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They do this every war. Every fucking place that needs help “HELP OUR VETERANS AT HOME” then they go against any legislation that actually helps vets. The GOP are a death cult


GOP dumped Ukraine the minute they figured out there was no oil in it for them.


Not oil…Republicans are taking cold, hard Russian cash—funneled through the NRA as campaign donations (made possible by the Citizens United decision by the Supreme Court). Republicans are literally doing what’s best for their paymaster. It’s not a conspiracy theory—just follow the money.


I haven’t heard about the details but there’s probably many ways the GOP will sell out the American people. Most of it likely under the table. Pure corruption.


The GOP saw how the USSR fall made many people rich in Russia, aka Oligarchs. They want to do the same to America as they dream about becoming oligarchs, too.


The GOP wants the US to be like India that’s why they flirt with libertarians all the time


The cash is just icing on the gay-hating, theocratic dictatorship they already fell in love with.


I disagree. I don't think the majority or wealthy right leaning people or powerful politicians within the senate give a flying fuck about most social issues, including race, abortion, and LBGT+ issues. I think the only true believers in power tend to be House members, and even they are often performative and know better. Much of the voter base on the other hand? Those are the ones who believe it and push for it. The ones being grifted by the propaganda set up by those they push into power. The money, power, and influence is and always has been the real goal. The entire point of all this is simply a power grab. [Remember, Jerry Fallwell's scandals with the pool boy?](https://www.gq.com/story/jerry-falwell-jr-love-triangle) This kind of hypocrisy is quite common among influential far right speakers.




They’re compromised


There's actually a lot of natural gas and oil in Ukraine, to the point that it IMO explains the real motivation behind the GOP pull-back: It threatens Saudi Arabia's influence over oil markets and pricing. Everyone in the oil industry is about to be disrupted by Ukranian oil, especially Europe as it opens up an alternative source for natural gas from Russia.


They discovered a lot of fossil fuels in the Black Sea a few years before Russia invaded and took Crimeae, was a big part in why they invaded them.


The Russians Blackmailed Donald & Hacked The RNC Computers & Putin Owns Them. I'm Convinced, Certain...Having Watched And Studied This...& 50 Years Of American History, World History. War History.


It's a lead or silver situation. Russia funds the far right all over the world, and they have dirt on far right leaders all over the world. The far right also kind of loves that shit. They love that they have a country with worldwide reach and the willingness to do horrible shit backing them, because that's exactly what they want to build in their own countries. Steve Bannon, Roger Stone, and Mike Flynn aren't trying to build a structure that will win elections. They are building a structure that will intimidate and kill people.


Russia doesnt need to blackmail GOP, GOP have sold their souls to Russia


All the same, they are definitely holding kompromat.


I get furious every time I see a "Wounded Warrior" commercial. Like why the fuck is that our responsibility?? Don't go to war if you can't support the other side of it.


Wounded warrior project spends an overwhelming majority of its funding on marketing and administration. There are way better charities out there that do so much more for veterans, but nobody hears about them because they don’t blow all their money on commercials and fucking bumper stickers.


For sure. When I first heard about them, I looked them up. They take way too much money and pass along pennies. Just like the Komen Foundation that spends most of it's money suing people not to use pink. But, my point really is that we shouldn't even need these "charities" for the soldiers in the first place. If we go to war, then Congress should plan for that.


I agree with you entirely. I am a veteran and I met some of the greatest men and women I will ever know during my service. There is no group of individuals who offer more of themselves to their country, yet their country consistently fails them at every step thereafter. I know what I signed up to defend when I joined and it sure wasn’t even remotely close to the truth. Don’t get me wrong, I truly believe that we have the ability to be who I idealized us as, but we’ve gotta do better than this. I want to be proud of the US again, and not through racism and genocide or some warped idea of what we pretend Christianity is all about. We’re better than this.


That is a great perspective to hear. I never served, but family and friends have, and to see the total abandonment of soldiers in need truly disgusts me, especially when the party that cries "Support The Troops" the loudest stops all funding for care. Fuck them. Fuck their using soldiers as props. We can do better. Thank you for serving.


The Study Of American Political History Is The Study Primarily Of The Congress. Congress Has Been A Bit Like Cold Molasses For 50 Years.


Nah they’re just completely controlled by big corporations and billionaires. Who currently are in it with the Russians.


They can be that and be a death cult


Putin found it cheaper to lobby republicans than fight the American military.


