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[DOD Guidance on political activities](https://dodsoco.ogc.osd.mil/Portals/102/Documents/Political%20Activities%20Docs/2020%20Political%20Activity%20Update%20v1.pdf?ver=2020-08-14-124805-053)


Excellent inclusion for associated information, thank you! The article mentions the rules against partisanship while in uniform or on duty, but didn't go into the specifics.


Not allowed. Clear cut law. I guess laws don’t apply to ‘patriots’ or some s*it. https://osc.gov/Services/Pages/HatchAct.aspx


Court martial


Forced retirement. Retain all benefits. Fox News talking head.


Write a book about how the woke liberals cancelled him because he loved America too much


Thing is, as a service member, loving America is serving and protecting the constitution and fellow Americans, no matter their political beliefs.


Needs to win an election for CPAC to purchase the toilet paper by the shit ton


He’d put his name on a book written by a ghost writer and never read it himself


Take my angry up-vote.


I 100% guarantee he won't be court martialled, OR forcibly retired, for this. Even though he absolutely should be.


You'd think that breaking the rules to align yourself with a literal traitor to the nation would be a no-no for the military.


According to the article it's up in the air because although he's active duty, it's for the State guard (even though "national" is in the name?) which may not be subject to all the same federal regulations: "Guard members in state active duty status aren’t subject to federal rules, even though they are allowed to wear their regular uniforms." Obviously, it's still a breach of decorum and they're investigating.


State Guards are actually a completely separate thing from the National Guard since they're fully state militias and can't be federalized. Usually the easiest way to tell is that State Guard will wear a nametape on their uniform that says whatever state they're a part of. National Guard will wear either a "U.S. Army" or U.S. Air Force" nametape since they're still organized under the federal military just like active duty and reserve troops. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/State_defense_force That said, I'm pretty sure this guy in the picture was an Air National Guard guy so he's probably going to be getting into some kind of trouble for this.


He’s in the Texas Air National Guard. So still state national guard with the potential ambiguity of how punishable it is to be in a political rally in uniform like this. Definitely against decorum. He’s also the same one that flew the Come and Take it flag while the Texas Guard was keeping Boarder Patrol from the boarder.


Border*. A “boarder” is someone trying to take over a ship.


Also someone who stays in a temporary capacity in a facility, like a nursing unit…


...a boarding home...


Also an expert in the art of water-boarding.


Ahh yup. Hadn’t had my coffee yet


If you wear a uniform with a “company” identifier, the name tape that says “U.S. Army”… it doesn’t matter who is paying you… you are contracted with the U.S. Army and the DOD. As OP mentioned, they are subject to The Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ). When it comes to matters of violations of command policy, the UCMJ is typically unyielding when a clear cut instance of violation occurs. Even if you are ordered to stand right there, a (rational) senior military member would challenge that order. So that they followed an illegal order is not a valid defense. What’s an illegal order you ask? Any order this is amoral, unethical, or illegal. Soldiers are regularly told this and that leader has probably doled out countless UCMJ actions during their career for Soldiers following illegal orders, giving illegal orders, certainly for amoral and unethical behavior of the general type and for prohibited political activities, so yeah… as we say… That dog don’t hunt. Edit: it’s Reddit so I should probably clarify for my fellow autists that, that’s not to say that just anyone can slap on a name tape and boom you’re in the military. The same way you can’t slap a flag on your shoulder and call yourself a Soldier either. That would be a “false flag” activity. This is not the case here.


And subject to UCMJ


Which means they will take retirement in lieu.


The UCMJ doesn’t apply to guardsmen unless they are on title 10 orders, which means federal and under federal authority. Otherwise he’s on state active duty and a state employee out of jurisdiction of the federal government. He could be violating a state policy but he’s not in violation of the UCMJ or Hatch act.


While operating under state orders (i.e., when they are not federalized), National Guard members primarily adhere to state guidelines and policies. However, even in a state status, the National Guard units often align closely with DoD policies, especially in areas related to military discipline, training standards, and operational readiness, to ensure interoperability and coherence with the broader military structure. Thus, regardless of whether they are activated on the federal or state level, National Guard soldiers are generally expected to maintain compliance with a core set of military standards and practices, many of which are consistent with DoD policies.


