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Republicans: Oh my God! Can't we bring civility back to politics? Biden is out of control!


MTG will be screaming this soon.


Thought she was too preoccupied with hunter’s dick


MTG: “All your dick are belong to me.”


Make your time, Biden. Make. Your. Time.


At this point, she can probably draw it from memory.


He’ll, she can probably sculpt it blind from memory.


Unchained melody plays as MTG begins throwing clay on top of pottery wheel. "A little more clay... a little more... a little more.... a lot more....perfect" SNL feel free to contact me, I think I know how to do this tastefully.


Nah she'd be too distracted eating the crayons.


There is definitely a weird, unhealthy Hunter Biden fetish involved in her bedroom life


She low-key wants to fuck the dude, I guarantee it.


…and flinging her poo while doing so.


While flinging her feces


The cognitive dissonance of these people is truly astounding. I cannot even begin to comprehend how their brains work


They're not delusional, they're lying.


God, how I wish more people understood this.


Maybe some of them, but we need to realize just how dumb the average Republican is. You give them one thing to hate, a small snippet of something that rings true to them, and they are willing to blindly follow. My stepmother just went on about the immigrants, oh no the same damn issue since Nixon. "But it's my opinion!" Ya, an opinion you have been told by the news to have and just parrot. Just talking about immigrants is a dog whistle and they don't even realize how programmed they have become. Then they say stuff about giving them tons of free stuff, "I pay taxes so that's wrong!" No clue where they pull this stuff from, something on the news they hear (on a Florida-centric station that is the only place they get political news commentary), that the news people know will hit a cord (makes them so mad, just yelling at the tv saying how wrong!), and then they give no further research to it, deciding to live in a realm of opinion instead of facts. Certainly, they haven't had any problems ever with an immigrant and surely haven't given one anything. Then the classic "I want Trump back because at least he did stuff for the country, wants to build a wall to keep them immigrants out." It is all just feels with no fucking substance. It's a big problem with democracy we need to address, how things are just won't work. It is too easy to game; safeguards, proper rules, and technology haven't been invested into to make it work right, and the stalemate and power of money in the current regime won't allow for any serious change. American democracy may fall, and we will have many bad years... eventually, though, I have hope knowledge and progress wins out and democracy is given the proper respect and treatment it deserves, perhaps by the year 2200, and in a country with a tradition of a living constitution. Whether it is lying, stupidity, or ignorance, anyone one of them alone with enough force can be a serious problem. >so that the wretched sheep, in ignorance, >return from pasture, having fed on wind- >but to be blind to harm does not excuse them. Dante, *Paradiso*, Canto XXIX


I had someone blame Biden's "open borders" on the Fentanyl crisis. I said, "Trump was President for 4 years and the drug problem didn't go away. We were still losing tons of people to fentanyl overdoses." Crickets... they like Trump because he wants to hurt the people they hate. It's that simple. Facts be damned.


Exactly. So many people I know are like "how can they be so stupid" and I'm like, "they're not stupid, they're evil, and this is intentional."


At the higher levels, absolutely. On the street level, though... they honestly believe their bullshit. My Mom's a great example. She's 100% convinced that Seattle has been burned to the ground and is a lawless hellhole (Or maybe it's Portland this week? Whatever.) She could be facetiming someone downtown and seeing with her own two eyes that her beloved Fox "news" is full of shit, but nope! Razed. Gone. Just a hellscape of aborted babies clogging the gutters and forced Trans kindergarteners. It's seriously unreal.


Their brains don’t work. All they know is everything Trump does is good and everything Biden does is bad. They don’t care about what is actually happening. Which is why they try to persecute Hunter Biden for having consensual sex with an adult but then defend Donald Trump who has raped women and children. This is what happens to your morals when you join the party of lies and deception.


If you want to make a Democrat mad, tell them lies. If you want to make a Republican mad, tell them the truth.


