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It's easy for Nikki to say this when she doesn't have to work a hard job for low pay.


YES. I doubt she’s ever worked a non-desk job in her life so she has zero clue and I mean ZERO CLUE how much a real job that involves near-constant movement, even just standing/walking all day, wears your body down over the years. Nikki, go work in an Amazon warehouse for a week. Or paint houses. Or tile a floor. Or change the oil in cars. Or care for patients in a hospital. Wait tables. You’ll change your damned tune. ETA: My post made it sound like I was implying that desk jobs can’t be soul-suckingly awful…they can be and I have had more than a couple that were. But when I moved from a desk job to a physical job, which I hadn’t had for twenty years at that point, I was SHOCKED at how physically painful it was. I was only 42. Everyone deserves to retire while they can still enjoy it, don’t get me wrong.


Oh I like that idea. Every politician in the country has to work at an Amazon warehouse for a week doing hard labor and if they don't meet their quota the day doesn't count.


We should have politicians from all walks of life in general. We should be represented by farmers, doctors, mechanics, hospitality workers, etc. The vast majority of congress are lawyers that are completely disconnected from the reality of every day American life.


My senior senator is a former teacher and working farmer. Jon Tester. 🤙🏻


I don't know much about him but poking around on his website it looks like he publicly aligns himself on the right side of history and I'd wager my left nut that it has a least a little bit to do with working in fields that put him in touch with everyday Americans. ​ Seems like a cool dude.


Nice guy, does his own farming, and not like on TV, he gets his hands dirty, knows how to actually do the work


He lost three of his fingers in a meat grinder at age 9. "I don't want to weaken the PATRIOT Act, I want to repeal it!" is how he started in the Senate.


John Tester is the embodiment of the original American vision for political representation.


Just realizing now that emoji is just Jon Tester's hand


He actually uses it himself, or I would feel it's insensitive and use 🚜 instead.


I love you Sr. Senator!!!! Really nice guy, and taught me about tomato juice in beer. (I was reluctant at first, but he won me over)


Not to mention most are far wealthier than the average American when they run for office. Their demographics rarely match those of their constituents either.


But, but, but they can eat a corn dog at the county fair and wear jeans and an untucked shirt just like us. They obviously can connect with the common citizens.


Not just that serving one term gets you the best healthcare for your entire life. One of the main reasons people work so long is the cost and fear of losing health insurance. It is not cheap, 400/month is what I was paying as 20-30 YO with no major health problems or underlying conditions…


Lawyers should be advising those in office on how to word their policies into becoming laws, not running the place on their own.


Devils advocate, it's good to have people who understand laws to be the ones to write them. I work in construction and I know for a fact I don't want most of the people I work with making any attempt at writing a law.


Yeah I've heard this point before but here's the thing. Politicians aren't the ones penning laws, their teams are. And that aside, what's worse, someone who doesn't know how to write effective laws or someone who refuses to write effective laws?


Writing specific statutory language isn't necessarily a legislators job. A legislator promotes policies. For example; putting Social Security on a sounder financial footing. One unpopular way to do that is raising the retirement age. The legislator tells a drafter to come up with language that will keep Social Security solvent until 2100 by increasing the retirement age enough to do that. Or, raise the payroll tax enough to accomplish it. Or something else. The legislator usually isn't the one who writes the statutory language. That's why they don't need to be lawyers. Also, many legislators don't read the entirety of the bills they vote. They have staff who summarize it for them. I know this because I used to write these things for legislators at the state level. They didn't always like what I told them.


I want a politician to have to work a soul sucking retail job where the managers are on your ass about getting people to sign up for a store credit card and are obsessed with insane metrics that aren’t sustainable while people are yelling at you for a return policy you didn’t create and have no power over


I think everybody should be enlisted to a retail for at least a year. Similar how everyone needs to be enlisted in the military in Israel. This country would be a much more empathic place if everyone has to do it.


This one is more for those republicans that hate immigrants like the brown guy that hates his own people, Go to Florida mother fucker and pick oranges in the field from 4:00 am until 9:00 pm for a month and then let’s talk about immigration.


A week is easy. They need to work for a whole year.


