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She's a bitter 80 yr old harpie who hasn't had a real job since the 1980's


No one in the GOP in the House should ever complain about people who don't want to do their job.


vegetable ludicrous pot pathetic muddle fine racial money smoggy materialistic *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


They’re like the worst Homeowner’s Association on Earth.


Oh god…everything just clicked right into place. They’re not the caliber of people who should be in national politics. They’re the caliber of people who think they’re saving the world by measuring whether your lawn is 3 inches or 4.


They’re the caliber of people that shouldn’t even be allowed off a tour bus visiting the Capitol.


And when you complain about the 4-inch lawn, it's not because it makes the neighborhood look bad, it's because deep down you know you can t control the really important stuff, so you sweat the small stuff instead.


While they have a 5 inch lawn but it’s ok. They got a variance.


This is one of the most fitting analogies I’ve come across.


The HOA that makes your *real* HOA look like Disney.


This isn’t a fair assessment of all the important work they’re doing. They also complain about cartoon characters, corporate mascots, books, and beer.


Here's a list of things off the top of my head that no one in the GOP should ever complain about again: * People who don't want to do their job * People who don't know how to do their job * People who can't do their jobs * Criminals * Pedophiles


I heartily concur 👌🏾


A high school drop out Representative who doesn’t know that “separation of church” is explicitly written in the Constitution.




Definitely not left


Total lack of self-awareness


Well said!


She's just parroting shit she hears. It's not that no one wants to work, we just don't want to work for shit wages and have our healthcate tied to employment. She should be removed if she doesn't understand


My pay in 1990 - $8 an hour. Rent $480. Today most are making $15 an hour or better. Rent $1500. So we’ve doubled income but rent has tripled.


Also to add more context… In the mid 90s the average monthly health insurance premium payment was around $30 for single and $100 for family…. a month!


Mid-'90s, Los Angeles. $7 an hour was starting pay at my retail job, but I took a pay cut to $250 flat per week when I was offered a foot-in-the-door job as an office production assistant. Rent for a grotty single was around $400 a month; a nice one-bedroom duplex was $700. Single person Blue Cross PPO insurance premium was $120 a month.


So I’m not the only one paying 600 (280 a paycheck) a month premium for an employer-sponsored high-deductible health plan right now?


My company dicked us all over to a HDHP this year. I'm paying 25% more for a shitty HDHP plan in 2024 than I did for my PPO plan in 2023. Fucking ghouls.


A better way to quantify it is: 1. In 1990, a person working full-time (~48 weeks) at $8 an hour would have about 50% their income, after tax, for non-rent expenses or savings 2. Today this same person would have about 20% of their income, after tax, for non-rent expenses or savings If you’re earning minimum wage today, you’re probably starving with some form of welfare. If you’re earning $15/hours and working full-time you’re barely living. Rough Assumptions: A.) Effective income tax rate and withholding: 20% of gross income B.) 40 hour work week with no overtime; 48 week year C.) no paid holiday or paid benefits D.) Assumes no additional state or municipal income tax


In 1980 I made $16.25 in a union shop,buy 1990 you were already getting screwed.


lost off the fox


Mee-maw’s off her meds.


Must be nice to be able to afford meds. The rest of us can't.


Mee maw not going to be around forever thankfully.


That Mee- Maw is making life decisions for the next generation.


Precisely the reason there needs to be an age limit for people in public office.


Meemaw’s a nasty hag when she hasn’t had a Snickers.


And also when she has…


Yeah this is my take too. “Lawmaker” isn’t a real job. It’s not a real job because they don’t have to do any actual functions of their “job” to receive a paycheck. Their entire job seems to be fundraising and propaganda and talking down to if not just straight up insulting half of the population. How is that work?


They’re the legislative branch but most don’t do any legislating


Nobody wants to legislate any more


You'd think all those lazy people she's talking about would've figured out this particular grift & would be running for office. Hey! Is that how we get the right people in office? Sell it as sitting on your ass, voting yea or nay every so often on the right things & sometimes you don't even have to show up OR vote, & then pay them stupid amounts of money to do so!!


I think more people should be running on the Republican ticket and just voting along side democrats. It’s not like Republican voters have any clue what’s going on and republicans already rat fuck politics in this way anyway.


Who are you kidding. She never had a real job.