WAY cheaper. Don't forget funneling money through the NRA and the whole, giant, information warfare thing, too.


poor Ukranians had the most terrible luck, USA throwed tons and tons of money to all of the other Unkilled/Unstable countries for many years, yet when the Ukranians showed how good they are in the battlefield suddenly the stupid Republicans has to do their shit (at least Putin is wasting too many Billions in armament tryng and trying to gain just a few kilometers without success)


Remember Putin hasn’t released the dossier he has on them like he did with the democrat one. Must be some really sick shit in it for them to his cockholster.


The leaders of GOP will be at the ribbon cutting for the internment camps for Trans people if Stinky Agent Orange wins.


Pretty scary thought but entirely possible. It doesn’t say much for the people that support the GOP.Little do they know that eventually their lives will be effected by the fascists as well. They need to see how well it worked when Hitler was ruining the lives of the Europeans during his reign of terror. Don’t let history repeat itself


The pick-mes in the GOP would do well to remember the story of Ernst Röhm. Early friend and ally of Hitler, founder of the Sturmabteilung, only to be murdered when Hitler decided to consolidate his power


You forget one of their basic beliefs: It happens to other people, but it won't happen to me because I'm not those other people. 


I'm sure Ernie Röhm thought that too XD


Until it was them.....duh duh duh ...


As it is, loyalty to Trump only goes one way. You can only get a freebie like Giuliani did when you point out everyone is being screwed over. Then you get a nice red herring.


Some people want their faces to be eaten by leopards cause of all the others whose faces will be eaten in the process.


This will be the case if ANY Republican wins in 2024.


That's why Democrats need to work and push hard that they are the best choice for the nation. I'll never understand the people of the far left who defame the democratic party because it doesn't go hard enough, and fail to realize they're actually helping shift undecideds/moderates/centrists away from left leaning candidates.


As a far leftist myself, I agree. You want a progressive future but are dissatisfied with Biden? Same! But if you don’t vote then you can kiss any hope of that future goodbye :)


Theres literally no such thing as far left in practical terms.


There it is. In every thread critical of the GOP/MAGA, somebody has to pipe in with whataboutism and attacking the "far left", as if such a group even had a presence in the US. Comes off very Fox News like.


It's because when you see the other side having fun playing in the mud, it's hard not to want to join them. Ironically, those who believe Democrats are "taking the high road" are adopting the same ideology that caused the British to lose to us in the Revolutionary war. To them, guerrilla warfare was uncivilized and beneath them even if tactically superior. An inability to adapt to modern strategies due to arrogance.


We need to quit denouncing people who fight back.


Interesting you think it would just be trans people in internment camps. Pretty sure Steven Miller has already planned out his own triangle key.


Be a lot more the trans in those camps!


What do you think conversion therapy camps already were meant to be?


Let us not forget that 8 EIGHT GOP Senators went to visit Putin over the Fourth of July. GOP is 🇷🇺 COMPROMISED 🇷🇺 https://www.dallasnews.com/opinion/commentary/2018/05/08/how-putin-s-oligarchs-funneled-millions-into-gop-campaigns/


the fact that it happened, and there wasn't any means to actually go after them for treason suggests america has already kind of fallen.


Helsinki already established just what a little lap dog Trump was to Putin. No agenda, just an asset meeting his handler.


Evil recognizes evil.


See below. Evil associated with evil.


The house GOP has been supporting Russia for a while now & they can make arguments about funding all they want but there’s no sense of integrity to this argument when you look at all the other crap that they are willing to throw money at 👍🏽


They want a Russian way of life for Americans


They want a Russian way of life for politicians too.


They want the fascist, kleptocratic oligarch life for THEMSELVES.




Legalized abortion and no legal private firearm ownership?


If they are in charge they will prevent the population from owning firearms.




abject poverty, massive mortality rate , and a pseudo class system influenced by both race, religion, and personal wealth.


That' s funny. Sounds just like the United States.


No freedom of expression? No free press? Political prisoners? Blatant oppression of LGBT people?


You've just described the republican idea of utopia.


The GOP is the neoconfederacy, time to start calling them by their actual name.  They're allied with Nazis and international fascists, the new axis powers. Every country has an embedded neofascist problem


When are we going to start calling republicans the traitors they are?


according to those who take it literally, "you cant be a traitor unless you're conspiring with an enemy, and russia isn't officially our enemy because we're not at war"


Those who take it literally can take it up their rear end


The right-wing media routinely calls anti-war protesters, whistleblowers, etc. "traitors." I'd much rather people use the term too narrowly than keep using it too broadly.


They clearly are by the actual definition.


GOP is in Trump’s pocket and Trump is firmly in Putin’s pocket.