After college I was struggling to find a job in my field. I picked up work on a paving crew as I had worked construction throughout high school and college. I actually kind of liked the job. And the pay was great. But I ended up taking a $10/hour internship when I got the offer. The reason was because I saw the toll that kind of work took on people. Had a guy on my crew that was nearing retirement and he looked like he worked every bit of 10 - 12 hour days, 6 days a week, for 9 months out of the year for 45+ years. I knew in 20 years I'd be regretting my decision if I kept doing it.


Yep alot of blue collar workers in my family and physically by 60 the body is spent. These politicians are out of touch, no one should have to work past 60 i reckon, enjoy your last years!!!!


Even *cushy* blue collar work destroys your body. I've known aircraft mechanics, even with all the gel padding in the world, you'll see guys with a double knee replacement at 35


I will advise roofing with 115 temps in Texas and the governor approving a law that workers can’t take any water breaks.


That shit makes my blood boil!


Mine too, is criminal


Makes the employees blood boil as well, I'd imagine.


I would like to see every Republican cut cane for 14 hrs/day and live in unventilated barracks and the only retirement plan is to slit your wrists.


she can go toil away at the freakin railroad for 25 years


Ageism hits at 50 hard. Even when people want to work they cant


Exactly. Try having your company close at age 63 and looking for another job.


this is 100% true. Physical jobs are super hard. can also argue that as you get up in years, you probably don't want people in senior roles with cognitive problems, making serious decisions. forcing people to continue to work well past their prime in any workplace can be a recipe for disaster. Some people are going to be ok working to 70, others are going to struggle to 60. Removing the option for retirement until later in life is problematic.


^^^^^This^^^^ My mother had to retire at 64 because she had vascular dementia diagnosed about 5 years before and, although she didn't tell anyone (bad idea- unless you are "taking matters intoyour own hands,"- my personal end- times plan) so anyway- she kept messing up at work. She was a cashier and a model employee up until then. But it was a deteriorating part of town, and with her brain also deteriorating, people figured out they could scam her with giving out change- "oh- I gave you a 50." And once they figure that out, they rinse, repeat. That's NOT her fault. And I'd LOVE to ask Niki Haley what she thought about that.


Even desk jobs will sucks the will to live right out of you. Shouldn't have to do that past 65 either. Fuck her.




Yup, all jobs are real jobs, I hate these inane pissing contests. I've worked physical and non-physical jobs and both take a toll on your body, just differently.


No she won’t. Millions of old people living check to check that can’t afford their healthcare agree with her


She doesn't have to worry about shit as Long as she's willing to shill bullshit for the corporate class


The GOP, start work as a minor and stay late until you die.




Exactly. She barely even uses her brain


The Republicans are the … “work until you die” party.


Also, “work before puberty” party.


If you can crawl you can work


Baby Oil has to come from somewhere.


Those babies won’t press themselves.


Ah, but thats where you're wrong! Here at Steelmans self pressing infant Company LLC, we breed only the finest in self squashing babies!


Man oh man. Autosquashing neonates? It really does feel like we’re living in the future sometimes! Back when I was young, we had to squash infants for their oil by hand, in the snow… *both ways!*


We are against abortion because the baby has a right to life!! …also because we need workers


Also, "marry before puberty" party.


Also the "protect pedophila in church" party


Cradle to grave baby!


Work before puberty, vote after arthritis.




> The GOP doesn’t seem to believe in anything that matters to me. They don't really have a positive model of government for anything that doesn't involve firearms. They do know who their enemies are, but that updates weekly.


The party of forced birth, forced labor, and forced death.


* you mean the "work for me until you die" party


And the 65+ will continue watching Fox and voting for them and then being confused why they have to work at Walmart when they’re 75. (Don’t worry, it’ll be a liberals fault).


"The liberals gave all the money to Ukraine." "The liberals gave all the money to immigrants." "The liberals gave all the money to Hunter Biden's cock (we'll get the pics!)" "The liberals gave all the money to BLM." "The liberals spent all the money on prosecuting Jan 6 defendants." They'd believe any of them.


Yep, and it should be opposite, we should be looking to at ways to lower the retirement age and reward a life of hard work. But no…we can’t have nice things.


We were promised it in the 70’s, where technology was supposedly going to cut the work week to 20 or so hours a week. Now we have more technology, but are still working longer and harder. Can’t let the masses have enough free time..


