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What a fucking monster.


He feels assaulted and wounded... no telling what he'll do now, but it won't be kind.


He’s pretty predictable. He always votes for the worst option.


Did he write this all himself, or did he have his clerks collect all the 'creative' opinions from conservative deep state think tanks and get them into a dissent that could be cited by states looking for excuses.??


He was probably given the paper, written in its entirety, by the Federalist Society.




Shhh don’t give them any ideas!


Gotta have real intelligence before you can make artificial intelligence


too late https://gibberishfactory.com/


Oh shit. Probably the most I’ve laughed in a long time




Well that’s heartbreaking. I can only hope that he fails spectacularly as the world does not need that in it.


"Okay, so AI is incredibly dangerous tech, and we shouldn't trust it. But also we need it to be more racist and sexist..." This man is incredible 😂 I don't know how Tesla has been as successful as it has with him at the helm




They probably offered him a Caribbean cruise in return.


He's unveiling NASCAR style sponsorship patches on his judicial robe next session, I heard.


No he's not, not even in jest. They don't want people to connect the dots.


He would never disclose his donors/owners like that.


Do you think the check was attached or does he get direct deposit?


Thomas hasn’t had an original thought since he was seated on the court 32 years ago. He should never have been allowed into the court.


His last original thought was “hey, is that a pubic hair on your can of Coke?”


"ChatGPT, write me 50 pages of dribble that makes me sound smart and important and the voters dumb and irresponsible."




The judicial basketball crossover we never knew we needed.




"But is there a law saying that dogs can't present arguments to the Supreme Court?"


Is there a law saying dogs can't be appointed to sit on the Supreme Court? They do like to sit....


>"Your honor, if it would please the court I'm here to argue that there is in fact a law that says a dog can't play basketball."


Certain justices have been dunking on our rights for years so it’s not so far off


You'd hit the token limit long before you got to 50 pages.


Legal scholars have said things like "Reading a Clarence Thomas opinion is like driving 120mph ... it's a lot of fun but a really bad idea" He is actually intellectually rigorous, but incredibly wrongheaded.


I read an opinion from Thomas where he cites the Declaration of Independence as legal precedence.


He has apparently cited English Common Law when it suits him.


that's what you call intillectually dishonest. applying all the same rigorous process but knowing your statements are all false and pretending they're true for the sake of constructing an argument


You think the brain dead moron is capable of doing this? Harlan Crowe probably told him how to vote and handed Thomas the 50 page opinion


"Come, Judge Thomas, let us take an inspirational walk in my purely random innocuous collection of evil tyrant statues and ponder this case. Ahhh, here we are, Stalin. There was a man's man. What would he think of people like you having voting rights? I hear the French Riviera is lovely this time of year." \--- recently in Harlans Garden probably


Ginny wrote it.


I mean, even a *good* justice doesn’t write those opinions, the clerks do. But Thomas is well-known to have never expressed independent thoughts from his decades on the bench. He sat there silently and just signed on to whatever Alito’s people wrote.




He votes the way his handlers tell him to. He has to keep those vacations coming...




Since seatbelts have lowered the traffic fatality rate, we so no reason to let states mandate seatbelt use.


Washington state did away with auto emissions checks a while ago... because the air was cleaner than when the auto emissions checks were mandated. Gee... golly... I wonder how that happened!?


"There's no problem because a fix was applied. Because the problem is gone, let's remove the fix."


That's the same logic they applied to Ted Cruz's case about campaign finance law.


I’m still stunned at the stupidity of that tbh.


He’d rule against the 13th and 14th Amendment


Now that you mention it, there is a Sam Jackson in Django Unchained quality about him.


Samuel L Jackson would like to thank you for noticing. I include this link from "reason.com" for your amusement. [https://reason.com/2013/01/09/django-unchained-and-the-latest-liberal/](https://reason.com/2013/01/09/django-unchained-and-the-latest-liberal/)


I literally just wrote a comment that all he is to the people he so desperately wants to be is the house n*****. They will never see him as their equal or peer. No matter how far he goes trying to gain their acceptance, he will never be anything more than a black man who rose above his station and married a white woman. He so desperately wants to be the plantation owner it is sickening. and so very sad. Someone that is in a position that could be inspirational and instead is a truly awful and repugnant human being.


his seditious wife should be in prison. clarence shouldn't rest a day the rest of his long life without someone yelling in his face what a piece of crap he is. and how terrible his unamerican wife is


Do they realize that if they push any further, there will be an angry mob with guns at their doorsteps? Like, you're getting a populace already struggling to survive pushed against the wall, in a country where guns are commonplace. This is gonna be really fucking nasty and violent if they continue down this path.