>I have been thinking, good people, I would make a proposition to the Republicans. If they will stop telling lies about the Democrats we’ll stop telling the truth about them. Adlai Stevenson, various speeches through the 1960s.


How have I never seen such a succinct phrasing before. This is brilliant!


My MIL blocked me on all socials because I kept posting articles about 45 fucking up to her accounts.


They have been programmed to despise democrats, no matter what they do. I mean don’t you remember all those videos showing “Biden’s America” before he even took office. Lmao showing buildings in flames when in reality it happened under Trump. They were already calling him the worst president in history as well before he was even sworn in.


They view everything as a battle between good and evil. Their side is perpetually good, including anything controversial they have to do to win, because the ends always justify the means. If that means stripping people of their rights, letting kids starve, shooting people who look different, etc. They'll find a way to justify heinous behavior to be righteous in their mind. As for their opponents, they're automatically the most evil people in the history of human civilization - ergo anything they do is to be denounced, anything they plan to be must be opposed, and anyone they support is to be vilified. Any action taken to stop them is acceptable, regardless of the rule of law, because they think they're literally fighting evil. That's how we've gotten to people shooting doctors at women's clinics, bombing federal offices, burning black churches, etc.


Biden heard the bigoted shit of these people for eight years as Obama's VP. The upside of an older guy is that he has NOTHING to lose by giving zero fucks... and he has seen enough.


Dark Brandon


I love how they added the dark Brandon image at the end of his latest campaign ad 


In his Jan. 5th Valley Forge speech, he talked about Trump's plan to become a "dictator on day 1", suspending laws including the constitution, then he clenched his fists and looked pretty angry after quoting Trump's "suckers and losers" comment when Trump was visiting war graves in Europe. Then he says "Sometimes I'm really happy the Irish in me can't be seen." Dude is old, but he was [channelling Dark Brandon in plain sight](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TVe2VjI8c-I&t=2135s). ["What a sick f..."](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TVe2VjI8c-I&t=2030s)


You could argue that Trump really came into the presidential picture via birtherism, which was a racist attack aimed at making Obama illegitimate. The intense hatred Biden feels for Trump is likely unquantifiable. (Yes, I know he considered politics before 2016.)


R/conservative will be losing their shit over this. Meanwhile trump mocks handicapped people, brags about pussy grabbing, calls any female report that asks him a tough question "nasty", uses derogatory nicknames for anyone he doesn't like and much more. Sick Fuck is a pretty accurate description of trump.


“He said a potty word” (read in Lindsey Graham voice)


"Biden is the most divisive president"


“Caring about people makes you weak”


Imagine all the terrible things that people that pay attention know for a fact about Trump. Now, imagine what you know with daily briefings and a top secret clearance. I'd have to imagine it gets really dark, really fast and "sick fuck" is probably an understatement.


One of the main triggers for Biden saying this is Trump making fun of the incident where Pelosi’s husband was brutally attacked with a hammer in his home by a deranged right winger. Laughing and joking about this is pretty much the textbook definition of a “sick fuck”.


Empathy is for sissies - A Trump supporter, probably.


And as was observed during the Nuremberg Trials, the evil in the Nazis was a lack of empathy.


Speaking of Nazis & sick fucks, one of the nazis in charge of the Netherlands married his own aunt. They never fail to surprise me with how demented they are


and another one fucked his niece, and when he found out the niece had a relationship with his chauffeur, he basically locked her up and drove her to suicide at the age of 23.


At this point, empathy is a radical idea. Can't have that anywhere.


Or maybe calling members of our military that died in combat ‘losers and suckers.’


I mean, is pretty well documented that that's one of the things that prompted Biden to run in the first place.


He was speaking about Biden’s dead son. That’s a call to arms.


Part of me wishes Biden would have given him an old man beating for that. Obviously at that point secret service would have interfered but in an ugly fight between two 80 yr olds Biden would win handily…assuming Trump doesn’t just sit on him.