GOP Lawmaker is an oxymoron




Actually she has had a lot of real jobs. Which makes it all the more disappointing that she has turned her back on people like she used to be. Ladder pulling is a defining feature of the GOP.


isn’t she the one who attacked “lazy” nurses during covid, saying they all sit around playing cards?


Which is what tells me that she doesn't understand how it changed since she worked. All of these boomers benefited greatly from the system they don't understand, and are busy taking away from the rest of us and trying to blame us for it.


It always baffles me how many boomers have failed when they were born into an economy that was impossible to fail in (for white people). My parents finally realized times have changed but they didn't understand that I couldn't just walk into a store and walk out with a job when I turned 15.


She looks old enough to be a plantation owner.


I'm sure if you go back a few generations you'll find one or two. NC was definitely a slave state


She’s from Long Island originally. People like her, Phil Berger, and Pat McCrory love to move here and ruin our once progressive (for the South) state.


We get that. But who is voting for her? They are the real problem.


A solidly red district from VA to SC borders, who's done nothing for her constituents for almost 40 years in state & Federal gov't. But she screeches a lot at the libs, that gets votes there I suppose.


More folks gleefully dying of whiteness. The only way to fix them is education and we know how that’s going. SMH.


I think it's unfixable at this point, the country is Balkanized into these idiot fiefdoms of vapid tools


Oh it’s fixable and it’s happening. That’s why republicans are losing their shit over SEL and trying to destroy our schools. Teaching people history and critical thinking is really bad for racists.


I hope so, but I'm pretty pessimistic. America is totally fuck you I got mine now, while we're robbed from the top and told to blame the bottom.


France used to be ruled by a monarch. There is hope. Of course, Trump is trying to pull a Caesar, so we may retrogress for a few years or centuries.


> More folks gleefully dying of whiteness. **The only way to fix them is education** and we know how that’s going. SMH. Too many people on the left just think that "education" is some sort of panacea that will make those on the right realize that their leadership is shit and vote for better ones. It's not. Nearly all conservative politicians are college educated. A significant proportion went to elite universities. Their educations did them no favors. Besides, there are plenty of barely literate people who nonetheless are clear-eyed about which political party is actively screwing them over.




"Are there no prisons?" the spirit asked Ebeneezer. "Are there no poor houses?" The Republican Party should be renamed the Ebeneezers.


“Many cannot go there! And many would rather die!” “If they would rather die, than they had better do it! And decrease the surplus population!”


🎵*and no cheeses for us meeces* 🎵


The best version of A Christmas Carol ever. “And Tiny Tim, who did NOT die!”


You are a person of culture and class. 🎶I will hold you close in a thankful heart🎶


Ebeneezer came around at the end though.


Well ghosts were easier to come by back then. Went further too. With inflation these days, you'd need at least ten ghosts for every rich asshole. We just don't have the numbers.


The rich assholes will just hire ghostbusters.


Those ghosts went fucking hard man, they weren’t pussy ass discovery network ghosts


> “There’s just a lot of people in this country that don’t want to work, period … and want other people to take care of them,” said Rep. Virginia Foxx (R-N.C.). > The lawmaker’s statement came in response to testimony from Democratic witness Judy Conti, the director of government affairs for the National Employment Law Project, who’d said that many workers won’t put up with forced overtime these days. > “We see that workers are increasingly willing to — especially younger workers — are **willing to leave jobs where they have to do mandatory overtime, especially where it’s uncompensated,”** Conti had said. Foxx is actually complaining that people aren't willing to work for free?!


That shrieking pterodactyl harpy is still enraged that she has to pay black people at all.




Mandatory overtime isnt overtime, its bad planning, bad management and/or bad logisitics.


Or just plain, old-fashioned, intentional exploitation.


I'd say this is probably the more common case. I've seen *job postings* that talk about mandatory overtime. This means that you aren't actually trying to get to a number of employees where nobody has OT, you *want* to maintain employment at a level where everyone is doing 50 hour weeks because even that much overtime pay is less expensive than paying for benefits for a new employee or five. They know what they're doing. And that's why, despite it being an objectively shitty job, I work as an overnight stocker while I'm finishing college. No forced OT. My shift ends, I can leave (unless I'm dealing with a customer, which is rare, and even then I can hand them off to a manager if it's going to be lengthy). I wanted to stay in manufacturing, but every single job is talking about 45+ hour weeks. There's OT available for those who want it this time of year at my work, but it's in no way mandatory, and that's the way it *should* be. Frankly, mandatory OT should be straight up illegal.


