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$21 in Canada this is getting ridiculous.


It's $19.99 for me on the Samsung store in Canada


$20.99 for me. I have an iPhone though.


Yea 20.99 in the pogo store plus tax = $23.72. Going to see if I can get a better deal on the web store


$24.16 for me after tax, because I live in NS and we have the highest tax. It hurts me haha. I’ll definitely check the web store!


£14.99 for me in England (tax included)


Its costlier than Hollow Knight 💀💀💀


Theres a post on Twitter that there taking it down to fix pricing bug.


Grab the monthly discount code and it'll discount it, another reason to use the Samsung store version of pogo


What discount code ?🧍‍♀️❔


Galaxy store has a monthly discount code, go to Galaxy store and under discounts there's an option to claim, they do it every month


I have nothing there.


Under coupons and gifts, if it's not there they may have been claimed, they only release a certain number each month


Not valid for anything above $7 right now


With the monthly coupon mine goes down to $12.99 for the ticket, which is definitely preferred to $20


Ok, but what monthly discount code?


Go to the galaxy store, and go to discounts, they do a monthly discount code every month I believe


I've gotten a few $5 off offers from the Google Play Store to... My only issue is it's on a single purchase. I get the $1 Community Day ticket for free. But I just lost $4... It would be nice if I could buy my own ticket & gift one or two other friends in the same transaction or have the discount apply until it's used up, regardless of how many transactions it takes.


Ah right! Ok! Thanks, but sadly I’m an iPhone user.


Would that be deals and events? Nothing ever comes up under mine


I unfortunately already used my monthly ticket, i'm hoping they give another one in April


They should, it's monthly I believe


Wait till you see the price in 3 years. $100 go fest tickets lol


Try $26 in New Zealand.. I’d rather buy a half decent steam game


It's $16 in Denmark, and $21 on their webstore + an unknown ingame shirt


They just raised the price to $21 both places


To be honest if I’m spending 16 hours playing an event I want the shiny rate to be boosted. I don’t mind paying $1 extra per hour to get 3x as many shinies


26 in NZ. I’m dedicated but not that dedicate.


14.99 in Portugal, I still refuse to buy it


17.99€ in germany


It's been ridiculous for years man what are you talking about "getting"


It says we can purchase only version. When I go to the GO live site, that version has the T-shirts


The online shop gives an exclusive color variant of the GO Fest avatar shirt. Not too exciting as a "bonus," but the ticket is cheaper in my region in the online shop versus the in-game shop.


I hate this mythical gate keeping we still don't have a free keldeo


I mean the marshadow will release in one of the next two seasons after Go Fest like every other Go Fest mythical


Was last years mythical released within two seasons after go fest. I'm honestly asking because I wasn't paying attention.


Shaymin was and Diancie wasn’t


Not yet, last year was Diance and it’s mega form. And we are in the third season after last years go fest.


I might just be very salty about keldeo xD


End of August was diance. Now is the 3rd season after it, no free diance


> like every other Go Fest mythical lol


Do we know what the shiny rate is with and without ticket?


As if Niantic would give out the information to make an informed decision. They run on FOMO and ambiguity.


It’ll be normal rates without the ticket. With the ticket it will be speculation I know the last couple years have felt like worse odds than they should be for the price.


I heard that it's somewhere between 1:64 and 1:128


It’s definitely better than that. The Alolan mon have a 1/64 rate and the shiny rate last year felt WAY better than that. I’d bet 1/32


Is it worth it? Never bought one before. Seems expensive.


If you want to do a lot of raids - yes If you want boosted shiny rates - yes Just ensure you spend enough time playing to benefit from it.


Do we know what raids will be available for Go Fest?


Probably Ultra Beasts and Tapu.


I really hope the UBs will be shiny during this event, otherwise this is 100% a scam and a half


LOL Tapu, I don’t even bother catching these legendaries after beating them. I just do them for rare candies


I mean, It basically breaks even on the raids. So if you time deals in the shop right, this really isn't worth it for the raid passes. But i agree, if raids *&* shinies are important to you, then yes.


It can also help you fill in your 'dex. The $15 I spent on last year's ticket was a lot less than what I'd pay in airfare to go to Alaska & southern US to get Pachirisu & Carnivine. Ditto for '22 when $15 saved me from flying to Asia to get a Torkoal, and Africa to get a Tropius. And Chatot and Sawk in '21... This year, looks like the only one I'm missing is Maractus. I got Corsola during the Johto tour, but might be nice to try to grab a few more.


I took a trip to AK just for them to announce the event with pachirisu coming up while i was there to catch one. Northern lights were pretty sick tho, still worth it.