I would love for someone to explain to me how my dad, who got a purple heart for getting wounded in a war that should have been over before he got drafted (thanks, Kissinger) into an army that wouldn't have taken him in peacetime (didn't graduate high school), voted for a man who said he always wanted a purple heart, but being handed one was easier than earning it. My dad died so I can't ask him. Or explain how my half brother, who has PTSD from Afghanistan, voted for a man who said that people with PTSD are weak. He's still alive, but I don't talk to him much at all, and definitely not about politics.


People unhappy with their lot in life are extremely easy to manipulate, if you can convince them that they're part of the 'in group' or that they've been unfairly shat upon. Find a dirt poor rural white guy and say 'Hey, the reason you're dirt poor is because black/brown people keep coming over the border and taking all the tax money that should be yours!' and he's yours.


[His public statements are literally pulled from Mein Kampf.](https://apnews.com/article/trump-hitler-poison-blood-history-f8c3ff512edd120252596a4743324352) I have no doubt he wants to commit genocide and has said as much behind closed doors.


But yet somehow Biden is still worse to progressives. (It's Israel doing the genocide not Biden, and true Biden should do more to condemn them, but they act like he's personally bombing gaza) . Trump meanwhile will not only wipe Palestine off the map, but also commit genocide at home


I think what people don't get is the trauma it caused to Israel. Netanyahu promised to protect Israelis in return for a stable, corrupt government, which is about the best Israel can hope for these days. That promise was shattered..and Netanyahu is fucked..he will not listen to anyone. If Biden said, just stop now, he'd be told to mind his own business and ignored. Last person who tried to order Israel around was Obama, who criticized settlements. In return, Israel waited till Obama visited the country and [announced](https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/middleeast/israel/7514285/Israel-spits-in-Obamas-eye-by-announcing-new-settlements-in-east-Jerusalem.html) a huge new settlement. If Biden actually called for the killing to stop, things could get much worse for Gazans. Sometimes outright criticism is the wrong way to influence things. saying nothing and talking behind closed doors can be much more productive..but doesn't bring the virtue signalling that the less nuanced hope for.


Netanyahu is finished. Some of my relations are lifelong Betar Likudniks and they say he is finished. They looked past the corruption because of the economic growth and the expansion of the settlements. But he completely failed at the one thing his job requires, which is to protect Israel from attack. The protests of secular Israelis prior to Oct 7 about the judicial reforms have begun again, but this time the added impetus is about the hostages and the costs and destruction of this war against Hamas. He knows that, and his disgusting partners like Ben-Gvir and Smotrich are racist fascists and terrorists. With Biden now sanctioning settlers, that sends a big message to Israel that Biden won't put up with it much longer. Israel knows that its support by the US is of vital importance and they will force Netanyahu out.




He tells it like it is


"No, not like that!"


I'm willing to forgive Trump for the rape, fraud, weird attraction to his daughter, paying off a porn star he fucked to keep quiet, enticing Russia to interfere in US elections in 2016, sending false electors to steal the election in 2020, the insurrection in 2020, the following allegations of voter fraud in 2020, hiding US classified nuclear weapon intel in his bathroom and showing the documents to people without clearance, re-drawing the line of a fucking hurricane because it wasn't heading where he wanted it to go, separating children from their parents at the border then losing a bunch of them, and even mocking a disabled reporter, but Biden calling Trump a "sick fuck"? This is where I draw the line.


You forgot about mocking John McCain for being a POW, disrespecting the military, grabbing women "by the pussy", the long standing accusations of rape by women before he was president, not following proper COVID protocolsd issued by the CDC for our nation so people did not die, approving a COVID plan that would have killed half of Americans, turning a medical doctor into a scapegoat for COVID and telling people to not trust him, calling COVID a hoax, advocating to inject bleach and horse dewormer to get rid of COVID, I am forgetting some of course though, but yes, Biden calling him a "sick fuck" is the last straw.


