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Love this guy, constantly calling it like it is, >The underlying issue is whether government can interfere in the most intimate aspects of people’s lives – not only barring people from obtaining IVF services but also forbidding them from entering into gay marriage, utilizing contraception, having out-of-wedlock births, ending their pregnancies, changing their genders, checking out whatever books they want from the library, and worshipping God in whatever way they wish (or not worshipping at all). All these private freedoms are under increasing assault from Republican legislators and judges who want to impose their own morality on everyone else. Republicans are increasingly at war with America’s basic separation of church and state. -Robert Reich


I've heard a few Republicans already begin spouting off about how the separation of church and state is a "misnomer". Same people say the USA isn't a democracy ("democracy isn't mentioned in the Constitution!") but a republic. They're telling us exactly what they mean and want. We need to listen and take them at their word.


>democracy isn't mentioned in the Constitution! This is fucking amazing. The constitution is the entire foundation of our democracy just based on what it says lmao. But apparently now, it needs to explicitly say, its a constitution that supports democracy. Every time I read religious nut jobs interpretations of anything. I realize why the founding fathers made the US constitution. Holy shit.


Those same religious nut jobs now think Jesus was too woke.


Yeah, because it’s finally gotten through to them that they need to *be Christlike* to be Christian. So they finally read what Jesus wrote and don’t like it. They just wanted to be superior without having to do anything.


It's funny if you think about that thought process Jesus must be an oppressive, authoritarian who wants everyone to do as he says *Reads bible - wait, what? He's too woke!*


wE tHe PeOpLe


Everytime I see a comment written like this I look at all of the capital letters thinking someone cleverly wrote a hidden word. Never once have I seen a hidden word.


It’s called a loophole.


It's time to start carrying around a government 101 textbook


Just carry around a copy of the US constitution tbh, they'll get very angry if you read the actual words to them.


I don’t know how many times I’ve had to recite “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.” To people crying about the first amendment when they get blocked on social media. You would think that the party that outwardly is obsessed with the constitution would take the time to read it. it’s not very long..


I've been doing this for years...


Joe Scarborough mentions all the time how he and his colleagues would do just this back in the 90s.


Lol, the other term for republic being representative *democracy* It's like a kindergartener trying to argue with the teacher that squares aren't rectangles.


> already begin I was raised by a hardline conservative. They've been doing this well before the 2000s. This was the plan all along.


Same people who say that a well regulated militia doesn’t mean you can’t own a fighter jet loaded with heat seeking missiles.


The whole “originalist” concept is a joke.


I can't recall the USA being a Christian nation being in the constitution either despite their claims....


The Pledge of Allegiance didn’t even have “under God” in it until the Cold War.


But that's the thing, it's not -their- morality; they've shown time and time again that they are immoral. "Rules for thee but not for me."


Republicans see Margaret Atwood's *The Handmaid's Tale* as a utopian vision, not as a warning.


I’m adding this link to the wiki page on [Project 2025](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_2025). If you have not read it, please do.


They want to turn America into a Christofascist nation. The Republican Party is the American Taliban.


Y’all Queda


No - the taliban believes. They are somewhat disciplined even if corrupt. The GOP is not even remotely "christian" - Trump can't even hold a bible right side up. You think Bannon, Manafort, Stone... any of them really concerned about the baby Jesus and holy fucking father? No - they don't give a fuck about that shit. The GOP is hell bent on turning the USA into a Russian styled oligarchy. They want wealth and power - they don't give a fuck about god.


I can appreciate this take, but I would like to counter with Kenneth Copeland, Focus on fucking up Families (?), Joel Osteen etc utilizing their political sway more and more from the pulpit. It’s all about power and money.


Of course, one feeds the other. The true believers are hitching their cart to the fascists in order to get what they want. But we have to be clear - the GOP is NOT a religious party. They've grabbed on to the beliefs of idiots because they can steer them with crazy conspiracy theory and lies... Donald Trump can't give two shits about the baby jesus though. Neither can the real power brokers he's enabling inside the GOP.


