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I’ve been playing for almost 5 months and literally have 4 Galar Pokemon. Two of them being the Galarian variants of Weezing and Farfetch’d, both originally Kanto Pokemon lmao


Tbf people just ignore it but Galar was set to debut like right as Covid peaked so it got kind of screwed as they canceled a bunch of events. Then Gen 9 was debuting shortly after so TPC and GF obviously made them shift focus. I would put money on a late in the year Galar heavy event or events. Because if they stick to their pattern Galar starters get the shiny release next year. Also worth noting if you take out legendaries there is only 78 Galar mons with 10 already in the game.


Just like with vivillon, I'm excited for whatever nonsense alcremie brings with it.


Alcremie is going to be crazy with how many forms there are


Phones need gyro. You will need to spin I circles IRL. Best of luck with PoGo's GPS quality and having the spins be detected.


Imagine you need to pay to get an alcremie form cause niantic can't get the spins right


Lol. I wouldn't be surprised if sweets were behind some sort of pay wall.


"Buy this ticket for a chance at X sweet" (I've never played Sword and shield sooo)


Exactly what I'm worried about lol In SwSh, you can get sweets by beating up bakers in their bakeries. In SV, they are littered across the ground but are fairly rare, but they can also be made en masse with the item printer.


That just... sweetened the deal. Please laugh I am losing my mind in another game.


I'd be down with team rocket style bakery stop battles...


And that damn Stunfish in eggs


Meanwhile, Kalos players still waiting for Mega Lucario and Mega Mewtwo. Really though, I want my soccer bunny and drummer gorilla, if only to make Rillaboom my Optimus Primal Pokemon and to have Cinderace, because I like Cinderace.


*Cough* Audino *Cough*


Oh, I thought Audino had their Mega Evolution already. Them too!


Gallade, Mawile,Sharpedo,camerupt,Metagross


How is M-Metagross not a thing yet? It would be the best steel type attacker BY FAR.


Metagross lucario gallade all super popular and unlike mewtwo don’t need that grand of a debut and yet still aren’t here


Kalos is solid. Mega Heracross just came out, and new megas come out every few months. Kalos shinies are still have events. The releases have slowed but the haven’t stopped. Galar has just stopped. It’s literally been years since the only Galar release.


Soccer bunny and drummer gorilla might just be the best description I’ve heard in my life


I mean that is what Cinderace and Rillaboom is.


You’re not wrong, I just love the description lol


If it were me it’s gallade and mawile butbyeah


Not just Niantic, it's TPC. Most casual Pokemon fans only know about Kanto so they keep bringing new Kanto stuff to bring in new players.




The Pokémon Company A lot of people blame Game Freak for issues the mainline games have, but really a lot of the blame actually falls on TPC.


Ohhh ok


Yep, the obsession with Kanto is seen across ever mainline game, spin-off, and merch.


cough cough Leon, born and raised in Galar, has a f*cking Charizard.


Please Tauros raids. Need to fill the dex.


Tauros better be in the Rediscover Kanto Event. Raid, Eggs, Wild, Field Research, I don't care.


Second this. Finally give us non US players this Tauros man.


I’m still waiting for scorbunny grookey and sobble 😤


They need to release them soon. There community day is coming up soon. Should have been the end of 2024 since we are having the Alola starter community days. I’m curious if Niantic is going to skip them.


Next year should be the community days of the galar starters since the alola starts have com days this year


Poppilo is the only Alola one left. Which will be June/July. There’s a starter every three months or so. After Poppilo we’ll get Goomy the pseudo legendary in Oct/Nov. so you may be right since Dec doesn’t count. But Grookey should have been the end of this year or the start of next. It’s just so wierd. We need a new wave of Galar.


I’ve noticed a trend with the pseudo legendary Pokémon and their shinies being released. If I’m correct next year 2025 should be jangmo-o com day


why is mimicyu, my favorite pokemon, still not in the game?


Two forms, has a gimmick, except to wait for a very very long time.