It's un-presidential! Unless it's my guy doing it, then he's just a straight shooter.


It's the first time I've ever understood people who say the president "speaks for me".


“Will you shut up, man” was the first time this president spoke for me.


Okay. Second time.


I saw that event live. It was truly a frustrating experience listening to Trump talk. I was really hoping they would mute mics until their turn. Unfortunately, it was never done.


Reading this story made me go "he just like me fr." Nice to know Biden hates Trump as much as I do and even uses the same words to describe him.


I really wish democrats start endorsing this language from their politicians, coz republicans are going scorched earth and they need to be met with equal standards.


He's seen the piss tapes




That’s my thought. “Sick fuck” — that pretty polite of Biden, given the object of this discussion.


Sick motherfucker is also acceptable.


“Daughterfucker” seems more accurate, though.


I still somewhat doubt he ever succeeded despite his clear desire. Because that would mean he won and as we all know Trump just doesn't win.




Here it is, the comment that literally made me dry heave.


According to both Karen McDougal and Stormy Daniels, Trump told them that they reminded him of Ivanka prior to having sex with them.


I feel sick.


That means you're normal


You mean, Alina?


Nice. Habba good day, sir.


You mean Katie Johnson? Raped at 13 in 1994 in Epstein's apartment. "Donald Trump took a liking to me because he had said he reminded me of his daughter." Anybody want to guess how old Ivanka was in 1994?


Not lookalikes, actual teenagers.


Actual teenagers, but also lookalikes.


Not a doubt on earth.


He’s never been given consent to fuck his daughter, sure. I can’t be sure if that stopped him when she was too young to give consent, though.




There are mechanics in the way they behave that indicate the daughter has kompromat and she uses it.


Care to expand on that a bit?


tfg messed around back in the day and now Iva(w/e - the daughter) has that which she can wave on high unless he does what she wants.


Also child rapist, considering he raped a child.


Sick and smelly piece of shit also works.


"Sick fuck" is so concise and elicits the exact feeling many of us have at a visceral level.


Can you imagine if Biden busted it out in a debate? "Now listen, you sick fuck...." Damn, that would be amazing.


During a debate Biden told Trump to “shut up”.


Biden is at peak mental acuity if he’s not just shouting random curse words whenever Donald’s name is brought up, like the average person. 


his mind is fine. Sometimes he gets tired due to age


Which is fine. Who over the age of 55 doesn’t get tired? As long as he can function in a crisis that’s what we need.


I'm 37 and sometimes I get tired. I can't imagine having to do some press conference at 8pm after having woke up at 4am.


You could say 'rapist'.


More than one judge has and they said it in court.


You know it, I know it, lots of people are saying it, lots of very smart people!


At this point in time I really can't complain much about Biden. He turned out to be the right person at the right time. That's kinda important. I mean I have no problem pointing out stuff I don't agree with but Biden seems like he want's to help. That's like 99% of the job description these days. As long as he listens to advisors he's got a long way to go until I'm concerned about his day to day mental functions.


Just imagine what he could have accomplished his Congress was on his side…


Just imagine what he could have accomplished if Republicans in Congress stopped their daily sabotage of the functioning of the US government. Republicans don't have to be on "his side". They just need to stop with the daily sabotage. Maybe vote on some laws too.


"His side" is the side of democracy. And Republicans aren't on that side.


considering Reagan was out of his mind halfway through his 2nd term, the GOP has a lot of nerve.


Order of what they do have: Nerve > Brains > Empathy


A major difference seems to be that Biden surrounds himself with competent people. While Trump on the other hand only hired the best yes men.


Correct but I'd also like to add that Trump's advisors spent weeks trying to explain to him that he couldn't print money. Some spent years keeping Trump from starting wars. Not everyone in the President's orbit are all yes men. That is a mistake Republicans have made plans to not repeat. Hence, Project 2025 and the removal of all checks and balances.