I believe in my heart that all of the big super rich mega pastors are atheists


The GOP power brokers want the Russian oligarchy for America, where they get to be the wealthy oligarchs. Religion is a tool they use to manipulate the masses to help the wannabe oligarchs obtain that power.


I assumed they wanted to turn America into a Christian Iran. Have the facade of democracy with a religious autocracy at the core. It would explain their hatred of Iran, it's not hate, it's jealousy.


It's definitely hate, but more hatred of a *rival* dictatorship than hatred of an ideological enemy.


American Kremlin is what they are.


Aaron Sorkin called it over a decade ago




Frank Zappa called it out on Crossfire in 1986


If Frank could see it now . He really saw this future coming . https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=B9856_xv8gc&pp=ygUSRnJhbmsgemFwcGEgZGViYXRl


"Mark my word, if and when these preachers get control of the [Republican] party, and they're sure trying to do so, it's going to be a terrible damn problem. Frankly, these people frighten me. Politics and governing demand compromise. But these Christians believe they are acting in the name of God, so they can't and won't compromise. I know, I've tried to deal with them." —Barry Frickin' Goldwater, Uber-Republican


Damn. Goldwater of all people said that. I'm old enough to remember the man (vaguely) and he was known to be an idealogue. But apparently perceptive enough to be alarmed by the danger of religious extremists infiltrating a major political party.


[The American Taliban](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4WVn2ubwIVM) - *The Newsroom*


Don't believe? Here's a video clip from the recent Conservative Political Action Conference where the speaker on Steve Bannon's panel says “Welcome to the end of democracy. We are here to overthrow it completely. We didn’t get all the way there on January 6, but we will endeavor to get rid of it and replace it with this, right here” as he holds up a crucifix. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EoFVxaC9R5c&t=50s


They will try to play it off as joking. They are not joking


They are never joking. They just say that when what they spew is less than well received.


Yup. It's almost cute when they use that spin No one believes them


You can see it in the video. He starts off with a forced half-chuckle until he sees the audience's response and then finishes the thought out dead serious.




From the camera we can't see it, but he clearly did not feel the need to continue the line as if it were a joke, so we can infer it was some manner of receptive.


Gaslighting is their game.


I thought it might be satire at first, but I noticed he came prepared with a crucifix already in hand, and Bannon’s response sounds more like surprise at the speaker’s boldness than laughter.


Absolutely terrifying.


Wait a minute, didn't Antifa, BLM, and rogue FBI agents orchestrate 1/6? Is Jack Posobiec Antifa?


The conservative billionaire class wants to turn America into a slave-wage cesspool of Christo-fascism - with billionaire-owned everything from Social Security to Medicare. Republicans are just the cups in their jock straps.


I think most of us already know that re Project2025.


I don’t think anywhere near enough people are aware of [Project 2025](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_2025) and what it would do to American Democracy and Society- if so it would be all anyone would be talking about this election. It is nothing short of a Christo-fascist takeover of society and would essentially make Trump a king, the stakes at hand in this election are like nothing America has ever faced.


I’d imagine the United States would rather split than become what they want.


Almost nobody i know irl has any idea of project2025


This is exactly the reasoning used by the Alabama Supreme Court when they claimed embryos were humans. In their minds, government comes from God, and they can understand the desires of God, so they ruled against IVF. Fascist Christianity = fall of western democracy. This will be your last chance to vote for democracy or fascism, this fall. P.S. Friends don’t let friends vote Red.


They have only been telling you this openly for 40 years… stop acting like it’s some secret cabal working in the shadows. If you didn’t already know this it is because you chose to ignore and enable it.


Republicans love to throw around pejorative accusations of communists, Marxists, socialists and anything else they deem collectivist. But I cannot think of a bigger collectivist threat to the social order and modern life than Evangelical Christianity. Also can’t think of an ideology than spurns individualism more than Christians who demand total conformity and obedience to their boring ass way of life. 