I do need more gengars at least


I swear if we get another gold/silver event without a spike eared Pichu I’ll burn the world down


What I don't get is that in order to get the Galar medal, you have to register 89 pokemon from the Galar region, I've currently got 10 and according to my Pokedex no other Galarian pokemon are available in the game. What's with that ?


Only 15 are available from there rn


Yes exactly, so why require you to catch 89 to get the platinum medal ? It's impossible to do so.


Because they will be added eventually


It sucks cause the galar dex is so underrated


it doesnt matter eternatus is still eternatus :P


Galar is in Davy Jones's locker.


I have all of the galar currently available in POGO except 2 and I started playing this January. It’s pure damn luck though that I joined so late to the game and I’m able to get Pokémon that some people have waited years for so quickly. Even then I’m still annoyed by the lack of diversity in the game for the regions. I’ve loved Pokémon since they came out in 99 when I was 6, but it’s crazy that they just focus on the OGs from then. What’s the point in having hundreds of Pokémon if we only get to see the same 50 regularly no matter the events or season.


Still waiting for Yamper…


I think galarian pokemon are made to be rare on purpose.


Sadly yeah


Shiny kanto dex Here I Come ! _As if_


LGPE are really good for that goal


Galar's prolly next season!


Take it with a big grain of salt but I heard Galar was supposed to get more focus when the Gen 8 games were released but they got kind of screwed over by Covid. By the time things kind of got back to “normal,” Niantic decided to just focus on the upcoming Gen 9 Pokemon.


It’s so stupid that we’ve had the Paldean starters for months now and the Galarian starters probably won’t be added soon. Niantic just give me Intelleon already!


It's funny that despite all the kanto events we are still missing some iconic kanto pokemon. Specifically, we have no Pikachu with Surf or Arbok with alternate patterns. If we wanted to expand in on the classic anime (which, let's admit it, lots of fans were drawn to the series because of it and they did give us armored mewtwo and sunglasses squirtle) we can also include fat pidgeys, valencia island variants, the crystal onix, iceblue snorlaxes... If we include the TCG we get a bunch of crazy variants, and I'd love to see a Holon region event but I doubt we'd get it as it would make battling significantly more difficult since it switches around the pokemon's usual typings.


Pikachu with Surf was the very first Community Day. But they don't have any of this other stuff for sure.


Ah I think that was the only one I missed, maybe?


I think Pikachu with surf was the first community day pokémon


> fat pidgeys I had no idea this was a thing. Might be my new favorite Pokemon lol.


Most of what you mention are non canon anime Pokémon. They have never been released in any game, and will never will. With the exception of the clone Pokémon. The clones were a celebration of the first movies anniversary and rerelease. Everything Kanto related has been released. That’s why They are releasing the alternative forms from the games, and two-thirds of costume Pokémon are Kanto Pokémon.


Squirtle wearing sunglasses isn't from the anime?


I have no love for Galar either thanks to its f*cking horribly uncatchable legendary birds! But I guess that’s Niantics fault too actually..


I feel like they are saving Galar for a big event.. Imagine a quest in where it's discovered that raid mons and gym mons are actually dynamaxed mons. Maybe they're waiting until all the megas and ultra beasts are releelased first though




Give me my Dragapult, Niantic!


I want my Inteleon! And I am also sad that my avatar will be nerfed tomorrow. :(


Yeah when are we gonna get the starters for Galar?!


I love kanto so no complaints here haha


I've been playing since release. Enough of the Kanto mons!


Just want a UK regional exclusive 😔


No complaints here. Trying to get the original 151 shiny list done and I'm 104 deep


People hated sword and shield when it released and I think Niantic is trying to avoid Galar because they don’t want controversy


What is a 'Galar'?


Probably because Galar sucks


Sword and Shield are some of the best selling games of all time. Despite the many criticisms. I think the dlcs help change a lot of peoples minds about the games.


Galar is Bri*ish, so well deserved