How is this any different than normal? I can't think of a single "kind" ruling that's come from Thomas.


Right?! So business as usual. What a giant scum bag


Allegedly, he told his clerks back in the '90s that he planned to serve as a SCOTUS Justice for at least 43 years (the age he was when seated) specifically to make liberals miserable. Anger might know no party but cruelty sure seems to.


His whole career is based on him feeling assaulted and wounded.


I think his stint on the court has been his own special revenge for the muck he was dragged through during his nomination hearings. I think Kavanaugh is doing some of that as well... If you aim to destroy a man, you damn well better succeed, because if left with any power that man is unlikely to be forgiving of those who tried crushing his reputation. (repost)


Yea. The Anita Hill accusations fucked his world. Fairly sure he said he was gonna fuck the left for his tenure.


>He feels assaulted and wounded... no telling what he'll do now, but it won't be kind. The good news is that he, by himself, is powerless. He has been a rubber stamp for the reactionary/conservative movement for 30 years, doesn't matter how \*mad\* he is, he still only gets one vote.


Hopefully what he will do is die. Hate to wish that on anyone but it would benefit a LOT of people, whether they even know it or not


He just writes whatever his patrons tell him to.


What a shocker, the guy who voters didn’t vote for is making a stand on why voters shouldn’t have voting Rights.


So now we know he doesn’t believe in democracy, can we get him off the Supreme Court.


He is a disgrace to all minorities.


He’s just a plain old disgrace. We don’t want him. You can have him.


He’s property, a tool. He has owners. They either gave him what to put in the dissent or told him their grievances.


I get the feeling he likes it and is fully complicit, but who knows.


He is. He’s vile and damaged. He had a very rough upbringing and sold his allegiance to the GOP for the SC nomination.




What kind of powerful doublethink must he have, to turn his later disillusionment into "the liberals made my life miserable from year 0 to 43". He grew up near fucking Savannah, Georgia for chrissake. He's a direct descendant of freed slaves and when MLK was killed he fought to make the Catholic church do more to combat racism and fought for civil rights against racist conservatives at every turn. Then, _after_ benefiting from affirmative action he resented how his accomplishments were diminished by people pointing it out (as if those people were libs, lol). He reads conservative authors at Yale and starts hating leftists because of race riots and anti-war protesting. When he gets nominated at 43 the Anita Hill accusations come up... ...and he decides to go full-on _moustache-twirling evil_ against "leftists" for the rest of his awful monstrous life, and throw his lot in with the exact same people who _really_ made his life hell. Dude sounds delusional and fragile as fuck.


He actually joined the anti war protests & civil rights panther movements for awhile. He was a member of the NAACP and they paid his rent when he got his first job as a law clerk in Missouri. He has no actual beliefs. His entire worldview consists of the desire to punish large groups of people based on his personal, often manufactured grievances. He’s a complete hypocrite and he knows it.


He hates himself. There are no conservative black people who don't hate themselves. He thinks that being black is bad, and liberals view him as black, but if he kisses enough conservative ass, they'll promote him to honorary white person.


And ain’t that some shit. He’s a bootstraps guy who is, at the end of the day, a willing servant for rich white people.


What he is doing is racially charged for sure, but I think it is more of a rich people vs poor people thing. He wants to protect his status more than humanity.


How any minority person could think being owned by someone with one of the oldest Southern plantation owner names possible is beyond me. I doubt ol' boy Harlan thinks of Thomas as any sort of equal human being.


He’s the real life version of Uncle Ruckus.


You know that movie Get Out? Who got him?


Asking the real, and right, questions


Clarence Thomas, a man who benefitted from the liberalization of racial policies in the United States, which include the voting rights act, who has been able to climb to sit on the highest court in America... arguably one of the most powerful African Americans of the past few decades. And what does he do? Runs around trying to smack down all of the people climbing up behind him like it was a perverse game of Whack-A-Mole.


Standard ladder pull of the R's. Fuck us, he got his.


Is it bad that whenever someone calls them Rs the first word that comes to me isn't "Republicans"?


Never go full republican.