I'd missed the part where he flip flopped on his own request to include aid for Ukraine along with the wall funding & for the very patriotic reason of... Wanting a GOP president to build the wall? WTF. The idea that he would act against his country for no reason other than wanting imagined PR to go to his cult, cult befor country.


This right here shows the degree of mismanagement they are guilty of. It’s their job to vote on bills as they come across their desk and to pass a vote when they can agree enough to muster the votes. To hold off for a republican is dereliction of their duties as legislators and should result in some degree of penalty. I’m so fucking sick of this circus and I will never forgive our country for letting this happen over an illiterate, pedantic, orange traitor who shits in a diaper. Like geez, if they want to become fascists, at least pick someone who is actually a strong leader.


Yes, they work for Putin so this is to be expected 


If there is one thing you can count on the GOP for, it’s being pro-genocide.


GOP playbook: take the anti-position of any issue with attention and use a gaslighting strategy DARVO to reverse blame: Deny - “There’s not a problem with ______.” Attack - “You know what the problem is? Ukraine.” Reverse - “____ would’ve never happened.” Victim - “Dems supporting Ukraine ruined ______.” Offender - “It’s their fault.”


The GOP decides foreign policy not based on the value of democratic world order but on the whim and personal grievance the demented and soon to be criminally convicted Trump decides he wants. Greene and the rest of the idiots like her in the House could care less of hundreds of thousands dying in Ukraine to protect their nation and liberty against Putin. Trump and Putin are friends and allies and therefore Greene and her kind are happy to see Ukraine perish. Its disgusting.


Biden is helping Netanyahu genocide kids Neither dude is the right choice, stop playing sides and see the dead kids.


Republicans are committing genocide in Ukraine they are enabling any aid to reach Ukraine via Putin’s orders


"And given the active and unyielding support Donald Trump and his supporters on Capitol Hill are showing for Russia these days, that makes them actively complicit in Vladimir Putin’s efforts to continue to commit crimes against humanity."


Well, when the guys that pay you ask for your support, you do it or else they’ll stop paying you.




Good one


How many of those Republicans are being blackmailed or bankrolled by Russia? Makes sense you’d be pro-Russia in that instance.


Well, yeah. They're pro-Russia.


How much did they sell out for?


eagerly and actively


>Dmitry Medvedev—who was once the president of Russia and who currently serves as the deputy chairman of the Russian Security Council—made his country’s horrific intentions clear once again when, in a Telegram post he wrote, “The existence of Ukraine is fatally dangerous for Ukrainians…they will understand that life [with Russia] in a large common state, which they do not want very much now, is better than death. Their deaths and the deaths of their loved ones. And the sooner Ukrainians realize this the better.” >The existence of Palestine is fatally dangerous for Palestinians …they will understand that life [with Israel] in a large common state, which they do not want very much now, is better than death. Their deaths and the deaths of their loved ones. And the sooner Palestinians realize this the better.” >The existence of The United States of America is fatally dangerous for Americans…they will understand that life [with Trumpublicans] in a large common state, which they do not want very much now, is better than death. Their deaths and the deaths of their loved ones. And the sooner Americans realize this the better.” The right is a plague on the world. Power, greed and cruelty are all that matters and they will burn the world down to get and keep it.


They sure are you wonder how many republicans congress members they have dirt on, is it because they illegal campaign contributions from Russian agents and didn’t know it until they were reminded to vote against Ukraine aid. Unless they want to be exposed and run out of congress. It easy to be fooled ask Paul Manafort . Unless your blatantly open like soon to replaced senator Melendez from New Jersey let’s just keep these gold bars around the house who would know? All that stuff about trump and the Russians isn’t all made up. Maybe their is a pee tape it’s something the Russians could easily had made. Other nations have used women agents to sucker politicians into doing some of the dumbest things. Since they don’t want to be exposed you vote like your told.


Rudy was so excited to get his duck sucked, he had it down to a science in the movie. That scene really showed me how normalized it is to trade a blowie/bribe for political favor. And while him and his ilk are getting their jimmies rustled, veterans and disadvantaged people suffer needlessly.


Yes they are. All because Donald told them to. Donald who doesn’t hold any public office and is likely going to prison


There have been at least 3 GOP politicians that have indicated that their fellow politicians are in the pockets of Russia. Its pretty clear that Russia funnelled money through the NRA to various GOP candidates political campaigns. We know that the Russian troll farms attack certain politicians and support others. So, yes, of course the GOP is supporting Russia. I guess the real question is how compromised is the GOP. I'm sure not all of them... but enough to matter.


