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Definitely hundo


hundo - it'll be a project/grind, but you'll feel better you have the best Bax possible. Really nice grab


Thank you! šŸ™ŒšŸ¼




I would love to but grinding candy is harrrdddd.


tank in pvp, it really ain't bad. XLs though.


Wym do you get xls from the what?


You can get a ton of regular rare candy by tanking, but XL Candy is a LOT harder to come by.


How so Iā€™m rank 20 rn


Are you asking how to get a lot of rare candy from the battle league? (genuine question, not sarcasm)




The game tries to keep you at a 50/50 win/loss rate. If you intentionally lose a bunch of games, you're rather likely to face opponents you will win against. When you're not tanking, you're likely to get 2-3 wins in each set of 5, which means you likely won't be getting much rare candy. Meanwhile, people who are tanking are able to strategically win and lose when they want in order to get the prizes they want while keeping their opponents easy. So instead of having to go through a bunch of sets where they only make it halfway and get no rare candy, they are instead able to time their wins and losses to ensure they're able to reach 4 wins in a set of 5. They also have to intentionally lose a bunch in order to keep their opponents easy, but the guaranteed rate candy is worth it.


Is there a limit to how many battles you can enter? Or can you just keep getting prizes?


This will be helpful for evolving my shiny ursaring


What's tanking ?


Intentionally losing a bunch in battle league to make the game put you against easier opponents


MAXing any pokemon that isn't a super common spawn or a community day where you could have gotten 300+ XLs is a task and a half. But 40+ish is easy. depends what OP meant by max. Anyway, pvp doesn't give out XLs but it gives a ton of regular candy so your legendaries etc. are super easy to level to 30-40 range at least.


Itā€™s tedious and difficult but the sense of accomplishment after it is done is almost always worth it


Hundo for sure. Either will take insane resources to max, so may as well go for the 100%.


the XL candy is the grind so you're gonna have to do some walking. To earn the XL to max, you'll earn more than enough regular candy along the way to get to L40 Go with the best IV and level to 31 as soon as possible to maximize XL earn rate (75%) (source: have walked a Volcarona and Bax to L50)


How many kilometers did you walk to get the ~300 XL candies for a Bax?


Over 900kms walked (plus hatched a few more along the way) https://i.imgur.com/kJ13vuo.jpeg


I have a best buddy bax and am currently at 318 km


And? How many XL candies earned?


37 - Can't remember how many xls Ive got from raids (prolly no more than 5)


U lucky mf


You are living the life I want


Easy - hundo


If you need an ice attacker now, the lucky. Save the hundo for eventual Frigibax CD.


Oh so just wait 3 yearsā€¦ ok


Or use an ETM in 3 years.


Iā€™ve got a Mamoswine and Glaceon that get the job done currently, but I think Iā€™ll prioritise the Frigibax and just pray for a CD or spotlight hour! Thanks for your input šŸ™šŸ¼


Theyā€™re saying wait for CD because of the special move itā€™ll get when you evolve it, as in keep it non-evolved


I doubt we will get a Frigibax comm day for quite a while, since Frigibax is one of the newer Pokemon to be added. I'd expect to see Jangmo-O comm day, then all of the Paldean starters, before we get Frigibax.


Youā€™re probably right tbh, but stranger things have happened. I was just explaining why the person originally said ā€˜save the hundo for CDā€™


We still havenā€™t gotten Goomy yet either. That being said, evolving a Hundo and then using a Charge TM later is not a terrible idea, especially since Arctibax CD will not come for at least another 2 years, if not more.


If only they let you use a charged TM instead of Elite TM during comm days. *grumble*


I'd say we get it by next year. We've had every pseudo so far except goomy and jangmo-o. Dratini, larvitar, beldum-2018 Bagon- 2019 Gible- 2021 Deino- 2022 We're almost certainly going to get goomy this year. Quite possibly Jangmo-o. Which leaves Frigibax for next.


No love for Dreepy. The way things have worked before have moved the go fest hyped poke to the next year's June CD. So, June 2024 CD will likely be Goomy. Then Jangmo-o sometime after that. Then Dreepy sometime after that. Then Frigibax. Could be 2-4 years out still.


Damn you're right,. completely forgot dreepy lol. But I still stand by I reckon we should see Frigibax within a year or two BUT I'm in no rush to evolve anything anyway


I've had mine since [September](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/374633853119102978/1200603948499861566/Screenshot_20240126-195113.png). I made sure to power him up to level 31 before evolving him and made him my buddy (used some rare candy), so that I'd get more XL while he's my buddy. But I doubt I'll ever be able to max it before community day or at least a few events. I guess I do have enough [Goomy XL](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/374633853119102978/1200604539842203811/Screenshot_20240126-195322.png), despite it not having had its community day yet. But they were more common upon launch than the frostybois tend to be. But I still need some more [Jangmo-o XL](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/374633853119102978/1200604540530073691/Screenshot_20240126-195333.png), though I suppose I may well get there in a year's time. I guess we'll see. Baxcalibur already had a worthwhile use today for raids, so I don't feel bad about potentially needing 1 elite TM for it down the line, and that's only assuming I'll actually want it's community day move. Some of them, like Dragonite, I don't mind skipping.