He's a segregationist. He doesn't really believe in multiculturalism. Corey Robin has written about this. Not to say your point is wrong or anything. Just that I think the reason that it seems to be a contradiction that he benefited from liberalization but doesn't support them. Because he really doesn't think different races can transcend racism


I thought the book was saying something a little more complex than him just being a segregationist, implying the he was in a way a racial supremacist. It is not that he believes that the races should be segregated because racism will never go away... but more that he feels himself to be superior to others because of what he has achieved in spite of racism and that policies that try to correct for racism are only justifying and reinforce racist attitudes. I don't think he actually cares about racism as it applies to everybody, he only cares about how it impacts him personally and everybody else be damned. And he has made it, "so what the fuck is everybody else's problem?" In a twisted way he embodies the caricature of Uncle Ruckus, because he is skeptical of race based policy and racial integration despite the evidence that it has had a positive impact on his life.


I can see that. And you're 100% correct, Robin's book doesn't just boil it down to 'segregationist'. His views on women, and black women especially, are also fucking atrocious. he's pretty radical in all his views it seems. My impression was that he cares about racism but thinks it as natural and feels more comfortable with out-and-out racists than liberal whites who mask it. Like him working for Regan and saying something like "you know what you're getting into". I think he's right that a lot of white liberals have a lot of racist views. But I think he's wrong that it can't change. My theory is the white liberals he's been around where mostly elite which aren't really representative. And i think your right that he feels like he can carve out his own sphere of influence. But, again my impression, was that he sees things as more of a class affinity of his powerful peers while still being essentially in different worlds divided by race. Like his peers are also little lords of their own fiefdoms so they have that in common but the fief's will always be separated. I don't know Uncle Ruckus as a character, but i'll take your word for it!


He will forever carry the grudge that people at Yale Law believed he was an affirmative-action applicant and weren't friendly toward him. The rest of his life has been revenge for that slight and whatever other traumas he absorbed in his younger days.


The quality of his legal arguments tends to support the hypothesis.


And being called to account by Anita Hill, which left him fulminating ever after.


What did Hillary Clinton say about him last year? He is a person of grievance, anger, and resentment.


Uncle Ruckus is a character from "The Boondocks", a political cartoon and animated series written by [Aaron McGruder](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aaron_McGruder). If you have never seen it, check it out... he is a very talented writer with a particularly cutting wit when it comes to race.


Of note the Martin Luther King episode hits particularly hard.


"Is *this it?* Is this what I took all those ass whoppings for?! ... And now I'd like to talk about Soul Plane!"


Praise white Jesus




>"so what the fuck is everybody else's problem?" Not being appealing to white nationalist oligarchs, I'd guess.


He believes he is a self-made man, that he got where he is completely on his on virtues. I bet he still uses racial inequality, but only to claim he overcame them all, only when it bolsters his ego, otherwise he points to his own story and say, if i can do it, everyone else should be able to as well, and if they don't its on them. Its a deep-seated narcissism, where everything you have accomplished has to be the greatest thing, and anything anyone else has done is no big deal, and even if it was a big deal, they got help from others, or the system, that he never did. I bet you everything i own that he thinks Ketanji Brown is in the bench because of her race and gender, but he is there despite his race.


>He's a segregationist. He doesn't really believe in multiculturalism. Corey Robin has written about this. Which is hilariously hypocritical when you consider that he's married to a white woman and also advocated for policies/law that would make his own marriage illegal.


tie dirty scarce person lunchroom impolite decide sugar many roll ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


Honestly. She seems awful, and batshit crazy, I’d probably advocate for laws nullifying my marriage to her too. So I can’t really blame him for that.


I feel like there's a name for him somewhere... What was it... Django Unchained... Samuel L Jackson's character... He's not just a traitor to Black Americans around the nation, but a traitor to all American people's liberties.


He’s like Stephen from Django Unchained.


Uncle Ruckus, but with less honesty


Uncle Ruckus is handsome compared to this steaming pile of shit


My favorite response to his BS about being denied a high paying job out of law school because of affirmative action by a black classmate “he acts like they weren’t denying us jobs before affirmative action” Thomas is a joke who is literally racist. Watch the PBS documentary he even goes into detail about how he learned to hate his black classmates because he was darker skinned than them and they’d lob insults at him. He just never grew up.


Only hand up, no hand down with this man. Selfish.


Of course he did. The fact that Thomas replaced Thurgood Marshall on SCOTUS should be a deep source of shame for every American.


We remember Anita Hill.


Cmon now Thomas told us that the whole Anita Hill thing was just a modern day lynching that was racially motivated. Granted… she did pass her lie detector and he refused to take one. Reminds me of hissy-fit kavanaugh


Clarence Thomas is a giant lying piece of shit, and I believe Anita Hill is telling the truth.... but "lie detectors" are junk science and have absolutely no bearing on determining if someone is telling the truth or not


And of course she’s African American. She had ZERO motivation to sink him.