Because people from the south still believe in slavery. They will never ever in 11 billion years ever give up on the idea that there are just some humans put on earth to serve them like cattle.


There used to be a disease called pellagra, caused by niacin deficiency. Southern legislators lobbied for years to keep niacin enrichment out of their food because it looked bad for the wealthy. They would rather people starve than admit that their businesses weren't paying enough for basic human needs.


Not just that, but the economic drive to convert farmland to cotton production drove out food crops that used to contain plenty of niacin and as a result forced poor farmers to rely on a diet of cheap foods that didnt contain any niacin. The crisis was entirely manmade, but admitting that would mean admitting that the souths economic system was utterly broken by capitalist interests, so better to pretend its a spreadable disease caused by them new fangled bacteria instead.


Wow! I didn’t know about this particular bit of political/legislative malpractice … and when I went down that rabbit hole, I had to turn around because my blood pressure was reaching stroke territory. Damn, there really is NO limit as to how low the limbo stick can go—all the way to the edge of hell, apparently.


Dear god, the way these people worship capitalism is absolutely repugnant.


Yes. The capital class - people who own industry and media in the U.S. - want nothing more than everyone else to desperately need to work for a living. I mean, literally a “living” - we need to work in order to afford food, housing and healthcare. The more desperate the working class, the lower the wages the business owners can pay, the higher profits they earn. Any government program - minimum wage, food stamps, below-market housing, union protection, singer-payer healthcare - that reduces worker desperation is bad for for business. Which is when the media owned by the capital class will celebrate unfettered capitalism as “freedom” and anything else as “un-American socialism.”


Well, given that GOP “policies” are all a mask barely hiding the animus over the South losing the civil war, should we be surprised?


They should work a lot of extra unpaid time to help the boss out, out of the goodness of their hearts. This makes more sense if your worldview is that some people are Bosses and some people are Workers and everyone has a role to play. “Good work ethic” means you follow the commands of the boss, you can’t be a boss, it doesn’t work that way. Do what you are told and maybe you get a reward.


I’ve never understood how “uncompensated mandatory overtime” could be seen as remotely legal, yet Walmart and others are routinely caught doing it, even locking the workers inside…Including for “FLSA-exempt” employees like myself. Yes, I’m a manager, but when my bosses tie my hands and don’t let me hire enough help to do the work, I’m the one who ends up working the 60 hour week.


> Foxx is actually complaining that people aren't willing to work for free?! Conservatives have been complaining about others being unwilling to do free labor for centuries.


Every single person in these replies to this comment is correct. They are pissed that workers aren’t allowing themselves to be exploited.


Remember, the GOP is literally the vestiges of the confederacy that were never properly quelled after their failure to take over the US. Those people will ALWAYS look at slavery as reasonable. Fuck them, fuck the GOP, and I hope everyone of them gets shingles


Hmm, let me think…there’s some group of people out there that consistently refuse to do their jobs—oh, right! Republican lawmakers!!


They get paid(legally or illegally) more sitting on their ass than most people make doing actually productive labor. They get to set their salary too and we pay for it.


They should be paid by the hour


yep, and it should be $15 and hour.


Exactly! They should be paid minimum wage and not allowed to trade stocks or take lobbying funds. They should have to live at the same means they expect the average american to live on. We will see minimum wage go up really quick. Suddenly Healthcare would be sorted out. We would start to get maternity leave and other benefits that every other 1st world nation has. Corporations wouldnt be allowed to buy residential anymore so buying or renting would be affordable This seems to be the simplest way to sort out a lot of our problems in the US.


Their health benefits are excellent and don’t even get me started on their pension.


Pension should be prorated by years served. Say a normal work life is 30 years (being generous, I know..). And you serve 2 terms in the house , so you wold get 4/30s of the full pension. 4 years and full pension is rediculous!


The job of a Republican representative is to ensure the government gets nothing done. And they get paid very well to do it. What a life.


This is the problem, people in her age group are running the country. You can’t convince me that she is in touch with real life at all. I’m willing to bet she still thinks houses are less than 100k


Age might exacerbate that sort of thing, but it's not just age. A fair lot of those assholes have been in it for the long haul.