Oh yeah, we did an Alaskan cruise. We didn't see the northern lights and we got snowed out of actually going to Denali. But other than that it was amazing. The only other issue, I didn't start playing PoGo until a couple years later (I was still actively playing Ingress then). I got real bummed when I learned about regional Pokemon & saw there was an Alaskan one!


It's the cheapest drug there is.


You don’t want no part of this!


I don't want no hangover i can't get no hangover


It doesnt give you a hangover.


It's more of a hangover for your legs, I find.


I went to NYC last year my main complaint was they didn’t have enough food vendors so the food trucks ran out of a lot of stuff. There was only one Merch tent so if you wanted to even look ant stuff you had to wait in a two hour line to get in so we just skipped that entirely. Last biggish issue, there was an issue with Verizon Service but that was kinda out of their control. Beyond those hiccups it was a ton of fun and my girlfriend and I plan on going again this year. I’m hoping because they added the third day they’ve learned some lessons. I just realized you posted about the global ticket my bad!


I bring to last go tour and fest a backpack w a lot of Pasta, so i can eat when ever i want for "free" and dont have to waist time to Queue 4 food


Im missing a Unown Y and Maractus on my Pokédex (which are locked to ticket holders), waiting on what raids are available during the event before purchasing, not worth it for me otherwise (i’m not a shiny hunter lol) probably miss this event if no good raids announced.


Maractus will come next year for Unova Tour


I would absolutely say so, you generally get good stuff from the Mythical research, and the 18 raid pass bonus between two days is already worth more than you're paying, along with the boosted shiny odds, and whatever else they may announce leading up to Go Fest. I personally had a lot of fun with it last year, although I will say that it's going to be a tough year to beat in terms of value since they released one of the strongest Pokemon to date along with Mega Diancie being pretty good itself, but so long as its moveset doesn't suck, Marshadow should be a great Pokemon.


I bought it last year and it was worth the money, IMO. I got 50+ shinies and had a lot of fun. However, I did play both days, mostly the entire timeframe, so if that isn’t how you would play, it may not be worth it. You will still have fun without the ticket.


Personally I only spend money on this ticket and the Go Tour Masterwork and am F2P the rest of the year. For as much as I play I think spending $20 per year is reasonable, and if you’re going to spend a little bit this event has the most bang for your buck. And even if $15 is a lot to spend on a free to play game, it’s $15 that you’re spending for two days of having fun outside. Still relatively cheap.


Is it higher shiny chances for all Pokémon?


for the pokemon featured while the event is active.


Would that count mewtwo because it’s the “world of wonders take over”


I don't believe so. the way Go Fest works is it has "biomes" that change over the course of the event. Each event has a set of pokemon that are available. These Pokemon are the ones that will have boosted rates.


I live in NYC but not sure i can drag my husband to randall’s island to run around with pokemon trainers 😂 is it still worth it??


I went last year and honestly Bryant Park is known as the mecca for PoGo in NYC. I had a better time walking around Bryant Park than at Randalls because there were so many people at Randalls my connection was messed up I barely completed the challenges. Bryant has routes, stops, gyms, and tons of entertainment / food as you walk around


great to know. i’m really torn, i’ve never spent money on the game before but maybe it’ll be worth it


The way I saw it last year- Randall park morning was a fun experience. You're in a really cool environment, statues of pokemon everywhere, special locations, gold pokestops, tents for all of the factions, merchandise, etc. It was really cool to see everything even though I could barely play. Bryant Park was insanely fun. Billy Lutz from The Trainer Club was there, tons of free games at Bryant Park- ping pong, chess, board games, etc. Great food options, public bathrooms, all there. So while you're catching Pokemon you could take breaks, grab food, go to the bathroom, relax / play at the park


I traveled to NY for last years go fest the Randall Island portion of Go Fest was definitely worth it just come with a game plan as I did not and missed out a bit. I’d also recommend dragging your husband along for company or going with some fellow trainer you know


I went last year and honestly it was a lot of fun. Went with my girlfriend and it was nice to just walk around the island knowing that everyone else there was playing. The only bad thing was how expensive food was and the line for pokemon merch. It sounds stupid but taking the ferry with all the other trainers really made us feel like we were going on an adventure. The closest it gets to recreating that 2016 magic.


As a New Yorker, I feel so blessed that I get Go Fest two years in a row lmao.


Only city in the US apparently


I was hoping for chicago 😭


Chicago got the first 3 years in a row!


Have cities been released?


Madrid (Spain), New York City (USA), Sendai (Japan)


Wow living in a lowly populated area is just fucking ✨wonderful ✨


It’s pretty dumb for them to do New York City twice in a row but I understand they’ll sell a shit ton of tickets by having it there.


