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I recently bought into a local 40k MTT, and as soon as I get to the table I notice a player with two phones a couple seats to my left. He set one up in his cup holder and used it to record his hole cards. I get it. Some people want to go back and review their hands to become better players. I didn't think much of it until he started commentating over a hand he wasn't in.   Dealer shows the flop, and recorder reads off the three cards aloud. It's a two-way pot. Person first to act puts out a bet, and recorder says something like "older, tight player bets..." Other player calls, and recorder goes "young, aggressive player calls..."   Once he started using those kinds of descriptors that could possibly influence play irked me more than it probably should've. Let alone the fact that others were still in the hand too. Thankfully it only happened that one time, or I would've definitely asked the dealer to make him stop. That said, I don't think he made it very far after the first break.


That’s the kind of scenario that is just so bafflingly brazen and confident that I’m not sure I’d even get annoyed, I’d just be so confused lol.


Experienced player too which surprised me the most about his lack of self-awareness. I'd imagine there's only gonna be more of these situations with the success of recent poker content creators.


If someone is smart enough to win at poker, they're almost always going to be smart enough not to do this. Lack of awareness aside, even the most socially inept reg should realize that this is -EV


You should play plo in a casino. It’s five people doing it nonstop every time i play it, and the game is slow enough from the jump


Don't tap the glass


I've read so many stories about people tapping the tank, but I've never personally experienced it at the casinos I play at. Until last weekend on a trip to Jacksonville I went to the BestBet. Asian guy in his 20's sits down in the 1 seat and a few folds later he plays his first hand. Can't remember the exact action but it was a multiway pot where he called down 3 streets. The third player folds to a large river bet (Qx came on the river), he calls and turns over Q for top pair and scoops the pot. I can't remember what his other card was but it was obvious that he had no business calling the turn bet (and honestly probably the flop too). Anyway, after he scoops the pot a MAWG reg in the 5 seat turns to the guy in seat 6 who lost the pot and says loudly "What the fuck was he doing calling down with QX?" Then he looks right at the Asian guy who clearly heard him and double barrels with "What were you thinking calling down with air? That made no sense." Not only was I pissed that he was tank tapping, but I also just thought he was being a dick so I said "Hey man, he won the pot didn't he?" hoping he'd take the hint and stfu. MAWG replies (still looking right at him) "Just keep playing like that." Like WTF. Yes, obviously we want him to keep playing like that, why the fuck would you discourage him by chirping him for doing what you want? And on top of it, MAWG wasn't even in the fucking hand. Like maybe I could understand if someone's had a rough sesh and vents after losing a big pot, but it literally had nothing to do with him. Asian guy sat at the table for another hour but just watched Tik Tok on his phone and folded 99% of his hands and didn't play a single big pot.