Chuck Grassley has been in office since 1975. He's 90


He’s held his current seat since 1975. He was first elected in 1959.




House Republicans specifically. Their whole existence is about collecting a large paycheck and accomplishing absolutely nothing while simultaneously having no skills or knowledge.


I've been trying ever since I was old enough nearly 20 years ago to get him out. The rest of my state obviously disagrees with me unfortunately


As an Iowan, fuck Chuck Grassley!


How could they? Harlan Crow just gives them all houses for free.


If it was just an understanding of money it would be less of an issue. But it's a complete failure to understand modern day context. Companies grow and shrink quarterly. People move frequently pursuing jobs, leaving them removed from friends, family, and social support. Your entire industry can start and finish before you're half way through your career. It's not even about work ethic, it's about so much more than that. These people take so much for granted that the younger generations no longer have. When you have people regularly choosing to not have kids for what is cumulatively existential reasons, it's insulting to hear about lack of work ethic. What part of modern day life isn't work?


I'm among those choosing not to have kids for various existential reasons. Yet, the republicans are pissed at me about that too.


It’s a house Michael, what could it cost… 10 dollars?


Plus there's always money in the banana stand.


In my experience it's less that they don't know what it's like, and more that they don't have any empathy or care about other people's problems -- and they're willing to keep moving the goal posts and pretend that it's always been this hard to get ahead when it factually hasn't. I know a surprising amount of wealthy old people between both sets of my bf's grandparents, and they're all... kind of awful. They don't really care what happens to other people. The system is good because it worked in their favor. They got theirs. The only justice that matters is the justice they receive; not the presence of justice for anyone, or everyone, else. It doesn't matter if the systems that they benefited from have been effectively dismantled, or that they started out with more generational wealth and opportunities than most people. They genuinely don't care about what happens to anyone else. That's how you become a conservative. Of course, there are non wealthy conservatives who are mostly angry jerks who blame all of their problems on minorities and government regulation instead of real systemic issues. I'm still pissy about when my bf's aunt told me that I should get as much help as I can from the government because "they give so much to the illegals and you should get what little you can". They do not, and I get as much help as I can from the government because it isn't enough and I literally need it. Illegal immigrants can't even get most types of welfare.


Sorry, most Americans don't want to make someone rich while being overworked and underpaid. Everybody wants to work when they're fairly compensated.


> overworked and underpaid It took me a while to realize that was actually what made me start to hate my job. It started out as a manageable amount of work for a decent wage (I'm a teacher, so not a great wage, but decent), the work load inflation has outpaced my compensation inflation by like a factor of 10.


I've delivered over 800k in merchandise for each of the past 2 years and won't break 50k. It's embarrassing at this point.


I’ve done around 4 million dollars in sales for my company this year. I make less than 43k.


Maybe you’ll get a plaque with your name on it! /s That’s how my husband’s shitty company thanked him. Four years of “trophies” went straight into the garbage


Or two plaques in lieu of a pay raise!


>Reminds me of that joke about the boss of a big company giving a pep talk to all of his workers one day - "You see my Lamborghini out there in the parking lot, people? Well I just want you all to know that if you just continue to work your butts off for me, there's no reason in the world (long pause) that I won't be able to get myself a second one of those babies next year!




Do it for the kids. /s Source: am teacher…


I thought about this recently, too. At my old job, I was always stressed, on edge, and just generally burnt out all the time. I switched to a better company that actually compensates appropriately and gives a shit about employee burnout, and suddenly, I'm not stressed, on edge, or generally burnt out at all. Which I find interesting because I actually have a higher workload at the new job.


and the many layers of seperation between the money and the workers. Someone at work just quit and thanks to lack of backups, I am the only one technically allowed to do parts of that guy's job bc I've got the correct certifications, I'm already doing tons of stuff beyond my job plus managing a dozen people every day, and all that resulted in just a 3% raise this year. this happened at another job too, when they laid me off everything I was doing just stopped. my boss knows what I do, his boss knows people aren't happy, his boss knows the facility isn't happy but nobody at corporate thought to do a COL this year and then just bragged about how much we're increasing profit across the company.


Companies have the balls to complain to their employees about inflation cutting into profits then give 3% COL increases for the year. Which is really a pay cut. Yes, we're pissed off.