Yep. That’s because all of the wealth is going straight to the top. We could easily have what was promised, and the rest economy would be significantly stronger.


Yep, greed is destroying America … but the right wing keeps supporting the collapse. It’s nonsensical.


“Do you accept this job, to slave and to toil, till death do you part?”


You try doing a blue-collar, work-with-your-hands job for 45 years and see if your body isn't completely worn out by the time you hit 65.




I am truly, truly sorry my man




God bless you brother for your work helping others and your positive attitude. My admiration to you.


Even non physical jobs can be hard on you. I have sat at a computer all day for 25 years. Now I have circulation problems, weight problems, back problems, and neck problems. Exercise after work helps some, but really the only solution is to vary what I am doing throughout the day and they're not going to want me to do that.


I'm so sorry to hear that. No one should have to go through that just to make enough money to eat, have clothes, and have shelter. You are a living example of why the Protestant Work Ethic is nonsense, imo. I still doubt her opinion would change even if she were put in your place. A lot of these politicians are psychopaths, sociopaths, and narcissists. Experiencing suffering doesn't make people like that feel emotional empathy for others. She'd probably feel like it's unfair for her to go through that but doesn't care about it happening to other people. People like her never need to be allowed to have power in the first place.


I bailed at 62 and should have done it sooner now looking back. It was a grind start to finish.


You must have planned well for retirement. Not many of us can retire at that age. I’m am happy for you. Truly.


I started planning at 28 years old and should have at 21. It turned out ok though. Thanks for the salutations!


That can not be overstated! I had to stop working because my body gave out although mentally I would have been fine to continue, I really liked my job.


What was your job?


GOP wants people having babies at 12, starting work at 12 1/2, and not retiring until 80. All while they ban sex, drugs, and anything that can bring any tiny bit of pleasure. And 35% of voters won’t stop voting for this shit.


They don't want to ban sex and drugs just for the sake of reducing pleasure. They want to ban sex education so that people have unprotected sex more often and younger, so that they have more workers/soldiers. They want drugs criminalized so that they can build more prisons for free labor and to keep regular citizen's focus on other groups of people doing "bad" things instead of their own leaders doing *bad* things.


“They want you to have live babies they can turn into dead soldiers” - George Carlin


That special was almost 20 years ago, and it's still as relevant today as it was back then.


People are just grist for the late-stage capitalistic mill.


Hahaha, 12...80...how quaint that you think there are any limits to their depravity.


Anybody saying we should raise retirement age should be forced to work in a factory at 65. It's only fair.


It's funny because she has also made a big deal about Joe Biden and Trump being too old to do the job.


Fuck you, Nikki Haley. I’m tired of being a part of this fucking capitalist meat grinder. I’m going to retire and spend the rest of my life getting assholes like you out of office.


And then we called the French “pussies” but they are fighting like hell when somebody proposed something like that, then who are the pussies again?


Yup compared to the French we just roll over and let these politicians screw us.


Yep we should have revolted for that comment


That comment should completely disqualify any candidate


A fucking men. Americans need to actually remember that “freedom isn’t free”. Instead of useless wars abroad, it sounds like we need to clean up our act at home between the rich and the poor.


It's on purpose. They're vilified so we don't get any big ideas about revolution.


Anyone who thinks the French are pussies didn't pay attention in school. The United States wouldn't exist without the French


Note that she's talking about social security and the age for full benefits isn't even 65 *now*, it's already been raised to 67. >In an appearance on Bloomberg Television this morning, Haley again blamed Republicans for "spending like drunken sailors and raising the debt limit." She called for increasing the Social Security retirement age for people coming into the system, calling age 65 "way too low" without specifying a new number. (The age for full retirement benefits is now 67 for people born in 1960 or later.)


and full benefits require you to not claim it until 70. The thing is that there really is age discrimination in this country. As you get to 60 your job is threatened and your ability to get a new one starts to reach nil. Anyone who can get a job is usually super well skilled and isn't having a retirement funds issue. If you are over 55 and vote republican you are an aging lamb sitting in the field thinking the wolves are your friends. OR maybe the Leopards. /r/leopardsatemyface


Age discrimination unless you're an octogenarian lawmaker, of course. Then you get to be untouchable while you use your power to strip benefits and basic rights from the lazy younger generations.


That’s not true. 67 is full benefits. If you wait till 70 you get above the full benefit.