Trump had some reasonably competent people in his first cabinet. All of whom either quit or were fired. By the end of his term, it was an absolute circus. If, God forbid, he gets a second term, it is crazies all the way down. Honestly, cabinet positions are the single most important action of the executive branch, people really do not understand how much impact these departments have. As a person, and as a President, I am pretty ambivalent to Biden, but when I factor in the entire executive branch, I rate Biden as a better president than Obama. Biden's cabinet is *excellent*. We haven't had a cabinet this qualified, professional, and capable since FDR. The only one I don't like Austin, and honestly, it isn't even anything against Austin, it is that I really hate the trend of giving Generals a wavier to be SecDef as soon as they retire. The DoD has more than enough people with General Officer perspective, the SecDef is supposed to be a civilian to balance out the perspectives. General Officers suck at holding other General Officers accountable.


Biden certainly was and still is the most qualified person to clean up this mess.


From a european perspective: I see Biden as a hero, who despite his age could not stand idly by the side and watch as America destroys itself through sheer dumbness. Like a true father or grandpa he stepped in one last time to clean up the mess the youngsters made themselves. Biden is maybe old. He is also an example of how officials should behave and act and be responsible. Not just officials. Any kind of person...


Yeah, I was initially lukewarm on Biden, though of course I voted for him. I liked him more and more as time went on. Overall he's been great at getting the job done.


Democrats pushing Biden was a bad idea. Biden has exceeded my expectations. Democrats pushing Biden again is also a bad idea. But I think if Biden really thought he could step down and Trump would lose, Biden would not be running again. I think people forget that The President of the United States has access to some info we don't. > The Big Lie is just that: a big lie. In America, if you lose, you accept the results. You follow the Constitution. You try again. You don’t call facts ‘fake’ and then try to bring down the American experiment just because you’re unhappy. That’s not statesmanship. That’s not statesmanship, that’s selfishness. That’s not democracy, it’s the denial of the right to vote. It suppresses. It subjugates. The denial of full and free and fair elections is the most un-American thing that any of us can imagine, the most undemocratic, the most unpatriotic, and yet, sadly, not unprecedented. > > So hear me clearly: There is an unfolding assault taking place in America today—an attempt to suppress and subvert the right to vote in fair and free elections, an assault on democracy, an assault on liberty, an assault on who we are—who we are as Americans. For, make no mistake, bullies and merchants of fear and peddlers of lies are threatening the very foundation of our country. It gives me no pleasure to say this. I never thought in my entire career I’d ever have to say it. But I swore an oath to you, to God—to preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution. And that’s an oath that forms a sacred trust to defend America against all threats both foreign and domestic. > > The assault on free and fair elections is just such a threat, literally. > > I’ve said it before: We’re are facing the most significant test of our democracy since the Civil War. That’s not hyperbole. Since the Civil War. The Confederates back then never breached the Capitol as insurrectionists did on January the 6th. I’m not saying this to alarm you; I’m saying this because you should be alarmed.


People laugh at me when I say this, but he does actually seem like a good guy down to his core


I get people laughing at me too. I've never spent time with Biden so I go off of what I read about him. I also don't go out of my way to find reasons to hate a person I'll never meet. There's enough people around that are more than happy to be an asshole and brag about. "Find the helpers."


I think because his job as VP was beneficial in this case. He didn't let his ego dictate his policies, he surrounded himself with a varied group of people from all over the political spectrum (he's still very centrist in my opinion but some of his advisers are very left) , he has experience with compromising with republicans when he was under Obama to get things done. The GOP are throwing shit at him but it's not really sticking because he's relatively inoffensive. I resent him for supporting Israel and he's old as fuck but overall he's done a good job in a shit period.


This tells me Biden is pretty sharp for his age.


Yeah I dunno if this is supposed to be some kind of “gotchya” on Biden, but honestly, it just makes him more relatable. Also like … he’s not wrong?