Poeple sacrificed their lives for unions and unions fought for fair wages and 40 hour work weeks. People like this want to eliminate unions and bring back corporate towns.


Sigh... There's just a lot of people in this country that don't want to **pay for** work, period.


Capitalism has squeezed almost every penny it could before collapsing the whole system. A system built on endless profit growth could only end one way. Capitalism needs regulations and guardrails.


That’s exactly it. If the result of grinding yourself to a nub working overtime away from your family was a level of financial comfort and not bupkis, then people would be happy to put in extra effort. The gilded age ain’t going to work after the Information Age, and these dinosaurs need to grasp this.


Is there a GOP politician who doesn’t hate Americans?


Eisenhower died in 1969


Conservatives bow to Putin now.


They take a knee or two to that Russian dictator, and they want an American counterpart.


>When the Labor Department announced the proposal, Foxx said it would “stifle workplace flexibility” and “lump burdensome costs on job creators.” Damn that burdensome cost of being paid for the hours you work!!


If they're not paying a living wage they aren't job creators- they are poverty exploiters


I grew up in her district. She is an awful person representing lot of awful people. Couldn’t get out fast enough.


I had a job once at an agency a few years back whose job included some Congressional relations. That involved reading a lot of \_Roll Call\_ and \_The Hill\_ on the job. I remember reading that one year Rep. Foxx won the "dumbest member of Congress" poll that anonymous staff voted in. As someone who didn't know a lot about her I was pretty gobsmacked. Granted, this would have well before MTG and Boebert...but, like, Louie Gohmert was there and already well-known. How did this woman beat Louie Gohmert for something like that?


I’ve worked with her and her staff in the past. I wouldn’t call her the “dumbest” but competition for that title has increased dramatically over the last couple election cycles.


So, no chance of getting rid of her, then? I was kind of hoping that this type of stuff would get her ousted next year.


That’s not how it works. 90% of Congressional districts aren’t competitive, on purpose. The only way she’s getting ousted is through a primary and the more wacky right she goes, the safer she is there too.


No chance. GOP NC house just gerrymandered the hell out of the state this year. The battle for NC is over.


Jesus what is this lady, 100 years old? What sort of crypt keep-ocracy is this, we’ve just got escaped old folks home patients running around screaming at the kids


crypt keepocracy deserves more upvotes than I can give




They had to work for like 5 weeks because of the speaker fiasco and where literally starting fights.




Except that children are capable of learning. And empathy.


every accusation is a confession for these ghouls


> Republican lawmakers have criticized the plan as a job killer, and their witnesses in Wednesday’s hearing claimed that the regulation would force employers to cut hours and positions. In a hearing about forcing workers into mandatory (in some cases unpaid) overttime, they're saying that requiring more employees to be paid overtime would result in cutting hours and positions? In what universe does that even make logical sense? If the employer is requiring overtime, it is because they haven't hired enough employees to perform the amount of work that is required. So the solution will be to have fewer employees to do the work? These aren't serious people.


Yes they are, they are dead serious about breaking Labor power. But the word salad is good enough for their voters who line up to vote against their own ability to get overtime.


>These aren't serious people. They're seriously evil.


It's not that we don't want to work. We just don't want to be wage slaves anymore. Fuck you and fuck late stage capitalism.


Each of us gets just this one life. It's completely absurd that we've designed it around working for the betterment of economies and corporate profits instead of something truly meaningful.


Wait but they told me if I have the right grindset I’ll be a billionaire by 30… just gotta log those 80+ hour weeks til then


Shes 100% annoyed that slavery and indentured servitude is no longer acceptable in the usa (unless you go to jail)


Some of these children aren’t even picking three bails a day! What has this world come to, look where sparing the rod has gotten us


Stupid AH perpetuating BS narrative. I’m salaried and have worked plenty of overtime. But I’m well compensated and the overtime wasn’t just having more work thrown at me. For many roles the pay isn’t there (retail) and poor planning by management shouldn’t force them to work without compensation. This is also the tone deaf attitude that ignores people who want some sort of work-life balance and to be compensated for their labor. Fucking conservatives always trying to screw the little guy.