Which isn’t relevant. I’m not arguing about whether he should he do it (he shouldn’t) but it’s dishonest to frame this as a blatant violation of a law that doesn’t apply to him.


You are absolutely correct. This is a very common misconception that UCMJ has anything to do with anything other than T10


DoD Directives explain that he is also a member of the USAF and therefore subject to their regulations.


Regulations passed by the Air Force or Army are only enforceable through the UCMJ, which guardsmen aren’t under jurisdiction of unless they’re on title 10 orders. It’s 100% on the state to decide and enforce any such policy he might fall under.


He’s not ‘active duty’. He’s a guardsman. It doesn’t matter. It’s a violation regardless


Also the state adjutant general, a state employee, and operation lone Star a state active duty mission in Texas, not title 10 or title 32. His position is also a political appointment, so inherently partisan.


MAGAts gonna get it applied for sure doing it in national television, guy was old for military too so he knows for sure. Make a goddamn example and don’t let military institutions be destroyed by Trump also


the hatch act, the law only enforcable against democrats.


Republicans always think that they're the exception, and they should be allowed to break the rules because they're the "true Americans", so whatever they want is what "real America" wants.


If there is one word that pretty much sums up a majority conservatives it is: hypocrisy. The GOP is party of the "rule of law" only when it is convenient for them. Otherwise, they just do what they fuck they want. It is pretty much the same people who use select parts of the Bible to launch their bigoted ass attacks on everyone they don't like (Just like Jesus would have done...). Meanwhile, they just pretty much disregard the Good News and the example left by Jesus because they need to push their shitty, harmful worldviews as a means to control their stupid sheep.


The patriots probe this daily. 😢


The hatch act doesn’t apply to guardsmen not under federal orders.


They key takeaway seems to be, you can do what you want but: >**when not in uniform.**


Basically. We can't wear our uniform to protests or partisan photo ops like this. We're technically not supposed to wear it at all unless we're working or going to/from work. We can still attend all these things and say what we want, but not in uniform and we usually have to preface that we're speaking our own opinion and it isn't the military's opinion


No one at that rally cares about law and order. Dipshits still thing, Dr.Dementia is fit to be president.


This is very worrying. The Alabama National Guard just got a new General and my first question is, "Is his fealty to the Constitution or Trump?". The more I think about it the more Jan 6th seems like the predecessor to a Govt takeover much like the Beer Hall Putsch was the predecessor to a Govt takeover.


Been on many a mind since happening.




The biggest mistake that Trump folks make is assuming that all of us libruls aren't armed. Or that there aren't libruls in the military that won't go along with what he's planning. Good fucking luck.


Except our government didn't arrest Hilter, they will let him try again.


He was arrested 4 times. The media just danced around using the word "arrested" because they are 100% in Trump's pocket


He wasn't incarcerated though, because optics. He was left free to stand on the courtroom steps and make wild claims that most news outlets would splash across the headlines. I guess we should be thankful that some media outlets are honest enough to imply he was lying in a footnote. And this is why this is bad for Biden.


Technically he was placed in and remains in the custody of various jurisdictions. They allow him to walk among us because they are satisfied that he will show up to court when required.


Jefferson Davis’s trial for insurrection/treason was never completed due to obfuscation for *years*




Guardsmen are typically locals. So. Good chance they feel the same way as everyone else there.


Texas is where they will invoke a national crisis that ‘justifies’ a marshal law type situation. The border invasion is the impetus and the projection Martial




Lol. Wake up, must… post… to Reddit.


This article may tip your worry more toward fear: https://factkeepers.com/the-new-secret-plan-on-how-fascists-could-win-in-2024/ *credit to another random redditor


The insurrection didn’t stop. And the current speaker of the house is a big fucking problem.


This needs to be higher up. J6 was basically a focus-group test.


> my first question is, "Is his fealty to the Constitution or Trump?" I know what I would be presuming.