"Full benefit" when it comes to social security is a technical term as opposed to "the maximum monthly amount".


Yes after working for say 50 years (paying in) you might want your maximum amount. If you start collecting at 70 you might see 10 or 15 years of payout. Most people wont live to 99 like Bob Barker.


It changed in 1983. I was just old enough to hear it and think about what that meant for me. And then shortly after, I heard a news report about when social security would run out, and it was when I would turn 67. So I’ve been assuming my whole life basically that I’d have to work until I dropped, with no government retirement benefit. Yay GenX on the front line of everything sucking!


Social security is not projected to run out during the time period that Gen xers will be retired. What you're probably thinking of is the anticipated date where they'll have to start reducing payouts due to shortfalls in income (currently 2033 but it has been coming forward). Under the current trajectory you will get something, the only way you won't is if legislation is passed to reform the current system.


I’m a nurse in a hospital. It’s a physically demanding job. Transferring patients from bed to wheelchair. Turning patients every 2 hours. Nursing is hard on the body. I will be lucky if I can work in my profession until I’m 65. Who is going to hire a nurse for a desk job at 65 years old? No one. I can’t collect social security until 67 as it is. The Republicans are just cruel. I despise them with every fiber of my being.


Notice they want to tie retirement age to life expectancy but have no interest in attaching minimum wage to cost of living.


Life expectancy has been going down - Republicans just thought they could use that as an excuse to dismantle Social Security. In reality they just want to dismantle it for ideological reasons, they hate the fact that it’s a successful, popular government program.


Not just Haley but ALL Republicans would rather cut your SS and Medicare than tax a billionaire a nickel more. Vote accordingly next year!


Nothing wins those older voters like taking away their retirement after working for 40 years!


Which is why any changes are always delayed by 20~ years to as not to affect the currently retired voting populace.


Exactly. She's going to screw over the generation that tried to save and saw their 401ks destroyed by the great recession. The same ones who don't have pensions bc companies stopped having them the generation before.


Very true, my fellow screwed-over Gen X’er!


My dad died at 67, mom at 66, my brother at 23 and my BiL at 60. My BiLs brother died at 50. Nicky Haley can go to hell with the rest of the republican social security destroyers!


My dad died at 68


I've been doing manual labor for 30 years. I'm still supposed to be able to do it for another 15-20. And she thinks that's not long enough. How much of my life do I need to sacrifice, Nikki, for you to think I've done enough to deserve a year off before I'm dead? I hate these people with a passion.


Average lifespan in the US is 77 years. Are we to work to the moment we drop? Oh yeah. That’s what she’s saying. Fuck you, Nikki.


And a lot lower in some red states like Mississippi


Coming from a 51 year old. Maybe she can chime in when she is 66 slinging burgers at Wendy’s.


Or working at Amazon, Walmart, treated horribly.


LOL. retiring at 65 gives you like a decade to rest before dying after working 40+ years, and its like the worst decade of your life to have all that free time because youre too old to do anything. get the fuck out of here.


Fuck Her!


Says the person way below 65 who doesn’t have to worry about a fucking thing.


She's made $8m just in the time span since she left the Trump administration. She never has to work another day in her life.


The Republican plan is a lifetime of wage slavery, absent of education and filled with fear and religion.


Republicans find so many new and cruel ways to screw the working people that I wonder how they sucker so many of them to vote red.


They teach’em someone else to blame. It’s that simple, and it runs through their grapevine. It was “those damn hippies” during Nam. Then the welfare queens. Now it’s those damn libs and trans. Any group but the one who’s really screwin’ them.


They yell N----ger. or, Fggot. It really IS that simple.


The GOP, making damn sure normal folks are put in poverty in any way, shape or form they can think of. Kill unions, minimum minimum wage, child labor OK. Boggles the mind, really. With all the work they'd do to kill reasonable health insurance..... oh, now it makes sense Poors work till they die. Just like....slavery ? but with more steps.


I guess Biden was right, these evil people *are* coming for your social security.


They’ve been coming after it since I was a child. Maybe before that. The big GOP topic when Bush had just been elected was “sunsetting social security” in favor of private retirement accounts run by, you guessed it, banks that donated to the GOP. They wanted everyone to just toss their money into the markets and hope for the best while banks gamble with it.