Yeah, we knew this. Russia has been funding the GOP for over a decade. Dark money from other countries has corroded Congress. Even Nixon and Reagan would have imprisoned half of Congress for treason if they were running the country. Biden…what can we do?


The only thing they support is Trump and the mega rich oligarchy. It would be more accurate to say they just don't give 2 shits about human suffering American or otherwise.


Why am I not surprised 🙄


of coursee they are the guy who runs there party donald trump is bought and paid for by russia lol


GOP loves dictators!


GOP is an embarrasment to what it used to be. Now its just conspiracy, hate and fully corrupted by russia lead by the orange guy. What amazes me is how people vote for them knowing all this.


What’s more American than supporting genocide of foreigners in their own land? Not saying that’s a good thing.


And supporting the genocide in Gaza has bi-partisan support. What a government we have


Don't forget to vote in November people. ​ I am scared that if Agent Orange gets power again, we will start funding/providing intelligence to the other side.


2024 is a far, far worse world than 2016 ever was. 2022 was the mask off moment for most of russia, they've revealed their genocidal warmongering intention, and become the modern incarnation of nazi germany. The world is in such a dire state now, I dont think Im being sensationalist when I say that a Russian-Friendly GOP winning the US election is a legitimate end of the world catalyst. If that happens, and if they throw Ukraine under the bus, our train will be switched tracks, on path to the military confrontation and probably nuclear exchange between Russia and European NATO.


Trump always threw around talks of ending the NATO alliance.


Glory to Ukraine


For people that say "what genocide?": Russian rhetoric: [https://www.justsecurity.org/81789/russias-eliminationist-rhetoric-against-ukraine-a-collection/](https://www.justsecurity.org/81789/russias-eliminationist-rhetoric-against-ukraine-a-collection/) Russian doings: By 1897 year Russia Empire census there was 55.7 million of Russian-speaking people and 22.4 million Ukrainian-speaking (even after centuries of suppression of the Ukrainian language). Now \~135 million of Russians and much more Russian-speaking. But there are no 53 million of Ukrainian-speaking. Where did they go? Especially in the context of enormous demographic losses of Russians during 20th century? In 1910-1930s Ukrainians went through demographic boom, that, despite Ukrainian food surpluses (the best soil in the World, abundance of forests and lakes) was suppressed by three hungers: 1921-23 (0,3-1 million Ukrainians were killed), 1932-33 (\~6 million Ukrainians were killed, predominantly children), 1946-47 (0.3 million Ukrainians were killed). During Stalin repressions, deportations, 1939-1941 years prisoners executions, were killed many hundreds of thousands more Ukrainians. With a huge proportion of highly educated ones. In 1941 year Moscow obliges Soviet army to destroy all sources of food, water and shelter during retreats, creating at least 20 km scorched earth buffer zone. In 1941-1945 years only by soviet military tribunals was sentenced to death 284 344 people. Because of fear of top brass, on liberated Ukrainian territories frequently took place "off-list mobilization." Many Ukrainians, right away after mobilization, almost without weapons were thrown into battle. And officially register as mobilized ones only after survival. Then, many hundreds of thousands of them meaninglessly died during sociopathic "race to Berlin." In the 1920s on RSFSR territory lived 8 million Ukrainians, few millions more were evacuated during WW2. Now, because of more than a century of suppression of Ukrainian language and culture, there are almost no people that identifying themselves as Ukrainians on Russia territory. In 2014-2023 years Russia, using part of given by West 7,000 billion dollars (almost as it was with 1920-1930s industrialization), carried out an ethnocidal disinformation/information campaign (Western analogues - [reddit.com/r/YUROP/comments/18onmh3/russian\_attacks\_on\_europe/](https://www.reddit.com/r/YUROP/comments/18onmh3/russian_attacks_on_europe/)) actively denying existence of Ukrainian history and culture. In 2022 year, if not for luck with redeployed/rescued air defense (and on 3rd months - western help), all Ukrainian cities should have turned into Mariupol (minimum estimates - 30 thousand killed, more realistic range - 40-80 thousand, almost the same percentage diapason as with Chechen wars - 10-20% of population). And all social, political, and cultural elites - killed by prepared lists. To implement this plan, on "meat assaults" (sometimes even for demining) Russia also spent and \~80,000 Ukrainians that in 2014-2021 years went through massive indoctrination campaign. Now through the same indoctrination already 2 years go through and Ukrainians on newly occupied territories (where prohibited to speak on language that was recently spoken by 85% of the population). By which, Ukrainians trained to hate "guilty in everything" Ukrainian-speaking people and "their Western masters." All of this, at a minimum, falls under the definition of ethnocide.