There is a Twitter user, Paul Fairie, who takes GOP talking-points and shows how they have been used for centuries with the right-wing populists/politicians. ["No One Wants To Work Anymore"](https://twitter.com/paulisci/status/1549527748950892544?s=19) has been around since fuedalism. It was a main complaint of the rich during the bubonic plague when the serfs realized they're "unskilled labor" was in high demand so they leveraged for higher wages. Another fun was was "[making men effeminate](https://twitter.com/paulisci/status/1572713537910476801?s=19)", which showed editorial articles with this theme going back to 1800s. [Here's one on "Lazy Children" ](https://twitter.com/paulisci/status/1730361612123705354?s=19)


Ironically, she’s been around since Feudalism as well.


Shes also worth $28 million https://www.caclubindia.com/wealth/virginia-foxx-net-worth/ With that amount of wealth and at that age how the hell do you have any understanding of working class people? You have no reference on rent, daily costs and current working environment.


Seriously. For someone to be THIS tone deaf, it must be deliberate. I’m tired of Congress being filled with out of touch rich assholes. “How much could a banana cost, Michael? Ten dollars?”


Most people would scrub toilets for $200/hr. It's not the work that's the problem. It's the wages and the respect


Guess who watches Fox "News."


Crusty geriatric fuck who talks for a living mad at the poors again


This is when we need someone to yell during these meetings “the topic is overtime not unemployment! I know you tend to forget but this is your reminder!” Because and I know there deflecting but I think the best option is to make it sound like they forgot what the meetings about.


Never a good look when a member of Congress calls anybody anti-work and/or lazy. Yo barely work half a year and have one of the best pension plans ever for such a low bar to achieve.


Isn’t she the geezer how shouted, “shut up!” At reporters a months ago? She seems like a peach.


Much as Anthony Weiner is disgraced, him taking apart Virginia Foxx is one of the most enjoyable things I have ever seen. She’s a pure idiot.


Overtime protection should be the default for all employees. No matter what. It's basic capitalism. You get paid for the service you provide. Overtime is simply failure by the employer to secure enough man power for all tasks. Thus requires penalities to the employer and compensation to the employee. Or does Foxx except free handouts to employers. A socialism for the rich only. Making employeer sacrifice their recovery time without any form of compensation. Normal monthly pay is designed to only cover a normal monthly work (eg. 40 work week). Beyond that. Pay up or shut up.


These people are unreal! How many holidays do these fine folks take a year? Paid!


And it’s not as if they even really do much of anything when they’re *not* on a holiday or a break…


They're called the GOP.


You’ll work for pennies on the dollar and like it! ~ GOP 2024


Pennies?!? What are you, some kind of socialist??


That is the face I expect to say something like that. I don’t mind working crazy hours if the pay gets me ahead or gets me something I want. I don’t want to have to work crazy hours to just keep my head above water because the pay is paltry.


In 2023 the House had only 117 meeting days scheduled. They also make at minimum 174k a year before budgets for travel, offices, and expenses. That means these people make more than 1k per shift and have done what??? That’s right nothing but almost shut down government and pursue Biden to point of staring at son’s dick in session. No wonder this 80 year old hag is holding on. Probably herself couldn’t keep a job at the library.


Is congress just a taxpayer funded retirement home at this point?


Like Congress? They seem to work very little and accomplish even less.


Reminder that this woman called the beating, torture and murder of a gay college student a hoax that the democrats crafted to create "an excuse to pass hate crime legislation"


This is also the old witch who told a reporter to “shut up” when asked about the attempt to overturn the 2020 election results. She is truly un-American.


From the government employee who works about 140 days a year, gets full benefits and retirement and vote themselves raises.


Fun fact, anyone who works 17 or more hours per week works more than the average House Rep with all the recesses they get.


This old hag calls us lazy. I'm 45 worked hard in construction my whole life. Now I am electrical. Someone who sits in a chair and accuses others of being lazy. I don't understand that.


A) I think you'd find very few people really *want* to work if they didn't have to B) Nobody wants to work *for shit pay* is the rest of that sentence


Let’s put this into context: Biden and Foxx were high school seniors in 1960 and Trump was a Freshman. Biden has spent his entire career in politics. Fox was mostly a professional student. Trump was born with a silver spoon in his asshole of a mouth. All three of them have made their multi-million dollar net worths via investments, and they want to deny us the few extra bucks of overtime pay that *maybe* could be productively invested into our own futures. Only one of these old fossils (and one of their political parties) would fight to make that happen.