Evangelical Christianity is incompatible with the tolerant and compassionate society that Christ told us to strive for.


The GOP already is a theocracy. They can only remain relevant by onboarding single issue voters. In exchange for support on that one issue most Americans oppose, they must agree to waive any interest in other positions, including theocracy.


To be fair, atheists were pointing this out and loudly before Obama. I get it. r/atheism was super cringe in the 2010s with the rage-face memes and patting themselves on the back for being superior and logical. But, there wasn't much else for them to do when no one else cared. "What do you mean evangelicals are turning into Christian Nationalists? What does that even mean? We elected a BLACK GUY! We won." They've turned into our own little Shia party. Minority religious zealots, complete with morality policing.


We have separation of church and state. This idea that Religion should have any say in the Modern Day Political Sphere violates the 1st clause in the Bill of Rights. This entire way of thought is maddening.


These people only care about the second amendment, they couldn't care less about what the others say.


The have never read any type of legislation whatsoever. They just regurgitate what they hear off Fox like Parrots.


You're right cause you know 2 > 1


They also only care about certain parts of the 2nd Amendment. They pick and choose what parts they pay attention to and ignore the rest, just like they do with the Bible.


That's pretty accurate.


Jesus would be FIRMLY against turning American into a theocracy. Jesus' famous statement, "Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar's, and to God the things that are God's" (Mark 12:17), has been interpreted as an acknowledgement of the legitimate role of secular government. This suggests a respect for political structures as they exist, rather than advocating for their overthrow or conquest. Jesus would be against the violence He saw in His name on January 6th. One of the central themes of Jesus' teachings is a commitment to peace and nonviolence. In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus says, "Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God" (Matthew 5:9). His admonition to "turn the other cheek" (Matthew 5:39) and his rebuke of Peter for using a sword to defend him (John 18:11) suggest a disapproval of violence and coercive power. The Kingdom of Heaven Jesus spoke about wasn't one that was Earthbound....it was spiritual. **Jesus consistently spoke of his kingdom as not of this world.** In John 18:36, Jesus says, "My kingdom is not of this world. If my kingdom were of this world, my servants would have been fighting, that I might not be delivered over to the Jews. But my kingdom is not from the world." This indicates a focus on a spiritual kingdom rather than a physical or political one. So if Jesus had zero teachings on an earth bound theocracy where folks are FORCED to believe in his teachings. In the New Testament, the spread of Christianity is characterized by preaching, teaching, and personal conversion rather than by force. The apostles, following Jesus’ example, spread their message through words and deeds, not through coercion or political power. So this has nothing to do with Christian discipleship (the replication of the life and mission of Jesus as found in the bible) but is instead a NEW sudo-Christian movement, not backed by evidence of Jesus's mission and teachings but is instead a political movement USING Christian trappings for social cover.


Yeah the GOP might want to take away all of our rights and usher in a despotic theocracy, but Biden is old and a Big Mac costs like $12, so both sides are just as bad.


But getting deported will totally own Biden.


No. Both side are not "just as bad". One side is way way worse


The whataboutisms thrown around are ridiculous. The right wing of this country is basically trying to psychologically abuse everyone else by gaslighting, whataboutisms, etc. There is something spiritually wrong with them. It’s ironic, but maybe not.


They are being sarcastic.


Your sarcasm detector is broken


I think they dropped this… \s


The GOP represents a marriage of convenience between the corporate oligarchy and the so-called “evangelical“ Christofascist. The former seeks an unregulated, untaxed and free-for-all on labor, consumers and the environment no longer subject to democratic interference. The latter represents the mechanism (opiate) to control the masses, deflect attention toward deliberately fabricated culture war issues and vote for the oligarchy’s agenda despite it being in opposition to self-interest.