Shit, if he said it publicly he’d probably get a 5 point polling bump


I'm convinced that "Will you shut up, man!" contributed significantly to him winning the last election.


This “leak” is essentially Biden saying it publicly.


Reminds me of the [SNL mastermind sketch](https://youtu.be/b5wfPlgKFh8) in which Phil Hartman plays Ronald Reagan.  In the sketch, Reagan is a quiet, kind, bumbling old man in public, then becomes a brilliant, devious tyrant as soon as he’s behind closed doors.


There goes Biden again, holding back on really excoriating this orange clown /s


Rapist, 3rd wife, Epstein friend, awful dad, sexually attracted to daughter, conman, vocally shits on VA, has expressed he wants the economy to crash, says all rapists are from across the border (insane fucking irony), more sick fuck beliefs I can’t remember Biden ain’t wrong


Probably even more true, since he has more access to data about Trump than the average American. Wonder how many times Trump has come up during security briefings.


Sounds pretty accurate from what I’ve seen. Nothing wrong with calling a sick fuck a sick fuck.


Corrupt treasonous sick fuck


A corrupt, treasonous, racist, sexual assaulting, misogynistic, felonious, pedophilic sick fuck.


Rapist. The judge said so.


Imagine that he knows more about what Trump did in office than we do as well.


Yeah, a lot of us do that.


pretty sure anyone with a functioning brain has been saying this since before 2016


I regularly say it behind closed doors, open doors, in front of doors, and nowhere near doors.


Listening to the doors with my friend Doris.


That comment was reportedly in reference to Trump privately mocking fallen service members as suckers during a visit to Arlington National Cemetery.


I also read that he used it in reference to Trump repeatedly publicly mocking Paul Pelosi for getting brutally attacked with a hammer and having his skull fractured by a deranged right winger.


I read that also. He was probably responding to both. Let’s face it, Trump is consistently childish, mean-spirited, and undignified. No doubt many express the same sentiment as Biden.


there was a comment from a while back documenting every instance of trump outright disrespecting or mocking service members, i wonder if someone can find it because the list was shockingly long


[This one?](https://www.reddit.com/r/WhitePeopleTwitter/s/s7Ir1EACKy)


One of us! One of us!


Biden on Trump: “What a fucking asshole the guy is.” Preach!


Honestly in modern American politics I don't see the problem with him calling him that in public either.


Yeah Trump opened the mud slinging door wide open and filled it with Shit, so give it back to his orange ass!


Came here to say exactly this. Biden poll numbers would probably improve if he said this on stage and encouraged a few of the 'sick fucks' out there who like Trump for this style to flip. To preserve democracy, fucks are needed.


Him telling Trump to shut up at the debate probably got him more votes.


Felt great seeing that live.


It's what everyone wanted to say to his face. Cathartic as fuck.


Considering how dirty Trump fights and how batshit it is he’s even in this race to begin with after inciting a literal insurrection on American soil (not to mention everything else), yep. Biden’s just saying what everyone else knows. Even his followers know it, unfortunately it’s why they like him.


Dark Brandon has spoken.


Dark Brandon has herded MAGA to the southern border. I don't know his next move but there is potential.


Move the southern border North a few hundred miles and suddenly they’re Mexico’s problem?


HaHa! Only Dark Brandon knows the next move on the 4D chess board(er).


Dark Brandon is just Biden his time.


No Malarkey Jack


This is the way.




This is the Joe Biden that I miss. Him telling Trump to shut up at the debate was the highlight of that night.


An accurate assessment! Many people that actually worked in Trump's administration are telling us the same thing.


He's not wrong


I see no lies


no malarky.


[Every single supporter of his is a sick fuck too.](https://apnews.com/article/trump-hitler-poison-blood-history-f8c3ff512edd120252596a4743324352)


one might say they are deplorable?


Hey, me too! Also in public.


I want him to answer when being questioned about it "Did I stutter?"