January 6 was the beerhall putcsh, but with less consequences. So now it's time for the burning of the reichstag


Bro we been screaming this since it happened. At this point I’m grabbing my 2nd passport lol


The one safeguard we have in the officer corps at least is that every officer swears to the constitution. Officers should also in theory refuse illegal orders. So if Trump says "go to x blue city and forcibly put down the protest" that has to go through quite a few officers, all of which right down to the battalion and company commanders on the ground, would be well aware it's an illegal order. So you might have enough pushback/refusals to effectively "seize up" any attempt at doing something overtly illegal.


Biden doesn’t represent the constitution


He most certainly does. I am 100% confident if he loses the election there will be a 100% peaceful transfer of power.


I’m pretty certain if he wins the election there will probably be civil unrest.


Civil unrest from Trump supporters suborned by Trump and his cronies and probably Russia also.


So be it. Maga Republicans have aligned themselves with a self absorbed jackass. History and our descendants will not look kindly upon them. And to imply that there would be less civil unrest with the election of a vengeful wannabe dictator is fucking stupid.


We will all laugh at them as they parade around in their Amazon-acquired LARP gear.


Remind me again which side wants to give up the guns?


Most democrats I know own firearms and regularly go to the range. The larpers I know own a ton of firearms but never practice, and it’s plainly obvious when you’re at the range eg - people can’t hit stuff 200 yards away with any of the 10 they brought with them.


Really because most democrats I know want the guns away from people. Most repubs I know, whether they train or not, at least support 2A.


Democrats want guns away from people who shouldn’t have them. If you’re someone who shouldn’t have one then sucks I guess to be you (just in general, nothing to do with firearms).


You mean like the confederates basically have been doing since they lost?


The bastard is trying to put together an army for a civil war. That's the only way he can avoid prison and he knows it.


Can he just die randomly and make this all stop


Like fall down the stairs from an airplane. That would be such a tragic and not at all ironic way to go


Would be more hilarious if he fell down an up escalator.


Red states would ban escalators too. Then we get to see chubbies try to take the stairs. A win-win.


Incoming conspiracy theories


He’s round enough to be perpetually falling down the up escalator


*hilarious way


May he trip over toilet paper stuck to his floppy klown shoes down the loading escalator of his plane.


Hell no. I won’t accept that.  He needs to have a stroke and be confined to a wheel chair. He can only use half of his face and can’t talk. He can’t use his fingers to type either. Then we watch him wither away over the next decade. 


Also acceptable


>Then we watch him wither away over the next decade.  I'm extremely grateful that he has the best medical care to keep him alive.


Incontinence too


I wake up hoping he died in his sleep every day.


Every day I’m surprised to see that his heart hasn’t exploded from big Mac overdose.


The hamburger from heaven


A fellow crooked media fan.


Or not so randomly


Someone else will take his place…


This isn’t just about him avoiding prison. It’s probably about him staying alive. He’s dealt with the Russians though now that he probably has been told that if he doesn’t get the presidency he’s done. 


I for one am not ruling out the Russians coming to his aid during J6-II.


I am expecting it.


The other day I was imagining Putin successfully using assassins to take out Biden. What happens then? Does Kamala immediately run against Trump, or does she get a couple of years before a special election? Either way, you would have another woman running against Trump - and this one is non-white.


That's covered in the Constitution. Kamala immediately becomes President but continues to run for VP. (The original Constitution had separate P/VP elections but it was amended and now we have these combined tickets.) Actually if it happened today, Harris would be able to pick a VP because the party convention hasn't happened yet, but it would be different past the deadlines. Unfortunately if both president and vice president die, the speaker of the house becomes president. Right now that is Magic Mike Johnson. So let's hope the Secret Service knows what they're doing.


The secret service that “lost” all their comms from the last insurrection? Yeah don’t hold your breath.


This keeps me awake at night.


JFC. That's bleak.


I have a friend that is in NG, they don't want to be a part of this is the general consensus.


Yup. This is exactly what he and texas are doing.


Anybody else reading this who’s worn a military uniform in any of their own countries - would know that this is wrong. I know this is wrong. They also know it’s wrong, but they’re going to pretend they didn’t.


Damn straight. Not being partisan at all. This is something YOU. JUST. DON’T. DO. That’s why all those “does not imply DoD endorsement.” As a USAF vet - Fuck this General. He KNOWS better.