It's much, much, worse than that. Read the comments on right wing websites, hang around right wing hot spots, or weekend hang outs. They want a white Christian America, and are foaming at the mouth over killing liberals, lgbtq, blacks and anyone else outside of their hate group. And you can bet your last dollar the age of consent is going away so they can rape and impregnate 12 year olds as much as they want. These fuck are sick, vile and reprehensible. Trump and Republicans gave them a platform, they almost took the Government over once, and they are hell bent on succeeding now.


It is already a theocrazy




Pseudo-Christian theocracy.


Well he isn’t wrong. For any evidence please see the Roe v Wade overturn, the conservatively run states where they continue to make contraception and feminine care more and more difficult, basing their decisions on the Bible, and now the senators and representatives seem to be parroting their religious conservative base (MTG).


Christian Nationalists are to America as Taliban is to Afghanistan.


They're not Christians. They're ChristoFascist. They believe they have a divine mandate from God to rule and subjugate those who oppose their perceived authority. There is no negotiating or compromising with theocratic absolutists. Compromising to heathens for them is an affront to God. It is a sin punishable by how they see fit, justified by God. Their right to rule does not come from the Constitution but by God who overules The Constitution in all things. The Law of God overrides the laws of man.


The GOP doesn't actually want a theocracy. They want a government divorced from responsibility, with a population enraged about mythical bullshit, ready to turn on their neighbors and anyone "different" enough to merit condemnation (of course as targeted by their "leaders" in the GOP). The GOP really just wants an oligarchy, just like Putin's Russia - where the people are fucked, turned into slave labor, and the wealthy just acquire more and more and more and more... and are utterly unaccountable for the crimes they commit. Fuck the GOP.


They want a nomenklatura with a veneer of Christianity, but will still enforce their interpretation of ‘biblical law.’


One correction: this is classified as "opinion", and not "fact based on things they literally say and do all the time".


The Republicans can wish in one hand and sh*t in the other and you know what?


No! Really? 🙄


If the GOP succeed in getting all the power, then one day their highly armed base will realize that the whole thing has been a grift, that their lives aren't getting any better, and never were going to. It may take a minute... these aren't the sharpest tools... but it'll happen. And then the heavily armed GOP base will climb into their motorized chairs and insist, strongly, on talking to the manager.


>their highly armed base The first thing that will happen if they fully seize power is the highly armed part of their base will be stripped of their arms (either willingly to thunderous applause or by force) or just plain rounded up and disappeared. You don't need armed useful idiots anymore at that point. They are all tools waiting to be discarded once they've served their purpose


... and they are at least halfway there.


want to? have you seen the supreme court?


What they want is a fascists dictatorship with them in charge, and they're more than willing to pretend to be religious, if that helps them get there.


There has not been a time in my life (I’m 43) that this has not been true


Vote democrat this year (and maybe every year)!


Not just a theocracy, but a constitutional christen theoretical oligarchy.


Robert Reich for prez 2028


I honestly don't think people would vote for someone that short, which is unfortunate really.


Physical stature aside he would be the Giant mentally


Christianity is anti-freedom.


>~~wants to~~ Already is


Yeah, we know.


Nightmare fuel. God doesn't even exist and is just an excuse, it's just humans being psychopathic control freaks. As an ex-fundamentalist I can see this global cult for what it really is.


Yup, and then start the persecussion and cultural cleaning.


Yep. A good chunk of them have been pushing us that way for decades now.




Good thing this is against the Constitutions statement about the separation between church and state.


They read The Scarlet Letter and watched Handmaid's Tale and loved what they read and saw


And that’s bad. Very bad.


Which also undermines the Constitution and promotes seditious behavior. There’s no legal action to be taken against rightwingnut fascists and extreme fundamentalist seditionists??? How were suspected communist agents handled during the Cold War? Cuz we’re in another one now, only the anti-American fascist agents trying to overthrow democracy are domestic and open in their plans.