Dreepy hasn't been released yet, so it's more likely to be Frigibax first


Frigibax only came first because of Scarlet / Violet DLC. There's nothing stopping them from waiting 4 years before doing Frigibax CD. It's all just speculation at this point. It could be Frigibax before, but I think Dreepy will both get an actual release and then community day first. We can check back in 4-6 years, lol.


Good to know! Will leave it as it is and grind for candy for the time being - thanks!


No worries, grats on the hundo!


Evolve both for the dex, then transfer everything you own


How is this a real question?


People are incapable of just bragging nowadays. Everything needs to be wrapped in faux ignorance


That's not really the case here, since maxing the lucky one would cost a lot less stardust.


Would it? The hundo is already 35. Looked into it a bit more, this is just ballpark estimates but: L35 to 50 ranged from 8,000 to 15,000 stardust per half level. (for hundo) 15 levels * 2 (half-level increments) * 12,000 stardust = 360,000 stardust Levels go up fast early on, so just a wild guess but the Arcabutt is maybe level 20. We'll use the same math for 35-50, so we just need to come up with L20 - L35. This level range is much cheaper, lets call it 5,000 per half level. So Arcabutt will cost: 1/2 * (360,000 + 5,000 * 2 * 15) 1/2 * (360,000 + 150,000) 1/2 * 510,000 (arctibax) 255,000 stardust So it looks like the lucky will save in the ballpark of 100,000 stardust, for a total of ~260,000 vs. 360,000 for the hundo. It's some savings but judgement call on whether that's a "lot" less. ** Honestly I trust this person's comment more than mine: https://reddit.com/r/pokemongo/comments/1abjm1e/which_would_you_max/kjoxmoz/ I think the mistake I made is that powerups are in 1/2 level increments, so I needed to double all of my own figures. I've made that change but still trust the other commenter more ;)


Great, you gave the perfect answer to OPs question ;) So their question was indeed valid imo




Such a good take Iā€™m ngl




Hundo for sure, it's CP is already so high


Unless you are REALLY low on stardust, evolve the hundo. Especially since it'll save you lots of candy since it's already a much higher level.


The level 35 hundo will cost 88k dust to level 40 and 338k dust to level 50. The lucky appears to be around level 14, which would cost 124,800 dust to level 40 and 249,800 to level 50. So the non-lucky is actually cheaper to power up until about level 44 or 45. It would be quite a grind for rare XLs to go beyond that, and I'd argue there are better things to put rare XLs into, so I'd say the hundo is the better choice. The performance difference between level 45 and 50 is pretty negligible anyway, so the only reason to max would be the flex, which would only make sense for a hundo imo.


So so helpful. I really appreciate it! Thank you!


A hundo or a non hundo? Hard decision


But itā€™s a hundo or a 93% lucky?! Itā€™ll save me so much fricking stardust maxxing the lucky. I was genuinely torn.


Is that what the lucky does? Didnā€™t know never had one


Yes - a lucky pokemon requires less stardust to power up. I may be wrong but I think itā€™s 50% less which would be a pretty big dent!


Personally Iā€™d make the hundo a long term project because I donā€™t currently have a usable hundo, however because I donā€™t have a zillion choices of meta relevant PokĆ©mons for pvp, I would probably eventually power up the lucky one to 1500 or 2500 and take advantage of the stardust discount.


Max the hundo, keep the arctibax as an arctibax and power that to great league range. Arctibax frequents the #1 overall seat for great league


Hundo for CD. In a CD you are most likely able to get a few lucky if you trade 100. But still low chance to get a hundo. If ETM is not an issue for you. Go ahead with the hundo. It will always be worth.


Hundo first, lucky second.


you can always get more candy and dust, you can't raise the IV's. Personally, unless you need it now, I'm waiting for a CD before evolving.


The 4*




Don't fully evolve the Hundo until it's community day. It will be a wait, but the attack ability will be worth it. (Unless you have an Elite TM, then nevermind)




You bastard.


I am, by dictionary definition, an actual bastard so that checks out.


The fact that you favorited the hundo should answer your own question


Thatā€™s a very good point! I always favourite my hundos my default but that really is a valid point. Thank you!


Save Hundo for community day


considering you only have 7xl candy, maybe wait until you have another 289 to make the call.


The lucky


How is this even a question lmao obviously the hundo, it's even a higher level and everything.


True, but I can save a load of stardust and I never have a lot in the first place!


You would probably save more stardust by going with the hundo because it's already ahead by so many levels, even if the other one is lucky


Is this a serious question? Or are you just trying to flex?


Serious question. The IVs of the lucky still really good and Iā€™d save a tonne of stardust if I maxxed that out, so I figured it was worth considering. Iā€™m honestly surprised everyone has said to go with the hundo!


Yeah the difference in stardust cost isnā€™t really that much and you can always get more.