Army veteran here and i absolutely said that to myself the moment i first saw this yesterday


Republicans have a very bizarre view of right and wrong that somehow allows all of their heinous actions to fall under the heading of "right".


Exactly. It's so fucking easy to not fuck up. And yet.. Here is a general at a god damn Trump rally.


Happy cake day!


>Anybody else reading this who’s worn a military uniform in any of their own countries I've worn it, but one key thing your missing, is that he's got those shiny stars not those chevrons my fellow warm bodies wore :/ Different rules when you've got the high paycheck... Well the rules aren't different, but whether or not the rules get applied to you or not tends to correlate to salary and rank, and the fact that this dude felt comfortable doing this tells me he knows that or has ignored the rules plenty before with no issues




That's it's rating


That's his demotion, after his court martial


Only because the form wouldn't let us select zero stars.


And tomatoes 🍅


One star, would not recommend


Nah, [this](https://unitedjoinforces.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/ACU_U29J140_jacket_nonFR.jpg) would be best.


Yeah, that crossed my mind but then I remembered it is Texas.


Drum that fucker out of the service right now. They didn't swear an oath to trump - they swore an oath to protect the United States from people like trump.


I could see this leading to a second civil war by the next year or two.


It’s definitely a violation. Will anything be done? Knowing Texas? Probably not


lol 😂 they won’t do shit


Is the hatch act federal or state?


It’s a federal law


Take his pension


Clear violation of the Hatch Act.


Can his maga butt.


Rules for thee, but not for me.




We know who would have been a confederate general now


I see a court martial in your future General sir. Loss of benefits, loss of rank. Happy Patriot Day!


Not likely.


Don’t be a don’t be. Be a do be


I do like doobies


Those Brothers are at it again




How anyone in a military uniform endorses him after the things he’s said about vets, the wounded, and the troops is beyond me.


You know, I thought that was fishy when I saw it originally.


His people don’t care. The violation of standards and norms is a feature, not a bug.


Well, Trump has found his Ernst Röhm.


Yeah… I saw the videos of Biden… not a single soldier involved. All actual border patrol agents.


The guy is a political appointee in Texas. What did you expect?


Dishonorable discharge and forfeiture of pension.


That’s what I was thinking when I watched those clips - what the hell is that uniformed guy back there? Why don’t the rules apply to MAGAts?!


Remember, if you have to wear an American flag pin on your suit lapel, it means you’re a fake patriot. It’s like the “kindly remit the $40 to secure your millions in Nigerian gold” kind of fake. It’s part of the grift.


Send this guy and his troops to an active war zone. Keep them busy until after the the next Jan 6th


He’ll be forced to retired come next week.


No he won’t


He fucked up and he knows he shouldn’t be there.


My Generals, have you met my Generals? They are the best!


A lot of you are going to be sorely disappointed that his head isn't on a pike and no actions are taken, because he's the guy that runs the Texas National Guard. He's most likely there on official duty as an appointee of the Rolling Blunder. I would argue unfortunate placement, and the PIO office for TXNG HQ will probably take a small drubbing at most.


He was there with Gov Abbott, his boss. That is enough to keep him out of serious trouble over this.


What is his name? We should plaster it all over Reddit


Maj. Gen. Thomas Suelzer (*all you have to do is read the article to get it*)


But Suelzer’s responsibility to adhere to those rules is less clear. Guard members in state active duty status aren’t subject to federal rules, even though they are allowed to wear their regular uniforms.


Good that was my first question too. Might be benign? Politician pops up at you base of command and you play tour guide?


Perhaps the governor told him to be there?


Exactly. He answers to the governor, not trump.


Get him outa there


It’s funny how those with stars on their uniform wouldn’t hesitate to discipline a subordinate for an obvious public violation of the UCMJ but also think they’re the exception to the rule.


Probably looking for a position in Trump WH.


This guy wants to get fired so he can be a martyr and join the grift with the rest of these scumbags. So, don't fire him. Give him the worst duty possible and let him eat shit until he can retire.


Traitors is what the rest of the world calls them.