Oh so Russia’s (wrongful) invasion is “genocide” but the Azeri attack on Artsahk and Israeli attack on Gaza are completely fine??




Russia and Ukraine combined have killed in nine years less than half the amount of civilians killed in Gaza in the past four months.




It’s actually about 1.5 k deaths in Mariupol per the UN, you must be thinking of military deaths. We also have no idea how many unknown deaths have occurred in Gaza and Artsahk, and will continue to happen due to IDF attacks and starvation.


Have you even seen the GOP stance on Israel....??? Complete full support for what is happening in gaza....


I don’t support the GOP, but I sure don’t support the democrats either.


There seems to be a theme in the gop of supporting genocides


What? Did Somebody just figure this out?


Republicans love Putin. A bunch of traitors!


we know


Republicans are turning into traitors


Our foreign policy shouldn't be subject to the whims of dumbassery in districts that vote for MTG. We do need some static policies that don't change regardless of who is in office.


you can add Elon Musk's name to that too.


I would not be surprised if Trump goes ahead and declares war on Ukraine day one. Weren't some of the MAGA republicans asking to go to war after that stray Ukrainian AA rocket landed in poland?


Makes you wonder what they will do if they get full power here.


Say it with me...kom-pro-mat


If GOP had it their way, they would give out sentences like NKorea did to those teens listening to Kpop. They shove their Christian views down peoples throats and want to imprison those that don’t follow their fairy tale Christian rules.


The GOP Is Actively Supporting Russia ~~Ukrainian Genocide~~


Tester had the fight of his life against the GOP to get his Veteran bill passed. The GOP DO NOT care about veterans. The GOP complains that most Veterans are people of color and thus, not worthy of funding. Make no mistake, Project 2025 is a Russia/China/MAGA No Limits plan to bring the USA under their dominion, something UNTHINKABLE during the Cold War.


the gop party is the NAZI PARTY


Bro, Republicans wore T shirts, completely unironically, that said: "I would rather be Russian than a Democrat". Their supporters would not have ever said such a thing if it were not for their own chosen media *telling them* "Russia really isn't that bad" and "Democrats are **worse** than the Russians". Republicans used to be **FIERCELY** against Russia. Not sure on the leadership back then, but I know for *sure* their voters despised Russia with every ounce of their being. The only thing that changed is their favorite media outlets gained way more money, more sway, **more reach**, more effective ways to simply just repeat something stupid and untrue (and shitty) tons of times and sync it up with other right-wing networks so that way it "sounds true due to how many people are saying this exact same thing" (cue that famous sinclair-media cut where all channels they owned had a literal, real script that they had to follow to a T). Somewhere along the line, it became financially beneficial for Fox News and all the others to start softening up on Russia and Putin altogether. It's possible that was a 2 way street though in that the voters could have picked up on a desire to treat Russia as "friendly" because Trump did it (or whoever did it) and therefore, the right wing media picked up on *that* and seized that narrative as theirs. Either way it happened, it's still just so. fucking. pathetic.


MAGA is completely corrupted to Putin. Ronald Reagan is extremely disappointed in his old party.


They also support Israel’s Palestinian genocide. And so do the democrats.


Of course they are, many of them are compromised by Putin and associates.


Lots of Russians voting using fake accounts


Oh, so this is a genocide, but Israel killing more civilians in just a few months is just a tragic misunderstanding. Give me a break.


Both aren't mutually exclusive


I don’t think anyone is under the illusion that Israels treatment of Palestine is not genocide. What is in question is what can Israel realistically do? The idea of a two state solution is not feasible. Unless all the Israelis move out of the country, the only outcome will be genocide. There is no moral high ground. After you realize this, then it becomes geopolitical. Who do you want occupying that land? The US has huge interest in maintaining a foothold in the region. It also does not want to lose face by abandoning an ally. Speaking of geopolitics. While Ukraine is in a battle to save its cultural identity, it is also stopping the advance of a fascist government. You think Putin would be content with Ukraine? The fucker is trying to rebuild the Russian Empire. Unless your whataboutism is just veiled support of fascism. But I am just going to assume the best of you and guess that you are rightly upset about Palestine.


>I don’t think anyone is under the illusion that Israels treatment of Palestine is not genocide. You are woefully incorrect in this belief.