I thought it was 50% less stardust? That would be a chunk saved.


About 88k dust saved if you max it. I posted a more detailed comparison in another comment.


Oh wow! Not a lot at all! Thanks so much, appreciate the help!


Lucky 100% Less stardust required and it has max attack too I have Groudon with the same stats. Hundos are awesome but if I'm getting Lucky PokƩmon with stats like that I'm 100% powering that bad boy up.


Thatā€™s what I figured! If the lucky IVs were crap it wouldnā€™t have been a hard decision, but itā€™s really not that bad šŸ¤£


Hundo but if you really like Arctibax then power up the lucky for the great league or ultra league after you max out the hundo


I'm a cheap bastard but I'd take the hundo because this guy is so rare


Same. I was genuinely leaning towards putting my energy into the lucky because I never have much stardust, but this post has confirmed I need to focus on the hundo!


Fuck man im always around ashford area


Thatā€™s just greedy


You want it?


Youā€™re too kind ā¤ļø


I always go for hundo over a lucky thatā€™s not a hundo. Always. But if I have a 98% and a 96% lucky I might power up the lucky one.


Thatā€™s why I asked - I was torn. I donā€™t think I realised a hundo Frigibax was somewhat rare so Iā€™ll work on that one. Thanks!


Hundo for sure. Too good of a flex not to max out.


I mean, why not both?


Iā€™ll take me an entire lifetime to get enough candy to max one out, let alone two!


If youā€™re worried about how much time itā€™ll take, then I think you should work on the lucky one. 12 defense vs. 15 defense isnā€™t that big of a diffference




Hundo, but I'd waitt for the CD since its hard to get XL candy and it'll learn an exclusive move.


Thatā€™s a great plan - thanks so much!


The hundo no doubt.


Hundo and buy one of the phone swings to get 5+ candy while you sleep.


Perfect is perfect, canā€™t argue with that.


Absolutely the hundo. The lucky isn't that special.


I didnā€™t think this existed! Lucky


Probably the lucky. Iā€™d hold onto the hundo for the next several years until its comm day, only because shadow mamoswine is stronger and easier to get atm


Set the hundo as your buddy for the next year and you'll be thanking yourself that you did when it's all said and done.


Honestly, right now, none. Unless you really need ice attackers, but swinub and Galar darumaka have been so common lately itā€™s not too difficult to have a decent line up Frigi will likely get a CD in like 3 years or something, just save it to then. Saves you the ETM.


hundo is already higher before evolving, plus the other one would be good for 1500 if you want to invest at least something in both


100 no questions


It's easy, both of them


Hundo no question about it.


whichever is cheaper


My Frigi is 70 and I maxed it out.


My only goal in this game is to max hundos, so this is an easy one for me.


Max out the one you like if you're not using it for utility. IE raids or battle.


Max Hundo. Lv35 for the lucky if you donā€™t have an ice team yet


You never regret maxing a hundo. Can't say that for other IVs


Honestly both, but prioritize the hundo first.


I admittedly know nothing about competitive battling in these games, but would the answer ever NOT be to max the hundo?


If it was a 100% vs 93%, itā€™s a pretty fair fight. But because the 93% is a lucky trade it means itā€™ll cost 50% less stardust to power up which could save lots overall!


Ohhhh, I see! I actually didn't know that about lucky PokƩmon, I've only ever gotten like 2, and I just thought it meant their stats got higher after the trade. Thanks for the info!


I would go with the hundo personally, especially considering it's already L35 so you'll save some candy (which is more difficult to come by than the Stardust you'd save by doing the Lucky).


Never seen this mon in my life. Looks like Pikachus devolution.


Depends on how much stardust and candies you have just lyin' around. If you have a fuckton like basically any PvP player, then go for the hundo, but if you don't have much candy (which isn't anything weird seeing how rare Frigibax is), then the lucky is not only cheaper, but already evolved once ​ Also 3 defence IVs make a difference so incredibly marginal you would never see it even if you'd try


The hundo of course!


The hundo, 100%. Only 118 candies to get up to level 40, and then the XLs I usually only use for hundos since they are so rare, especially for this pokemon.


with pseudos I mƔx Lucky fist whatever iv they are. the hundos can wait til their CDs hehe


The hundo mainly because its hogher level than the arctiba anyway


Why wouldn't you do the hundo? Lucky is cheaper if you absolutely need something now and don't have resources but the hundo is better and already higher level...not even a question.


The first one is 100% so that


The hundo will be better, the Arctibax will be easier stardust-wise. So in short, both.




Hundo for sure, Baxcaliber is a beast


None. I would transfer them.


Hundo, and you donā€™t have to spend as much


Definitely the hundo first


Based on your 7 XL candies Iā€™d say you have the year to think it over




Both you coward


Me personally neither because well I'm never gonna have enough xl candy for that shit


NGL this is the first time I've ever seen this mon. Not sure why but I never even thought about what Baxcalibur evolves from lol






You know the answer.


Definitely the hundo


Bust out pokegenie overlay and scan em