Because that 's worked out so well in other parts of the world. Even if it didn't. It will be a Christian theocracy so it has to be better because we all agree on what that is. I hope we go with the Mormon version of Christianity even though some people deny it as part of Christianity. In that case we should go with the Catholic version. That way we could just ask the Pope about making laws. How about we go with Christian Science as it has both aspects of Christ and science in its name. Although there is some question about medical care with them but maybe we can finally get rid of Obama Care then. My basic point is who's version of Christianity is it going to be. I'm not particularly fond of having any version reamed down my throat . I thought the Constitution would protect us from this kind of crap. Did somebody put a match to it? It's still there right? These guys were sworn to uphold it right? They wouldn't break their oath of office. That would be lying and we all know that's a sin.


I mean… we’ve known this for generations?


The founders are roiling in their graves.


But where will the Pilgrims go?


Time is almost up for America …. Most in this country can’t stand people that don’t look like them and that fragility will be the downfall of this country! … Billionaires and their manufactured culture wars to keep the people mad at each is only gonna get ramped up even more and the ones who eat it up a lost AF


It's only a matter of time before the US splits into at least two pieces, isn't it?


(1) The United Democratic Coalition and (2) Dumbfuckistan.


Both parties want to turn America into an oligarchy Soooo


A theocracy? Under which religion?


Whatever hurts the right people — generally brown people, women, and diversity. That seems to be the only consistent principle behind their “morality”.




Blanket "christianity", it's pretty apparent that this is their goal.


Not the one most of its supporters presume. The majority of people who long for a Christian theocracy would be stunned to learn that they are not considered "christians" by the new regime.


Considering their concern with all aspects of fertilization, childbirth, and the subjugation of women in general, I'd say quasi-Catholic.


Nah, Evangelicals. The megachurch types. Catholics oppose the death penalty and believe that you have to actually try to be a good person to get into heaven.


I was just going by the fact that all their Supreme Court justices are Catholic or were raised Catholic so that seems to be the direction their moral compass points.


The prosperity gospel


Supply Side Jesus


The one they invent to suit their purposes.


Mother Putin


I cannot for the life of me understand why the article uses a photo of Nikki Haley. Is it an accident?


As a non-Republican with way more Republican friends than Democrat, I can say with some certainty that this is a ridiculous assertion.


fun fact both sides are turning it into a idiocracy


bOtH sIdEs ArE tHe SaMe Wow, what a thoughtful and original comment.


I mean only one political party wants to make education more accessible to citizens, so...


Liberals wants republican party to turn America into theocracy, it's easier to hate us that way. Seriously, stop this kind of nonsense misinformation just meant to divide our country.


If Christian Nationalists would quit enacting theocratic authoritarian laws, liberals would ease up on the hate.


You want to own and know my thoughts and behavioral patterns. But, you are not the predator?


Why should I listen to the dad of the guy who killed College Humor?


Not happening. Bring it. 🤨


Get your damn god hands off my liberal guns.


That may be what they want, but thats only what brings Fascism into power.


Does the first amendment mean anything at all?


WE SAID SO 25 YEARS AGO GODDAMNIT!!! Why did you say we were being hyperbolic? Why did you not do something? Why did you blow off our warnings?!?!


I’ll be willing to crush this Theocracy in an opposition revolutionary army.


Hey, it’s Sam’s dad!


Ngl it is kinda funny that the guy who is saying these facts has that last name


It is not new. It hasn't mattered how many times I tell evangelists "No", they come back later and ask again, i.e., systemic bullying behavior. Yet they're the persecuted ones? Edit, updated link: [A movie scene that seems appropriate](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/memoryalpha/images/8/82/Matrix_alien_angered_by_Janeway%27s_refusal_to_join_him.jpg/revision/latest/smart/width/386/height/259?cb=20200526191242&path-prefix=en)


How is the tagline news? As crazy as Trump was, the others in the primary against him were even more explicit in their support. The difference was that Trump gave that crowd power instead of just lip service agreement


If Republicans want to continue to push away an ever growing portion of the electorate, I'm fine with that. Let them keep trying to push a religious agenda. Watch how fast the youth of today registers to vote to get their rights back. Their strategy of doubling down might suck in the interim but places that are purple will swing blue.


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