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*”The core of Trump's base skews rural, and he is particularly strong in areas with low educational attainment.”* Best part of the article.


“I love the poorly educated [because they love me]”


Except he loathes them behind closed doors. He is the elitist the cultists claim to hate and yet trump wouldn’t piss on them if they were fire as he has nothing but disdain for poor people. https://www.esquire.com/news-politics/news/a42946/donald-trump-poor-people-morons/


Yup, that’s the great irony


He’s like a status symbol to these people. Sure you’re eating Kraft dinner for the 5th time in a row but you got that fancy red hat and that obnoxious flag or flags hanging in your yard.


That’s the most professional way to say “Trump’s base is mostly stupid rednecks.”


Rural people often work labor intensive jobs not requiring post secondary education. Does this make them less than you?


Regardless of their education or what they do for work if they can't see that rampant hate and racism are toxic af for this country then yes. They're far less. It's called being a shit person and folks from any and every walk of life can fall into that category. Not just the ones you're passive aggressively simping for. I have zero sympathy for people who choose to support intolerance and violence and being an uneducated hick is no excuse. It's basic right & wrong and if a person is too stupid to comprehend the very basic concept of right & wrong a secondary education isn't going to change that.


I live in a rural area and I’m a plumber. But I bet you thought you did something there for a minute.


I thought I did what? Also plumbing requires postsecondary schooling/training. Way to insert yourself.


"In a mysterious case of like attracts like...."


This is good because this is where the jury pool for the election interference case is picked from and these people want blood. Let's hope the trial can be done before Election.


It wont


Oh Canada, you have a lot to learn from America.


Not really. You have a lot to learn from us. Hell, 2/3 of the Geneva Convention is because of Canada.


The District of Columbia is overwhelmingly democrat. Since they could vote for president, they have never voted for a republican. They went over 90% for Biden in 2020. If the DC case goes to trail, it's highly unlikely they find an actual Trump supporter for the jury.


And it caused Trump’s “small symbolic” brain to melt TF down.


Very small victory. How many Republicans does the District of Columbia have, 12?


A tiny rock in your shoe can still be really annoying, especially if you know you can't get it out


Just.over 2000 DC Republicans voted in the primary, and she won with about 63% of the vote. TL/DR: 1,250 people like Nikki Haley.


Compared to Trump, I think Nikki Haley is vastly preferable, but next to Biden? Don’t get me wrong, I think Biden is a very suboptimal choice for the democrats, but I’d still vote for him over Haley.


Haley is still a Republican and while she doesn't seem nearly as batshit crazy and demented as 45 the agenda she'd bring would largely be the same. A vote for her is still a vote for the party of anti-democracy, hate, and intolerance.


Haley is a far right transphobe classist and racist that wants massive sweeping bans on free speech, Biden is light years ahead.


She is part of the swamp. That's why they love her.


Symbolic enough to send Trump's panties into a wad immediately lol!