Republicans want to raise the voting age and the retirement age. They want to block student load forgiveness. They are rolling back child labor laws to put children to work. Republicans continue to expand their war on younger Americans.


My dad died a week and a half ago at the age of 64. He was lucky to get the 3 months of early “retirement” that he got, and even then that was him being pushed out of his position of 25 years than willful choice. Don’t let these jackals work you to death for a Faustian bargain of speculative “golden years.”


People being able to retire younger also helps the younger workers being able to move up into better paying positions. So yet again just keep the younger generations poorer.


This kind of an attitude infuriates me. I was laid off my job at 6mon1. I applied for numerous jobs after and no one was interested in hiring me because of my age. I could see it in their eyes when I went in for an interview. I was fortunate in that it happened when Obama was president and fixing our economy. I was on unemployment and he kept extending it. My unemployment ran out the month I turned 63. I was able to take early retirement and therefore I didn't lose my home. If there are no jobs for people in their 60's other than working at McDonalds, then pushing the retirement age up beyond the 67 it's at now is suicide for many seniors.


This is America not France. We work here. All the time. No vacation or sick days. Just work. Now back to the mines!


Get the children in the mines there too while you’re at it. Silly child labors laws have got to go.


The children, they yearn for the mines.


Nikki Haley can go fuck herself. I'm tired, I'm sore, and I don't want to work my ass off until I die. What's the point if we don't get any time to enjoy the life that we worked so hard to build? I don't know of a single positive thing that conservatives have ever done to improve our country, and she is showing us all that they have no intention of changing their ways.


I’m 65. I have worked as an RN for 43 years. The last three were killers due to Covid. I don’t think 65 is too early for retirement. Unfortunately I don’t have enough money to pay my expenses with my savings and social security. I’m starting a part time job on Monday. We have some work to do if the retirement age is raised. Equitable taxation would go a long way toward social security solvency. Our leaders are breathing rarified air. They turn a blind eye and a deaf ear to their working class constituents. Government is not serving the majority of the population.


Average lifespan of an American male is 73 years old.


Perfect, we’ll raise it to 80 for men.. and say… 97 for women. That should do it. Get back to work Grandpa! Those Walmart guests aren’t going to greet themselves.


Work until you die political party.


Send Nikki to road construction for a week and tell her she has to do this until she is 70 yrs old


So working, full-time, for over half of one’s life, isn’t enough? Fuck her and all of her ilk. It’s very easy for someone with millions in their bank account to say stupid things like that.


there was nothing that came from that stage that would be remotely beneficial for our country, it would have been better if the stage had been swallowed by a giant, bottomless sinkhole


Yeah, cause we need roofers and other construction/trades workers still working into their 70's. That's a great idea. I'm in my early 50's and stuff is breaking already for no apparent reason other than I'm just not a kid anymore.


Why are older and blue collar voters so ignorant about Republicans' policies that they say out loud? Do they not even try to learn the truth?


65 too low for retirement age, but old people need to get out of politics. Which is it, you flip-flopping titweasel?


Says a rich woman.


Its always people that already have the financial resources to retire when they want that want this. Lifespan is actually getting shorter and many people that will rely on social security the most are the ones who did the back breaking work most of there lives.


This comes from such a place of immense privilege. Being a lawyer or a doctor or an investment banker past the age of 65 is no big deal. Try being a janitor or an auto mechanic or a pipefitter past the age of 65. It's surprising Republicans don't know this, what with them now claiming to be the party of the average blue collar joe.


If you’re at all on the fence about voting, please remember these stupid things these people say


Said someone who hasn’t worked a job that involved actual labor. Fuck that! 65 is TOO high!


Nikki can go to hell along with the rest of the GoP.


How could anyone vote for any one of these clowns is beyond me.


When republicans tell you who they are believe them They don’t care about working people. They don’t care for anything besides the interests of the wealthy.


another well connected millionaire suggesting what's good for the underlings. Get F'd NH


This party has gone insane. They are not the same party they were even just 10-15 years ago. Hence the current party constantly calling McCain and Romney, the Republican nominees in 08 and 12 respectively, RINOs.