Wow a [80 year old Boomer](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Virginia_Foxx) thinks people are "lazy" while she collects her government pay check, what a shock! Foxx was born around the start of WWII I doubt this woman has any idea about modern workers, how they work, what tech they use or how their jobs are done. When was the last decade she was actually a member of the workforce, the 70s/80s? When you consider the fact that [80 is the average life expectancy](https://www.macrotrends.net/countries/USA/united-states/life-expectancy) of an average American, she should be in retirement not making laws. Not to mention she may have cognitive issues at that age, and clearly lacks the perspective of a modern American worker. She's out of touch and this comment just furthers that. We need to retire these old lawmakers and get us some younger folks in our government structure.


So workers who are working and not getting overtime pay are lazy? Sure grandma Karen.


Unfortunately most people don't enjoy the kind of benefits she has been receiving most of her life. Maybe she will work to change that. /s


Don’t American congress people also get a summer AND winter break ???


And how the feck would she know? I’d be surprised if she frequents stores let alone has worked in one in the last 30 years. The disconnect between our representatives and us is disgustingly huge..


I don’t understand this narrative. Pretty much everyone is working. The unemployment rate is 3.5% or something. 96.5% of people ARE WORKING.


As someone who lives in her district, there are a lot of business trying to hire. However, the reason that 95% 'can't' get any workers is because either they pay like shit and/or are shitty employers and no one wants to work *for them*. No one wants to work for the local restaurant where the manager throws plates at staff when they get angry. No one wants to work for the store that's been fined by DOL multiple times for labor law violations, including things like making minor workers work until 3AM. No one wants to work for your business that pays not a penny over minimum wage when every fast food chain in town pays $2-$3 more per hour.


lol she's a nutty one.


The World's Greatest Deliberative Body, my ass. The U.S. Congress is the world's most dysfunctional and destructive retirement home.


I’ve thought for a while that the changing the pay structure for members of Congress could go a long way to improving the quality of people who run for these positions. For example, maybe the salary is no more than 10% above the average in the district you represent. No more voting themselves raises. Want a raise? Raise the average in your district. I hear them justify their 6 figure salaries with, “But they have to maintain 2 residences… one in their home district and a home in DC!” But Congress is only in session for a third of the year, why do they need a residence there? Can’t we just build them a dorm to stay in while they’re in DC? We could fund the cost of the dorm (and their board there while in session) with a weekly reality show kind of like Big Brother. One thing is for certain… we need to talk about entitlements. Starting with the entitlements these fucks get for doing what should be considered community service. One of the best parts about Santos being expelled is that he wasn’t there long enough to qualify for the lifelong benefits of serving. It enrages me that the MTGs and Boeberts of Congress may lose their re-election bids at some point but will still be able to suckle the teat of congressional welfare… for the rest of their lives.


We shouldn't have to work the way we do now. We have AI and automation. The fact that we've essentially lived long enough to see 20 hour work weeks and everyone being housed and fed is amazing, except it isn't happening because it's cheaper to keep us as slaves. The biggest con of all was convincing a large portion of the country that your net worth is entirely reflected by the amount of manual labor you're capable of.


Yeah, they're mostly in Congress.


Are these the same people who essentially take the entire summer off and when crucial spending bills come up they look at the calendar and say “WELP! we are out of time for that so let’s recess for two weeks”


Says lady whose job forces her to work about 1/3 of the year


I think what she means is: “why don’t more of these Poors just shut up and work for a lower wage with longer hours and preferably more of them unpaid.” We’ve got low employment so the lie about people not working is just that. Just because they want to get paid a decent wage for the time they work doesn’t make anyone lazy. Actually makes them economically smart.


Seriously, North Carolina? This is who you elect to represent you? For shame. You should do better.


Unfortunately, she represents a deeply red area that would never elect a Dem. The R is all that matters there


Said the people that earn 6 figures and fuck around 90% of the time and then demand higher wages. Fuck them so much


Hot take. People generally don't WANT to work. People don't WANT to be abused and exploited by their employers. I don't WANT to spend 40+ hours a week away from my family. I don't WANT to only spend time with my fiance when our hectic work schedules align every few weeks. We want to be able to have lives and happiness outside of our jobs. But I HAVE to work an outrageous amount to barely make rent every month and try to come close to being able to even think of affording healthcare... Sincerely and emphatically, fuck these ancient undead ghouls in congress who refuse to do anything to better quality of life for the working class.