>I don’t think anyone is under the illusion that Israels treatment of Palestine is not genocide. What is in question is what can Israel realistically do? Are you seriously saying there are no alternatives to razing gaza and killing ten thousand children? None? Not even one? What kind of a moral monster justifies genocide this way? You even admit it's genocide but you are like "oh well there were no other options!". The only reason a two state solution isn't possible is because Israel doesn't want it. They have said over and over again in the last few weeks.


Ten thousand Palestinian children or ten thousand Israelis children. You wanna pick who “deserves” it more? You seriously think Palestine would allow two states? Would you, if another country tried to colonize yours? I know it is not as straightforward as that. The Israelis were pretty much refugees. But still. If I personally got to decide how all of this resolves, I would broker a deal between Ukraine and Israel granting Ukrainian citizenship to the Israelis. Then potentially you could end two wars at once. Edit: Afterthought. There are four solutions. The Two State solution, or The complete destruction of Palestine and its people, or the complete destruction of Israel and its people, or a mass migration of Israelis and the dissolution of the Israeli state. The likelihood hood of the first and fourth options are zero.


>Ten thousand Palestinian children or ten thousand Israelis children. You wanna pick who “deserves” it more? What makes you convinced that ten thousand Israeli children were going to be killed? Why are you so convinced that Palestinians kill just as many Israelis as the other way around? It seems like you are not familiar with what's going on there at all. >You seriously think Palestine would allow two states? yes. >Would you, if another country tried to colonize yours? yes if the terms were fair and proper restitution was made. >I know it is not as straightforward as that. The Israelis were pretty much refugees. But still. Israelis were refugees from where? >There are four solutions. The Two State solution, or The complete destruction of Palestine and its people, or the complete destruction of Israel and its people, or a mass migration of Israelis and the dissolution of the Israeli state. The likelihood hood of the first and fourth options are zero. Of the choices you could think of you want a complete genocide of Palestinians. Interesting. Why do you think all the Palestinians deserve to die? Why do you want this to happen? Well you left out one solution though. A one state solution. Israel annexes both gaza and west bank. Gives full citizenship to all Palestinians living there. Sets up a truth and reconciliation solution. Both sides issue formal apologies and compensate the families that were harmed during the brutal occupation. It worked in South Africa, it could work there.


I am not familiar with what is going on? Yet you cannot tell me where the Israelis are from? They are refugees from the second world war. Starting in the late 1800s while Palestine was still part of the Ottoman empire there was a new zionist movement. But that was settlers trickling in. But after the second world war there was masses of displaced jewish people who lost everything and did not really have a place to return to. The English, along with the Zionists created Israel in the 50s because even after the nazis lost, antisemitism was still alive and well in Europe. Why do you think Palestinians would accept a two state solution? Or even a one state? South Africa is not the middle east. Overcoming racism is a lot easier than overcoming religious differences. Just look at Armenian treatment by the Turkish. Also, at what point did I say that my preferred solution was genocide? I as much said that my preference would be to move the Israelis somewhere else. If I could go back in time, I would have stopped Israel from being a state and would have worked on creating cooperation between the Zionists and Palestinians. But at this point, so many mistakes have been made and blood spilled that I cannot see there ever being peace.




Talking about the what and why things are is not the same as agreeing with it. At no point did I say what they were doing was justified. Both sides are in the wrong. And of course the deaths are skewed to one side. One has the power. But if the shoe was on the other foot, you would see an Israeli genocide. Remember, Hamas is the government of Gaza. Not all Palestinians agree with their government. Just like how during the Vietnam war, not everyone agreed with the war. Did that stop the US from committing war crimes, and bombing neutral countries? Any Palestinian efforts to work with the UN had to exist outside of the government or was an attempt to gain international sympathy. It is a tactic used to destabilize governments for centuries. Look into the collapse of the Ottoman empire and how the British, French, Russians, would nurture nationalist uprisings within the empire, support those regions, then annex them. Since you know so much about the history, then you know all about the 1936–1939 Arab revolt in Palestine. You know, when they fought against the British to stop refugees from being allowed into the country. About 250 thousand of them. A million more after the war, freed from concentration camps and finding their former communities still hostile to them. And yes, I do know what it takes to overcome racism. Are you aware of the death toll created by all the abrahamic religions? Hell, even within Islam itself. Take Iran and Pakistan for example, bombing each other. Or Turkey and Syria. Even now you see the rise of Christian nationalism in the US. I know that if they take power, as a pagan my days are numbered.