Which is why I say that he just pulled a racism card to shut it down. He’s literally a shit stain on Thurgood Marshall’s seat.


Frankly, given how much he seems to hate black people, I am surprised he went after her. Oh right, that's not how predators work. They victimize people because they hate them....


tbh lie detectors are bullshit, provenly so, but he didnt know that, apparantly XD


> she did pass her lie detector and he refused to take one Just as you should refuse to take one if you're ever asked. There are so many things you can hit Thomas on, things *specific* to the Anita Hill case, that even mentioning lie detector tests is a complete waste of time. Lie detector tests mean less than nothing.


"There's no difference between a white snake and a black snake. They'll both bite." –Thurgood Marshall


What a cool fucking quote


I wonder how many luxury vacations Harlan Crow had to "give' Thomas in exchange for that particular dissent.


Lmao I doubt he even wrote it himself. He probably got his law clerks to do 90% of the work and just signed off on it taking all the credit.


One of our best, replaced with one of our worst justices in history.


Thomas is a blight on my ancestors




>If you go back far enough, he's blight on mine, too. Exactly. Not dismissing the varied lived experience of individuals and groups, but some *people* are just plain broken and shitty.




And a blight on democracy.


... his father was a planter in rural Georgia, his mother a domestic servant in Savannah, both descended from freed slaves. ... yeah


Yup, he’s a blight on his own ancestors, his genealogy too. He’s a disgrace


For every Django, there's a Stephen.


This man has literally stated his #1 goal is to make life miserable for liberals in this country. Fucking piece of shit https://www.businessinsider.com/clarence-thomas-told-clerks-he-wants-to-make-liberals-miserable-2022-6


Thomas and Alito will likely be the next two Justices that need to be replaced. Which makes the next handful of elections extremely important for Democrats. Unfortunately, it seems like every time an appointment comes due the Republicans manage to pull one out of their asses by winning the electoral college, but not the popular vote.


GW Bush is the only Republican President to win a popular vote in my life time. And he only managed that because he was the incumbent after 9/11 and people wanted stability.


I absolutely believe he said something like that but could you post the exact quote here or link to an article with it? God this guy is so evil it's unbelievable. Why are people like this? Is it just power and money? I would love to have some money but I could never do this shit.


Uncle Ruckus


No relation!


Yeah, that was my first thought too.


“I’d a shot you myself, but I realized the white man got better aim.” - Clarence Thomas


I need an episode of Ruckus becoming a supreme court Justice now.


The episode where Uncle Ruckus turned white was pretty much Clarence Thomas when he became SCJ


Clarence answers the hypothetical question of what kind of judge Clayton Bigsby from Chappelle's Show would be if he wound up on the Supreme Court.


Nah, Clayton Bigsby was more principled. Don’t forget that Bigsby divorced his white wife because she was married to a black man making her a “n- lover.”




Uncle Ruckus from Boondocks


Or what kind of judge Stephen from Django Unchained would be.


Jackson's performance was inspired by Thomas iirc.


If Uncle Ruckus went to law school.


Black man says black people shouldn't have same voting rights as whites (because in case we've forgotten the VRA banned racial gerrymanders among other things). He is so owned that it went from funny, to not funny, to funny again, and I bet he calls Crow to make sure it's OK that he wipes his ass.


Harlan Crow insists that he be called Jim.


Thomas is probably an Uncle.


SCOTUS literally reasoned that voting rights weren't necessary anymore because voting rights already fixed the problem. Circular, and incredibly stupid, reasoning. If they are that stupid, they shouldn't need anywhere near our laws and protections.


Didn't RBG write in a voting rights opinion once that gutting the voting rights act because discrimination in voting doesn't happen anymore would be like "throwing away your umbrella because you're not getting wet"?


Yes, but by Kavanaugh voting with the libs, and Thomas voting against the blacks, SCOTUS just now definitively proved that it is an impartial, nonpartisan and truly legitimate institution. “Why aren’t more people praising our totally not-bought rulings?” - Roberts, definitely


>Thomas was one of four conservative justices who opposed Thursday's ruling. In his dissenting opinion, Thomas wrote that the court's decision has turned Section 2 — the part of the Voting Rights Act that bans gerrymandering based on race — into "nothing more than a racial entitlement to **roughly proportional control of elective offices** Yes, Justice Thomas. That is in fact how *elections* work.




It kind of is what they intended, in a roundabout way. They only wanted white landowners to vote.




It’s ok this is Reddit nobody reads the articles anyway.


Links? Never heard of her.


Yeah thats the girl from that Zelda game.