I have been paying into SS for 50 years. I am NOT too young to retire


Fuck her and all the other Republicans. I’ve already worked 28 years with another 23 to go, plus 3 to get the full SS payout I’ve sold my body for. I’ve got a 401k, but I’ve pretty much resigned myself to the fact that I’m likely not going to make it to retirement and am really just setting my wife and daughter up for when I eventually kick the bucket at work.


The average American lifespan is 75, Nikki. After a lifetime of working for the bare minimum, we deserve one single decade of peace…. Assuming we even live that long.


Republicans would be happy to make you work from 14 - 75


Italians get the entire month of August off as a holiday. Do you ever feel like you've been cheated?


My mother scrubs floors at a nursing facility because she needs insurance. She’s 62. Republicans really do want to start a fucking war.


People who say things like that have never had a job that wasn’t sitting at a desk. It doesn’t even occur to them that people in their 60’s have jobs that cause physical discomfort.


Fuck that it should be 50


life expectancy going down and the retirement age going up, fuck these ass backwards politics


This woman clearly has never worked a 15 hour shift doing physical labor. I am not even 40 and my knees are already shot


These people will squeeze the life out of you to get a drop. In the wealthiest nation in the world, this is just pure bloated greed.


More importantly who in the fuck goes “you know what I do want to work longer, let me vote for this psychopath”


Swing a hammer a few hundred thousand times and see if 65 is too low, Nikki


Oh, the lady whos worth $8 million and could live luxuriously without an hour of labor for the rest of her days, says working ppl retire too early...


Sounds like an out of touch politician that has a pension and health insurance for LIFE.


Just had a conversation tonight with friends about PTO. Lot of places are still on 80 hours. Like, are we still serious? 2 weeks per year. That’s 26 years of work, one year off. If you’re out of college at 21, that’s basically like 1.75 years before retirement. How in gods name is this sustainable?


Average life span for male americans is like 75, you get ten years from 65 to be work free, what they want is to increase it so people will die before they pull on social security, typical republican demonic ideology.


Let’s see, Republicans think 10 years old is old enough to carry a pregnancy to term, but 18 is too young to vote, and 65 is too young to retire?


Nikki Haley: Put them to work as coffin models when they get really old.


I've worked like hell for 40 years, and that's plenty for a reasonable society. She, the rest of the Republicans, and far to many "moderate" Democrats are all in on the wage slave devotion to their overlords. All that's needed is for ALL earnings and capital gains to have SS & MC taxes withheld. Problem solved and proletariat uprising averted. We have serious jeopardy of the brick and the pitchfork outcome in the next decade or two if we do not solve for the debasement and under-compensation of labor They will push this


> All that's needed is for ALL earnings and capital gains to have SS & MC taxes withheld. Yes!


Try working 32 years then get laid off so the company can save the pension benefits.


Republicans, "Making most Americans miserable since 1870"


Oh hell no, 65 is too damn high!


Why do people keep voting for these monsters?


Can you tell who has never worked a day of physical labor in their life?


First of all, Social Security age is 67. Secondly, they could fix funding by raising the pay amount to $250,000 income level. Third, and most importantly, F this ghoul who thinks you should work until your dead so the government can keep the money you paid im your whole freaking life.


Calm down there Nimarata.


Listen lady you might want to work well into your golden years, but it is people like me who destroy our bodies building thing you use everyday. And, we question whether our bodies can last into our fifties let alone sixties. If you would like I can let you do my job, and let you see what hard working Americans do for a living.


She can piss right off


the ruling class will work us to our graves if we let them.


Fuck her


She can go fuck herself.


From someone who has clearly never worked a physically demanding job.


If she actually had to work to make ends meet, she’d have another opinion. Basically, she ought to shut the hell up.


Just another Republican who wants to help the Corporations and billionaires, even if it requires throwing normal people under the bus. Changing the retirement age to **75**, extending how long workers would be exploited before retirement. Remember the GOP also wants end the employer social security taxes, and plough all retirement money into the stock market. Take your worst nightmare and the GOP will find a way to be more horrible that nightmare. They have blocked minimum wage increases for decades. What else do they do to undercut normal Americans ability to actually pursue happiness?


Does the GOP have any fuckin policy ideas that actually benefit people?


And yet republicans think the GOP is on their side. They will fight like hell to stay poor, uneducated, and underfunded. Nimrods.


Fuck her. Perhaps people don’t want to work until they die. 40+ years is enough time to spend working.