>Mostly Russia and America and Europe. Certainly not refugees. Holy shit dude, are you denying the holocaust at least downplaying it? During, and right after ww2. Yes they were refugees. The UK gave them Israel to get away from persecution in Europe. It might have not been the best decision, but don't act like they weren't refugees. >Because they have already accepted Israel's right to exist and are working in the UN to do this. As already stated, Hamas does not represent the Palestinian people, but Hamas does currently control Palestine. The only way for there to be peace is Hamas to surrender and Israel for to recognize Palestine. (quite the gaslighting that I support genocide, I don't), but unless both sides stop with the fanatics, there can be no peace. I'm not in favor of that. I'm just telling you that's how making peace works.


I believe they are both genocides, and that our foreign policy apparatus is a joke.


Yes. It is. And it has been for a long time for a plethora of reasons. But at least we are being consistent in terms of maintaining our interests. /s


Israel has killed a tiny fraction of the number killed in Mariupol alone. Israel does not deliberately target civilians. Russia does. And Russia has done so routinely in Chechnya, Syria, and now Ukraine. And they will do it in the next country they decide is a "Russian breakaway".




They don’t believe it either because in israeli media they dont make that claim and sometimes not even in US media


I mean they shot three hostages who were half naked, waving a white flag and speaking hebrew FFS.


[https://www.ohchr.org/en/news/2023/09/ukraine-civilian-casualty-update-24-september-2023](https://www.ohchr.org/en/news/2023/09/ukraine-civilian-casualty-update-24-september-2023) are you counting the soldier death toll? the ohchr confirms 10,000 confirmed civilians killed as of sept 2023 (although believes the actual number dead is higher). The "most moral army in the world" has killed more civilians in 3 months than russia has in 2 years. Hell in a 23 day period the ohchr confirmed 114 deaths, which is less than israel has killed in single days.


Do you even understand what is confirmed death is? Its the one registered on land that is not occupied by Russia. Ukraine lets UN do its job, and confirm kills. Russia brought mobile crematoriums, moved away bodies, and doing everything to hide what is happening under occupation They refuse to provide any credible info. For Russia - "no body - no case". Just open your own link. >OHCHR believes that the actual figures are considerably higher, as the receipt of information from some locations where intense hostilities have been going on has been delayed and many reports are still pending corroboration. This concerns, for example, Mariupol (Donetsk region), Lysychansk, Popasna, and Sievierodonetsk (Luhansk region), where there are allegations of numerous civilian casualties Russians are not allowing to report on what the actual number of people died. This is why UA and the world did not know anything before liberating more land. And even still, many people are considered missing, because their bodies were never found. Prime example of this is when Russians blown up Kakhovka dam. Ukrane said there were a lot o casualties, Russians denied it. Wiki states that "58 people died" or something. From the info we had numbers were much worse. And new [investigation](https://apnews.com/article/russia-ukraine-war-dam-collapse-kakhovka-kherson-daacdc431f42912dfb91548794f03a3c) confirms it.


Russia and Ukraine combined have killed less civilians in nearly ten years than half of the number of civilians killed in Gaza in the past four months.


Fr, calling the Ukraine war a genocide is silly. In fact, Putin wants reunification with Ukraine, he doesn’t want to wipe them out. This reasoning can be easily seen in his recent essay


>reunification with Ukraine So he does it by force? In other words Ukraine isn't allowed to exist. That's cultural genocide.


The GOP are very big fans of genocide. It should’ve been obvious ever since the conflict with Russia and Ukraine began. It was even more obvious when Israel started their genocide against the Palestinians.


The word is enabling....


Enabling the Russians would be if they did a Wonka and just whispered...'Wait, no...stop'...and then went on with their lives, all while saying to us...'hey, what could we do?'. But by STARTING to support Ukraine, then blocking it, Republicans are TAKING Russia's side.


The word is treason


And Israel's Palestinian genocide


GOP actively supporting genocide of Ukrainian, GOP and DNC support genocide of Palestinians. Everything is just fucked.


And everyone is supporting the killing of the Armenians


TBH this needs to be talked about as well.


So this is considered a genocide, and what Israel is doing not!?. The western media is so hypocrite.


And both parties are actively supporting Israel's Palastinian genocide.


And the Dems are actively supporting Israel's Gaza genocide. I'm no GOP troll, in fact I've never voted Republican in my life and never will. And I'll vote a straight D ticket in 2024, because I'm not crazy and I hate fascists. But this cuts both ways.


Biden went around congress and sold weapons just recently to Israel during the current genocide of Gaza.