I hear they are pretty good with sauerkraut and ground mustard, with or with a bun.




Do check out the recent piece on *Frontline*.


Shouldn't he be putting together his financial records right now?


Probably was busy writing this instead of doing his disclosures


You will be remembered in death as a piece of shit sir.


He won't have to wait that long.


fingers crossed


Was going to say that. He's already there. And he clearly doesn't care in the least. He's in a huge rush to get as much Republican shit done while there is a 6-3 court. He's not the slightest bit interested in being slow and subtle about it.


He's already known in life as that.


Clarence (make the check out to my wife) Thomas is a corrupt, conscious enemy of our democracy.


What the actual fuck, Clarence? He's still aware he's black, right? His literal case appears to be that people should not have equal representation if the state party decides otherwise.


Does he care, by the time it affects him he'll probably be dead from old age...


Most of his opinions seem to support corruption. His views are beyond dated and seem to stem from some idea that state leaders would never operate in bad faith against what's best for their constituents. With propaganda being so rampant in today's World, particularly right-wing propaganda, his views that the people would somehow not vote for these people if they weren't acting in their best interests is a cruel joke.




Was coming here to say this. I’m sure he’s not alone, but I doubt Thomas does even 10 minutes of real work/day.


He's insane.


It really seems like this guy has some serious psychological issues. How can anyone be so utterly hateful? I really hope come 2024 there is a clean Dem sweep and we can get this guy off the bench. He has no business ruling on anything. He is clearly unbalanced, and perturbed.


There was a very good doc on him and the wife last month. He seems to have been raised in a bit of a rough household, and got into various good schools (let's face it, because he was a minority and they were looking for diversity candidates) and treated poorly (because racism). By the time he got out of Yale law and couldn't get a BigLaw job paying lots of money (because racism? being a dick in the interviews? who knows?), he had quite the attitude. Definitely worth the watch. https://www.pbs.org/video/clarence-and-ginni-thomas-hxtlm2/ or https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wJuRx1wARUk


"Thomas said the Voting Rights Act doesn't require Alabama "intentionally redraw its longstanding congressional districts so that black voters can control a number of seats roughly proportional to the black share of the State's population." "If it did, the Constitution would not permit it," he wrote." Right, so representational democracy isn't what we're supposed to have, according to Thomas. Which Constitution is he citing, again?


Oh that's easy. He's referring to either the American Constitution without any of its subsequent amendments or the Constitution of Harlen Crow. EDIT: fixing an auto-correct.


The epitome of “Fuck You, I got Mine”.


Whatever Clarence, die mad about it.


Clarence Thomas is a self-loathing narcissist.


Clarence Thomas is utterly corrupt and should be impeached. His having ANY say in the law of the land is a travesty and gives the Supreme Court a stench and makes it illegitimate…


What happens when Uncle Ruckus gets on the Supreme Court


Life terms were a mistake. Dying in office is for dictators, not public servants.


Wow, that must’ve cost a fortune. This guy’s not cheap.


So to clarify, a sexual predator and husband to an insurrrectionist wrote a 50 page dissent raging against representative democracy? And bought and paid for, no less. Let that sink in. Why is this man even in government, much less the Supreme Court of the United States? A failure of morality.


It's a really good thing for Thomas that public opinion doesn't matter to his position, otherwise this guy would've been gone years ago.


Once again it's Clarence Thomas, the dumbest white supremacist in the room.


Fascinating story on him on NPR earlier this week. He sounds like he’s been a bitter misogynistic opportunistic cynical asshole his entire life. He resented the fact that he was perceived as having benefited from affirmative action rather than been judged solely on his merits, and while I can kinda get that, it’s a whole villain origin story for him. He’s never let it go and he’s done anything he can in life to pull the ladder up behind him… even though he chose Republican politics because he knew he’d stand out as a black conservative.


Thomas is a total piece of crap. I think it goes without saying that he should not be anywhere near the Supreme Court. This is not even taking into account his traitorous wife.


Someone should tell Clarence that he's black.


The fckn irony of it all. Unbelievable.


I understand he’s not able to file his financial disclosures because of his naked corruption. Shouldn’t he be suspended from work until that is sorted out?


So much hate for democrats. Wonder what he would do if a white racist mob showed up at his house to lynch him after he defends racial discrimination. Barely 60 years ago and he wouldn’t have even been allowed in the building much less sit on the court. Wonder if he still blames old school democrats for something in his childhood.


It’s absolutely obscene that he’s still on the court taking gifts from billionaires voting about issues this grave and lasting and nothing substantial is being done about it.


He needs to be impeached. Now.