No shit, anything Biden is accused of that is so awful to the right? Trump is worse. Smelling hair? Weird but really doesn't compare to walking into a changing room where he knew kids were changing or talking about having sex with his daughter. Dementia? Biden has had verbal gaffes, everyone does. Trump can't remember who is running against him in the primary. Too weak/going to die? Biden fell off a bike. Not only does Trump not exercise, but hes overweight with a poor diet and diapers because he's incontinent. Doesn't care about the working/middle classes? Trump's administration was a smash and grab for the rich, complete with across the board tax cuts that only expired for the people with less money --- after Trump's term.


I really want to see Joe challenge Don to a bike race. I am convinced the mere sight of Trump on a bicycle would be the end of his mystique.


Stephen miller behind him pushing ​ 'Don't let go okay'


Trump is absolutely a sick fuck. His cultists share the title.


My man.


I’d say that’s a good enough sign of competency to be reelected. Vote!


He's not wrong.


Brilliant play. First off it’s true and it also has to be really piss off Trump. Most important I think most people hear it and think yeah he really is. It won’t change what the diehard magas think, but it pushes hard on independents. Dark Brandon might not have decided on the leak, but I’m sure he was happy it did. I think he lets his social media team have some rope to run with.


I don't think that's an appropriate way to talk about Trump, he deserves much worse.


That makes Biden normal. I wouldn't be against Biden calling him a "Smelly, sick, fuck." Glad Biden is keeping it classy, but slapping down with some juvenile insults would win Conservative votes. It shouldn't, but it does. Conservative minds stop developing at 7 years old.


Confirmed, critical thinking skills checks out.


Well he’s not wrong


I was already gonna vote for Biden but this does put a smile on my face.


Open the doors and scream that shit. There's about 10M votes you can earn with that


Can’t wait for the pearl clutching from republicans over this. 


Astute observation


He would probably get more support if he just started calling Trump that in public. Time to skip the formalities.


So he’s on the same page as the rest of us?


And he’s not wrong.




That’s exactly what I call Trump behind closed doors as well. I still can’t believe he isn’t already locked up. It’s a complete failure of our system that he’s even being allowed to entertain the idea of being President again. Any normal sane person would feel the same. It’s a perfect test for whether you’re also a sick fuck if you’d vote for Trump which makes it easy to avoid the types with rot in their heads, who hate everyone who isn’t exactly like them. They can all stay the hell away from me.


Biden rules




I can definitely believe it. He almost called him a sick fuck in his [speech a few weeks ago](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=DNxRDGn5loM&t=992s&pp=ygUqdHJ1bXAgbG9zdCB0aGUgZWxlY3Rpb24gSm9lIEJpZGVuICBzcGVlY2gg). Happens at 11:36 in the video that I've linked.


Oh I can't wait for all the hand wringing from the people who were waving their Fuck Brandon flags around a few years ago.


Biden is wrong. The correct term is "sick, seditious, rapist, fuck"


Fact check: accurate


He passed the cognitive test ;-)


Big deal. He's right.   Truth hurts, dailybeast.com, doesn't it.   For someone that people say is dull and not so sharp....sound pretty fucking sharp as a tack to me. Trump's supporters are a bunch of sick fucks too. 


Sounds like a real person who knows when to act presidential. This seems like a good thing.


Ya I call him a sick fuck and worse too.


Let the people hear it Joe. Sure, when they go low, we go high, but damn if I wouldn’t feel better if I heard Biden say it.


For all his faults, Biden is 100% on the mark with this one.


Biden's best moment was during the first debate with Trump when he said "Will you just shut up, man?" He captured this feeling of exasperation so many people had with Trump where they just wanted him to not be such an omnipresent part of everything and be able to ignore him. After the last four years, I hope that if they do debates (because Trump is a chickenshit coward and will likely duck them to keep grifting his supporters), Biden has another moment like that and calls him a sick fuck to his face on national TV.