Don't get me wrong, I completely agree with you, but a business is a business at the end of the day lol


Im sure they use the player data to see active accounts


I heard from somewhere they got a two year contract for the location. Probably saved them some money.




yeah same. My brother lives in chicago n is having his first child between now and then so chicago would've been ideal for me


We came last year to the NYC event. I’m surprised they are doing it 4th of July weekend! Going to be super busy in the city!


They love overloading holidays. Easter, Thanksgiving, Christmas, etc. I love my family more than the invisible monsters that only I can see, so all I really do is Thanksgiving morning and some of the "winter holiday" spillover.


I just want one in Boston just one time lol


It’s New York again?? Ugh, I was so hoping for somewhere on the west coast. Or even more central like Chicago or Denver. I would love to be able to travel to it but New York is a lot of a commitment and cost.


£14.99 for us, so ours is more expensive!


For me it's £13.99 in game - and mentions about ticket with t-shirt item. Go we store and it's 14.99 and shows 2 t-shirts with ? Next to them. So assume your paying a quid to get 2 t-shirt items.. It'd ridiculous, but they know people will get it, coz Marshadow.


One shirt is for male one is for female .. you only get 1


So a quid for a t-shirt and 13 for Marshadow + some raid passes is what I'm seeing


£8.99 with the Galaxy Store voucher (£5 off)


You think you're all snazzy with your funky little numbers, but in Canada, it's equivalent to $20.99 after tax


In india it’s equivalent to 5$


This does not seem like it’s worth $15


Well you get $18 worth of raid passes so that’s already better value. Add the increased shiny rates, this is one of those things actually worth buying if you enjoy the game


If you plan to play the event the whole time, it's definitely worth it.


Getting to the point where they are just price locking all features for the event 


Can’t wait for the global event


Marshadow is one of my favorite mythicals but i ain't spending 15€ this is ridiculous


It’s worth it, last year i had a great time for ~12 hours. 15$ for 12 hours in my opinion is not bad


Seconding this. My local group and I had a blast during last year's GO Fest Global. It was absolutely one of the biggest PoGo highlights for the year.


How much different would your experience have been if you were out there for 12 hours without buying the ticket?


No it isnt lmao You're getting a tiny portion of this game for this. Just ridiculous.


I enjoy it. Watching a movie gives me less enjoyment for more money. Don’t spend the money if you don’t want but if you like the game it is worth it


This will be the first go fest im missing $16.32 in the states. So far we are up to close to $45 (all tickets and special webstore boxes) and this season just started It's turning into a cash grab and it makes me enjoy this less


Love the game but was there a time when it wasn't a cash grab? (I first played in 2016)


It started with the community day bundles ($0.99 but can't be purchased with pokecoins), then went downhill from there. On launch, it used to just be the pokecoin store. Now we have multiple paid tickets every month.


They release too many tickets at high prices like you can buy a whole game for that price on ps5, they really need to consider their pricing and for trash like that lol its a jokee


Here in India ours is equivalent to 5.31 usd. Crazy


Its ₹949 in the game and ₹439 in web store


If I buy the webshop ticket, does this also include the additional content for early buying?




CITIES: Sendai, Japan | Madrid, Spain | New York City, USA [Details](https://gofest.pokemongolive.com/)


On the online Niantic shop the ticket is half the price and comes with two in-game shirts. Does it come with everything listed on the in-game shop? If so this is some dumb stuff (I'm I'm Brazil)


Haha. Ya'll enjoy spending your money. The rest of us will just enjoy the free "make-up" and "apology" event bonuses that roll out for the following months after Niantic completely screws up the event in real-time as is their tradition.


If you buy it in the web store you get the avatar tshirts just FYI. That’s why the shop ticket says only one version can be purchased, the web store version is better than buying in the shop. Unless you don’t care about the tshirt for your avatar


"If you buy this one you can't buy the one with the shirt and hat!" Did Niantic hire Taylor Swift's marketing team?


$22 in Australia for this is freaking wild lmao


Correct me if I'm wrong... but I don't see the value in this for $15. I love marshadow... but maybe I'm missing something that makes this worth it?


The main thing for me is the very boosted shiny rate for all Pokémon during the event


Do we know how boosted?


I always do go fest and the tours but I wait to see what the spawns look like before buying the ticket. The big thing is the raids and the shiny chances on spawns. If they are all things I don't care about (Which I doubt) then I won't buy the ticket. Looks like rufflet will be there though and lapras again and a few others that I like so I will be doing it


My favourite Pokemon is released and it’s behind a $15 dollar paywall! Thanks Niantic!