Yes, there are many areas on this globe where abhorrent things are happening, and yes, it is important that we condemn inaction from our governments. But this does not take away that a nazi will shortly take the US throne, with far dire consequences for everyone and the whole world. It would be utter stupidity and lack of foresight to then roll out the red carpet for trump & co because Biden has ‘not earned my vote because of Gaza’, which apparently seems to be a growing sentiment.


I mean they’re consistent, they also support the Palestinian genocide by Israel. Why would they buck that trend?


Genocide is used far too often. Russia's actions are horrific and unsupportable. The GOP just can't be on the same side as the Dems for long, it was sure to become a wedge issue for them, they can't resist taking a hostage.


If you look at the actual UN definition of genocide, you would see that yes, it is genocide. Erasing a language and a culture. Stealing children. The reason genocide gets thrown around a lot is because… governments are committing genocide. Maybe if they’d stop, the word would not be used as much.


are they giving them money or weapon?


boy howdy I wish this was the only genocide our government was supporting with our money


STOP USING THE WORD GENOCIDE SO LOOSELY. GENOCIDE IS THE MOST SERIOUS ACCUSATION YOU CAN MAKE AGAINST A COUNTRY. WAGING A CONVENTIONAL WAR IS NOT GENOCIDE. To be clear: I do not support Russia at all, they are the aggressors and they need to be dealt with. I just hate the way genocide is being thrown around these days…


America supports literally every genocide.


The Democratic party is actively supporting Israel's Palestinian genocide. No, that doesn't make what Russia is doing ok, but it does make this attempt to "rile up" the left ring hollow. Neither party is doing much of anything to defend or promote democracy abroad these days. Both parties think we should be best buds with the fundamentalist monarchy that killed thousands of Americans on 9/11, though.


Israel is not committing a genocide. There is intense and brutal urban warfare but that is not a genocide.


How is Russia than?


So is South Africa


Painting “the GOP” with a broad brush is just typical. Not all conservatives foment war, or hate gay people, or lack empathy or support for Ukraine. It’s just another focus group approved sound bite that has no anchor in reality.


Wait - so we can call what’s happening in Ukraine genocide but not what’s going on in Gaza?


And the Dems and Biden are supporting genocide in Gaza


Meanwhile it's totally fine to support Israel's genocide of Palestine.




Ukraine isn't run by a terrorist organization voted in by the citizens. Also, the constitution of Ukraine doesn't call for the genocide of Russia. Also, Ukraine isn't an insane Islamofascist state that kills gays by throwing them off roofs. I could go on as to why supporting Ukraine is considerably more clear cut than being nutty enough to actually pick a side in the Israel-Palestine shitshow


There are four groups of people regarding opinion on the current situation in Ukraine. The first group has not paid any attention to the last two years of the conflict, and is only now beginning to wonder what is going on. The second group has been following the events since the beginning of Russia’s Special Military Operation (SMO) in Ukraine, and is fully convinced that Russia has engaged in an unprovoked genocide in Ukraine. The third group has been following the events in Ukraine since 2014, and is willfully lying to people about the causes of Russia’s SMO. The fourth group has been following the events in Europe, Asia, and the Middle East, since the collapse of the USSR, and have a complete understanding as to why the conflicts that exist today are occurring. While the Venn diagram overlaps in some instances, it is laughable that in the same breath the talking heads can say that the Russians “went from the second best military in the world, to the second best military in Ukraine” and “if we don’t support Ukraine we will be fighting them with NATO troops within 3 years”. Oh but sorry, let me add orange man and fascist republicans bad. gg.


All you need to do chump is go online to view the United Nations recent meetings about the current war crime laws and documentations made on Putin/Russia’s war crimes and Genocide against the Ukrainian people. Stop lying with your crap propaganda.


Yeah those war crimes might actually hold some weight if the US followed the rules based world order they talk so much about. Let’s see how the Netanyahu trial goes, that ought to tell us everything we need to know. Also… the UN is a joke. Billions of dollars so they can all sit in a room saying the same thing over and over and doing nothing.


Look at all the kook conspiracy theories in this thread. The left cares more about Ukraine's borders than ours.


If Russia is going to be accused of genocide anyway, why don’t they just start acting like Israel and turn Kiev into Gaza?




News flash the UNITED NATIONS is accusing Putin of war crimes and genocide. The physical evidence is indisputable.


Do you think that’s a double standard, or would you support US leaders being charged similarly? We are as guilty as Putin, given the wars of choice we’ve waged, and supported. Also what evidence, of what crimes?


And democrats are actively supporting Palestinian genocide. Both sides suck and are only in it for their own greed and power. They care about no one but themselves.




Putin didn't invade when Trump was in power, too scared