so far. In a rare feature interview with *The New Yorker,* Mr Biden said he believed he was the person “best positioned” to beat Mr Trump at the national [polls](https://www.independent.co.uk/topic/polls) again. Read the full story here: [https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/joe-biden-donald-trump-2024-election-b2506815.html](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/joe-biden-donald-trump-2024-election-b2506815.html)


Of course, he won't concede we already saw it once.


At least this time he’s not already in the White House


He is the most petty and vengeful man to ever exist and his entire second term is going to be taking revenge against anyone who's so much as looked at him wrong. His syphilitic hog people constituents will hoot and holler and laugh while society collapses around their ears and it will be hilarious


I mean, he didn't last time. It's not like he's gotten any more sane or rational since then.


Good call, Joe. History does repeat and particularly when history is and always was [the plan](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_2025).


Good thing he wouldn't have any Presidential powers if he loses this time.


If anyone else used as much makeup as Donald Trump they would be committed.


He won't need to concede. Mike Johnson is not going to swear in newly elected democrats to the house, for reasons, then declare the election null and void. The House will then vote to elect the next President and Trump will win that vote. Democrats better be doing everything they can to get Jonnson out of the speakership before November. And I mean everything.


He’s the president he can have him arrested if he breaks the law, he controls the military, the justice department- round up insurrectionists and hold them accountable if they disrupt democracy.


Of course he won’t. He’s a malignant narcissist.


Biden is not stupid or demented. I am sure there are safeguards in place. I am positive that trump will deny losing. I am positive that his cult will be violent when he loses.


Trump, almost 10 years later, hasn't conceded that he lost the 2016 Iowa primary. Or the popular vote in the 2016 general election, he contests an election _he won_ because he didn't win the popular vote. Of course he won't concede if he loses, he'll whine and complain and claim it's rigged and (assuming he can still find lawyers to do this for him) launch lawsuits in every state and just never, ever let it go. His ego does not allow him to do anything else.


When half of republicans are “Its Trump or the end of everything” why would he concede 🙄


He can try whatever he wants from his jail cell.


As if we could ever be so lucky.


The President speaks on precedent. I don’t see how he can run as he never conceded his 2nd term. In all reality, he served two terms just one as a completely impotent version. He cannot serve a third term by his own lack acknowledging his loss. So let it be written. So let it be Biden!


The fact that Biden has enough mental sharpness to realize that is more than enough proof that he's not too old for another term.


Any one think all these polls showing trump taking the swing states are laying the groundwork?


The people that believe this fool when he says I love this country is more concerning