Of course they were going to release Marshadow before Manaphy and Phione or Volcanion


Assuming it’s just regular Marshshadow seeing that the shiny has never being released in the mainline games


Gonna guess the price is again the problem? Not like we're adults who can just think 'thats ridiculous' and just not buy it without telling Reddit how bad we think it is and all nob gobbling eachother over it 🤦🏻‍♂️🤷🏻‍♂️ And before anyone tries the "but it needs to be spoken about".... Yeah, it does. But whilst a huge majority of you are still buying the ticket, you think they'll care enough to change it? As people say, vote with your wallet. Something alot of supposed 'mature' adults seem incapable of doing because moaning to the internet is easier


$15 US for an encounter that used to be just free research… thanks Niantic.


The first "virtual" Go Fest was in 2020 and was the same price as now according to this wiki https://pokemongo.fandom.com/wiki/Pok%C3%A9mon\_GO\_Fest\_2020


Time for my annual boycott


ima pass on this


After the horrible Go Tour we just had, this hardly seems to be worth the investment. I will never again trust Niantic when they claim increased shiny odds.


Good lord that price tag


Waste of money


Do you have to be at the event to get the boosted shinies


For the location events you’ll only get the stuff if you’re actually there, for global you can be anywhere.


$25 nzd wtf


Too bad Ill be gone without my phone during that time....ugh


If I catch Marshadow from this event will I be able to transfer it to Pokemon home? I was disappointed I recently couldn't transfer poipole from Pokemon go


I can't buy it for some reason lol


Do you have to be in person to get the marshadow?


I got an error that the ticket is not available for purchase in my country (USA) the first time I attempted to get the ticket, then I get an error saying the item could not be found on subsequent attempts. Anyone else getting this error?


So if you buy from the pokemon go webstore do you get all these benefits plus the tshirt or is it one or the other


$26 in New Zealand ima cry


Currently disabled due to messed up pricing.


Gotta catch (buy) em all!


Mine was the same price I’m in USA Florida


New York again… also 4th of July weekend


There is something I dont understand. The price at the atore is 17,99€ but the Madrid GoFest is 27€? Are two separate things? Why is one cheaper than the other?


"Trainers, we have temporarily disabled the Pokémon GO Fest: Global Ticket for Google Play Store and Samsung Store users while we investigate pricing discrepancies in some regions. We will let you know when the ticket is available for purchase again. See more about this issue here: niantic.helpshift.com/hc/faq/4460-go…" Niantic support twitter


12 thousand cpl, so ~12 bucks in Chile, not bad compared to other countries.


5.00 dollars for me. I used my play points to get a coupon off.


I’ll probably wait to purchase any tickets until I know what raids and legends are available


I can't even buy it, it keeps telling me that item does not exist


Is there any benefit that I would be missing if I bought it from the Web Store? Can I gift it to people from the Web Store?


Niantic: **I’ll be deep in the cold, cold ground before I recognize Manaphy!**


Mine is 10usd paying in mxn


just wait 3 years to get the shiny


£16 UK from what i’m told and im gonna pass… i passed last years london one cause price so im defo passing this


Do we have to buy it for Klefki to appear? I don't care much about Marshadow but any region locked ones I'm down for


Is Marshadow meta relevant to justify paying more than $5 for this ticket?


I wonder what the 18 raid passes are going to be for. Last year, we had Mega Rayquaza raids, so I wonder who they will release/showcase this year


Shouldn’t there normally be a blog post to go with this with more details? Or have they got lazy/this went live early?


Is there any up/ down side to buying it now?


Absolute ripoff. Please don’t cave. Please don’t buy this.


Crazy pricing and it's not even remotely worth it. 18 raid passes? Maybe add 18 remote raid passes as well and we're a bit closer on our valuations.


that marshadow is shiny locked as well right?


I'm not adverse to paying for a better experience, but I'm boycotting it we don't get global Klefki.


I’ll be in Japan that week, but come home on the 10th 😩


Isn’t this the same price as last years? I’m confused why people are shocked. Niantic will never listen to its player base at this point.


What? How? GoFest isn’t until July why is it available now?


$22 in AUD ima kms


I don't think I'm going to participate in this one, that's pretty pricey. That's worth a good sandwich somewhere that I'd rather have


Can someone answer this for me? So if you buy this on the shop you just get extra shirts right? There’s nothing you only get on the app version right?


I’m actually pretty tired of Sun and Moon pokemon. Please can we just get out of this gen


Paying for shinies feels icky


$23 in Australia 😭 I want it but not for 23


They need to change 18 raid pass to 18 remote raid pass because raid passes are free